All Chapters of The Devious First-Daughter: Chapter 581 - Chapter 590
678 Chapters
Chapter 581 Lanning Isn't as Good at It as I Am
It was still early when Ao Chenyi came over, but he must have stopped somewhere else for his face was covered in sweat. The first thing he did upon arriving was taking a quick bath and then changing into an ordinary home attire. Before marrying him, Ning Xueyan sewed several home attires for him and kept them in the Pear Flower Garden.He had been moving those attires to the Moon-embracing Tower, so there weren't many left here.Thus, aside from running her errands, Ning Xueyan had been sewing more attires for him. This was, of course, the part that made him the happiest.She was rather speechless as she watched him step out of the bathroom with his black hair scattered over his shoulders. She put down her needle and thread, stood up, and grabbed the clean towel that Eunuch Zhu was handing her. After pulling Ao Chenyi toward the couch in front of the bed, she began to dry his hair."If Xianyun stirs up any more trouble, you can kil
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Chapter 582 Everyone at the Banquet Has Their Schemes
When Princess Ning of Prince Yi's Manor sent invitations to her banquet, news spread and caused a commotion.Some were curious, some speculative, some intending to get on her good side... Many manors wanted to get their hands on the invitation.But everyone knew that the banquet was Princess Ning's first official event after being promoted and would thus be a relatively small affair. Priority would be given to young ladies and mistresses from aristocratic families as well as Princely Heirs. After all, Princess Ning was still young and this was the first official banquet thrown in her name.Not many invitations would be sent. Having too many guests would make it hard for Princess Ning to manage the banquet.After the invitations were sent, everyone who received one expressed that they would surely attend.Who would dare to reject an invitation from Prince Yi's Manor? Even if one was without curiosity, not attending migh
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Chapter 583 Is Brother Yi Inside?
A young eunuch stood in an inconspicuous spot by Chuihua Gate, watching young ladies and mistresses walking down the road, sometimes in groups of three or four. It was a lively sight. No one noticed the young eunuch standing in a corner.A maid walked out of the gate, looking all around. There were many guests at the manor today, and many maids kept coming in and out. Thus, she was equally as inconspicuous.Suddenly, her eyes brightened when she potted the young eunuch. She immediately walked over to him. This wasn't their first meeting; both knew each other well.One was Ning Qingshan's maid Caifen and the other was Ao Mingyu's personal eunuch.The two of them exchanged a few words under the tree before going their separate ways. One entered the backyard while the other entered the outer courtyard.On the other side, a dainty young lady found her way to the Moon-embracing Tower like she had been there many times. Seei
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Chapter 584 What Are You Doing Here?
"What's the matter? Third Young Lady Ning, you really know how to act. I can't believe you'd run all the way here to find men on your lame foot. You should've told me earlier; I could have prepared you eight or ten for you so you could fulfill your lust." Ao Xian looked Ning Qingshan up and down while clicking his tongue twice. He spoke bluntly without giving her any face.When he remembered that Ning Qingshan had ruined an engagement that he was happy with and harmed the woman that he wanted to marry to the point that their engagement was broken off, he felt anger rise in him. Having learned about Ning Qingshan's handicapped foot from Ning Lingyun, he held no qualms about saying whatever he could to hurt Ning Qingshan."What are you saying, you playboy?" His words sent Ning Qingshan panicking. If such a rumor about her were spread, she wouldn't be able to hold her head high again."Did I say something wrong? Hadn't the Third Prince catch us re
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Chapter 585 A Lame Beauty Is Still a Beauty
Everyone saw a surprised-looking maid of Prince Yi's Manor behind them.Seeing that Third Young Lady Ning had been warned earlier, it became apparent that her motive in coming here wasn't so pure. There was also the fact that the Third Prince decided to return in the middle of their stroll. Could it be that they had planned for a rendezvous?And at the Prince Yi's Manor, at that! The Third Prince wasn't acting in a way that befitted his status."Third Sister insisted on coming here, saying that there might be a place we can rest in. She said her foot isn't well," Ning Lingyun explained on her sister's behalf. Her explanation, however, made everyone look at Ning Qingshan's legs and made the latter feel like her secret had been exposed. She even felt that they were giving her extra glances because they noticed that her foot was lame."Shut up! Stop talking!" Ning Qingshan retorted angrily. She wanted to strangle Ning Lingyun to death
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Chapter 586 Power Demonstration; Madam Censor-in-chief Chen Gets Humiliated
"Is Second Young Lady inside?" Commandery Princess Xianyun stood at the window and looked in the direction of the Moon-embracing Tower. From here, she could see the tall building in the distance."She's inside. I saw her saying something to the guards before going in. I waited outside for a while but didn't see her come out," Qiuhuan said, bowing her head.A gloomy smile appeared on Commandery Princess Xianyun's face. "Is the Prince inside?""Yes. The Prince went out early in the morning but came back. He hasn't come out since." Qiuhuan had asked a few people and got the same answer."Good!" Commandery Princess Xianyun said. Her face, which had been gloomy for the past few days, revealed a sinister, smug look.It didn't matter if Yun Luoluo truly entered Ao Chenyi's room. As long as Ao Chenyi was in the Moon-embracing Tower, as long as Yun Luoluo come out with her clothes disheveled, he would have no choice but to bear
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Chapter 587 Yun Luoluo Goes All Out
The more Yun Luoluo spoke, the more ambiguous she made things seem. It was as if she had admitted to her affair with Prince Yi. Otherwise, she wouldn't have referred to herself as a younger sister when she was older than Ning Xueyan. And look at her flustered state; she looked so weak and pitiful when kneeling to Ning Xueyan.But none of the young ladies and mistresses present dared to say anything. They had heard how Ning Xueyan reprimanded Madam Censor-in-chief Chen. Princess Ning wasn't as even-tempered and easily bullied as rumored. Her cold face was enough to tell them that anyone who spoke now would be in for a bad time.Thus, all of them pretended that they didn't see how pitiful Yun Luoluo looked and allowed Ning Xueyan to punish Yun Luoluo as she wished. They wondered if Ning Xueyan was just putting up a fierce front but not actually achieve anything."Third Young Lady Yun, why are you bringing up His Highness? Are you going to make hi
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Chapter 588 Jealousy and the Previous Engagement
Yun Luoluo were in tears, who looked plaintive and seemed to have forgotten to struggle, but no one present was sympathetic to her while seeing that.Prince Yi was not in the courtyard but in the palace, where he was being with the emperor. Earlier, Yun Luoluo had said that Prince Yi had specially asked her to come here. What did that mean? Besides, her clothes were so in disarray, and there were red marks seemingly caused by intimate touches on her neck. What did this suggest? Moreover, just now, she had said righteously that all this was the idea of Commandery Princess Xianyun. What was the meaning of it then?Yun Luoluo would surely not have illicit intercourse with a servant, nor would she have relations with Prince Yi.The most possible reason was that Commandery Princess Xianyun and Yun Luoluo had intentionally made such a show, aiming to force Prince Yi to accept the claim that he had relations with Yun Luoluo, but Prince Yi was never a
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Chapter 589 Commandery Princess Xianyun Suddenly Goes Furious
Having felt her reliance and trust, Ao Chenyi took her hand away from his face, held it gently in his hand, and had a small doting smile in his constantly eerie, cold eyes.He loved to see that she was like a little wild cat with her hair standing on end and that she relied on him wholeheartedly, and he more loved that she trusted him absolutely. It seemed that no matter what she was like, he loved her, so he reached out to hold her tightly in his arms, feeling her softness.Previously, he had thought that no woman could enter his heart, but he hadn't expected that he had become interested in such a small woman so silently...Prince Yi's Manor had held the banquet quite smoothly, so all the people thought that Princess Ning had behaved naturally. Although she was still young, either her bearing or her words or other aspects of her had shown that she was like the real princess of Prince Yi. In contrast, due to the matter of Yun Luoluo, all mansi
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Chapter 590 I Never Want You to Be My Princess
"Qiu Huan, Commandery Princess Xianyun's maid, hit the wall and killed herself?" Ning Xueyan looked at Eunuch Zhu, astounded."Yes, it happened just now. Princess Yun sent a servant here to report, but I didn't see her," Eunuch Zhu answered respectfully. Ao Chenyi sat at the table, leaned back against the back of the chair, showed a little meaningful coldness, but didn't say anything."Why did she end her life by hitting the wall?" Ning Xueyan had to ask further."I heard that it is related to Second Young Lady Yun's matter. It seems that such a thing happened to the second young lady because of Qiu Huan's instigation, but I don't know the detail. That maid coming to report trembled and didn't say it clearly."Ning Xueyan was speechless. She really felt quite speechless. Last time, Yun Luoluo's case had ended up with Xiangrong's death; this time, Yun Luoluo's case had made Qiu Huan dead. The two maids Commandery Princess Xianyun ha
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