All Chapters of Nine Lives: Unbeatable Dragon Blood: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
344 Chapters
Chapter 131 Kill the Primeval Crocodile
The Primeval Crocodile did not expect that Lu Ping could grasp the "General Shi" at this moment. Just as it waved its natal magic weapon serrated broadsword and hacked towards Lu Ping, Lu Ping hacked horizontally with his double swords and suddenly performed a set of strange sword skills!It was "Mighty River Flows Eastward Sword Skill" in "Twelve Wonders of North Sea"!Lu Ping always felt that he could not fully master this set of sword skills and give full play to the power of it before, so he seldom used it in fights.After Lu Ping suddenly grasped the "General Shi", he completely understood the quintessence of this set of sword skills.Lu Ping's double swords swept horizontally and hit the Primeval Crocodile's large broadsword. In the clank of weapons, the Primeval Crocodile suddenly felt like it was in a big river. It intended to go up against the current, but it was too weak to resist the surging current and was swept
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Chapter 132 Qiuyun Island
After Gui managed to reach Lu Ping, Bao quickly jumped down from it, climbed onto Lu Ping's shoulder on all fours, and showed him what it was holding in its claws.After entering the Blood Dissolving stage, Bao that was fat and heavy could finally shrink. Otherwise, Lu Ping's shoulder couldn't bear its increasing weight.Seven slightly red blood dissolving beads rotated in Lu Ping's hands. Every blood dissolving bead was wrapped up in a thin layer of red Astral Qi, which was also one of the symbols that the blood dissolving bead's owner was at the late stage of Blood Dissolving.Lu Ping exclaimed secretly that he was lucky this time. To avoid giving the Primeval Crocodile time to destroy its heart core space, he spent countless efforts to slow down the Primeval Crocodile through the spiritual pets arranged in advance and then used his top-grade magic weapon Qinghan Sword to kill the Primeval Crocodile with one blow. Unexpectedly, he had
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Chapter 133 The Transferring Circle
The waiter said, "Brother Lu, when will you come back? I'll tell my boss to leave the door unlocked for you."Lu Ping said with a smile, "Don't bother. I might leave after I deal with my business. You helped me a lot this day. This is a small gift for you."When the waiter took the gift and looked up to say thank you, Lu Ping had disappeared. He scratched his head and walked back to the inn alone.After two steps, he suddenly stopped. Then he sped up and hurried towards the inn."I must ask my boss for a month's leave even if I can't get paid this month. I need to enter the third level of Blood Refining first."The waiter gripped the storage bag in his hand, which was the first storage magic device he had. The storage bag contained three bottles of elixirs at the early stage of Blood Refining and one bottle of elixirs at the middle stage of Blood Refining. In addition, there were 100 low-grade elixirs.
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Chapter 134 Arrive at the Right Time
"It's a top-grade magic weapon!"Yuan Shikong was shocked, hurriedly carried the crystal hexagonal shield on his back, and injected his magic power into the shield madly.However, it was too late. The top-grade flying sword pierced the shield that was hurriedly placed behind him. Later, the Protecting Astral Qi peculiar to cultivators at the late stage of Blood Dissolving was torn with a "hiss". The two layers of protection weakened and slowed down Qinghan Sword's attack. Yuan Shikong quickly dodged and avoided being stabbed in the vital part, but his whole abdomen was cut half-open. Fortunately, his life was not in danger for the time being.Without thinking, Yuan Shikong stretched out his hand and threw something into the sky. A ray of dazzling red light rose into the sky and exploded at a height of 300 meters. This was a distress signal.Yuan Shikong turned around and saw that a young cultivator was approaching on a huge
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Chapter 135 One Against Ten
Hearing the voice, everyone looked in the direction of the grove. Then Li Yu and the other two people seemed to see a ghost. Li Yu shouted in shock, "Lu Ping! You haven't been killed?"As soon as he said "killed", Li Cheng and Lin Sheng aside coughed at the same time. Li Yu wiped off his terrified look and bit back the words he was about to say.Hearing this, Lu Ping was not angry, but continued to say with a smile, "Well? You know that I was bound to be killed?"Li Yu knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he forced a smile and said, "No, of course not. We're just too surprised that you've been out at sea for so long. We thought you've forgotten your task of secretly investigating the bandits."He seemed to blame Lu Ping. Lu Ping's expression changed. Seeing that the atmosphere became tense, Lin Sheng hurriedly pulled Li Yu and Li Cheng and said, "Now that Senior Lu has returned safely, there is no need to take back the
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Chapter 136 Who Would Be His Teacher
Lu Ping's return did not bring any waves to Huangli Island but caused an uproar among the cultivators at the Blood Dissolving stage of the True Spirit Sect on the island. Lu Ping fought with Li Yu and the other nine people alone and inflicted a crushing defeat on them. Those cultivators at the Blood Dissolving stage had known that Li Ziming and Lu Ping were at odds a long time ago. This time, Lu Ping and Li Ziming completely turned against each other.Then rumor had it that Lu Ping was attacked while investigating the bandits. The bandits personally admitted that they got Lu Ping's whereabouts in advance. However, there were only a few cultivators who knew Lu Ping secretly went out to sea at that time. Moreover, it was Li Ziming who recommended Lu Ping to take the secret task. So, there was nothing Li Ziming could do to vindicate himself.Just as everyone was wondering how this thing would develop, Lu Ping either commuted between his abode and the th
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Chapter 137 The Girl in Ancient Full Dress
After Lu Ping came out from Immortal Senior Liu's place, he came to Chen Lian's weapon-refining shop. Seeing Lu Ping, Chen Lian threw a few things to him and said sulkily, "Here are your things."Lu Ping took them and had a look. The two high-grade inner armors were shinning with several colorful Prohibitions of magic circles and looked more luxurious. They became high-grade magic weapons made of the skins of the Blue Sea Spiritual Snake and the Primeval Crocodile. Lu Ping held them in his hands and simply couldn't part with them.Chen Lian aside said coldly, "It's a waste of wearing two inner armors. What are you going to do with the other one?"Lu Ping admired the two gorgeous inner armors and said, "It's a spare!"Chen Lian rolled his eyes and said, "Nonsense!"Lu Ping didn't mind, put away the two inner armors, and admired the two flying needle magic weapons in his hands.Chen Lian said, "It too
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Chapter 138 Qimen Elixirs
Lu Ping returned to the side hall with a lot of doubts. At this time, the side hall was already empty. After asking a young cleaner, he was told that the disciples prepared to acknowledge teachers had started accepting the tests of the Zhenrens at the Alchemy stage in the square before the front hall, and all the people in the side hall had gone there to watch it.Lu Ping was naturally curious. He hurried to the square to watch the tests set up by the Zhenrens at the Alchemy stage who were going to accept students.These tests were various and strange. Some Zhenrens asked the disciples to recite a magic spell within a certain time, while some of them asked the disciples to write an article based on the topic. Some of them were quite straightforward and asked the disciples who signed up to fight and the winners could acknowledge them as teachers. Some Zhenrens' tests were stranger. They asked the disciples to go fishing in the stream on Sky Spirit Mou
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Chapter 139 Armchairs of Three Colors
In this Teacher-Acknowledging Ceremony of the True Spirit Sect, only 14 Zhenrens decided to accept students, but more than 50 disciples attended the ceremony. Some of them found that none of the Zhenrens was suitable to be their teachers, so they left in advance and waited for the next Teacher-Acknowledging Ceremony. Moreover, some of them were eliminated, so only 37 disciples got the qualification to acknowledge teachers in the end.The Teacher-Acknowledging Ceremony was held in the square in front of the Sky Spirit Palace. Early in the morning, Lu Ping came to the square with uneasiness about what would happen with other disciples who were going to acknowledge teachers.At this time, many disciples of the True Spirit Sect had gathered around the square to watch the ceremony.When it was almost time to start the ceremony, the Zhenren who was in charge of the registration of Lu Ping and the others a few days ago, came out of the Sky Spir
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Chapter 140 Teacher-Acknowledging Gifts (1)
Zhenren Xuanyin was still expressionless, but said in a soft tone, "Greetings, Sister Liu."Zhenren Liu Xuanling smiled and nodded, then turned around and sat on the purple armchair with Zhenren Xuanyin. The eight Zhenrens at the early Alchemy stage sat back after the four Zhenrens at the middle Alchemy stage were seated.Seeing that all the 14 Zhenrens at the Alchemy stage had arrived, the young usher withdrew. A middle-aged scholar at the late stage of Blood Dissolving who had been following behind Zhenren Xuanmiao came forward and said loudly, "The Teacher-Acknowledging Ceremony starts now. All the disciples who are here to acknowledge teachers come forward to lit incense and pay respects to our venerable masters!"Lu Ping entered the Sky Spirit Palace with other disciples, lit the incense, and kowtowed to the venerable masters above the Alchemy stage of past generations, hoping that they could bless the True Spirit Sect with eternal
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