All Chapters of Army Ace Doctor: Chapter 451 - Chapter 460
628 Chapters
Chapter 451 Termination of Longyuan Sword
"It's over!"After Liu Feng was kicked out of the airplane, the hope that just ignited in Athena's heart was also completely disillusioned.But when she just said the two words, she felt that her figure was suddenly swung by the hard inertia. Then she was stuck heavily to the outer fuselage of the aircraft. She heard the howling sound of the wind around her ears, but she didn't feel that her figure was falling."Maybe it's really over."At this moment, Liu Feng's voice sounded. Even in a desperate situation, Liu Feng didn't seem to show too much fear. "However, even if it's over, I also have to bring that Nihon Cyberdyne to hell together."Only then did Athena see that a red rope that was thinner than the little finger was connected to the sleeve of Liu Feng's other hand. The other end of this red rope was connected to the inside of the breakage. The rope stretched straightly.In the airplane, the other en
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Chapter 452 Add Fuel to Life
Because of the emergency landing, the staff of Deye Airport had sent a green car to lead the plane to the designated position.However, Yang Shiwen and Irene were too impatient to wait at this time and immediately ran from the first-class cabin to the economy-class cabin. When the two beauties saw the hole on the fuselage, which was nearly one meter in height, their pupils suddenly dilated at the same time.All the people on the plane were immersed in the joy of surviving a disaster, while both of the two beauties were in the depths of despair.Even though Liu Feng's plane had made a forced landing at Deye Airport, a very inconspicuous airport in Afreca, the news of Yama's death was instantly spread by someone. "Ha-ha, the path winds along mountain ridges!"The headquarters of the Cross Legion was full of laughter. The head of the Cross Legion, always in Western knight costume, raised his hand in excitement and smashed a table agai
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Chapter 453 Murdering Your Husband
"Big Boss Yama certainly won't die! Whoever dares to attack our Netherworld, I will let them lose their lives!" Ghost King said in a low, muffled voice, clenching his big fists.White Emissary also thumped the table as he stood up and said, "Kill all people who attack Netherworld."On the Feng Wen Island in the Areab region, Ma Mian, Huerlie, raised his hand and wiped his horsy face. He said furiously, "Someone dared to say that Master Yama was dead. Did he plan to attack our Netherworld? Big Boss asked me to take charge of the affairs here. I will ask ten Ma Mian units to come here and wait for the enemies."In Celestial Empire...."Ho-ho! Liu Feng died. Liu Feng was dead, ha-ha-ha!""Liu Feng died. That's great news! But only Liu Feng died this time. I don't think it's enough. He did such serious harm to my family that I won't let go of any people related to him even though he died.""That's great. Liu F
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Chapter 454 Six Sixs plus Four Ones
"Rest assured, Big Boss is alive." From behind Irene came the voice, a little excited, of Xia Jingwei the sharpshooter."Where?" asked Yang Shiwen anxiously at once.Irene was also seriously worried, watching all around through the binoculars.At the same time, Liu Feng and Athena, lying on the island, also saw the seaplane flying from afar. They stood up simultaneously and kept waving at it.Next, the seaplane began to descend rapidly. It landed on the sea, leaving behind two bold trails in the dark."It only takes a dozen hours. Is the efficiency of the Netherworld okay?" Liu Feng looked at Athena with pride.Athena nodded and murmured, "Comparing with you the Netherworld, the Goddess Palace was outdated. No wonder we lost to you.""That's right. You've even lost yourself to me.""Humph!"After the seaplane stopped by the island, Irene and Yang Shiwen jumped off imm
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Chapter 455 Face Being "Slapped" Badly
Heyer stood up looking straight at Eugene the God of gambling. The deep frown made a "III" between his eyebrows.Obviously, Heyer felt unprecedented pressure. But by now, as one of the soul-reaper messengers of the Netherworld, he was not allowed to flinch even if he knew he would fail."Win or not, you'll know after the shake."Heyer waved behind and said, "This set of dice is broken. Bring me a new set."Hearing Heyer's command, someone changed six new dice immediately together with the dice cup.God of gambling had been watching Heyer's movements. It was impossible for Heyer and his subordinates to cheat at the cup in front of him. Of course Heyer also disdained to do so.As he lifted the dice cup, Heyer closed eyes and took a deep breath.At the same time, everyone fixed their eyes on Heyer.Rattle!Heyer shook the cup. The place was totally silenced again when th
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Chapter 456 Let Them Get Suffered Too
"Give them money!"When Eugene shouted out these three words, his eyes were full of red capillaries and the corners of his mouth were twitching.A two-meter brawny man, standing behind Eugene, threw out a black card. "Swipe the card."Heyer stretched two fingers, clipped the black card chicly and gave it to the person around him. "Swipe it. Yesterday I lost and paid 300000000 out of my pocket. The 100,000,000 counted as the money Big Boss wins for me. Transfer it into my personal account."After saying this, Heyer seemed embarrassed unexpectedly and looked at Liu Feng, "Big Boss, you don't mind?""Of course, I don't mind!"Liu Feng patted Heyer's shoulder and then looked at Eugene again, "God of gambling, now you can continue to check the cards."Humph!God of gambling, Eugene snorted and stretched his hands to the pack of poker again.But just at this moment, the pho
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Chapter 457 A King to Fight Alone
"Chief Ma Mian, are we assaulting now?" A young man with a slightly thin figure stood behind Ma Mian and asked."No! Xiao Jiu, you are cruel enough, but not stable enough."Ma Mian clenched his fist and said, "We have all the hands but don't have many heavy weapons. There is no advantage in assaulting their ships and the fire point will be exposed in advance. Let them come up. Many infrastructures of ours have not been built well. Using them as shelters, we can just trick them fiercely.""Gotcha." Xiao Jiu stepped back and waved his hands.Subsequently, members of the teams of the Netherworld disappeared quickly and hid in the dark.More than a dozen medium-sized cruise ships headed to the beach rapidly and landed. Teams of soldiers with guns rushed out of the ship without scruple. Without getting orders from anyone, these soldiers were as silent as the members of the Netherworld and rushed to the island quickly.
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Chapter 458 Two to One
Bang, bang, bang!Continuous gunfire was heard again. Hu Erlie, Ma Mian Emissary, fired with his two guns and wished he could riddle Longa Moli with bullet holes right away.However, the Commander of the Sixth Regiment in Cross Legion was also strong.Longa Moli suddenly jumped to the left the instant Hu Erlie pulled the trigger. In a whoosh, he rolled more than ten meters away like a pangolin.Bullets whistled behind Longa Moli, leaving a series of bullet holes in the ground. But the bullets still missed him in the end."You are the big horse-face, right? Only you could sneak up on me and shoot in the back." Dodging the bullets, Longa Moli quickly hid behind a tree."Idiot!" Hu Erlie yelled and once again pounced on Longa Moli with his guns.At this time, Hu Erlie was really homicidal. He pulled the trigger as he moved forward. The bullets slammed into the tree, scattering pieces of wood.
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Chapter 459 6 VS 1 Now
Ting!At the crucial moment, a silver needle appeared without warning.It was exactly a three-inch silver needle for acupuncture. There was a metallic click and the needle hit the tip of Ding Langpu's sword. And then the sword whistled past the neck of Hu Erlie on the right."Who is there?"Not only did Ding Langpu miss the target, but he freaked out."Big Boss, you are here!" Hu Erlie was exuberant. Meanwhile, he suddenly leaned back and bumped against Ding Langpu with a thud.But the bald man who just attacked Hu Erlie pounced on his opponent again, shooting out his arm. "Hu Erlie, don't bluff. Yama, your Big Boss, has already died. And I, Albers, will kill you today."Puff!However, the fist of Albers, the bald man, stopped abruptly when it was only an inch away from Hu Erlie. It was because a long scimitar suddenly whistled past his throat.The scimitar was as thi
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Chapter 460 An Expert of Outer Strength Boxing
"D**n! I was focusing on how badass Big Boss was. I even forgot to ask why he had been rumored to be dead!" After Liu Feng and some others had gone, Hu Erlie remembered something that had been haunting him.Irene took off the mask and said serenely, "It's a plain story. I'll tell you later. Now let's find a highland and overlook the island."...A seaplane took off from the sea area of Feng Wen Island. It soared up into the air soon.On the plane Xia Jingwei kept shaking his head. He sighed, "A war. This is a real war. Only such an environment can stretch me the sharpshooter and improve my shooting.""That's right! The battlefield ignites men's blood."Liu Feng also sighed, "I like the battlefield. But no more wars is my biggest wish. In other words, deep in my heart, I don't like such a war. I prefer to fight for the country."Liu Feng's words silenced others on the plane.Athena
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