All Chapters of Super Elation Under the Sun: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
336 Chapters
Chapter 141 The Principles Are Outside the Book (3)
At the boundary of the Song Kingdom, after eating the mutton slices cooked in hot pot, Zhou Xuance and Gu Yuan, the gifted scholar, didn’t stay there any longer and went to their next destination in haste. Because his stomach was overstuffed, Gu Yuan had tried to persuade Zhou Xuance to take a rest, but Zhou Xuance told her with a smile that there were so many foods in the “World Food Log”. If they didn’t hurry up, they might have the chance to eat some but not too many.Hearing his words, Gu Yuan changed her mind immediately and urged her uncle to hurry up.Zhou Xuance couldn’t tell whether he liked the lovely idea of Gu Yuan or not. In this trip, he got so many things to tell this young gifted scholar. In the Confucian Temple, the girl was instructed by her smattering master, Yan Yu. It was not Zhou Xuance didn’t agree, but Yan Yu had only made moderate attainments. Everyone was clear the prospect of the disciples under his construction. It was fin
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Chapter 142 It Was Hard to Meet an Old Friend
It was unexpected for both Li Fuyao to Gu Yuan, the gifted scholar in such a place, and so did Gu Yuan.Before Li Fuyao stood up, the girl had skipped to him.According to her own master, the storyteller of Baiyu Town had gone to learn swordsmanship with the swordsman who had showed up in Baiyu Town. She had never seen the swordsman and the green snake demon, but she had seen Li Fuyao.The little girl had always been interested in swordsman, so she was excited when she saw Li Fuyao who was possibly one. For a moment, she had forgotten Zhou Xuance behind her. After she squatted beside Li Fuyao, she raised her head and asked seriously, “My master told me that you’ve gone to learn swordsmanship. Have you ever gone up to the Sword Mountain? Did you make it? Do you have a sword now?”Gu Yuan looked him up and down but didn’t find a sword hanging at his waist. She said disappointedly, “You don’t have a sword. Then you didn’t go up
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Chapter 143 Hook Fingers and Borrow Money
Li Fuyao rose to his feet. He cast a glance at Gu Yuan before patting the dust off his cloth and lifting the corner of his mouth.The Confucian seemed just flicking his sleeve, but he was a Dawning Stage cultivator. At this moment, his vital energy was disordered. The energy, which was supposed to be transformed into sword Qi gradually, had been active, but now it was out of spirit like a locust in late autumn.This movement really cost him a lot.Li Fuyao cracked a bitter smile. He lent a hand just because they had met once before and he had no ill feeling about this gifted scholar of the Confucian Temple. If he did this because of her identity or to win favor of the Temple, he would pull his sword out the moment the Confucian showed up.Gu Yuan trotted to Li Fuyao. She reached inside her pockets, took out all the bottles at once and thrust them into Li Fuyao’s arms. She babbled, “Li Fuyao, these are all best-quality elixir
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Chapter 144 Another Autumn Rain
Song Pei had no idea how much a coffin would cost. When he took Su Ye’s money bag to the coffin shop, he found out that he could buy the best nanmu coffin here with less than half the money in the bag. On a second thought, Song Pei believed his dead mother would blame him in his dream if he dared to buy such an expensive coffin. Thus he picked up a coffin made of willow. Since there was a ready-made one, the boss arranged his fellows to send it to Song Pei’s home. But Song Pei shook his head. He paid them extra money to carry it to the mountain. Before leaving Yuanyou City, he went to buy a handful of paper money. Different from the coffin, he bought plenty of paper money and it was too many that he could barely hold in his arms.Walking behind the two fellows, Song Pei stared at the willow coffin and remembered that the neighbors used to call his mother Mrs. Willow so he thought it was the most suitable one.When the two fellows carried the coffin t
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Chapter 145 A White-haired Man in Red Robe
It was teeming with rain in the small city at boundary. The small city had a history over fifty years and the small city walls were mottled. The short walls were made of soil and when high wind blew, the civilians in the small city felt as if they had gone through a sandstorm. The heavy rain made the streets so muddy that it was hard for people to walk. All local officials had reported to the Ministry of Works and the Ministry of Revenue at the capital of Chen Kingdom during their term of office. They asked for money to reinforce the small city walls and the small city roads. Because the amount was not small and the small city was not that important, the official in the capital naturally ignored their requirements.Therefore, although they had sent lots of memorials, there was barely any reply.As the autumn rain went on, the walls of the small city were dripping wet soon and it was hard to walk on the main road. With a large variety of snacks in her
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Chapter 146 There Was a Sword in the Human World
It rained not only in the small city at the boundary of Chen Kingdom, but also in other places.In a bluestone paved lane outside a school about 50 kilometers from the small city, two people were holding umbrellas and standing at the gate of the school. They looked at the grey tiles opposite the school in silence.Hearing the sound of students reading books, the Confucian scholar in black suddenly asked, “Mr. Luan, it is hard to find Lin Hongzhu. I wonder what method you used to make the leftover of the demonic sect go into action.”The other one, who was called Mr. Luan, was a short and small man with silver hair and a lined face. If he didn’t wear a phoenix robe which stood for the highest official of Chen Kingdom, no one would put their gaze on him no matter where he was.However, this short old man with ordinary appearance and no momentum was really the pillar of Chen Kingdom, the genuine pillar of royal court. When the
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Chapter 147 Not to Do
Xu Ji picked up the lantern and looked inside the city. An overwhelming Sword Qi swept across, which struck fear into people’s hearts.Common people might not understand what was going on, but they felt suppressing instinctively.Lin Hongzhu cast a glance at Zhou Xuance, and without saying a word, he turned around and left.The principal of the demonic sect had been injured by Xu Ji and it was not realistic for him to pick a fight with Zhou Xuance, who was also at Ascending Stage. Although Lin Hongzhu didn’t expect that the old master of Sword Mountain would get involved, he actually was not that surprised because he had figured out a lot of things.Someone had spread the news that he was here to kill Zhou Xuance, and it was not because they want Zhou Xuance to die. The focus of this matter was Gu Yuan and he was just a piece of chess.However, none could guarantee that they had controlled this piece of chess. A
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Chapter 148 Go Away
An attack, which began well but ended badly, came to an end. The gifted scholar of Yanling Confucian Temple kept out of harm’s way while Zhou Xuance was not injured seriously. In this way, the Confucian Temple actually lost nothing in the attack. However, two things would spread through the world.Needless to say, the reappearance of Lin Hongzhu, the principal of the demonic sect, would bring fear into all major Confucian academies in Yanling. After the fall of the demonic sect, learned Confucian scholars in many academies had issued papers to blame Lin Hongzhu betraying the Confucianism and a lost soul of the Confucianism But the papers were issued only after the Confucian scholars learned the news that the principal had died. The timing was subtle, and it made people clapping their hands and applauding. It was to add brilliance to the splendor of the Yanling Confucian Temple. However, when these old masters got the news that Lin Hongzhu was still alive, they ne
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Chapter 149 Sword Qi in Continuous Autumn Rains
Autumn had been around for some time.These days, it rained several times in this autumn in Huaiyang City, the capital of the Chen Kingdom. The life inside the city was comparatively stable.Although there was no substantial progress as the Chen Kingdom sent army to suppress the Zhou Kingdom, they had put all their military strength on the boundaries and it seemed that the Emperor of the Chen Kingdom got nothing else to do, apart from continuously sending money and provisions in national treasury to the boundary.The Emperor of the Chen Kingdom was puzzled in the continuous autumn rains. It was true that the national power of the Chen Kingdom was limited, but it was compared with the Yanling Empire which towered over the world. But compared with the Zhou Kingdom, the Chen Kingdom was a huge monster. But the huge monster had sent armed forces to suppress the Zhou Kingdom twice. The first time, they had obviously got the worst of it even t
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Chapter 150 Sword Qi Generated in the Vital
The sword ray was intangible. Li Fuyao didn’t really make a sword move. When he stopped walking and looked inside his vital, he saw a teenager in black sat cross-legged and there was a half sheathed sword on his lap.The teenager looked the same as Li Fuyao and his sword was the same as Green Strand.When Li Fuyao looked at the mini boy, he happened to raise his head and looked at him.When their eyes met, they could see the sword ray.“The world is big, and is it sufficient to take a sword move?”The mini boy stood up, hung the sword at his waist and asked smilingly, “If there is another road and you can choose, will you choose it or not?”Li Fuyao knitted his eyebrows. He looked at the mini boy and replied softly, “Since I am already here, I will go on along this road. If I give up halfway, I’m afraid I will be unable to lift a sword later.”The mini boy burst into laughter and said,
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