All Chapters of Super Elation Under the Sun: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
329 Chapters
Chapter 262 Miss Qinghuai, I like you!
Before that red rain started to fall, Chen Sheng and Li Fushang had already opened their eyes, the sea was now rough, but fortunately, with Chen Sheng around again, this big boat was not halfway to capsize.Chen Sheng sat in the outermost corner of the cabin, sipping wine alone. Chao Jianxian's sword strike to kill the demon today was unexpected but reasonable, the situation of the mountain and river and the demon land had been well balanced for the past 6,000 years, with neither side able to crush the other, thus resulting in these 6,000 years of peace and tranquility.Even though Chao Qingqiu was number one in the world in terms of killing power, and often traveled to the Demon Earth to fight with great demons, in the end, the Demon Earth didn't have any great demons that died under Chao Qingqiu's sword, so even how strong Chao Qingqiu was, he hadn't yet become the one who could change the situation.This mountain and river are far from being changed by one more
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Chapter 263 If all the women in the world kept asking questions
Liking a girl is not a big deal that will kill you, but it is not easy to ask Li Fushang to just say it frankly in front of that girl.After saying those words, Li Fushang was a bit jittery.He was even a little worried that Qinghuai would turn around and leave, although the questions she had asked earlier had revealed her feelings, Li Fuyang was not too worried, and he didn't know if the others would be the same as him when faced with this situation.After hearing that, Qinghuai first smiled, then said two words, "Idiot."She had said these two words many times in those past days, and Li Fuyang had heard them many times, so when Li Fuyang heard them again she looked a little happy.The two men just looked out of the cabin, not unlike a normal man and woman who tell each other how much they love each other."If you came to the Demon Earth just to see me, and now that you've seen me, just fold your body and go back, the Demon Earth is too chaotic,
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Chapter 264 The elegance of that sword
After that red rain stopped, there was another simple meeting in that pavilion on the high mountain next to the coast, the content of the meeting was just discussing whether or not to go out to sea in the future, that great demon of the Kun Race had already died under Chao Qingqiu's sword, but there were still a lot of Sacred Pills at the bottom of the sea.It was just that the last other great demon could have already put out the word that he was going to stay in the North Sea this year, and if other cultivators messed with him while salvaging the Holy Dan, I was afraid that his death would be in vain.After all, the saints in the mountains and rivers would not fight to the death with a great demon of the Canghai realm for the sake of a few cultivators, and before that, there were just a few Kun in the North Sea, but in the future, there will be a great demon.Just as Ge Hong Zhang Shouqing and these cultivators were in that pavilion discussing whether or not they
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Chapter 265 The Beginning of Another Story
There is something in the North Sea, I'm afraid that apart from the Kun clan, other people don't know much even if they do know, after all, at the bottom of the sea so deep, apart from the Kun, the rest of the North Sea creatures, it's really hard to reach that place.Of course, with the exception of great demons like Qing Tianjun.After Li Fuyang was kicked into the North Sea, he quickly came to his senses and was about to swim towards the surface, but he quickly saw Qing Tianjun.With a wave of Qing Tian Jun's hand, an additional air mask appeared on Li Fushang's side, wrapping him inside, none of them were fish, and they could only rely on their own cultivation if they wanted to survive at the bottom of the sea.A small swordsman of the Green Silk Realm like Li Fuyang wanted to carry the pressure of the seabed and stay alive here was almost impossible, so he could only ask Qing Tianjun to help him out.Qing Tianjun slowly fell towards the bottom of t
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Chapter 266 The Cultivator Who Sells Wine, The Old Dog Who Sells Tea
North Sea things are completely over, some people come early, naturally saw everything, some people come late, naturally saw nothing, since there is no point in coming back to the North Sea, then simply bypass the North Sea, not wasting effort here.You can't get around the North Sea.The North Sea served as a dividing line between the Mountain River and the Demon Lands, and in order to get to the Demon Lands, one would have to go from this side of the coast, to the other side of the coast.The North Sea was originally a large canyon that originated six thousand years ago, and many monks did not know why he appeared in the world, separating the mountains and rivers from the demonic land, but the saints must have known.Zenko, who has read a lot of books, knows quite a bit, but definitely not more than the saints.Because this Grand Canyon was originally created because of the saints fighting each other, several saints fought in the North Sea, fighting t
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Chapter 267 A Teenager Stepping on an Old Path
This conversation between the two old guys was not heard by outsiders, and even the teenager who was sitting beside them was completely unaware of what the two people beside him were saying.He just knew the old boss was sitting beside him, drinking.Drinking in one's own teahouse was an extremely strange thing no matter who it seemed to be, but the teenager was always indifferent, and in the old shopkeeper's spare time for drinking, he even took out the beads he had picked up on the seashore the other day and scrutinized them.The old shopkeeper glanced at the golden holy dan and said breathlessly, "People have different lives, some people give their lives away without being able to find one, but this little guy was able to pick up such a good thing after a flurry of running along the coast, tell me if he sets foot on the road of cultivation, will he one day become yet another character standing in front of that threshold? "The old Confucian reminded, "He d
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Chapter 268 Many Years Without a Sword
The old Confucian left the tea house and set out on his way to the demonic soil.The old shopkeeper rubbed his eyes and opened them.The teahouse's was already empty, and the old shopkeeper went to close the door, then turned and walked into the backyard.The furnishings in the backyard were simple, just a small, ordinary courtyard on one side.In the center of the yard is an old acacia tree, and next to the tree is a well.Then there was a stone table.There was a long wooden bench.The old shopkeeper moved forward slowly and looked for a hoe where the courtyard wall was.He walked over to the old acacia tree and started digging.After digging for almost half a quarter of an hour or so, the earth revealed a dark box, which was very long and should be able to hold a sword inside, or perhaps more directly, it was a side of sword box.The old shopkeeper gently patted the dirt on it, moving gently as if he was a groomsman care
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Chapter 269 Those Swordsmen Who Have Their Own Ideas
Chao Qingqiu closed his mouth after asking all the things he should have asked.When Meng Jin had finished talking about all the things that needed to be said, he also closed his mouth.These two swordsmen, who were very different in age and realm, each stood in the courtyard, not knowing what they were thinking.Meng Jin suddenly spoke, "I won't go to Sword Mountain."Sword Mountain used to be sat on by Xu Silence, becoming the last place for the lineage of swordsmen among the mountains and rivers, but that's why the viewer has to climb Sword Mountain, because the existence of this place is something that Liang Xi and Yan Ling don't want to see.From the very beginning that provoked Xu Silence, let Xu Silence a sword will chopped the cultivator began, Liang Xi and Yan Ling will not stop a day to hit the idea of the sword mountain, just anything has to be gradual and orderly, the cultivator's life expectancy is really not short, from the beginning of th
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Chapter 270 Everywhere you look, there's a game
There is a huge corpse on the bottom of the North Sea, from the time it appeared here until now, it has been almost three months, during these three months, the corpse gradually decayed, some bones have been exposed, and there are still some carrion hanging on it, no matter according to who looks at it, it will feel particularly disgusting.I don't know if it's because it's at the bottom of the sea, but this body doesn't stink at all.Around this corpse, a young man was slowly walking forward, Li Fuyang had been walking for three months and had not yet been able to walk around the corpse of this Kun, in these three months, he had only walked from the tail of the fish to the position of the head of the fish, during this period, he had encountered two Qingshi realm cultivators, several cultivators who had not walked to the Qingshi realm, as well as a cultivator of the Taiqing realm.Among these cultivators, only two Green Silk Realm cultivators had moved against Li F
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Chapter 271 There's a Fruit in the Tree
It's a full three months from the summer solstice to the fall equinox.It was still spring when that incident in the North Sea ended, and with the addition of these three months, it would be more than four months.There is no alternation of cold and warmth at the bottom of the sea, Li Fushang's whole body and mind are again placed in the matter of moving forward, so he actually does not know that it is already autumn, he just very much wants to walk around this corpse, wants to properly look at this Canghai Great Demon's corpse in its entirety, even if at that time, perhaps only some white bones can be seen.In these four months, Qing Tianjun had not come to see him, but Li Fushang knew that Qing Tianjun must still be in the North Sea, or else the cultivators he had seen at the bottom of the sea in these days would not have been at the highest realm of the Tai Qing realm.This would have been out of character.The corpse of a great demon, since it neede
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