All Chapters of Army Ace Doctor: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
628 Chapters
Chapter 151 Cool Plum Chen Xin
"Swoosh!" The cold belle screamed. Then she withdrew immediately, and stepped back nearly ten meters away, with her back leaning against the wall. And at this time, her pretty face, covered by the mask, turned red entirely, with at least the pointed chin exposed outside becoming pink completely. What was even more eye-catching was that the strip of the vest on her left chest had been horizontally pulled apart by three fingers wide, and, from the breakage, the exposed plump white skin was faintly visible. "Gee! It's so elastic! It turns out that you don't wear a bra inside." Liu Feng's eyes shone as if he discovered the New World, and said with a smile, "If I don't catch you, I won't see that! Your breast is not only big, but also very firm and upright. Nice." The cold belle was radiating anger in her eyes. She clenched her little fists and said while her lips were shivering, "Liu Feng, originally I h
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Chapter 152 He Seems to Be Aiming at Us!
"God! It is tofu!" At this time, Yang Shiwen finally shouted out. She saw a square white object was cut into two halves by Liu Feng, and obviously felt even more shocked. "Tofu!" Liu Feng also looked gloomy. A piece of tofu smashed the glass, and could still maintain intact, indicating that the one who threw the tofu had reached the level of letting out his internal strength, which was beyond the level of force dispersing! In other words, it was also a way to show strength to hit Liu Feng with a piece of tofu in order to save Chen Xin, which was telling Liu Feng that, Chen Xin must be saved and Liu Feng should behave himself. "Brother Feng, this is strange, since our room is on the second floor." Yang Shiwen swallowed her saliva hard, and looked a bit terrified in her face, appearing quite adorable. "The first floor below had the layout of a store room, and the frame was four meters high. It should b
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Chapter 153 The Medicine Buddha Wu Yu
A group of experts who hurried here from South Korea were wiped out in the process of rescuing Fei Daojia. It was believed that this would inevitably cause huge losses and deal a blow to Kosa Company in South Korea. However, it was not over. On the very night after the noctivagant team eradicated all those sent to China by Kosa Company, a video file suddenly appeared in the office e-mail of the President of the Company. Jiang Zhicheng, the President of Kosa Company, was a tall and extremely conceited South Korean. It was already past eight o'clock in the evening, but he was still sitting in the office to deal with the documents, and happened to receive the e-mail including the video personally, since there was plenty of stuff in the Company recently. "Daojia!" After clicking the video, Jiang Zhicheng frowned in an instant. The beginning of the video showed a hospital, in which a large group of expert
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Chapter 154 One Punch Was Like Seven Punches
"Seven tricks!" Liu Feng's eyes suddenly radiated. His master, master's wives and master's brothers had told him much about the stories in the world of Chinese martial arts. The Medicine Buddha Wu Yu in front of Liu Feng, had basically become a legendary expert. Otherwise, it was impossible for him to smash the window glass with a piece of tofu, which could even remain unbroken. "However, it's not so simple to learn seven tricks from me and make me apologize." The Medicine Buddha's face wore a smile similar to the Buddha's expression, and said, "If you want to learn martial arts from me, you must be able to take three tricks first. If you fail, then you're not qualified to learn seven tricks from me. Dare you try?" "Dare not!" Liu Feng burst out two words without even thinking about it. "Humph!" Chen Xin, on the side, snorted, and her bright eyes were filled with contempt.
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Chapter 155 Seven-style Buddhist Punch
After being grabbed, Liu Feng felt that Wu Yu's palm was becoming boundless, which remained unchanged indeed, but seemed to diminish Liu Feng as if he could be grasped in the palm. Liu Feng even felt an irresistible attraction. "It's similar to the trick just now." Faced with the grip, Liu Feng moved forward instead of retreating. He, formed the sword-fingers with his right hand, pointing to the center of the palm of the Medicine Buddha Wu Yu with full strength. "Humph!" "Gee!" Chen Xin, on the side, snorted after seeing Liu Feng's action. "You're biting off more than you can chew!" The Medicine Buddha was stunned. "In the deepest water is the best fishing. Young man, you dare to show this trick, nice." While speaking, the Medicine Buddha's left hand, which was stretching out for a grip, suddenly held together, and showed the posture to catch Liu Feng's sword-fingers.
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Chapter 156 See Who Is the One to Teach
Liu Feng didn't return to the hotel until it was past six o'clock the next morning, and he was exhausted all over. "Liu Feng, where were you going?" Yang Shiwen and Xiaomin also stayed up all night, and, after day broke, both of them were waiting in front of the door of Liu Feng's room. Therefore, when Liu Feng showed up, First Miss Lady Yang asked angrily and anxiously. Although Liu Feng was quite tired, his eyes flashed with excitement. "I went to practice martial arts. Shiwen, if you have something to talk with me, just wait until I have a sound sleep. I'm so tired this night." While speaking, Liu Feng swiped the room card and pushed the door to enter the room. Yang Shiwen and Xiaomin showed a touch of anger in their pretty faces when they saw the door closing quickly. "D*mn it! I'm worried about him for a whole night. He should go to sleep straightaway as soon as he came back. I don't know if thi
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Chapter 157 Hanging a Painting Twice
"Wow! Young man, you are so arrogant! Do you really want to fight against me?" Old Fu took one step back and made a gesture of initiating action with the white ape pile, looking straight at Liu Feng. "Master, stop that! Today this..." Wei Zixuan hurried forward and wanted to prevent his master, but he was slapped aside by Old Fu with a backhand, who then said aloud, "Everyone else, get back please. Today I have to teach a lesson to this young man who has an exaggerated opinion of his abilities." The several leaders led by Old Dou of Technology University looked embarrassed at this time. The players on the football team were even more dissatisfied. "Everyone, get back please. I'd like to see how Mr. Fu, who has an exaggerated opinion of his abilities, teaches Liu Feng a lesson." "Right. Everyone, get back please. I'm curious about it too!" At this moment, the voices of Yang Shiwen and Xiaomin were sud
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Chapter 158 Min Zuowei
"Yes, Brother Feng, the opening ceremony of the Universiade will be held tonight. As an athlete of our university, you must participate in the games." "Right. Brother Feng, did you know that the leaders of our university have decided to let you be the flag-bearer of our university!" "Brother Feng, now you are more famous than our entire Donghai University of Science and Technology. We'll closely watch you show yourself among all the athletes tonight." The players of the football team gathered around immediately and pushed the others behind them. Old Dou, the head of the student section, also squeezed in. "Liu Feng, at the opening ceremony of the Universiade, there will be a program playing VCR tapes of all the star athletes from the whole country. You're so awesome that the officials of the Universiade have indicated to play your VCR tape. Hurry up! We have already invited the best video-shooting team, and they will film us in
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Chapter 159 I Am Doing What Is Righteous
"Run!" One of the remaining three security guards suddenly screamed. Immediately, the remaining three turned around and ran. "Are you able to get away in front of me?" With a sneer in his face, Min Zuowei moved forward his left hand, and spurted out a faint wisp of black smoke from his sleeve, which quickly covered the three security guards who were running away. "What!" The slowest security guard made a scream the second he was enveloped in smoke, and collapsed to the ground in an instant. "Ah ah!" The other two security guards were also not spared, who were only a dozen meters before him. After falling on the ground, the three men all covered their faces with both hands and were rolling on the ground violently. At the beginning, the three men were tumbling intensely. But in less than five seconds, their movements became increasingly slower, with increasingl
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Chapter 160 I've Known Who This Person Is
The person who suddenly took Min Zuowei's fist was naturally Liu Feng. In fact, Liu Feng had already attracted much attention before he made a move. Because he was approaching with the banner of Donghai University of Science and Technology, like a gust of wind coming wildly. And on the runway, he jumped over two billboards that were more than one meter high. Being so agile, he was really eye-catching. "Doing what is righteous. Gee, are you from Donghai University of Science and Technology?" Min Zuowei saw the words of "Donghai University of Science and Technology" were printed on Liu Feng's sportswear, and his eyes radiated instantly. Before Liu Feng spoke, the security guard rescued by him suddenly said, "Buddy, thank you for saving me. This old man is too fierce; you just run away." "Hehe!" Liu Feng showed a confident smile at the corner of his mouth. Not only did he not leave, but he blocked the security guard
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