All Chapters of Nine Lives: Unbeatable Dragon Blood: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
341 Chapters
Chapter 141 Teacher-Acknowledging Gifts (2)
Lu Ping looked at the other three people. One of them was a handsome and elegant young man dressed like a young scholar. Seeing the second man, Lu Ping frowned. He knew this man. This man was the arrogant young man who asked him for one-thousand-year-old spiritual herbs after he came back from Flying Spirit Island. Lu Ping hadn't seen him for years, but he had matured a lot. This man came from the Elixirs Refining Pavilion of the True Spirit Sect. Therefore, one of the three Zhenrens except for Lu Ping's teacher must be a master alchemist of their sect.At this time, the arrogant young man had also recognized Lu Ping. His expression also changed, as if he had thought of something. Look at Zhenren Liu Xuanling who was sitting in the center of the hall, he gritted his teeth and his expression returned to normal.The third man was at Lu Ping's age and might even be younger than him. However, he had a weather-beaten face and gutsy eyes. Obviously, he had
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Chapter 142 Conflicts
While Lu Ping was suffering under the adoring and jealous eyes of the others, a voice said coldly, "It is said that Wei Xuren, the master alchemist of the Xuan Spirit Sect, traveled out when he was young and got a recipe of youth-retaining elixirs in the eastern sea. There is only one such recipe in the northern sea. Wei Xuren cherished it as his life and never passed it on to others. With this recipe, he refined youth-retaining elixirs and earned a lot of spiritual stones from many female cultivators and male cultivators who wanted to fawn female cultivators. Kid, who gave this recipe to you? You refined the youth-retaining elixirs yourself or got them from someone else? If you refined them yourself, who did you inherit the recipe from?"The speaker spoke slowly at first, as if he were telling a story, which attracted everyone's attention. When he asked those questions, he sounded harsh, as if he was already sure that Lu Ping was suspicious. At the same time, an
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Chapter 143 Welcoming Gifts (1)
The girl turned her head and glanced at Lu Ping with guilt, then bounced to Zhenren Liu, hugged her arm, and said, "Mom, you're back. I was going to the Sky Spirit Palace for you but found that I forgot to bring my fleeing magic weapon. So, I was going back for it!"Lu Ping curled his lips aside. What a lame lie!Zhenren Liu looked at the girl with a smile. The girl knew that her lie was not convincing. She stuck out her tongue, lowered her head, and fiddled with the dress belt with her hands while murmuring, "Well, I heard your words a few days ago, so I went to tell this junior fellow that you were going to accept him as your student. I chat with him but forgot to tell him your name. I suddenly remembered this today. I was about to rush to the Sky Spirit Palace to remind him, but you had brought him back!"Lu Ping shook his head helplessly and remembered the scene at that time. Fortunately, his guess was right. If it were wrong, he wou
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Chapter 144 Welcoming Gifts (2)
Although Lu Ping usually wore his storage ring, it was hidden with a magic method to avoid attention when he went out. He was in his teacher's abode, so he naturally didn't need to be that careful. Moreover, it was extremely impolite to do that. Therefore, he didn't hide it with the magic method.High-grade spatial magic weapons, especially tiny jewelry magic weapons like the storage ring, were the most precious. Generally, only a few Zhenrens at the Alchemy stage had such things. Among the people of the Chonghua Mansion, only Zhenren Liu and the second senior fellow Li Xuanru had storage rings. The other two senior fellows at the Alchemy stage only had a storage belt and a Heaven and Earth Sleeve each. The other senior fellows used exquisite storage bags.Seeing that these senior fellows were surprised to see the storage ring on his finger, Lu Ping touched his nose awkwardly and said, "I got it by luck on Flying Spirit Island. It's not worth mention
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Chapter 145 Eighteen Valiants
Seeing Lu Ping's surprised look, Li Xuanru thought he knew some information, so she asked, "Well? Did you get any information?"Lu Ping nodded, "When I returned from the sea area of the demon race, I first arrived at Qiuyun Island because I lost my way. However, I accidentally found that the Qiu family occupying Qiuyun Island was secretly contacting the hall leader of the Fuhai Gang."Hearing this, Li Xuanru turned grave and said, "Fuhai Gang? This is new information. Does anyone else know about this?"Lu Ping saw Li Xuanru's grave look and knew that this thing was not simple, so he said, "I told Immortal Senior Liu Ziyuan, our team leader in the academy, about that before."It dawned on Li Xuanru and she said, "I know him, one of the Eighteen Valiants in the Northern Sea. Senior Guo Xuanshan's student is truly excellent. It's OK that you told him. He should know what to do. However, I have to report this to our teacher. You
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Chapter 146 Being Picked on
Lu Ping was speechless after listening to the story made up by the Xuan Spirit Sect. He participated in the battle and naturally knew what happened at that time. Back then, only 70 to 80 people of the Xuan Spirit Sect, Xiling Island, and the Fuhai Gang survived after they broke out of the siege. After that, they were pursued by the supernatural beasts and a certain number of them were killed. Moreover, at the last moment when they broke out of the siege, to form the Tao soldier formation, Han Weiyun left more than 40 individual cultivators who went there with the Xuan Spirit Sect in the encirclement of the supernatural beasts. He would lose all standing and reputation among the cultivators of the northern sea for this alone.However, the Xuan Spirit Sect obviously spread the story to gain the upper hand. After all, although what Han Weiyun did was mean and contemptible, he indeed led the disciples of their sect to break out of the siege and protected them from be
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Chapter 147 The Sixth Level
Lu Ping, who was about to enter the elixir-refining room, suddenly paused, turned his head, and looked in the direction of the entrance where that cultivator guarded, and then entered the elixir-refining room.It was indeed him!Lu Ping slowly recalled his Divine Mentality Coercion. The person who was talking to the guardian cultivator at the entrance was Tao Zifang, whom Lu Ping met at the gate of the Elixirs Refining Pavilion.Lu Ping had already found the clue in the fresh alchemist. At that time, the elixir-testing Zhenren glanced at the fresh alchemist after he saw the two cylindrical magic devices with bamboo sticks that were brought to them by the fresh alchemist. The fresh alchemist broke out in a cold sweat after being glanced at by the elixir-testing Zhenren, so Lu Ping paid attention to him.Sure enough, then Lu Ping drew two kinds of elixirs that were very difficult to refine and met the cultivator who made thing
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Chapter 148 A New Task
"The Spirit Zang Earth is easy to get. I'll take you to a place later. Now you've reached the late stage of Blood Dissolving, so you won't lack magic power when you refine top-grade magic weapons, will you? When will you upgrade my 'Landslide' to a top-grade magic weapon? And now I lack a defensive magic weapon of water attribute. I guess I also need you to make it for me." Lu Ping thought for a moment and asked with a smile.Chen Lian shook his head helplessly and said, "I will keep the upgrading thing of 'Landslide' in mind. This is a test for me, but you'd better find a way to get the defensive magic weapon yourself. First of all, I don't have many top-grade spiritual materials of water attribute, and I really don't have time to refine it for you. Secondly, I heard that we would go to the sea area of the demon race to carry out a task recently. If I refine it, I'm afraid you can't get it before we leave. After all, refining a magic weapon is different from upg
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Chapter 149 A Sanguinary Riot
This mysterious skill didn't have the function of hiding. However, it could hide Lu Ping's true cultivation and lead others cultivators to misjudge his cultivation through Divine Mentality Coercion. This was a special mysterious skill for bluffing and deterring enemies.The requirements for cultivating this mysterious skill were very harsh. First, it needed to be based on strong Divine Mentality Coercion. The more powerful the Divine Mentality Coercion was, the more tightly the mysterious skill could hide the cultivator's cultivation. In addition, it needed the cultivator to cultivate a Cultivation Method of the pure attribute, and the purer his magic power was, the more effective the mysterious skill could be.Lu Ping's Divine Mentality Coercion was as powerful as that of a cultivator at the ninth level of Blood Dissolving and even stronger than that of an ordinary cultivator at the ninth level of Blood Dissolving. After all, Divine Mentality Coerci
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Chapter 150 Who Will Come First
Nearly a hundred rays of fleet light suddenly rose on Huangli Island. The cultivators on the island were attracted and rushed about telling the news. After knowing that this was the joint hunting operation organized by the Northern Sea Alliance, hundreds of rays of fleet light flew out of Huangli Island, following the fleet light of hunting cultivators on Huangli Island towards the sea area of the demon race.The same thing happened on the islands of the sects in the northern sea that were near the sea area of the demon race.A few days later, over the neutral sea area, 18 rays of fleet light flew away. After a moment, more than 70 rays of fleet light arrived here behind them in disorder.Niu Dazhuang flew slowly and complained, "Those Immortal Seniors who lead the teams only occupy themselves in flying forward with their cultivation at the eighth or ninth level of Blood Dissolving and leave us behind."Yao Yong led the way
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