All Chapters of Army Ace Doctor: Chapter 431 - Chapter 440
630 Chapters
Chapter 431 The Red Scarf Army Turned Out in Full Strength
Fuck!Mr. Yan's eyes blazed due to his anger.The commander of the Lion Regiment also opened the door of the Humvee car and reached out to drag Mr. Yan into the car. "Don't stand still anymore. I'm afraid that we can't leave if we still stay here."As soon as Mr. Yan was pulled into the car, a series of stray bullets swept quickly past the spot where he stood just now.The ground was pockmarked with a stream of craters. Each crater was more than 50 centimeters deep. Once these large bullets fired from the machine guns on the helicopters hit a person, his body would be blown to pieces.Grunt!Mr. Yan, who was steamed up just now, actually swallowed hard at this moment. There was also a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.Immediately, the commander of the Lion Regiment stepped on the gas fiercely and drove away."Well, you don't care about the rest of the Lion Regiment?" Mr. Yan sa
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Chapter 432 They All Have Their Own Specialties
Yes, this was the third force of the Red Scarf Army, which turned out.General Berberto had led a group of people to start off in advance to be converged with the Lion Regiment in person, but they had all been wiped out.After Berberto made a call and gave an order, the second group gathered two thousand men, and they had marched in advance, too.Berberto dispatched this group of people now and sent out all the main strength of the Red Scarf Army due to 300 million dollars. His army really turned out in full strength this time.General Berberto, who was waiting on the savannah, checked the time at this moment and said in a tentative tone, "Mr. Yan, our reinforcements should be here soon. It may take more than an hour for all the troops to be here. Before that, can you give the money…""Don't worry, and I can transfer 50 million dollars to you as the deposit." Mr. Yan took out his cell phone and transferred the money to
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Chapter 433 Black Angel Vs. Ghost King
"Fire!"At the same time, on the savannah, Black Emissary, Xiaomin, and others had assembled the equipment they brought out. At the command of Black Emissary, over twenty rocket projectiles were fired at a mass of motorcades of the Red Scarf Army, leaving dark purple smoke trails behind."Huh? A raid?""Fuck! What's going on? The enemy is already so close to us. But we even didn't find it.""A raid! Everyone! Watch out!"Boom, boom, boom, boom…Over twenty rocket projectiles went all the way to the mass of motorcades unsurprisingly.Plenty of soldiers of the Red Scarf Army were terrified and fled in all directions. Many of them even chose to hide under their vehicles.Even Mr. Yan and Berberto were also shocked a lot. But it was fortunate for those two big shots that those twenty rocket projectiles all went to the middle of the mass of trucks, exploding a little further away from
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Chapter 434 Perhaps, the Final Battle Is About to Begin
Clang! Clang! Clang!A strong man fought against another strong man, while one machete collided with another larger machete.Two strong men fought fiercely against each other. While the machetes flashed, the clanging sound of the metal and iron colliding was heard.Just as Ghost King said, in terms of speed, this strong man was really not slow. His big feet, which were more than 60 yards long, made a dull thud when falling on the ground. He was even bigger than a polar bear and moved as fast as the strong wind whirling the leaves. He trampled the weeds all around him with a patch of weeds falling down. And where the blade went, it chopped off a large blade of grass."Damn it."Lugadia watched from behind, and he had clenched his fists. "Is Ghost King so hard to deal with? Black Angel, do you need me to help you deal with him?""You'd better keep still!"Nobody knew when White Emissary, who sho
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Chapter 435 A General Attack
A plane of the Red Scarf Army was shot down. The quality of the pilots and the airplane performance of the Netherworld were better than those of the opponents. And with the advantage of the quantity, the Red Scarf Army suffered a setback as soon as these two sides fought with each other."Damn Netherworld!"At this point, the main troops of the Red Scarf Army finally showed up on the horizon of the savannah. Berberto who sat in the car and observed the front sky with a telescope shouted, "My Red Scarf Army only has these three airplanes. Let the other two come back immediately. Use the bazooka to shoot down the planes of the Netherworld."A large fleet of motorcades of the Red Scarf Army set off endless smoke and dust on the savannah. Many trucks that had rushed in the front at first were scattered to both sides and stopped. Teams of soldiers of the Red Scarf Army got out of the trucks. Quite a few men carried the bazookas and aimed at the sky.
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Chapter 436 The Close Fighting at Night
Boom... Boom...With the start of the three-party general attack, the big roar rocked the sky and streaks of fire with smoke drifted over the savannah."Netherworld. Hahaha! Netherworld is getting stronger. Your tribe is only a base of Netherworld. I have thousands of soldiers. If I don't win you, I’ll be ashamed to live up."General Berberto saw the Red Scarf Army of his own being killed in rows and rows. Instead of any grief, he roared excitedly, "Fire! Fire! Aiming at your targets! Fire!"With Berberto's roar, the four cannons roared incessantly.At this time, it began to grow dark. It was totally dark all around the vast savannah. But on this battlefield, the glow from muzzles and missiles blazed into the sky, making the tribe brighter than daytime.The giant two-and-a-half-meter-wide stone wall in front of the tribe was finally broken down in two places by a succession of cannon attacks.
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Chapter 437 The Dominator of the Night
Poop-poop!The members of the Ghost King Squad fought as simply and rudely as Ghost King did, with many machetes flying up and down. They were just like the Death Messengers who really walked out of the Netherworld, harvesting lives.After a round of assaults, only the light of machetes that flashed could be seen. Then the Cross Legion had more than a dozen corpses.After the members of the Ghost King Squad made a round of assaults, they moved down at the same time and got into the grass again.Boom, boom…On the battlefield, the explosion sounded constantly and was accompanied by the flames of the bullets coming out of the chambers, making the battlefield of the night flicker.After surprisingly attacking under such circumstances, the members of the Ghost King Squad lurked again and prepared to make a second round of assaults at any time, which made the Cross Legion that had an absolutely overwhelming adv
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Chapter 438 The Real Force of Justices
The return of Luo Tengfei, the arrival of another soul-reaper messenger increased the morale of the Netherworld a lot.In addition, the motorcades behind rushed quickly into the battlefield. The disadvantage of the Netherworld in the number of people was completely eliminated. Being assaulted by the off-road vehicles, the Cross Legion suffered a great loss immediately."Come on, the Cross Legion. Didn't you just want to act shamelessly by virtue of the number of people? Just go on now!"Ghost King swung the machete, shouting, "Brothers, rush forward. Don't use the gun in this battle anymore. Use the machetes in your hands to prove that the Netherworld is stronger than any other party!""Kill them! The machetes in our hands can cut down all enemies.""The Cross Legion. Today I won't let all of you guys go back alive.""Only one word! Kill!"The few remaining men of the Ghost King Squad had alre
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Chapter 439 The Darkest Hour Before the Dawn
"So that's how it is. Shiwen should also work harder in the future!" Yang Shiwen was motivated and shook her small fist vigorously.Liu Feng said with a smile, "Well, don't be so excited. Now get some sleep. I don’t think the fighting will be over until daybreak.""How can I fall asleep!"When Yang Shiwen was talking, they heard the boom of the explosion outside again. The small building where they stayed even vibrated a few times!Liu Feng shrugged with resignation. He took out a few silver needles and did acupuncture for himself.Outside, Black Emissary just fired a rocket projectile towards the enemy below. Carrying the bazooka, he turned around and said, "Ha! Justices, you're so cool!""Justices, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You actually killed two people in the blink of an eye!" Though Black Emissary had left just now, he didn't climb the wall again until he saw Justices kill the enemy. Now
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Chapter 440 Mu Tian, Mu Ye!
"Old chap, are you silly? Do the soldiers of Netherworld fear death?""As long as I give orders, all of you will be shot dead. Do you think that you are able to confront us with only ten guns?"Black Emissary and Ghost King taunted one by one.Luo Tengfei, the chatterbox, also pointed at the two old men and said, "Dumbas*, you must have not seen the real battlefield. You just take ten guns here and dream of defeating us who have hundreds of guns. Stupid old things, you have spent your life in vain! Ha-ha-ha!"D*mn it!Sworn by the members of Netherworld, two old men became angry and red-faced.At this moment, however, a fully-armed soldier behind the two old men suddenly stepped forward and said, "Don't be arrogant. Since you fired with the Red Scarf Army at noon yesterday, more than ten hours have passed until now. During these hours, we have installed many remote-controlled time bombs at various location
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