All Chapters of Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
586 Chapters
Chapter 81 Time flied for girls
In Chengxu Academy, male students and female students couldn’t meet each other at ordinary times. A tall red wall separated them, so they could only listen to the laughter during their spare time, which came from the other side, and they could imagine the appearance of the voice owner according to the laughter.Separated by the wall, their longing for love also had been prohibited. Most cruelly, someone set different hours of the male and female’s timetables. Female students left school an hour earlier than male students. And their sedans had waited outside for a long time. After a while, these female students who were as lively as birds were all taken back home.When it was time for male students to leave academy, the air outside had no rouge fragrance at all. There were only their gharries and servants waiting outside. Standing up straight with a serious face, the servants were there to pick them up from school.At the academy, if someone wro
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Chapter 82 Master of Medical Treatment
To be honest, the propriety, music, archery, riding, writing, and arithmetic taught in the academy were all the things that men needed to learn. As women, it was not very useful to learn more, master more, or become top female scholars. The ladies were sent to the academy to be more outstanding when negotiating a marriage and finding a good husband. Even if the legitimate daughters of Luo’s Family didn’t learn these things, they would be valuable enough. Their study experience in Chengxu Academy would be ice on the cake. And if they didn’t have this experience, they wouldn’t lose their advantages. Among all the families in Yangzhou, the two ladies were noble enough to marry anyone. Therefore, they could pick any good man in Yangzhou on their will.And Mei, the second daughter-in-law of Madam Luo, liked to hold tea parties or poetry parties at home. There were almost one or two parties every month, and a dozen of childes from the relatives would be invited. If they were
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Chapter 83 She had enmity toward her father
“It doesn’t matter, Yi. There are plenty of good teachers at home, and they will teach you how to read! As long as you can study hard, after 2 or 3 years, even if Qiong is still outsmarting you, you would at least be as good as Shao!” Madam Luo comforted He Danggui, “Here’s something new. Shao is interested in the new drama ‘series’ of the capital, and you’re not at home. She often said it was boring to stay in the study, so she hasn’t listened to the teachers for months. It’s the best opportunity for you to catch up with her and then surpass her!”He Danggui asked worriedly, “Is it okay for the fourth sister not to go to class? I heard from her that you always wanted her and the second sister to study for a few years in Chengxu Academy.”Thinking of this, Madam Luo sighed and said, “Alas, I’m a born worrier. Their parents don’t care about their study, but I do. Although given our family background, Qiong and Shao definitely won’t need to worry about findin
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Chapter 84 The female teacher lost her moral integrity
He Danggui was sleeping in a daze but was suddenly woken up by He Fu, whose eyes were so bright as if two flames in them. That was so weird and made her suffocating.Ever since He Danggui had moved into this new mansion, even if she had her own mother by her side, she never felt peaceful in mind like she did in the countryside. She still remembered that when she lived in the countryside, everyone had to work themselves to make a living no matter they were at the age of 4 or 70. If a family had an able-bodied man to farm, the old people and children of the family could do some less tired work such as husking and drying grain; if not, even a 4-year old kid needed to farm. Unfortunately, Qian Laowu’s home where He Danggui had lived was the latter.Actually, the whole countryside belonged to Luo’s Family. When He Danggui was sent here that year, her identity was hidden. So, no one knew that girl who scratched mud in the farm was their landlord’s young lady. At
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Chapter 85 Shao was adept at plotting
Madam Luo had her eyes wide open and stared at Mammy Tang surprisingly. Because in her memory, Mammy Tang seldom talked something bad about the masters, and she had never said something so determined and solid like now.“Hong Jiang, what are you taking about? What do you mean ‘ruin Yi’s reputation’ and ‘Shao was adept at plotting’? How could you say such things?” Madam Luo tightened her eyebrows angrily and added, “I know that you had suffered this time, but it’s not appropriate to describe Shao like this. You see, Yi herself had already let it go.” Madam Luo’s words suggested that Mammy Tang was too petty.But Mammy Tang shook her head firmly, “Madam, forgive me if I am being beyond my duty. But there’s something I must say. As for Third Miss, she’s too young to understand. So, we can’t count on her judgment on this.” Hearing this, He Danggui lowered her head in shame. Mammy Tang added, “Besides, I was not saying this for being angry about Fourth Miss. On
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Chapter 86 A hero loved to wash his feet
Mammy Tang proposed, “As I told you on the way before, this time we have to discipline Fourth Miss strictly in secret. Don’t let Second Mistress and Second Lord know about this, or it will be useless!”Madam Luo frowned and asked hesitantly, “Do you want to cheat Shao away and then send her to a Taoist temple for discipline? Is ... Is there any better way?”“Madam, please think about it. Third Miss had only been in the mansion for a few days, but Fourth Miss drugged her and wanted her dumb. What’s the feud between her and Third Miss who just met her for the first time? Or just for fun? We must know that some dumb drugs are temporary, but some are permanent! If she had used the drug wrongly, Third Miss would have become a mute girl for good!” Seeing that Madam Luo didn’t have the heart to blame Fourth Miss, Mammy Tang did her best to convince her, “Now she is only 9 years old, but she has already used this kind of trick to frame her cousin. When she gets mar
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Chapter 87 Gratitude from his mother
“A handsome boy? And you have met him before? Which celestial is he?” Madam Luo was confused, and then she narrowed her eyes, thinking for a while. Under the celestial of Sanqing Immortals and 6 Great Emperors, there were 5 Emperors (Qingdi Emperor, Chidi Emperor, Huangdi Emperor, Baidi Emperor, and Heidi Emperor), 3 Islands and 10 States, Emperors of Heaven, Hell and Water (Heaven Emperor for blessing, Hell Emperor for forgiving, and Water Emperor for disaster-solving), 4 Heavenly Kings… Was there such a celestial like this? She couldn’t think of anyone, so she turned to Mammy Tang, who also shook her head, showing that she knew nothing about any old celestial who could change from an “old celestial” to a “young celestial”.Ah, had Yi met a fox immortal? Or a fox demon? Madam Luo was nervous and she squeezed He Danggui’s hand again and again, as if she wanted to figure out whether the girl in front of her was her granddaughter or not. What a meek girl with same eyebrow
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Chapter 88 The remarkable memory of He Danggui
“Ho--”“Ho! Ho! Ho--”“Ah! Miss, look at that! There is something wrong with Madam Luo’s gharry!” Chan Yi retracted her head from the window and said fretfully, “That gharry is very fast! It’s a block far away from us!”“Wow! Miss, see. A lot of stalls on the two sides of the street were crashed by Madam Luo’s gharry!” Huai Hua retracted her head from the window on the other side of the gharry and added in excitement, “Her gharry not only runs fast, but also runs in this way…” She gesticulated, “The gharry runs diagonally over there. There is a fork ahead. What should we do if Madam Luo’s gharry crashes other’s gharry?”He Danggui took out a veil to put on from her dyeing cloth-wrapper, and then shouted at the driver Ren Dongteng, “Mr. Ren, stop the gharry quickly!”Madam Luo’s gharry dashed around the street. Were the horses out of control? It was so strange. The gharry of Madam Luo matched the well-trained fine horse
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Chapter 89 A ghost blocked the way in the daytime
He Danggui retracted back a little and persuaded Madam Luo in a low voice, “You are sick, Grandma. This pill is just a temporary emergency medicine for refreshing, and it’s just a palliative. Therefore, you should take care of yourself!”“Top-class pills?!” Before Madam Luo replied, Mammy Tang also shrieked, “Jeez!” He Danggui’s shoulder shook because of the super high volume. “Third Miss, you… you have made the top-class pills, right?” Mammy Tang asked. So far as she knew, to make the top-class pills, people should filter out of the crude dregs of a decoction with a precise percolation pot, just leaving the best part, and then combine it with the special honey which was most suitable for this medicine to melt into pills. San Qing Tang gathered pharmaceutical seniors of the whole Yangzhou City and even the whole southern area together, but there were no more than 10 people who could make first-class pills! Third Miss was illiterate and had no precise pharmaceutical tool
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Chapter 90 Feng Jiugu was a white tiger spirit
Feng Jiugu was 41 years old now. She was the sister of Feng Yilian, Bangzhu (the leader) of Caobang Organization, and the aunt of Feng Yang, the Young Bangzhu of Caobang Organization. She was a Hmong girl adopted by Grandpa Feng from the southwest area in his early years. It was said that she was an orphan girl of Grandpa Feng’s best friend. Her parents entrusted her to Grandpa Feng before they died. Because of her beauty, Grandpa Feng had planned to let her be the wife of his son when she grew up, but a fortune-teller said that she was a white tiger spirit in the previous life and would capture her husband’s life. Therefore, Grandpa Feng finally adopted Feng Jiugu as his foster daughter.When Feng Jiugu was 18 years old, Grandpa Feng gave an open challenge to fight, so as to choose a strong husband for her. But a year later, the strong man died of tuberculosis. Grandpa Feng was surprised, so he found a Tangzhu (the leader of a sector in an organization) of Caobang Orga
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