All Chapters of A Love for Three Lives:Monster King Don't Forget Me: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
241 Chapters
Chapter 120 Baize, How Will You Thank Me?
“A man?” Ronghua stood up, “Did he tell you his name?”It couldn’t be him! Could he even find here? It implied that he had indeed put something on Qingyi. It was kind of sad!“Uh, yes, he did, and he asked us to arrange a room next to Princess Qingyi for him, but...” Xia Pumo hesitated and stopped talking, and Ronghua interjected, “But Qingyi didn’t agree, right?”He didn’t speak. Ronghua partly guessed the consequences. How would Qingyi allow a man thinking about courting her at all times to live next to her? If he pushed the wall down, wasn’t it equal to that they shared the same bed? Speculating from Qingyi’s temperament, Ronghua thought it would be good enough if they didn’t get a fight immediately!“Arrange for him to live next to my room. If he has any complaints, tell him — You can leave if you are not satisfied! No one stops you!”Xia Pumo felt speechless. Was that okay? Besides, that man had high cultivation a
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Chapter 121 Baize, You Poor Thing!
Xia Pumo went there with Murong Zhe as instructed by Ronghua. Although he was still afraid, there was still a man with him. Murong Zhe saw his fear and held him. “Don’t be afraid. I’m here. Besides, I’m afraid that that man dares not to fight here,” he said.Murong Zhe didn’t finish speaking when he heard a loud explosion coming from the room on the hill, and the strong wind nearly blew them away.The wind slapped Murong Zhe’s face.Before they could get down, they saw something dark coming. After seeing it clearly, they hurried to hide and almost got hit by the pot thrown out there. What a close call!Then, they saw a black child coming out of it as soon as they looked back. He must have been choked by smoke and was coughing all the time. Then a tall man came out of the room. Xia Pumo scanned him carefully, but he looked terrible, too.It was impolite to laugh out loud, but both of them were kind of funny.
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Chapter 122 Requiem
Ronghua sealed it by waving her hand and had no intention to go ahead.Ronghua cleared away the bloodstains on her clothes and walked out while Xia Pumo and Murong Zhe were waiting outside. Before they spoke, Ronghua said, “Mo, I’ve sealed it. I’m warning all of you. Anyone can’t go in without my permission. It’s more dangerous than what you’ve seen before.”Xia Pumo couldn’t say anything after hearing Ronghua’s words. He stammered, “Well! Alright! But, Ronghua, I’d like to...”“Well! Mo!” Murong Zhe pulled Xia Pumo back, “We’d better not disturb him. Ronghua has asked us not to go in, so she must have reasons.”“But...”“I understand!” Murong Zhe consoled him, “I know you want to see the wedding clothes. Mo, listen to me. Ronghua has said that she will give it to us before next month.”Xia Pumo was anxious but didn’t speak anything. He wondered what happened to Shigong.“But what is in it? Wh
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Chapter 123 The Man in Black
In the deepest corner of the dungeon in the imperial clan of Zither, the abrupt sounds of footsteps along the aisle broke the silence here.Someone walked and stood in front of a cell, in which the former visitor had just gone.“Who’s there?”The guards turned to be alert when they noticed that a stranger had appeared.The stranger was all in black and covered with a well-marked aura of killing.“Stop. Stand there. Don’t move!”However, the stranger only responded with a cold smile, “Tilt the head.”“I said ‘Don’t move!’”The guards rushed to the man, using their weapons to suppress him.When they rushed close to the man, he eluded to one side and dragged the shorter one among them. He dragged so hard that it was like he was trying to pull someone fell from the cliff up. The price of this was giving a chance to another guard to be free to attack him without any specia
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Chapter 124 Huahua, Do Not Go
“I’m afraid!”He answered without hesitation. “You sealed the whole mountain, so it must be dangerous. Of course, I will be afraid. Don’t you think so?”Ronghua laughed.When they arrived outside of the room of Xia Puyang, they saw people go in and out in a hurry. More and more tubs were carried out with blood inside.“Oh, how bad his situation is? He has lost so much blood. Can he survive?”Someone came out hurriedly. Ronghua walked over, but Rongnuan pulled her, “Huahua... Shall we just stay outside?”Ronghua did not reply immediately. She thought for a while and agreed, and then they walked aside and sat down. However, she still felt it was not a good idea to sit here and do nothing!Xia Pumo stood beside the bed. He looked worriedly at his brother lying there, but he could do nothing to help.The Third Elder stood to his feet from the bed. Xia Pumo led him to a corner at once
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Chapter 125 Yin Yang Formation
"Rong Tranquility, what do you mean? Are you saying that my elder brother is still saved?"Rong Tranquility withdrew the hand that was channeling spiritual energy to him, sat down and rubbed her eyes, "Hmm."Xia Puyang let out a bitter smile, "Your Highness Rong Tranquility is not saying to make fun of me, I don't care anymore."Rong Tranquility didn't listen to him, she just rubbed her very sore and swollen eyes, always switching to a black pupil look lately now making the golden pupil a little sore, and couldn't help but wrinkle her face.Xia Pu Mo looked at her and was about to say something when Rong Tranquility closed her eyes and said, "You think I have a lot of time, more than enough to tell you jokes?"Xia Pu Mo seems to see some hope, "Then there is a way? What way?"Rong Tranquility simply closed her eyes, "The method is very simple, it is very much like the Qin Sect. Remodeling!""Remodeling? What is the solution?"Xia Pu Mo
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Chapter 126 The Infant Saint
Spiritual energy continued to enter Rong Tran's body, in front of her eyes as if she was walking on a horse, presenting some images that she had not seen before, but none of them could be seen, Rong Tran's mind was now blank, and she had already lost track of how much spiritual energy had crossed over from her body.Xia Pu Mo was a little bit better, he didn't receive spiritual power directly before, he just felt that the veins of his body were propped up by the large influx of spiritual power, it was just a little bit difficult.With such a change happening inside, the outside also exploded, some people who were practicing could obviously feel the spiritual energy around them being sucked away quickly, and the direction was Xia Puyang's room.The few people waiting outside saw this change and were also surprised, it is reasonable to say that this spiritual power has to be accumulated little by little, so suddenly surging into so much spiritual power, I'm afraid it
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Chapter 127 The Woman Called Prajna
Thunder and lightning had already gathered over the Qin Sect.None of the people present who saw it were shocked by the astonishing purple electricity.How many years had it been since their Qin Sect had seen such a purple lightning shock!Doesn't the appearance of this purple electricity indicate that Murong Zhe has already stepped into the Infant Saint realm, this is the only one of their generation of children to go into the Infant Saint realm."But this Purple Lightning Thrill isn't a good one to break into."With joy comes potential danger, this Purple Thunderbolt is no joke.Third Elder, "But Xia Puyang has only just stepped into Infant Saint, how can he block the full force of this Purple Electricity Shocking Thunder!!!"That's what they should really be worried about.And this thunderbolt couldn't be blocked for him, or a more powerful one would come down."There is still a while left to gather this thunderbolt down now,
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Chapter 128 You're unlucky to meet me
"Then Tranquility, you can teach me starting tomorrow! I'll definitely learn carefully."Rong Tranquility looked at him, "Fruity?""Uh-huh!"If I can't use my powers anymore in the future, this lets them do it!"After that, you will be my sharpest swords, and you will never betray me."Rong Nuan pulled her up, "Tranquility, I promise!""Then why don't you let me help you!" A man said.Two people turned to see that room porch over a person, to walk into a look, "Evil Spirit Ghost King, what are you doing here?""But I heard about your accident and came over to check it out."Rong Tranquility sneered, "You're afraid that if I'm gone, I won't be able to help you find someone!""Or what?"Sure enough, this guy really can't be trusted."And how can I trust you?""Because we still have a deal."Rong Tranquility nodded, "Also, until the agreement is over, you can only trust me!"Evil Ghost King, "Then
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Chapter 129 Assassination
Make will open, the black gas began to also very cooperative out, to the back actually began to consciously resist."Surprisingly, it's a puppet that's been refined to such a high level? It seems the technique is not bad at all!"Rong Tranquility said, but his eyes turned into golden pupils staring at him, and all of a sudden he couldn't move, as if he was fixed, not knowing what was what anymore.It was as if he was immobilized in a small circle, but immobilized he killed and began to rampage.Trying to break out of the circle Yung Tranquility had set for him."Hurry up, I don't have enough spiritual power to trap him for long, understand?"The Evil Spirit Ghost King was not that eager, "This puppet is quite interesting, I still want to study it?"Rong Tranquility, "...... Come on you, there's no way you can use this just you!"Evil Spirit Ghost King, "How so, may I hear!"Rong Tranquility, "This puppet art, it's not just someth
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