All Chapters of A Love for Three Lives:Monster King Don't Forget Me: Chapter 241 - Chapter 243
243 Chapters
Chapter 243 Wood Changfeng Arrives at the Southern Ning Continent
The power coming through from Rong Tranquility was really powerful and pure, but for Rong Tranquility, it was useless, perhaps she could help others in this way but had no way to come to her own aid, or perhaps a place like the Human Race was not suitable for her to cultivate.Rong Tranquillity was not an ordinary person, they had said that many times, but there was not a single time when someone had told him who Rong Tranquillity really was.From the beginning Rong Tranquility's appearance was like a coincidence, and somehow they knew each other.But how did they meet.Xia Pu Mo racked his brain and couldn't remember how he met Rong Tranquillity in the first place. Suddenly he felt bad, "Zhe, something's really wrong, I actually forgot how I met Rong Tranquillity, even the first time we met, I don't know how we met."Speaking of this, Murong Zhe looked back at his anxious eyes and didn't know where to comfort him, he only had to soothe him, "Ah Mo, rel
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Chapter 244 You just need to protect them
Her Highness needed help, not a liability If they were a drag, there was no point in leaving them behind, they had already found themselves gradually forgetting Rong Tranquility.So they should also realize that their own their own power is from Rong Tranquility, if there is no Rong Tranquility there is no them , want to truly master the power of Her Highness the Princess, they must do all to keep up with Her Highness's tempo, and now that Her Highness is in a crisis, all they can do is to explode this power of their own to make themselves stronger , to survive in this chaotic world.If you do not have enough ability, then you can only be slaughtered on the board of fish and meat , do not want to do the board of fish and meat, then you have to do the hunter with a butcher's knife, no one can live on this continent with bare hands, since Her Highness believes in them, gave them the blood of their hearts, then it proves that Yung Tranquillity has already seen the future, a
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Chapter 245 I'm not your canary
Obviously this group of children couldn't reach the standard that Meltdown wanted, right now they couldn't even defeat a magical beast,, if they followed her to the battlefield in the future, how would they be able to defeat those people? At this time, she could show them mercy! What about the next time,? And who will be merciful to you, this is fate, you have no way to change it, and there is no way to break through it, since you chose this path, it proves that you have, chosen to follow me.Who would have thought, when that naive and romantic, the princess, is now a, outstanding conspirator, she lost her home, lost her mother, lost everything, lost her favorite self, lost their most innocent look,, that time she thought, if before, I also want to live well, that would be so good.Melted, lost part of her memory, she always remembered that the person who went to the demon tribe at the beginning was her, but now it seems that the person who went to the demon tribe at the
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