All Chapters of World-shaking Medical Princess: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
311 Chapters
Chapter 151 To See Your Happy Face
When Su Muge came in, Madam Duke Qing was about to pick up the teacup. At the sight of Su Muge, she immediately put down the teacup in her hand. “Your Grace, pay my respects to you.” Su Muge sat on a chair. Looking at Madam Duke Qing bowing in front of her, she really felt life so unpredictable. Not long ago, she was the one who would bow. But now, it was completely changed. “Madam, don’t be over-courteous. Please sit down.” Su Muge glanced at Yueru who stepped forward to support Madam Duke Qing. Madam Duke Qing was wearing a light layer of rouge on her face. Although she was not young, her complexion looked very good. Sure enough, a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance. Having given birth to a son for Duke Qing Mansion, she would be in a good mood, of course. She looked even much younger now. “Your Grace, I heard that you were injured before. I wanted to come to see you, but I was afraid to disturb you, so I
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Chapter 152 Mysterious Birth
With a small round face, Old Lady Li seemed to be at her forties or so. Because of her age, her cheeks had been drooping. With splendid jewels, she slightly lowered her eyelids but revealed the shrewdness of a merchant in her eyes. Su Muge blew the tea leaves in the porcelain cup. Seeing that Su Muge had no intention to speak, Old Lady Li said with a smile, “I’m sorry to visit you so suddenly today, Your Grace. In fact, I’m here today because I suddenly thought of something related to you many years ago. And I wanted to tell you during my trip to the capital.” Su Muge originally thought she would directly talk about Wang Ziyu’s treatment, but she actually changed the topic. Su Muge was curious about what she would say. Su Muge gently turned the tea in the cup. “I wonder what you are talking about, Old Lady Li? Old Lady Li looked at Su Muge’s face and spoke slowly. “’s about your birth, Your Grace.”
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Chapter 153 Enquiring Birth
Duke Mansion was smaller than Jin Mansion, but the pavilions along the way were much chicer than those of Jin Mansion. Wang Ziyu was placed in a guest room of the Fang Garden in Duke Qing Mansion. When they reached outside the Fang Garden, Madam Duke Qing asked a maid to go in to report so as to make the people inside prepared. When Su Muge went in, the air in the room was relatively fresh. The ventilation was good. Wang Ziyu saw them coming in, and she got out of bed with the help of a maid. Seeing her look, Su Muge frowned slightly. This woman...was too thin. “The eldest Madam Li, don’t be over-courteous since you are unwell. Please lie down.” “Thank you, Your Grace. Sorry to be impolite.” The eldest Madam Li was helped by the maid to go back to the bed. However, as soon as she sat down, she rolled her eyes and passed out! “Your Grace, please save this poor
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Chapter 154 A Remote Place
Su Muge sat quietly while listening to Zhao telling the story of the past. “When I met your mother, I was preparing to marry.” Fairy Jinghong was chased and fled to the village where Zhao was born. Because of the lack of physical strength, she passed out outside Zhao’s house. Zhang was also soft-hearted and saved her immediately. And Zhao, who had not yet married, took care of her. After washing Fairy Jinghong up and revealing her stunning face, both Zhang and Zhao were frightened. Such a beautiful woman would easily incur troubles in such a small village in the future, so the two decided to darken her face. But even so, she was still much more beautiful than the girls in the village. Zhang’s sons had also fought for Fairy Jinghong to be their own wife. It was not until Fairy Jinghong was found out to be pregnant that they stopped their fighting. “I’ve never seen such a beautiful woman in my life. Wh
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Chapter 155 Blushed Face
Qingyu had exhausted all his strength to ask the question. He was so nervous that his palms were wet with sweat. Liu Rumeng was staring at the leaving backs of Su Muge and Xia Houmo. Hearing the words, she came to her sense and looked at Qingyu with empty eyes. “Rumeng? You... you are unwilling?” Without getting a response from Liu Rumeng, Qingyu was a little nervous and reached out for her towards her direction. Liu Rumeng revealed a strange smile, stepped forward to hold Qingyu’s hand, and replied gently, “brother Qingyu, I’m just a girl. How can I answer this question?” Seeing that she didn’t refuse, Qingyu showed a smile of joy on his face and held her hand instead. “Rumeng, you, you can rest assured. I’ll ask His Royal Highness again.” Liu Rumeng sneered with a gloomy look. ... Su Muge and Xia Houmo had dinner after returning to Bamboo Courtyard.
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Chapter 156 Unsaid Secret
When Su Muge opened Qingyu’s nose, she saw the small black thing at a glance. She pulled it out with tweezers and threw it into the prepared potion. “Thread. Prepare to stitch the wound.” Before Guima could figure out what was going on, this operation had been over! “This is over?” Su Muge glanced at him. “Otherwise, what else do you want to do?” To be accurate, the worms liked to stay in human’s septal cartilage, so they could be easily taken out. Su Muge took the needle and thread to sew the wound, disinfected the wound, and the operation was over. “The anesthetic will fade away in two quarters. If he can’t wake up in time, find a way to wake him up.” Su Muge took off her gloves and started to clean up the surgical instruments. She would go to the drug house to make medicine. There was no need to waste her time on what could be done by others.
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Chapter 157 Giving Birth
Su Muge and Xia Houmo looked at each other in surprise. “I’ll go out to see.” “Okay.” Xia Houmo stood up and went out. Zuoqiu stood outside the door with a stern look. When Xia Houmo came out, he stepped forward and said, “Your Royal Highness, Qingyu’s eyes are bleeding severely now. Doctor Gui asked the Rani to come and see him.” Qingyu was her patient anyway. Before Xia Houmo could come in, Su Muge went directly to the door. “What did you say? Qingyu’s eyes are bleeding again?” Seeing that she was wearing only a thin silk dress, Xia Houmo frowned, turned to enter the room, took out her cloak, and put it on her. “Yes, just now.” “Your Royal Highness, let’s go to have a look.” Xia Houmo lowered his eyes, helped her tie the cloak, and held her cold hand. “Don’t worry, I’ll go with you.” “Okay.” When the three were outs
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Chapter 158 Walking Hand in Hand
Although she was getting along well with Xia Houmo right now, she had never thought about having a baby. “Let’s talk about it later.” Yueru and others thought that Su Muge and Xia Houmo had already consummated and it was just a matter of time before they had a baby. However, they didn’t know that Su Muge was still a virgin! After breakfast, Su Muge went to see Qingyu. When Su Muge arrived at the courtyard, she met Liu Rumeng with a hamper in her hand at the door. Liu Rumeng kept her eyes lowered, seeming to be in a low spirit. She was so in a daze that she didn’t even notice Su Muge. “What is so fascinating you are thinking, Miss Liu?” Su Muge’s sudden question frightened Liu Rumeng. She looked up at Su Muge in amazement, who was only one step away from her. In an instant, she took a step back and bowed slightly. “Pay my respects to you, Your Grace.” “Liu Rum
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Chapter 159 His Royal Highness Was Interested in Men
There were no buildings in the injured barrack except for the tents that were set up. The wounded soldiers were all placed in a large tent in the back. “Your Royal Highness, here we are.” The vice general stopped at a tent. Xia Houmo led Su Muge in. The tent was very large, containing at least twenty flat wooden beds. Seeing someone coming in, the soldiers in the tent got up quickly. “Hurry to greet His Royal Highness.” The vice general followed in and reminded the soldiers since not everyone was lucky enough to meet Xia Houmo. “Your Royal Highness, pay my respects to you.” As soon as the wounded soldiers heard that Xia Houmo came here, they bowed in surprise one after another to salute. “You are injured. Don’t be over-courteous. Get up.” “Thank you, Your Royal Highness.” “His Royal Highness knows that you are injured and has specially delivered
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Chapter 160 I Will Marry Him!
After returning to the mansion, Su Muge went directly to Bamboo Courtyard, and Xia Houmo went to the study. “Your Grace, have a bowl of ginger tea to warm your body.” Su Muge took a sip of the ginger tea and instantly felt a lot warmer. “Has anyone from Duke Qing Mansion come today?” “Your Grace, I haven’t got any message.” “Okay.” Since nobody had come, the eldest Madam Li’s condition should have been stabilized temporarily. “Your Grace, there is a disturbance in the Water Pavilion.” Xinche entered with a hand warmer and whispered. The Water Pavilion was where Qingyu was living now. Su Muge raised her eyebrows. “What’s the matter?” “I heard that His Royal Highness was going to send Miss Liu out of the mansion, and Qingyu had been begging him to withdraw his order.” Hearing this, Su Muge sat up. “Qingyu has cried?” This question ma
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