All Chapters of Army Ace Doctor: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
633 Chapters
Chapter 181 Instructing Yang Shiwen
There were few people in the world who dared to say such swear words to those in the Goddess Temple. Or even if there were any crazy people who dared to say such things, did he have such strength as them? However, there was a woman's soft voice from the phone in the strong man's hand. "Mr. Mobei, please believe me, how would I dare offend the Wolf Castle? The person I spoke of always wears a pair of sunglasses. But once he takes off the sunglasses in the sun, his eyes will turn red, and his strength and speed will multiply." The super-strong man named Mobei was silent as his eyes completely turned blood red at this time. He was like a hungry male wolf in the light of a fire. The woman on the other end of the phone continued to say, "And, after the man just takes off his sunglasses, his eyes are white, which are different from the normal werewolves, so..." "Bang... Bang!" At this moment, Mobei kicked
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Chapter 182 It's Your Showtime
The person who arrived was Cheng Xiaoxi. After she shouted this, she also saw that Liu Feng and Yang Shiwen were kissing. "Oh! Continue, I haven't seen it." Xiaoxi instantly blushed and turned to run. "Hey! Xiaoxi, come back." Yang Shiwen would like to find a place to hide, but she still explained, "Just, it's not what you think. Just now, Liu Feng was instructing me." "Ah? Instructing you? Liu Feng instructed you on how to kiss?" Xiaoxi looked incredulous. "No, he was instructing me on how to practice martial arts, hand to hand and mouth to mouth." Even Yang Shiwen herself did not believe what she had said. Liu Feng raised his hand and patted his forehead, and he complained in his heart. "Fu*k, she is a smart girl, how could she be so stupid this time?" "Hey, Xiaoxi, what are you doing here so early? What do you want Shiwen to help you with?" Brother Feng stood up and cha
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Chapter 183 Are You Killing Me?
But when the three men raised the guns, their sights suddenly dimmed for a moment, and then the guns in their hands went missing. "I hate people pointing weapons at me, so I decided to turn these things into scraps of metal." When the three people heard Liu Feng talking, they found that the three guns were already in Liu Feng's hands. At the same time, Liu Feng just stepped back and stood back where he was. Everyone, including the middle-aged woman, watched Liu Feng's hands rubbing continuously, turning the three guns into unrecognizable parts. The clips, barrels, strikers, and triggers all fell to the ground. "Damn." The arrogant middle-aged woman looked at Liu Feng, her eyes full of grievances. "You are... Are you the one who hurt my son Ziqiao?" "Your son? Who?" Having dismantled the three guns, Liu Feng clapped his hands, unconcerned. "My son is Jian Ziqiao!" After say
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Chapter 184 Who Is Stepping on My Boobs?
"I…" "You'd better not lie to me. I can kill you. I promise you won't survive the next second after you lie." As the leader of the Netherworld, Liu Feng showed a murderous look at that moment, which was so overwhelming that Jian Ziqiao could hardly breathe. "If I got a second chance, I would still... still come to kill you." When saying these words, Master Jian was too scared to look Liu Feng in the eye. He lowered both his head and his voice. "I'm telling the truth, Liu Feng. Why don't we both take a step back? Your men can fight well, but there are too few of them. On the contrary, I—" "Crack!" Liu Feng reached out to grab Master Jian's chin, and broke his temporomandibular joint with only a gentle twist. "Aaaah..." Master Jian was in such great pain that he kept making nasal sounds. He could neither yell out nor close his mouth, and his face was covered with cold sweat.
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Chapter 185 Dog-Eat-Dog
"Oh, I stepped on you. I did it on purpose!" "Puff!" Jian An's sister-in-law was speechless because she saw that Yang Shiwen was the one who had stepped on her. First Miss Lady Yang not only stepped on Jian An's sister-in-law herself, but also asked Xiao Xi to do so. "Xiao Xi, come on, step on her. She scolded you outside the villa just now. You really needn't be polite to such a merciless old woman." "Er, I'd better not." Xiao Xi was not as bold as Yang Shiwen. She waved her hand repeatedly and said, "Shiwen, you can just step on her alone. Well, be careful. Don't sprain your ankle." "F**k!" Jian An's sister-in-law was going mad at this time. "It was you who stepped on me. You actually also need to avoid spraining your ankles." "You little bitch, pull your foot away. My chest is going to be flat. I had breast implants in Korea. It's expensive. You can't afford it," Jian A
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Chapter 186 The Kosa Company Gets Close to Bankruptcy
While Jiang Zhicheng was roaring, his secretary rushed into the office in a panic. Jiang Zhicheng shouted while pointing at the door, "Who let you in? Get out of here." The female secretary was so frightened that she trembled, but she did not leave. "President, it is the American..." "Get out!" The female secretary shrank her neck in horror and dared not speak anymore. Then she turned and went out. But just then, standard American English sounded outside the door. "Mr. Jiang Zhicheng, what has made you so angry?" Then, a man and a woman, both with curly hair and blue eyes, pushed the door open and came in. "Mr. Somers." When he saw the visitors, Jiang Zhicheng, who was domineering just now, stood up immediately and greeted them warmly. "Mr. Somers, why did you come to Korea in person?" The man, who was called Somers, unhappily said, "I had to come. You asked
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Chapter 187 We Will Fight for Justice
"We are close... close to bankruptcy?" Piao Bugou, the chief financial officer, had been working in the Kosa Company for more than a decade. He never thought that such a powerful super company as Kosa would be bankrupt one day. "Get out!" Jiang Zhicheng raised his hand and pointed to the door with hatred in his eyes. Piao Bugou was so frightened that he dared not breathe loudly. He turned around and trotted away. "Maya Venture Capital Firm, I can't believe it's you." Jiang Zhicheng sat in his executive chair, his face full of blankness and loss. "The Kosa Company is my life's work! I'm not afraid to lose, but I don't want to lose without knowing the reason. I haven't offended such a super consortium like the Maya Venture Capital Firm. Why did you target me?" "The reason is very simple. You offended the Yang family in Donghai City." At this moment, a hoarse voice sounded on
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Chapter 188 Compensate Me for My Crab
That was not all. Behind them, there were four forklifts. Forklifts are small trucks with two thick steel lifting forks in front of them. They are absolutely great helpers in carrying goods. But if they were used in fighting, they would be tools for killing or maiming people. "I really don't understand the logistics center of the Kosa Company now!" Liu Feng kept on walking and said in a sarcastic tone, "Looking at you, I don't feel like I've come to a logistics center. I feel I'm in a den." "Brother Feng, I'm scared." "Brother Feng, I'm also afraid. Look at them, they look so ugly and fierce." Ai Lin'er and Yang Shiwen pretended to be effeminate, but what they said could absolutely make others very angry. "They are definitely here to make trouble. I doubt they came from the Blue Star Company. Let's go together and beat them." The leading middle-aged man was obviously a lea
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Chapter 189 Sheep without a Shepherd
"Hey, this reminds me. If you do not compensate me, I will just take it." Liu Feng walked to Li Younan with a smile, raised his hand and patted him on his shoulder. "You'd better give it some serious thoughts. Will you be able to compensate me with a 100 million dollars?" "No, I have no money to compensate you." Following Liu Feng's pat on his shoulder, half of Li Younan's body felt numb, and he felt as if the bones of his shoulders would shatter. However, he said, through clenched teeth, "I am not authorized to give you that money. Besides, we don't have that much money in our logistics center. You can do anything you like." "Well, if you don't have cash, the goods are also acceptable." Liu Feng waved his hand and said to Yang Shiwen, "Baby, have you ever done anything bad? Such as murder or burning down houses?" Yang Shiwen answered excitedly, "Of course not, can we do it now? It sounds thrilling!"
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Chapter 190 I am Harder Than You
After Jiang Zhicheng heard this sarcastic remark, the fear in his heart disappeared instantly. He sat back in his executive chair and said plainly, "Yes, we are sheep without a shepherd. I wonder how much you and your people are better than us." After he said this, Jiang Zhicheng tapped the keyboard in front of him. The images of the entire building appeared on the computer screen, immediately. Jiang Zhicheng moved the mouse, scrutinizing one image after another. He was looking for the one who broke into the headquarters of Kosa Company. But each time he looked at an image, his eyebrows would twitch slightly. The lobby on the first floor was already a mess, and more than a dozen security guards were lying on the ground. All the public facilities in the hall were ruined. The executives who had just left, came out of the elevator and dashed for the main entrance. The office area of the business department was from the second floo
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