All Chapters of Nine Lives: Unbeatable Dragon Blood: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
339 Chapters
Chapter 161 Heart Forging Elixirs
Three days later, on the edge of a river in the valley, Liao Hu had gradually recovered from the weakness caused by taking the exploding spirit elixir, and only his internal injuries still needed some time to heal.Liao Hu took out a novel jade bottle from his storage bag, poured out a cream elixir from it, swallowed it, and began to cultivate. A moment later, his pale face finally looked better.Liao Hu opened his eyes and looked at Lu Ping, who was meditating and cultivating aside and said, "Brother Lu, thank you for helping me get through the weakness caused by the exploding spirit elixir in three days. I guess you are also an alchemist, right?"Lu Ping was still the red-faced sturdy man. Hearing this, he said with a smile, "You're worthy of being the offspring of the Liao family on Kumquat Island, which is famous for alchemy in the northern sea."Liao Hu shook his hand and said, "Although our Liao family lives on refinin
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Chapter 162 Only One Blow
The rich spiritual Qi in the Seven Star Sky was equivalent to a large spiritual vein. However, for thousands of years, the Seven Star had been opened dozens of times, but no one could find where the spiritual vein in the Seven Star Sky was.However, each opening of the Seven Star Sky was a rare opportunity for individual cultivators who were at the peak of the Blood Dissolving stage and were about to enter the Alchemy stage, or cultivators from small or medium forces in the northern sea to make a breakthrough.The pity of it was that the Seven Star Sky would only be open for three months each time. Nevertheless, it still attracted a large number of cultivators. Therefore, when the Seven Star Sky was closed, a batch of new Zhenrens at the Alchemy stage would be produced in the northern sea.Lu Ping didn't expect that he actually witnessed the rise of a Zhenren at the Alchemy stage. Lu Ping was glad that this also brought him an opportunit
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Chapter 163 The Seventh Level
After He Lixin and the others of the Water Smoke Pavilion left, the earth where they stood suddenly swelled. Lu Ping came out of the earth dusty-faced on a fat mouse.He performed "Dust Shaking Skill" to clean up the dust all over him, patted Bao that had exhausted its magic power and was lying motionlessly with all fours facing the sky, and said, "Bao, is this Earth Fleeing Skill your inborn magic method after you entered the Blood Dissolving stage? It's not bad. You made great contributions this time. I'll refine a furnace of elixirs for you as a reward."Bao couldn't even use the magic methods that helped it shrink at this time. Just now, if Lu Ping hadn't used his magic power to help it perform Earth Fleeing Skill, Bao couldn't have brought Lu Ping under the earth at all.Lu Ping threw an elixir to Bao to help it recover its spiritual strength, collected it in his spiritual beast bag, and let it rest. Then he turned and chose a direc
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Chapter 164 Amethyst Bees
In the depths of an unknown mountain forest, there was a place full of flowers. A group of fist-sized bees rose and fell in the sea of flowers, and their "buzz" spread several kilometers away.Several cultivators of the Sea Flame Sect were hiding in the woods not far from the sea of flowers.A middle-aged sturdy man leading the team asked a cultivator on one side, "Is everything ready?"After receiving the reply, the middle-aged cultivator sent a signal to the distance, and a few animal roars came out one after another from the other side of the sea of flowers. Several huge supernatural bears were lured here somehow. These bears that had not eaten for a long time smelled a strange sweet scent as soon as they came to the sea of flowers.Relying on supernatural bears' intuition, the five supernatural bears, whose cultivation ranged from the Blood Refining stage to the early stage of Blood Dissolving, ran across the sea of flow
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Chapter 165 Royal Jelly
"Is it Brother Ai Shutao in the woods?" A voice came in from outside the forest.The slight cultivator looked overjoyed and said, "Yes, is it Brother Lu outside?"A string of footsteps came slowly from outside the forest. A red-faced man appeared on one side in front of Peng Changqing, so Peng Changqing was caught between him and Ai Shutao.Ai Shutao saw that the person who came in was not the one he imagined and was a little stunned for a moment. Peng Changqing noticed this out of the tail of his eye and suddenly shot a kindle towards Ai Shutao.The red-faced cultivator shouted, "Watch out!" A ray of cyan sword light had cut into the Flame Cover of Peng Changqing like a piece of silk.Ai Shutao reacted when the red-faced cultivator shouted, but he only had time to raise a small bell in the air to resist the attack hastily. The kindle hit the bell and exploded. The bell was directly blown away. Ai Shutao was pus
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Chapter 166 Luojin Canyon
The Amethyst Royal Jelly was so precious and Ai Shutao risked his life to get it. Lu Ping was naturally embarrassed to take it for nothing, so he took out a jade crystal bottle and said, "Brother Ai, the Amethyst Royal Jelly is indeed useful to me, but I can't take it for nothing. I refined this bottle of youth-retaining elixirs. After a person takes it, he can keep his appearance unchanged for 300 years. If you find your love in the future, you can give the youth-retaining elixirs to her."Ai Shutao wanted to refuse, but when he heard that it was a bottle of youth-retaining elixirs, he immediately changed his mind. With a curious and happy look, he took the jade crystal bottle from Lu Ping's hand and looked at the elixirs inside, turning a deaf ear to what Lu Ping was saying.Lu Ping shook his head vapidly. Unexpectedly, Ai Shutao, a male cultivator, was also so interested in youth-retaining elixirs.After a long time, Ai Shutao finally
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Chapter 167 A Dangerous Place
The Luojin Canyon was very large and there were many channels leading into it. Lu Ping beckoned to the Qingluan Bird and told it to come down from the sky. The Qingluan Bird flapped its wings several times, and suddenly changed from a 15-meter-long bird when spreading its wings to a 30-centimeter-long petite bird and landed on Lu Ping's shoulder.This was what Lu Qin could do after it entered the late stage of Blood Dissolving. It could shrink freely, but the three Blue Sea Spiritual Snakes could do this when they just entered the Blood Dissolving stage.Lu Ping planned to refine some form transforming elixirs and bone dissolving elixirs. After supernatural beasts entered the late stage of Blood Dissolving, they could half-transform through the transforming elixirs. Being half-human was helpful for supernatural beasts to make progress in cultivation.However, Lu Qin was unwilling to take transforming elixirs. Its reason was that being ha
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Chapter 168 Myriad Poison Pulp (1)
When the three spiritual snakes were wrapped in the golden poison fog, Lu Ping found that they were invigorated. The golden fog formed a small vortex around the three spiritual snakes. A stream of invisible airflow, a trickle of blue essence, and a cloud of white cold fog were in and out of the mouths of the three spiritual snakes respectively, absorbing the toxicity contained in the golden fog.Lu Ping knew that if demon cultivators wanted to develop their inborn abilities, they must absorb similar things that were stronger than their inborn abilities. The Qingluan Bird despised the natal kindle of the Red Ibis. Similarly, the three spiritual snakes swallowed and puffed the golden fog, which showed that the fog contained more powerful poisons than the natal venom of the spiritual snakes.This made Lu Ping alert. The venom of Blue Sea Spiritual Snakes was already one of the most poisonous things in the world. What would be more poisonous than that?
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Chapter 169 Myriad Poison Pulp (2)
Lu Ping hurriedly retreated from the golden area. The situation here was indeed like what Liao Hu said. Lu Ping could stay in the golden area for at most two hours on condition that he wouldn't be attacked by poisonous beasts in the area.Lu Ping stroked his chin and thought for a moment. He covered the three spiritual snakes with his Astral Qi, and then asked them to inject their demon spiritual strength into "Water Curtain Tianhua".The three spiritual snakes were very familiar with Lu Ping's magic power. They integrated their magic power and Lu Ping's into the Astral Qi easily.Lu Ping stepped into the golden area again and found that the golden fog was still corroding his Astral Qi, but while his Astral Qi was corroded, the golden fog contacting it was weakened. At this time, three streams of demon spiritual strength appeared in Lu Ping's Astral Qi and carried the weakened golden fog into the mouths of the three spiritual snakes. The
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Chapter 170 Myriad Vitality Killing Poisonous Gas
Lu Ping looked at the black fog behind the rock and finally remembered that it was a strange species called Blood Digesting Mosquito. The reason why this species could survive was that it depended on the Myriad Poison Pulp. Blood Digesting Mosquitos could only move within a radius of 300 meters around the Myriad Poison Pulp. Otherwise, they could hardly live.Blood Digesting Mosquitos had a peculiar skill. They wouldn't be found by the Divine Mentality Coercion of cultivators. They lived in the Myriad Poison Pulp all year round and carried a deadly poison. When Divine Mentality Coercion entangled them, the poison in them would melt it silently. Blood Digesting Mosquitos flew silently, and the Astral Qi of most cultivators couldn't keep them outside at all. The same was true of Zhenrens at the Alchemy stage. This should be the reason why this Zhenren died here quietly when picking the spiritual herb.Now that Lu Ping knew it was Blood Digesting Mosqui
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