All Chapters of Super Elation Under the Sun: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
333 Chapters
Chapter 111 The Temple Owner Was on Sword Mountain, and the Sword Immoral Would Show His Sword
The old master Xu Ji on Sword Mountain had picked up the ancient sword Reminiscence earlier. Although he hadn’t gone down the mountain, the sword Qi was powerful. Only the swordsmen who really had attainments had such momentum. The predecessor in swordsmanship who was proficient in literature many years ago would write some poetic prose such as “The sword is used by a man, but his name will be known only after he writes” to describe the swordsmen’s charm. However, that predecessor’s attainment in swordsmanship was really average. Although he could write excellent poems and essays, he might not win many people’s admiration. A Sword Immortal who could sit in the clouds once said while laughing, “If his attainment in swordsmanship is half outstanding as his poems and essays, there will be much more advocators of him in the human world.”Xu Ji didn’t go down the mountain in a hurry or anxiously pay attention to what was happening at the foot of the mountain. He was j
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Chapter 112 Come out of the Sky Building and Leave the Mountain
In society, if people wanted to describe somebody who was still powerful in martial arts when he was old, they would like to say that he became more firm as he grew old, but it was improper to describe the cultivators on mountains in this way.After all, the cultivators on mountains had lived for hundreds of years at least anyway. If they wanted to maintain a good appearance, they might show their faces which were young all the time as they liked except the last days when they looked old. So it was not right to say that they became more firm as they grew old. For example, the temple owner Liang Yi had cultivated for hundreds of years, yet he still had a middle-aged man’s face, while the old master Xu Ji was unwilling to maintain his face, so he looked so old. However, after he wielded his sword several times and his momentum rose to the peak, his white hair became black gradually, and his face looked much younger than before. With this trend, it was safe to say t
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Chapter 113 There Is Little Wine
Soon after the temple owner Liang Yi went down the mountain, the old Confucian scholar with a book box on his back talked with the old master Xu Ji endlessly on the mountain path. Then Xu Ji whose white hair looked dim with no shine nodded.The old Confucian scholar said with a smile, “Rest assured. In three or four hundred years at most, I will give you a swordsman at the Ascending Stage.”Xu Ji looked indifferent. “Don’t need to make it by force. As he wants to leave the mountain since long ago, nobody can stop him, but please take care of him after he goes down the mountain.”The old Confucian scholar nodded and signed with emotion, yet he didn’t say more. After he reached the mountaintop, he went to the sword grave first. He didn’t talk much to the teenage boy in the sword grave about the sages’ reasons. He just said that Xu Ji had agreed to let Little Fool Wu travel around the world with him and go back in three or five hundred year
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Chapter 114 There Are Many Swords
Chao Qingqiu looked pale after he almost fought against three cultivators at the Ocean Stage successively. Obviously he had been wounded seriously, but because he could stand on the mountain path, it meant that this Sword Immortal was still able to unsheathe his sword at least. Since he had the ability, nobody dared to provoke him randomly.Standing on the mountain path, Chao Qingqiu looked as usual and said calmly, “If I weren’t wounded severely, I really wanted to take Du Gong’s life today.”Chao Qingqiu spoke casually, while in fact, any cultivator might gasp after hearing that. What kind of person was a sage? The sages were the most powerful men in the human world, the peerless cultivators who could destroy a sect or an empire as long as they wanted to. How could Chao Qingqiu say that he would kill one?Xu Ji showed a bitter face. He still remembered how arrogant Chao Qingqiu was when he reached the top of Sword Mountain for the firs
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Chapter 115 Go Down the Mountain
Li Fuyao walked around at the top of Sword Mountain before he left. He didn’t go with Ye Shengge. After all, this gifted Dao cultivator was from the Taoism sect. If she went up Sword Mountain randomly, the old master Xu Ji wouldn’t agree, and Li Fuyao was unwilling.This was the first time for Li Fuyao to look at Sword Mountain carefully. He went to the Sword Immortal Hall, sword grave, Sword Lawn at the top and Sword Washing Pool with many swords. At last, he stood in front of the Sword Immortal Hall for a long time. Before going down the mountain, Li Fuyao lit a stick of incense in front of each memorial tablet of the Sword Immortals in the history in the hall and then left here.When Li Fuyao went down the mountain, he wore a white robe made by Xie Lu and carried the sword case made by Liu Yibai on his back. There were two swords in the case, Green Strand that he had found under the cliff and Master Xie Lu’s Light Snow. Both of them were famous sw
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Chapter 116 People Will Meet
After Li Fuyao found a boat and picked up Ye Shengge, he still said nothing, yet when he came here, Xu Ji had gone up the mountain, so he didn’t know that the old master had come to see her.Since the boat left Menchen Mountain, Li Fuyao who sat in the bow started to be in a daze. In the past two years, he concentrated on practicing swordsmanship and didn’t want much. He just hoped to return to Luoyang City someday to see his parents once again and the noblemen in the city, but in these two years, he would sit with Xian Chunan and talk about swordsmanship at intervals, so after a long time, he was influenced by Master Xian’s gentle temper gradually, and he didn’t want to get back at those noblemen so much.Among the three masters, Xian Chunan influenced him like spring rain lurking at night with the wind and moistening anything silently, while Liu Yibai was like wild wind and sudden rain, and anybody could see directly, so Li Fuyao always wondered wh
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Chapter 117 There Is a Little Girl in the Courtyard
Ye Shengge went ashore and left carefreely without delay, but Li Fuyao didn’t get up in a hurry after sitting in the cabin for a while. He drank almost all Liu Yuanlu’s low-quality wine.The wine was not nice, while Li Fuyao thought that it was not bad while drinking, which reminded him of Master Liu at the foot of Sword Mountain. He had drunk a lot of wine those days.It made Liu Yuanlu anxious, yet he didn’t speak it out. Since he got married at the beginning of the year, his wife didn’t allow him to drink wine. There was not much wine at home, which was found and used for other purposes, and he took out this pot of low-quality wine secretly with difficulty, hiding it in the cabin. He wanted to drink some in secret when his wife didn’t know, but now Li Fuyao had drunk a lot, so he would have no wine to drink in the next ten days or half a month.However, Liu Yuanlu was always open-minded and soon thought about things positively. He wou
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Chapter 118 There Was a Demon in the Old Locust Tree
Li Fuyao promised to save this old locust tree for the little girl, and he was confident, but only a little. After all, he was a swordsman who walked slowly on a branch road, not the main road of the cultivators from the three religious sects, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, and he didn’t know many things.After all, the swordsmen weren’t skilled in anything else except fighting.However, when he started to look this old locust tree up and down carefully, he found something wrong. This old tree could almost change its shape and become like a person, so it could be counted as a demonic cultivator who took the road of cultivating. If dozens of years were given to this old locust tree, perhaps it could take the road of cultivating, yet perhaps the big fire was a test given to it by heaven and earth before that. It chose to save the little girl, so it left an answer to the test, while this answer was not right to heaven and earth obviously, so it coul
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Chapter 119 Two People Reason Things out in the Small Courtyard
In fact, if Li Fuyao met a little girl somewhere else who suffered the same as Wen Yao, he would save her, but he wouldn’t do so much, not to mention exchanging a demon core given by Qing Huai for the girl’s safety of a lifetime.However, some things were difficult to explain. If he didn’t think of his childhood when he saw the little girl for the first time, something like this wouldn’t happen.After the old woman with silver hair received the demon core, she looked excited and her hands trembled. Such a wild demon like her didn’t have a famous teacher to lead her or excellent innate bloodline, so she was lucky as she could take the road of cultivating. In fact, it was uncertain how long she could walk, and perhaps she would only waste time on the first three stages for a lifetime. If she was lucky, she could live in safety for a lifetime, while if she was out of luck, perhaps she would be murdered by the cultivators who liked to kill demons and gra
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Chapter 120 Reason
The little girl Wen Yao and the locust tree demon Xiaoqing left the small courtyard and had a walk around in the village like Li Fuyao said. When they walked for only a few steps, they attracted many villagers’ attention at once. They fixed their eyes on the miserable little girl and mainly on Xiaoqing they had never seen.Xiaoqing had seldom seen such common people in society. In order not to be disturbed, she looked as if strangers couldn’t get close to her, hoping that nobody would get her into trouble. In the past, if these common people were insatiable, she would just roll her sleeve and teach them a lesson, but the situation was different now. There was a swordsman who liked to kill demons in the village. If she went too far, perhaps she had to give the lucky chance that she had just gained back to him soon. She didn’t dare to guess or do that.The little girl was in a much better mood. She probably felt less guilty after the old locust tree wa
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