All Chapters of Army Ace Doctor: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
630 Chapters
Chapter 161 Ouyang Xiaofeng
"Liu Feng, you're so handsome!" "This Liu Feng has completely stolen show today!" "Don't be green-eyed. This buddy is really awesome, who can jump two or three meters high. D*mn it! He is really a master in martial arts." Although Liu Feng had already left, the viewers on the stand were still enthusiastic, and were even getting more excited. Only at this time, among some of the representative team formations at the center of the stadium, some were full of hostility in their eyes. "Liu Feng, hehe! The Huang Family offered a huge amount of money for me to participate in the striker game of the Universiade. On the ring, I will make him die a miserable death." "Idiot! Chinese rubbish! If it were not Miss Yun Meihui who insists me come, I don't give a sh*t to participate in the f*cking Universiade. After the game starts, I will let him know how amazing our karate is." "What bullsh*t Liu Feng
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Chapter 162 The Arrogant Overseas Student from Japan
"D*mn! No!" "If you don't believe it, just take a look for yourself." "Bump bump bump!" Just after Liu Feng and Wei Zixuan finished talking, the competition on the ring officially begun. The Indian named Zhama Tuoba attacked with a boxing combination at the very first. He showed no intention of testing his opponent's strength. Yan Ming was naturally not afraid of a foreigner. He confronted Zhama Tuoba, and fought back while defending himself. He wanted to launch a wonderful fight against his rival. However, Yan Ming was wrong. Zhama Tuoba's heavy punches were like two sledgehammers, which made his arms numb and made him kept getting back. It was diamond cut diamond when they confronted each other. Within ten moves, Yan Ming felt that half of his body was to get numb. What was even more terrifying was that his confidence and his own ability to react instantly reduced to the point. "It's a pity that th
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Chapter 163 Beat Him Just Like a Rascal!
When Samurai Akirata's words were spoken, everyone in the gym was completely irritated. "Little devil, will you have trouble growing taller if don't brag?" "No wonder you are so short even with a weight of 75 kg. It turns out that because you're always boasting." "Dare to say that you would beat Liu Feng to death on the ring. I figure you're eating too many brainless pills. You're so cheeky to brag. Do you little devils like to brag due to your genes?" If a man could be killed by words, I was afraid that Samurai Akirata at this time would have already been a dead man. Liu Feng was the star player of this Universiade, and he already showed extraordinary talents in the football matches before the opening ceremony of the Universiade. Besides, he did what was righteous at the opening ceremony. Thus, he became widely known. It was just that Liu Feng kept sitting at the auditorium and kept a low profile, t
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Chapter 164 The Match Continues
After hanging up the phone, Samurai Akirata showed a grim and confident smile on his face. "With that medicine, my body function can be tripled in three minutes. Liu Feng, I originally planned to beat you to death in the ring. But now I have changed my mind. Instead, I will disable you and watch you kneel down in the ring, and say that you are worse than pigs and dogs. Hehe!" Liu Feng's matches ended without any suspense, and his opponents didn't put up any resistance. However, as his opponents were ordinary college students, Liu Feng didn't deal with them seriously. After finishing the matches, he even gave instructions to his opponents on the spot. "How different and good Liu Feng is! On the contrary, the Japanese guy's bearing is nothing compared to Liu Feng's." "Don't compare that Japanese guy to Liu Feng, they don't belong in the same world at all." "I just can't wait to watch Liu Feng's next match. He may be
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Chapter 165 Doping
All the audience turned their attention to Samurai Akirata. Liu Feng gave this fist more power than the first one. Samurai Akirata fell straight back to the ground, making a thumping sound. "Ha! This Japanese guy is so 'powerful'!" "F*ck, he once arrogantly claimed that he'd kill Liu Feng in the ring, but today he has been knocked down twice in the first round." "Hey, dude from Japan, can you stand up?" All of the audience was so excited that they stood up, and some people shouted while stretching out their necks, which made them hoarse. "F*ck!" Samurai Akirata stood up again. At that time, half of his face was red and swollen. One had to say that his resistance was excellent. Even though he had been knocked down twice, he just acted as if nothing had happened. Not only were his movements flexible, but also his mind was still very clear. After standing up, Samurai Akirata
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Chapter 166 Let Him Commit Suicide
The conversation between Liu Feng and Samurai Akirata was so low that only the referee on the ring could hear. Since they talked in Japanese, the referee couldn't understand even if he could hear. After saying the harsh words, Liu Feng suddenly increased his speed. Although he only increased a little, he completely crushed his opponent. "Bump bump bump!" The audience heard the sound of fighting and felt enthusiastic once again. Liu Feng threw a fit and he attacked his opponent strongly. He hit Samurai Akirata at his forehead with a powerful swinging punch. And then, Liu Feng played straight punches, hooks, jabs, etc., and all the continuous punches slammed onto Samurai Akirata's face. Under the sharp attacks of Liu Feng, Samurai Akirata was beaten to retreat repeatedly. Even if he held his hands up to protect his head, Liu Feng's fist could hit him from the gap between his arms.
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Chapter 167 I Will Deal with Him
"Yes!" A man in black came out of the dim corner. His face was covered with a black mask, and there was an evil spirit all over his body. He bowed respectfully to the beauty in the kimono and then left quickly. The beauty in the kimono turned off the monitor in front of her, and then turned to look out of the window. She muttered coldly, "Liu Feng, you are really a tough target. You just wait, and I will go back soon. You'll make you live in hell." In Nanjing, Liu Feng's match was over. Liu Feng stepped down from the ring with the cheers of the crowd and left, waving to everyone. Even though it was an ordinary Sanda competition in the Universiade, Liu Feng showed his momentum, prestige, and national integrity. After Liu Feng left, the audience was not interested in the next match. Many people still talked about Liu Feng. "Liu Feng is so cool. To tell the truth, I was worried about him b
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Chapter 168 Let Him Go This Time
"Big Boss, I'm staying in Nanjing. If you always do it by yourself, it will seem that my soul-reaper messenger is so useless. Give him to me." Just then, the handsome, half-blooded Haiyer came out of the corner of the corridor. Today, it was unknown what Haiyer would do. He wore a stiff suit, a white shirt, and a tie. He combed his hair carefully. It smelt like he wore cologne, which showed he was exquisite and awkwardly adorable. Liu Feng said with a smile, "If you want to play, I'll give him to you." "Liu Feng, you're the one I'm going to hit," Ouyang Xiaofeng said with a cold face. Before Liu Feng replied, Haiyer hurriedly said, "You do not deserve to fight my Big Boss. Of course, if you can beat me, my Big Boss will fight you." 666 "Hmph!" Ouyang Xiaofeng snorted coldly, raised his hand and pressed the button to open the lift, then stepped into it. "Go up to the rooftop. I just hit
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Chapter 169 You'd Better Admit Defeat
"Be a friend!" Ouyang Xiaofeng said calmly. Haiyer's hypnosis was so powerful that the hypnotized person appeared to be a little dazed just after the hypnosis, and it would be a long time until they returned back to normal. "That's right." Liu Feng, like facing a decades-old friend, hugged Ouyang Xiaofeng's neck and asked, "By the way, are you really a college student? To be honest, I don't believe that an ordinary college student could be so skillful." Ouyang Xiaofeng said, "No, I became a college student before the opening ceremony of the Universiade. I came here to participate in the striker competition." "Oh, how old are you?" "I am 25 years old." "D**n! You are two years older than me. You have succeeded in internal force at a young age, so your future is promising." "Well, both my master and his brothers said that I was the genius of the Kongtong Sect that they had n
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Chapter 170 Billards hit the balls
On the grandstand of the gymnasium, a gasping sound could be heard. How painful would it feel, getting so many of your teeth punched? Even if it was the hateful Zhama Tuoba, everyone could feel his pain. Whirr! Zhama Tuoba, lying inside the ring, was breathing heavily, and for the first time, his eyes showed a tinge of fear. But this Indian Aasan's brain was a bit slow. He was afraid, but had to pretend to be tough and said, "I think I just lost in speed. If it is measured by toughness, you can't beat me." "Bullsh*t!" At least half of the spectators in the stands, laughed at this fool. "You Indian fool, he is so fast, so why would he use toughness to confront you?" "You take a gun, and he takes a knife. If you fight, will you not use the gun, but find a knife to cut him?" "No wonder your country is so backward. If everyone's IQ is like yours, there is no way
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