All Chapters of Super Elation Under the Sun: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
336 Chapters
Chapter 131 A Pot of Pear Flower Wine
Yang Qinglong walked around the guest rooms first, and he didn’t know which room Li Fuyao stayed. So after the walk, he went directly to the chief steward of this big ship, and it was an old man over sixty.The chief steward didn’t dare to offend any swordsman from the Sword Sect, especially Yang Qinglong who was the most reputed swordsman in Dayu in this ship. He even had fought with Wang Bai. Thus, even though this steward himself was backed by the royal court, he didn’t have the courage to offend Yang Qinglong.So after the guest from the Sword Sect told the steward what he was up to, the old man leafed through the files without any hesitation and then told the guest which room Li Fuyao stayed. Yang Qinglong said nothing more, but he looked deeply into the gray-haired steward’s eyes several times before he left.The old steward got what was on his mind at once and vowed solemnly, “Mr. Yang, I won’t say a word about what happened here
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Chapter 132 Another Two Masters
In the end, Yang Qinglong returned his room after paying for a pot of pear flower wine. He didn’t go to Bai Zhi’s room to report immediately. What happened today was out of his imagination, although he was sort of a well-renowned sword master in Dayu. With such cultivation, the teenage deserved the name more than a genius.After Yang Qinglong calmed down, the more he felt that his previous idea was right. If the teenager was not a disciple of Sword Mountain, he must be the disciple of a swordsman in the world and he had begun his cultivation road. If not, it would be impossible for the teenager’s attainment in swordsmanship higher than that of Wang Bai.Only thinking of the word swordsman makes Yang Qinglong’s heart fly.There was an immeasurably vast difference when a warrior using sword and a cultivator using one.No matter how far a warrior went on the road of swordsmanship, at most he would be invincible in the secular w
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Chapter 133 The Players, the Spectators, and the Heelers
It was noisy at the ship’s bow. As soon as Bai Zhi, the girl in grey, was encircled by a group of undisclosed men in black, the eyes of all people were on them. Most people were clear about the girl’s identity, and she was the swordsman seed of the Sword Sect. Even if someone didn’t know her at first, they would guess who she was when they saw Li Gu, Yang Qinglong and Lan Ze.If it was not the swordsman seed, who was the most precious disciple of the Sword Sect, going out, who else could make Li Gu go with her, as well as Yang Qinglong, who made a name for himself by one fight.The Sword Fairy, who didn’t appear in public for years, was a sight for sore eyes. It didn’t mean that her cultivation stage was higher than the other two masters, but because it was hard to see this Sword Fairy while Li Gu and Yang Qinglong regularly appeared in public.The girl in grey with the Immersion Gold Ancient Sword on her back was as mute as fish, and th
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Chapter 134 The Invincible Wang Bai
A few miles from the official ship of the Dayu Empire, there was a small ferryboat. Two people were sitting on the deck with a rose wood table between them. There were no other things on the table except two cups of tea. One of them was a middle-aged man in grey, and he sat there relaxingly, and there was a sword attendant behind him, holding an ancient sword in both hands.The other man was gray-haired and wearing a luxury purple robe. He didn’t take a sword or a sword attendant with him.Not far away, at the entrance of the cabin, four people were waiting upon. They were all pretty, but wearing no make-up and carrying a sword case on their back.Among the two men, the middle-aged man had gained considerable fame in Dayu, and was called the first man of swordsmanship. When people mentioned him in Dayu, they all described his swordsmanship invincible.Among the warriors in society, there was a saying that there was the best
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Chapter 135 Teenage Girl’s Mind Is Not Always in Sorrow
The sudden speaking of Wang Bai made the old master in purple surprised, but the words Wang Bai was here made all the warriors on the big ship excited with its vigorous internal force.The first swordsman in Dayu and the best one in swordsmanship had never invited others for a fight for years in person.Occasionally, there was swordsman who went to challenge the most reputed figure of swordsmanship, but Wang Bai seldom met his challengers with sword. When he did take his sword out, none of them could sustain one hundred strikes from him. Now that Wang Bai asked Li Gu to have a competition with him, apart from astonishment, most warriors on the ship respected this old swordsman more.No matter what, the swordsman who Wang Bai asked to fight with was not bad.It was true that Li Gu could be ranked in the top ten among the swordsmen of Dayu, but was there any chance for him to win when confronting the best swordsman?
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Chapter 136 Two Roads
Yang Qinglong came to the small ship with his sword in hand. He looked at the old master in purple at the bow with a quizzical look.It turned out that this old master was an ordinary disciple of the Sword Sect before he made a name for himself. Later, his swordsmanship progressed rapidly but nobody knew why, and he left the Sword Sect to cultivate by himself. There had been no news from him for ages, and he kept a low profile after he joined the Hidden Sword Sect.When Yang Qinglong joined the Sword Sect, he happened to see this old master leave the sect in high spirits, and it impacted him profoundly for a long period of time.The old master in purple stood on the bow and looked at Yang Qinglong, who was just an ordinary outer disciple of the Sword Sect back then. He then said smilingly, “Yang Qinglong, have you ever hit a bottleneck in your practicing over the years? Just tell me. Maybe I can clear up your confusion.”Yan
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Chapter 137 The Unlovely Society
Li Fuyao’s unexpected words made the girl and Sword Fairy a little confused. The saying of swordsman seed was an absolute concept in Dayu and no one suspected it. Although Bai Zhi’s stage was not high, it was not unrealistic to call her a swordsman seed according to her talent, and it stood to reason.Lan Ze was taken aback by the sudden thought. In her eyes, Li Fuyao was of the same age as Bai Zhi, but his cultivation stage was better than Bai Zhi’s, even hers. Maybe it was the reason that he threw out innuendoes against Bai Zhi.Thinking of that, Lan Ze couldn’t help but sort of look down upon the teenager in black.Because two great masters were completing over the water, the ship would not keep on moving before the battle was over. Before they got started, a couple of wealthy men, who knew nothing about martial arts, urged the ship to go, but was persuaded by some warriors of moderate cultivation base reasonably. Finally they kept si
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Chapter 138 Look up at the Stars
Li Fuyao sat drinking with Yang Qinglong on the bow deck. Except for Bai Zhi and Sword Fairy, the other warriors feared this teenager who could cut the river at one blow, so they didn’t dare to stay nearby and watch. After all, he was a swordsman with a higher stage of swordsmanship than Wang Bai. Who knew what kind of person he was? If he wanted to take someone’s life at every turn, which one in this ferry could stop him?It was the first time to see a teenager who was even invincible for Wang Bai.Li Fuyao did not kill Wang Bai at one blow. And Wang Bai, the peerless swordsman, did not look much dejected after he picked himself out from the water. Then he even gave a salute from afar, which surprised Li Fuyao a little, but he also returned a salute in earnest.When Wang Bai left with his sword, Li Fuyao returned to the bow and drank with Yang Qinglong.Scarred Yang Qinglong straightened his shoulders with difficulty, after
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Chapter 139 The Principles Are Outside the Book (1)
Gu Yuan, who followed Zhou Xuance out of Yanling Confucian Temple, felt extremely bored these days anyway. As a Confucian cultivator at a profound stage, Master Zhou Xuance walked all the way without using any of his magic power. He only walked on his two legs. This master did not even have any magic storage tool. Instead, he carried a book box on his back with all his belongings inside it. With such a box and a little girl in a flowered dress, whoever saw them would think this was just an ordinary old master who was on his study tour with his student.People could even know all about his knowledge and status from such an outfit.Although she also traveled on foot with her master Yu Yan before, she never got bored at all in those days. They walked casually and as Master Yu had read a lot of books and knew a lot about this world, he seldom tried to reason with her. Instead, he told her a lot of stories.So deep down, she thought that thou
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Chapter 140 The Principles Are Outside the Book (2)
It was the hottest afternoon. The kid was standing in the scorching sun. After a while, his forehead was beaded with sweat. A little later, the beads of sweat rolled into the shirt from the neckline. Indeed, it was a bit hot.After he stood there for a moment, the kid soon remembered the story Mr. Su had told before. In the story, a scholar, who was too knowledgeable, became a student of an old master as he still wanted to learn more. One day the scholar could not figure out one problem, so he went to look for his master for help. Then it was an afternoon of a cold winter. And it was snowing heavily outside when the scholar came to the door of his master’s room. He found that his master was taking a nap, so he was just outside the door for a long time. He waited until his master woke up when the snow was all over his head. Then he asked the master about the problem and got the answer. When Mr. Su told the story, other students wondered why that scholar still want
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