All Chapters of Super Elation Under the Sun: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
331 Chapters
Chapter 241 The Sacred Pill
The council hall is in an attic, not really a good boundary, the view from here is not good, so even after it was occupied, there was no use for the cultivators to make too much noise, maybe they did, but in the end, no one cared.The main person in the hall is the sinking slanting mountain daoist Zhang Shouqing, the sinking slanting mountain yellow purple daoist, realm of the high and mighty, the master of the view went out on a cloud trip, it is he who takes care of the mountain trivial matters, natural reputation than up to the other yellow and purple daoist, to be a lot of victory, the master of the view went on a sword mountain, after coming back, then returned to the building of the sky to clean up the repair, the accident in the North Sea this time, he does not care about it, and therefore did not personally go, this side of the North Sea, the Taoist sects Sects, before doing anything, they all have to symbolically ask Zhang Shouqing.Including Ge Hong of Rainy Mo
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Chapter 242 Coming, Brother
Ge Hong stood up, he had already recognized that this was his Rainy Mist Mountain disciple, he beckoned, the golden shimmering elixir arrived in his hand, he spread out his hand and carefully examined it, Zhang Shouqing was sitting right next to him, naturally he could see it as soon as he turned his head, after half a second of silence, Zhang Shouqing softly said, "Not bad."What he said was good, both in praising this elixir as being good, and also in saying that this holy elixir was, indeed, not false.Not false and not bad actually mean the same thing in the southern and northern dialects of the mountains and rivers.Ge Hong collected this holy dan and put it into his storage magic weapon, naturally he didn't worry about anyone coming to grab it in the main hall, even if he went out of the main hall, there were still so many Rainy Mist Mountain disciples in the North Sea, the entire Taoist Sect, except for the Sinking Slope Mountain, there wasn't anyone who dar
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Chapter 243 No One Knows I'm Going to Sea
On the deck, the young man with a bucket hat moved the goods aside to the corner, and then leaned quietly against the bow of the ship, carrying a sword case tightly wrapped in cloth, wearing only a thick gray cloth shirt, as to what was wrapped inside, no one knew.The depths of the North Sea is much colder than the coast, these dozens of days, the cultivators who go out to sea have known the situation on the sea, many cultivators for the sea things to judge, than go out to sea to fight a few hundred years of fishing fishermen are also clear, they were not stupid, if they study well, naturally learn extremely fast.Monks can be described as the smartest group of people in the world.The cultivators on this large ship were a group of Da Yu's mountain and swamp wild cultivators, headed by a short middle-aged man, said to be a wild cultivator who was somewhat famous even on Da Yu's side, and he had more than two dozen cultivators under his command, with varying levels
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Chapter 244 Luck
Living is indeed very tiring. All people have something to ask for, and since they have something to ask for, they need to work hard for it, and if they can't get what they want, besides being sad, they will naturally feel tired, and in the process of asking for what they can't get, they will also feel very tired.As the sun gradually sloped to the west and the sky darkened away, those wild cultivators on the ship returned to their cabins, leaving only a few low-status handymen to find a place in the bow or stern of the ship, covering themselves with thick quilts and preparing to withstand the cold of the dark night.Naturally, there would be some cultivators who would take advantage of this free time at night to meditate and raise their realm.They're the ones who really don't have it easy living.Li Fuyang leaned against the bow of the boat, wrapping himself in a bed of ragged cotton wool, originally he could have used his sword qi to drive away the cold, b
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Chapter 245 What Happened to Yunli
The North Sea appeared suddenly six thousand years ago, at first it was just a big canyon, then it became the North Sea after some seawater was poured into it, as to how long it was and how deep it was, in fact, not too many people know about these things.Even if the person who knows this, must be a big person, after all, even is Zenzi such know a lot of people, also did not see in a certain ancient book, so know these secrets, must be a big person, since it is a big person, also do not see will come out to tell the whole world, here is in the end how deep.Tonight the North Sea is calm, if you stand in the clouds and look down, you can see the entire moonlit sea, in addition to some large ships and the occasional ripples due to the rise of the net, the sea is very calm.Not many people seem to be able to stand in the clouds and look out to sea.Even if there were, there wouldn't be more than twenty.But right now in the clouds, there happened to be tw
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Chapter 246 There's an ocean there
Chao Qingqiu would not necessarily make a move, and even the Demon Earth would not necessarily come to the Great Demon, these would have been uncertain things, even if the Demon Earth came to the Great Demon, it would not necessarily be to escort this Kun, they did not want to have one more Canghai in the world, and the Demon Earth giants did not necessarily want to see it, and the boundaries that the Kun Clan ruled in those years had long since changed hands now.It's not easy to get things back when they're lost.And it's even less easy to get it back because you want it and he doesn't want to give it.So at the end of the day it's just a fight.No one would think that they would win every fight in their life, so the best choice is to kill it before it is qualified to fight with you, so as to avoid disputes afterwards.It's a perfectly normal thought, it's just that no one is certain it will happen.Hence the conversation between the two saints
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Chapter 247 There's a City in the Deep North Sea
The Kun Clan didn't have any great demons, so why hadn't any saints or Sword Immortals penetrated deep into the seabed to kill them after residing in the North Sea for so many years?Saints cherished their lives, and only relatively speaking, not daring to strike at the Sword Immortal, it was hard to not dare to strike at a Kun who was not a great demon?If things exist, they must exist for a reason.Qing Tianjun is very clear, even if he is in this realm, in the North Sea, want to kill a kun, it is also very difficult, the kun race in the sea, the war power is the strongest, the peak of the Ascension realm will be able to fight saints, in the depths of the North Sea, the saints want to play up the war power is also extremely difficult, if it is not so, think there will not be a six thousand years of peace and quiet situation.Just the more he thought about this matter, he became more and more depressed, if not the world's Kun there are only a few, each of wh
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Chapter 248 A Sad Story
When he said the three words about hammering him to death, Qing Tianjun said them with a loud voice and rightfully so.It doesn't seem like there's anything wrong with that, since you married my daughter and failed to protect her, what are you doing alive without getting whacked.Except the protagonist in this story doesn't know it at the moment, and doesn't realize that he's likely to get whacked later.Qing Tianjun didn't think about that bastard who was going to cheat away his daughter in the future, he just said seriously, "At least one of the saints of the three religions will come above the North Sea, on the day of your transformation, I can block that giant from the Demon Earth for you, but the saint in the clouds, I can't do anything about it. I met with Chao Qingqiu before, the probability of him making a sword strike is only fifty percent?"Bei Moi was such a smart character, although he was in the North Sea, he had seen a wide range of things and h
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Chapter 249 The Most Powerful Sword in the World
The North Sea would not have been so lively, it is sparsely populated all year round, except for the fishermen in the neighborhood, and the occasional literati watching from the high mountain on the coast, there should be no one else.But nowadays, because of Lin Hongcandle's wave of hand, so the North Sea came to a lot of cultivators, salvage the sacred pills this matter is the most important thing in the North Sea in these dozens of days.Especially when a holy elixir occasionally returned to the land from the bottom of the sea.The cultivators used to only know that there were sacred pills in the North Sea, until one day after the big ship from the Rainy Mist Mountain capsized, they realized that there were still kuns in the North Sea.There were many other things they didn't know, such as the two saints sitting in the clouds above the North Sea, the giant city at the bottom of the sea with a great demon, the other giant of the Demon Earth hidden somewhere
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Chapter 250 A Donkey in the Sea
The morning light was rising, and that sunrise over the sea looked extraordinarily nice and blinding.Li Fushang rubbed his eyes, last night's casting of the net, nothing was salvaged, some small fish and shrimp is quite a lot, but after salvaging, it was thrown off the boat, the boat was not too spacious, piled up these things, it is easy to let the boat overturned.This ship was not transformed by any magic weapon, even when driving the ship, one had to be careful to avoid bumping into the reef, where would one dare to do something else.Li Fuyang grabbed the fishing net and threw it out ruthlessly.The wild cultivator from Dayu on the ship didn't know what kind of wind he had, but he thought that there would be something good in the first net in this morning, so he let Li Fushang and those handymen spread the net again in the early morning.Well, after spreading the net, there is nothing to do, he just said to close the net before noon, Li Fushang th
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