All Chapters of The Devious First-Daughter: Chapter 561 - Chapter 570
678 Chapters
Chapter 561 The Mysterious Mistress of the Fragrance Garden
"Sister Ning, let's meet the prince first and plead with him. Who knows, he might spare you on the account that we never committed any major mistakes." Commandery Princess Xianyun grabbed Ning Xueyan's hand eagerly and attempted to pull her out.Ning Xueyan pulled away from her grip with force and said with a terrified voice, "I... I'm not going. I'm... afraid of meeting the prince."There was nothing unexpected about her words. Never mind a woman like Ning Xueyan, few court officials could say that they weren't afraid of Prince Yi. The Princess, an ambitious woman who believed that she would rule as an Empress in the future, was much braver but even she was cautious in front of him.Ning Xueyan was born frail and it was obvious to everyone that she was just a weak, slender woman. Even if she was more courageous than most people, how much braver could she be? Besides, Ao Chenyi had stormed out of her room in anger last night. She probably didn'
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Chapter 562 A Sudden Bloody Dagger
Ning Xueyan followed Commandery Princess Xianyun into the courtyard. The eunuchs closed the door behind them. After all, the prince had ordered that people couldn't easily meet the lady in this yard. Of course, their master agreed to meet the Princess and Consort Ning herself, so the responsibility wasn't theirs to bear."Greetings, Your Highnesses." The woman with the white veil seemed pretty courteous. She saluted them both at the door of her room."I'm free today, so I thought I'd visit you with Sister Ning. If you need anything in your yard, feel free to tell me. We can't keep troubling the prince for matters of the inner courtyard or I'd be too embarrassed to call myself the princess," the Princess said affectionately.She didn't mention a word about coming here to help Ning Xueyan apologize.That had been her sister in disguise and had nothing to do with this lady in front of her. Naturally, the less that was said about it, t
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Chapter 563 Who Told the Truth?
"How did she kill my dear concubine?" Ao Chenyi asked, locking his dark, bottomless pupils on Commandery Princess Xianyun's face."I don't know either. When we came in, we hadn't gone very far before this lady suddenly screamed and collapsed while clutching her chest. And Sister Ning... She was also scared. This dagger fell from her hand," the Princess immediately replied, looking disturbed.Whoever had experienced such a thing would have such an expression."What... say you?" Ao Chenyi looked up and stared at Ning Xueyan calmly."Your Highness, please get her out of here for treatment first. If she can still speak, I won't have to go through the trouble of explaining myself," she replied nonchalantly.Ao Chenyi raised his hand noncommittally and an imperial physician hurried over. He squatted down and immediately treated the veiled woman.The moment the imperial physician felt the woman's pulse, he exclai
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Chapter 564 Who's the Murderer?
Commandery Princess Xianyun was still smiling as gently as ever, appearing completely normal on the surface. Her heart, however, was inexplicably pounding in nervousness. She didn't expect Ao Chenyi to take the testimonies of mere concubines so seriously as if he was in court. He even had them sign off on their testimonies.Since when would Ao Chenyi get signed testimonies from people he wanted to deal with?The Princess watched as a eunuch walk over and get the concubines to sign off their testimonies before turning to the other women kneeling in the courtyard.As the concubines placed their fingerprints on their testimonies one by one, the Princess' expression changed drastically.He didn't have to go so far if all he wanted was to execute Ning Xueyan!The door swung open with force and two guards entered, dragging a woman wearing white clothes and a white veil in with them.The Princess was shocked to s
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Chapter 565 A Big Storm Is about to Sweep into the Mansion
But she was just a maid. No matter how fast she was, she was not faster than the guard's hand. A guard beside Yun Luoluo instantly caught her sleeve, took her back, and threw her on the ground."Guards, take them." Ao Chenyi put on an evilly cold expression. As he waved his hand, a few ferocious guards came and took away these concubines who came here to give testimonies, Yun Luoluo, and Xiangrong. Commandery Princess Xianyun was about to say something when two eunuchs came over."Princess, please go back to your courtyard." A eunuch raised his wooden face, looking at Commandery Princess Xianyun expressionlessly. The expression was not respectful at all and even aggressive.Commandery Princess Xianyun had been used to being respected, so she became sullen, ready to fly into a rage."Please go back to your courtyard, princess." Another one looked at Commandery Princess Xianyun with the same wooden expression as if he was looking at
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Chapter 566 The Edict of the Emperor
"Blessed by God, the emperor says in his edict, 'Consort Ning of Prince Yi is humble, virtuous, pure, and graceful... so she is specially granted the title 'Princess of Prince Yi'. Over!"A eunuch finished reading the imperial edict with a long voice. First, he took a look at Consort Ning, who was kowtowing to express her gratitude on the ground. No, she should be called Princess of Prince Yi now. But then he concentrated on the extremely handsome Prince Yi sitting on the only chair in the great hall.The late emperor gave the order that Ao Chenyi could choose not to kneel to the incumbent emperor when seeing him. Since he didn't need to kneel to the emperor himself, he didn't have to stand respectfully when meeting such an imperial edict. Moreover, he even had a seat either in the emperor's study or the throne hall."Prince, do you think..." the eunuch said with a flattering smile, afraid that the prince was not satisfied. However, the imperia
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Chapter 567 Ning Huaijing's Choice
The favored concubine of Prince Yi was assassinated. Besides, the princess, the consort, the second young lady of Lord Peace's Manor, and a few concubines given by the palace were involved. When this news was spread, almost no one believed it.But the major move Prince Yi's Manor conducted next made all the people so shocked that their jaws almost dropped.At first, the concubines of Prince Yi's Manor given by the palace died or were sent back to the palace. No Beautiful Lady given by the palace was left in Prince Yi's Manor. After that, Commandery Princess Xianyun got sick. To better help her recuperate, Prince Yi moved her to the quieter Bright Mind Garden.Most people had no idea about the layout of Prince Yi's Manor. The Bright Mind Garden, which even sounded quite abnormal, was indeed a bit quiet and secluded place. It was said that the day when Commandery Princess Xianyun was married into Prince Yi's Manor, Prince Yi did not spend the wed
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Chapter 568 Unexpectedly, Someone Asks to Meet Her
"What? She has become a princess? That woman has even become a princess?" In the Bright Mind Garden, Commandery Princess Xianyun hit the table hard with her palm, and her face had turned dark. Only two days passed since she showed up the last time. But all her momentum and air seemed to have changed—she was no longer the gentle and charming woman."You are unwilling to accept the fact that she has become a princess, right? This is what you deserve. You harmed others as well as yourself. If you hadn't thought of such a thing, would Lord Peace's Manor have forced and sent me here? You were bitchy, and you dragged me down. Look at your 'good end' now! Why don't you go to die? If you are dead, I don't have to come here anymore."Yun Luoluo, who was sitting at the other end of the table, stared at Commandery Princess Xianyun with a sullen face, her eyes showing faint insanity and despair.She had come to her senses this time, and she wished to tear
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Chapter 569 Xia Yuhang's Obsession
Ning Xueyan didn't expect to see Xia Yuhang, much less here in front of her store. She was speechless when she saw Xia Yuhang turned his head around in astonishment. How could she run into him so coincidentally?She didn't think he had a hobby of buying cosmetics."Princess Ning." Xia Yuhang saluted her with a complicated look in his eyes. This woman was no longer the neglected Fifth Young Lady of the Lord Protector's Manor nor the consort with relatively low status in Prince Yi's Manor. The Emperor's imperial decree had made her Prince Yi's princess. Princess Xianyun might still be around, but she had fallen ill and couldn't handle any of harem's matters anymore.It was clear who wielded true power in Prince Yi's Manor.Ning Xueyan didn't think Xia Yuhang had anything to say to her. Ning Ziyan was just a concubine now. As in-laws, they couldn't be considered proper relatives. It was inappropriate for her to call him brother-in-law
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Chapter 570 She's Your Biological Sister
Sapphire-colored embroidered brocade, white jade crown atop the head, handsome and elegant appearance, an amorous smile—this man was the very picture of a bewitching demon when he curled his lips. When he smiled enchantingly at her, his almond-shaped eyes were slightly narrowed.Though stunned, Ning Xueyan quickly calmed down. She walked to the table in the room and sat down. "Princely Heir, why did you invite me here? Do you have business with me?"She was certain that the one who summoned her was the Princely Heir of Commandery Prince Min. In her past life, she had seen how extraordinarily ruthless this man could be.In the beginning, she was perplexed as to who would want to meet her, and in such a mysterious way too. When she ran into Xia Yuhang outside the store, she nearly thought it was him. She quickly dispelled the idea because Xia Yuhang wasn't that capable and he wouldn't act so mysteriously either.It was evident from h
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