All Chapters of Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter: Chapter 451 - Chapter 460
592 Chapters
Chapter 451 Such bullshit
No one else in the world can do it but you? How could there be such a ridiculous thing in the world? He Danggui didn't believe it, "What can I do? I have no strengths, and I'm still a timid and fearful woman." The martial arts conference was scary to hear and made her heart flutter when she mentioned it.Bai Yangbai laughed, "How could you have no strengths? Your acupuncture skill, as old me sees it, is noteworthy.""Oh~~" He Danggui came to a sudden realization, "To put it bluntly, you're still thinking about my Yunqi Needle Technique and trying to get your hands on it by all means. And make up something about my destiny plate being tampered with, don't want to marry a strange colorful wolf can only marry you, and make up that I have to find seven concubines for Meng Xuan to block the fury, or else I have to marry again in three years, and then in turn ask me for a favor, saying something about the martial arts conference needing me to intervene, and also have to use my
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Chapter 452 The Dead Man's Lyre Treats Guests
"Third Master's wife is from the Wu Cherry Pavilion?" He Danggui thought it was impossible and shook his head, "She's been married to the Third Master for some years, and was a member of the Luo family before I arrived at the Luo family, so how could she have been sent specifically to spy on me?"Pak Yang Bai shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe she came to Luo family before is another task, and Wu Cherry Pavilion in addition to a small number of killers, most of them are informants, and ordinary people also live pretty much the same life. Although the Luo family is a broken gateway, but Wu Cherry Pavilion if the manpower is abundant, send one or two eyes can not hurt."He Danggui want to ask more, the dandelion on the ground is finally awakened, Park Yangbai can not care about goodbye, waved his hand away. A moment He Danggui and listen to the bamboo courtyard to go, when I passed the water salon, look out, the green water reflected in the face, up a kind of ra
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Chapter 453 After Being in the Same Room
The old lady, Chai Yutu and He Danggui all froze for a moment, and then the old lady who kneeled down took the lead in getting anxious, she glanced at He Danggui who was squatting over there, and explained in a pleading voice, "Your Highness doesn't know that Yangzhou has a lot of flowers, and a lot of pollen, so there are people who suffer from the 'Plum Blossom Thorn' during all seasons, even though it's not contagious, but you can't get close to her. Although it's not contagious, you can't get close to her. This child looks pretty is not false, but the skin is too tender, always have rashes, born timid child say bad words."She tried to belittle He Danggui a bit, want to transfer the "good job" to Chai Yutu, one of the sick girl to serve the Emperor's eldest grandson, in case there is a mistake, caught by others, it is difficult to guarantee that the Luo family will not be implicated. In addition, although the granddaughter called to fill the number, but privately do not wa
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Chapter 454 Jade in a Daughter's Tire
"Tire Jade?" He Danggui remembered after Peng Shi reminded him that Qi Xuan Yu had revealed in his Recorded Garden last time that he was born with a piece of fetal jade that was clear and moist, light green in color, and very beautiful. The ghost Qi Chuan also said that the jade and the baby are one, inside the jade hides the baby's life's blessings and longevity. And her piece of fetal jade, was in the full moon wine when the He school lieutenant to Yan Wang Zhu Di, and Zhu Di as if he had said, to be a gift to the Lin'an Princess's daughter.Probably like their kind of rich to the extreme people, ordinary gold and jade beads and shells have become commonplace, but rare up other people's strange things. If you want another family's daughter's jade, do you want to steal someone else's good fortune and enjoy double the good luck?However, that time she heard after not how sad and hung up, only think that about that is a thing can never be found back, even in the hands of
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Chapter 455 Sleeping with the Emperor's eldest grandson
"What good and bad?" Qing'er said in a strange voice, "Don't tell me yet! Both together!"The maid who came was Liu Sui, she took a big breath and said, "The good news is that a maid named Sophora reported that her wife has recovered from her illness, and she will come over here every other day to walk. The bad news is that Cicada Yi and the girls have been chosen and won't be able to work with us anymore, what should we do Miss, the slave girl loves Cicada Yi and the girls.""Selected what?" He Danggui narrowed his eyes and said, "Breathe evenly and say clearly, where is Cicada Yi now, who took her?"Liu Sui took a deep breath and told them, "You just left soon, there are two sisters over to the Peach House, said what the House is picking maids, picked good to serve Miss Chai, all the first-class maids have to go to the selection. Cicada Yi was puzzled, the Luo House does not have a clear division of labor arrangements for the maids, at least there are more than a
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Chapter 456 First Love is an Adventure
He Danggui had told Qing'er about her first encounter with the Peng brothers at the Qunxian Restaurant, so she knew that Qing'er's "restaurant in honor of her first love" was flirting with herself, so she only said, "Let's go, we don't have to go back to the Peach House, so let's look for a hidden place to disguise ourselves."Qing'er thought that she would be at least a little touched, and anyway, if one day, a man was willing to buy a tavern or store to guard himself and honor his love, she wouldn't be so touched that she would immediately fall. She asked, "Aren't you touched? Peng Jian is also a good teenager, although with us is not a height, but he is really good so that people can not pick a fault. Have you never been moved?"He Danggui pulled Qing'er to stand still behind the rockery, took out two masks from her purse, and first said, "This is a fine product I made before, and have been using jasmine seeds crushed into lead powder to make a 'barrier layer' to save
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Chapter 457 So he's a eunuch
"Haters? Wait, let's join together! Ah, don't leave me alone, Yatou!""Brother Qing you go eat by yourself, don't follow!"Qing'er could not stop her, and watched as He Danggui turned and ran up the street, his figure disappearing into the crowd. The atmosphere of the entire Rabbit Town is permeated with a strange cold silence, He Danggui is very brave when he is with her, and can make fun of her without fear; and He Danggui is gone, and will take away her courage as well. Qing'er shivered, suddenly felt that all sides are full of unsuspecting eyes, only fortunately at the moment she is dressed as a man, so she did not soften her legs.He Danggui felt that a red figure in one of the columns she had just passed was clearly Nie Chun. That guy abducted her mother, let her a good search! Originally wanted to ask Gao Jie to help find, since that time Nie Chun in the group of people who attacked the brocade guards, in all likelihood is also related to the martial arts co
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Chapter 458 How's the stepfather?
He Danggui looked at the person in front of her, he was in his early forties, and looked a bit like the Luo Qianyi that she herself was now pretending to be, but at a glance, she could tell that he was a real eunuch. This eunuch's eyes were fixed on the bundle she was embracing in her arms, his face was gloomy, making her instantly react, just now the two of them collided, it wasn't because she was careless, but this eunuch intentionally bumped into her, what he was hitting was the idea of this bundle.He Danggui's arms wrapped tightly around the bundle and laughed, "This is the broken cups and jars that were broken in the Queen's house, saying that they had to be buried with earth, and you're going to go and figure out what's going on, and not give it to them."Just kidding! This is the trophy that she risked her life to go deep into the Yan King's residence, even if it is really just some rags inside, it is more memorable than the Yan King's reward of three hundred tae
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Chapter 459 Half of the Moon and Spring Palace
He Danggui also do not know from whom I heard from the mouth, "half of the wind and moon" is the first Ming Chun Gong famous painters, and general Chun Gong painters are different, others most painted one or two framed and hung up to view, he painted a whole book of Chun Gong, bound into colorful pages of the booklet for people to circulate, it is said that half of the wind and moon's work, not only painted a vivid storyline novel and interesting, and a corner of the album has a fingernail-sized pocket map. It is said that the works of half of the wind and moon, not only painted vividly, the storyline is new and interesting, and there is a corner of the book and the pocket map of the nail, quickly turn, as if to watch an activity of the real ChunGong, it is really interesting and interesting.He Danggui also secretly laugh after hearing, if the civil and military scholar assessment of the first place, and then there are all walks of life, merchants, doctors, martial arts and e
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Chapter 460 "I'm a good judge of character
Qing'er and called and sighed a pass, Fang said, "or not we leave this is a wrong place, books and what not to see, horizontal what rare book it, I tell you with the wisdom of modern people, the earth is round, the sun is a fireball, the moon did not live above the Chang'e. In addition to these, there is nothing that must be known about the heaven, let's go, find a good place to look at the Chun Gong Tu to go!"He Danggui knocked her head twice and said in a bad mood, "I'll let Pan Jingyang send you back to Yangzhou if you make any more trouble, a girl in the middle of a girl's womb, what are you doing so interested in the Spring Palace!"Two people laughing and joking a pass, the door has a buckle sound, called into, Nie Chun and a bloated old woman came in together. The old woman waved her hand and said, "Dead girl, will be the old man alone hanging out in the Qunxian building, eat Peng gradient home free stuff, eat to run three times the east toilet, but you guys are
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