All Chapters of World-shaking Medical Princess: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
309 Chapters
Chapter 141 I Have Paid Back What I Owe You
Because of the alcohol, Su Muge began to feel dizzy. Xia Houmo’s aura was so strong that she couldn’t ignore it. Before the marriage, she had known she would have to go through such an experience. She was not pedantic after all. Moreover, she didn’t hate Xia Houmo. So she could just take it as a special service! But at that moment, her heartbeat couldn’t help but accelerate. “No, no... you, go slow...” Xia Houmo watched her closed eyes, blushed face, and rosy lips. He thought she would resist, but she only said “go slow”! He slightly loosed his hands with a pair of dim eyes. After a while, Su Muge found Xia Houmo had stopped and opened her eyes. When she met his dark eyes, she immediately closed her eyes in fear! Suddenly, with a bang, Su Muge was stunned and opened her eyes. At the next moment, she felt the scene flashing by and three cold arrows flying towa
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Chapter 142 Can You Do It
“No! Ye Lan! No!” “The Rani wakes up. Your Royal Highness, the Rani wakes up!” Su Muge only felt that the bones all over her body were broken and fallen apart. She was so uncomfortable that she couldn’t even frown. Suddenly a figure entered the room. Before Su Muge could see his appearance, he had held her hand. His warm hands made her consciousness gradually clear. His face was reflected in her eyes. “Xia ...” Xia Houmo? Su Muge looked at the man in front of her with uncertainty. This man with a beard, red eyes and dark circles was really the King of Jin she knew? “She finally wakes up. Come on. Let me see.” Guima walked into the room with a yawn and came to the bed. Su Muge glanced at him. His appearance was no better than Xia Houmo, but he was forced. After checking Su Muge’s pulse, Guima exhaled a sigh of relief secretly. Fortunately, she wo
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Chapter 143 Sleeping Together
The night was as cold as ice. In Yuncheng county of Hanzhou prefecture, a dark shadow flashed through the empty streets. He was extremely eager, seeming to be eager to leave here immediately. However, just as he was about to leave the town, a slender figure slowly came out of the darkness and appeared in front of him, blocking his way. The dark shadow stopped abruptly. With a flicker of terror in his eyes, he clenched the golden arrows in his hand unconsciously. “You can live for so many days. It seems that my men are not competent enough.” Xia Houmo, in a black suit, with a pair of deep and dark eyes, looked like Hell Shura. Fengtian gritted his teeth and took a step back unconsciously. “I’m just taking money and doing things for others. It’s useless even if you find me.” “Tell me the person’s identity, and I can leave you dead with a whole body.” Fengtian narrowed his eyes. “The King
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Chapter 144 Asking for Benefits
After breakfast, Xia Houmo left the mansion. He was the commander-in-chief of the imperial guards and had to deal with the general affairs. After Xia Houmo left, Su Muge didn’t intend to relax. “Xinche, bring me the box of medicine.” “Yes.” Su Muge had little dowry. Since Zhao had few assets, her dowry was mostly from the Su family. And the rest was the rewards she received before and the medicinal materials she made by herself. Su Muge took out all the medicinal materials and decided to make more medicine during this time. There happened to be a small kitchen in the courtyard, so it was also very convenient for her. “Your Grace, be careful. Don’t affect the wound.” “Okay.” Su Muge replied without looking up and focused on the medicinal materials on the table. She even didn’t know when Xia Houmo came back. “Are these herbs so interesting?” Xia H
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Chapter 145 I Believe in My Wife
Before Su Muge could answer, Nangong Ningxin directly pulled her to the dressing table and let her sit down. Nangong Ningxin looked at Su Muge in the mirror with a kind smile. “Sister Su, you are so beautiful. “ If Nangong Ningxin hadn’t deliberately put her face beside hers, she would have really believed her. Su Muge was wearing a pair of mutton-fat jade water-drop earrings today. The color was similar to the pair of pearl earrings and was more suitable for her clothes. But she had already refused her once, so it would be too improper to refuse her again. After putting them on, Nangong Ningxin led Su Muge to the Emperor’s mother. “Your Grace, have a look. Is it pretty?” The Emperor’s mother looked up with a smile and nodded. “Yes, very pretty and suitable. Sit down and talk with me.” Su Muge had to sit next to the Emperor’s mother. “I’ve been really weak lately. Can you
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Chapter 146 Miss Liu
After Yueru and others went out, Su Muge sat on the bed and took off her clothes to reveal the wound on her back. She couldn’t see the wound on her back. Now the scab on the wound had slowly come off, but she still felt some pain in her chest when she did chest-expanding exercise. Su Muge looked at her palm. She hadn’t used her extraordinary talent for a long time. She sat down with her back to the bronze mirror, took a dagger in her hand, and gently cut the scab open. Soon, there was blood flowing out of her wound. Her extraordinary talent had a good effect on healing external wounds, but it was unknown whether it had a curative effect on internal wounds. Su Muge endured the pain and put her palm above the wound. In a while, she felt her palm slowly heating up and a force rushing into her wound. Su Muge felt a little out of breath, but she gritted her teeth and endured the pain.
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Chapter 147 Generous Remuneration
“Do you want to do the business with me that you mentioned before?” The business with Xia Houmo? Su Muge thought of her selling medicine to him in the carriage the other day. “Your Royal Highness, I’m not an imperial merchant.” Moreover, they were husband and wife now, so she always felt a little strange. “It’s someone else who will buy medicine from you.” Su Muge frowned. Xia Houmo meant that he would buy medicine from her in the name of others? Last time, Xia Houmo took Su Muge’s medicine away and found the medicine she made was not only effective and efficient but also very convenient to carry. If it was used in marching and battles, it would be extremely convenient. “So... how much do you want?” “The more the better. All the medicines that may be used on the battlefield are needed. Tomorrow, I’ll send you two people. No matter what you need, just ask them to prepare fo
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Chapter 148 Be Gentle
When Su Muge returned to Bamboo Courtyard, Xia Houmo was already sitting in the room. “Your Royal Highness, you’re back.” Su Muge had made medicine all day today. Although she was a little tired, she was in a good mood and had relaxed a lot to see Xia Houmo. Xia Houmo gave her a cold look. “Go back to the mansion before dark next time.” Su Muge sat down next to him. Thinking of hundreds of thousands of banknotes and various title deeds, she felt Xia Houmo’s expressionless face much softer. “I have to explain everything clearly on the first day. Your Royal Highness, you must have been hungry. Yueru, prepare dinner.” Xia Houmo had felt Su Muge’s mood change obviously, wondering why she could be so happy to make medicine. After an exhausting day, Su Muge was hungry indeed and couldn’t wait to enjoy the dinner. Seeing that she had no intention to stop after finishing two bowls of rice, Xia
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Chapter 149 Bleeding Eyes
People who were afraid of cold would subconsciously get close to a warmer place even when they were asleep. Su Muge who was half-awake and half-asleep wormed like a shrimp into Xia Houmo’s arms. When she was about to fall asleep, she felt a big hand on her body and instantly woke up. She opened her eyes and saw Xia Houmo’s exquisite profile. His eyes were closed and his breath was even. If his hand were not on her breasts, she would have really thought him asleep! Su Muge grabbed his hand and took it out of her clothes. “Your Royal Highness, it’s dawn. Don’t you go to the morning court today?” Xia Houmo rolled over and dropped his hand on her waist. “I’m on my day off today.” Day off! Su Muge was awake completely, sat up rapidly, jumped directly off the bed, grabbed her clothes on the screen, and put them on. When Xia Houmo sat up, Su Muge had put all her clothes on. “Your
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Chapter 150 Relentless Flow
Guima sneered. Suddenly, Liu Rumeng knelt down, looking at Xia Houmo with tears in her eyes. “Your Royal Highness, please don’t drive me out of the mansion.” Seeing Liu Rumeng’s actions, Xia Houmo was a little confused. “When did I say I would drive you out?” Xia Houmo’s answer confirmed Liu Rumeng’s presumption; it was definitely Su Muge’s idea to let her marry someone! She looked so pitiful with her tears streaming down her cheeks. “I know that I’m incompetent. I just want to serve you as much as possible, Your Royal Highness. Yesterday, Housekeeper Liao asked me if there was anyone I wanted to marry, and I refused him immediately. I don’t want to marry anyone. I only wish to serve Your Royal Highness and Your Grace in Jin Mansion. Please allow me.” Seeing the weeping beauty, Guima stroked the goosebumps on his body and gave Su Muge a playful look. Su Muge raised her eyebrows but continued observin
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