All Chapters of God of War: Chapter 701 - Chapter 710
888 Chapters
Chapter 702: Retreat
The smooth and thick force field of power completely imprisoned all of the doctor's movements, firmly restricting his counterattacks.The doctor's brain was already in turmoil.Warlord!He wasn't surprised that Armsmaster was here.The first time Li Tianlan appeared in front of the eyes of the Dark World crowd, the Reincarnation Palace had unabashedly shown its full support for him, and such support could almost be said to be at any cost.Now that the Reincarnation Palace was overthrown and the Reincarnation Palace Master had fallen, but Qin Wei Bai's existence still carried out the will of the Reincarnation Palace, and the Saints' statement in You Zhou also confirmed this fact, as the Eastern Palace became the Eastern Palace, it was clear that some of the remnants of the Reincarnation Palace's power would be absorbed by the Eastern Palace, and that the Saints of the Military Master, and Li Tianlan would have a much closer relationship in the future.
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Chapter 703: Alternate
Retreat!The extremely firm command reached the ears of everyone in the Burning Legion sharply and clearly.Everyone could feel how stifled Schiller's voice was.The unbelievably smooth burst into the hospital and approached the inpatient wing with great momentum.Inpatient wing one has been hit directly on the ninth floor where the target is located by Vajra Radel.And Schiller is even more than halfway through advancing on the top floor of Building Two.Twenty meters ahead is where the targets of the operation are gathered.But at this time, they actually want to retreat.Honestly Schiller didn't know how much resistance he'd meet in his retreat, but he didn't dare gamble that with the power they had tonight they could take out at least a good chunk of their targets in three minutes tops if they fought hard enough to keep fighting.But they are also destined to pay an unimaginable price.And such a price is not one that t
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Chapter 704: Fury
Armsmaster did not leave the hospital.When the video communication from Lin'an came through, the hospital behind him was still burning with fire, and the two inpatient buildings that had been leaning heavily were reflected on the screen, looking a bit forlorn.The black cloak shrouded the warlord's face, and in the burning light, he looked at Li Tianlan's calm expression in the screen, opened his mouth, and said in a hoarse voice, "Your Highness.""How's the battle damage?"Li Tianlan asked, this is the issue that everyone is concerned about, the incident happened suddenly, whether it is Tiannan or Youzhou, they have only passed down the most important information, there is no accurate figure yet."Still counting."Armsmaster took a deep breath, his voice growing harder."Then say it's now tallied."Li Tianlan said.In sight, in the chaos of light, the body of the Master-at-Arms trembled visibly, and for a moment he did not spea
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Chapter 705: Juggernaut
The fire burned through the night, and dawn was coming.In the darkest hours of the night before dawn, the fighting in Tunan City had completely subsided.Chaos still spreads, but the Burning Legion has officially entered Tunan City and taken over.Ramiren cruised quietly through the city that had fallen into his hands, his entire being almost blending in with the night as he moved silently forward, weaving through the streets and alleys of the city like a ghost in the shadows.Blood and corpses were everywhere on the streets, and the air was still filled with the smell of blood, a smell that mingled with the burning flames and irritated the sense of smell.It's war, it's death, it's the smell of smoke.Ramillan's figure shimmered to the top of a clock tower.This is the highest enemy in Tunnan.Nearly one hundred and twenty meters of the clock tower is located in the center of the city, and the city hall is just less than two hundred
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Chapter 706: Fangs
Tunnan City Hall.Conference Room.The spacious conference room was full when Ramillan walked in.At this moment, most of the people sitting in the conference room were faces that Ramiren was not very familiar with, they were all middle and high-level officers of the Burning Legion, which was the most important cornerstone of the Burning Legion, in a way, these people were currently some deputy officers in the Burning Legion who had the ability to serve as a full-time position.The Burning Legion was ultimately just a legion before, to put it bluntly, it was a large mercenary corps, the internal system was relatively simple, and the general development plans were all in the field of combat, and Ramiren had to make arrangements for the true masters of the Burning Legion.The top positions within the Burning Legion were almost all held by Thunderstorm Realm experts, but the ones who were truly responsible for commanding the battle during combat were the m
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Chapter 707: Plotting
The sound of rotors spinning tore through the night wind, whistling through the pale mountains as they flew farther and farther south.The helicopter is getting closer to the target location.It was still dark outside the window.Ink-like night rendered heaven and earth, and in the darkest hour before dawn, only the helicopter's signal lights flickered in the air.In the somewhat crowded cabin, Li Tianlan slowly opened his eyes.The faint sound of a call rang in his ears."Attention Freedom Corps, this is Cthulhu II, it's His Highness Li Tianlan's plane, we'll be passing over Freedom Corps Base 4 in ten minutes, repeat, this is His Highness Li Tianlan's plane, we'll be passing over Freedom Corps Base 4 in ten minutes, please Freedom Corps..."In a clear and calm repetitive sound, Li Tianlan shook his head, and his entire being gradually became lucid.Li Tianlan's body moved and before he could speak, Li Baitian's voice had already soun
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Chapter 708: Killing the Sky
Ning Zhiyuan eventually accepted Li Tianlan's choice.The dark night was about to usher in the morning sun, the oppressive and solemn Ningbian City, countless troops were assembling, and in the midst of the rushing wariness, Ning Zhiyuan stood in front of the window, silently gazing into the dark distant sky, the helicopter signal lights flickered vaguely in the distance, became blurred, and then disappeared.Li Tianlan's plane had completely flown over the cordon that the Freedom Corps now controlled.Ning Zhiyuan was silent.As a famous general of the middle continent who was promoted by Li Honghe, the relationship between him and Li Berserkers back then was not close, when he was flat on his back, Li Honghe had already found out Li Berserkers' ambitions for the North Sea Wang Clan, and during the time when the father-son relationship was the most delicate, Ning Zhiyuan went all the way upwards under Li Honghe's promotion, and also because of this kind of r
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Chapter 709: The Outbreak
At this moment, there were no words that could describe Li Tianlan's sound, and the moment the darkness of the night alternated with the morning sun, the sword light in the sky pulled his entire body down from the air.Night, morning, sunrise.Everything was torn apart alive.The transparent but incomparably blinding sword light was indescribably brilliant in the night, and Li Tianlan's figure was like a meteor.The moment passes.Felling the sky, breaking the sea, and cracking the sky, if the Mountains and Rivers Forever Silence was the comprehensive style of all his sword intentions, the single style sword intentions created by Sword Twenty-Four that Li Tianlan had condensed during his three years of traveling were each unique in their own way.Killing Heaven was the style with the heaviest killing intent.Against all odds, one way or the other.There was no variation or defense in this style, and the instant the sword intent was con
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Chapter 710: Trench Coat
Sword energy swept through the town hall like a storm.Scarlet rays of light rose to the sky, it was a complete cold-blooded and brutal massacre.Rotate!Li Tianlan's body was spinning madly, the turquoise sword's huge blade chopped through space, the majestic and unrivaled power scattered evenly in every direction, shadow after shadow fused with Li Tianlan's body, the sword light shone more and more, and the sword qi carried the soaring blood flying non-stop.The crowd went wildly forward.The monstrous sword light tore through the crowd, spinning non-stop with blood, standing in the direction of Ramiren and looking over, the sliver of sword light in the crowd turned into a perfect circle with Li Tianlan as the center, the arc of the circle spinning madly, because it was too swift, it actually gave people a feeling of stillness.A perfect, still, illusory, balanced to the hilt sword.The sword qi kept spreading and flying in the midst of th
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Chapter 711: The Hidden One
"How do you want to die?"From the very beginning, Li Tianlan had never concealed his killing intent, but it wasn't until this moment that Ramiren realized the severity of the problem.Li Tianlan had fully proved his strength and power.Regulus likewise proved itself to be unrivaled in its sharpness.One person and one sword, even if neither of them were at their peak state, the two together made Li Tianlan's entire person exude an irresistible strength.That's why this sentence was said with considerable confidence by Li Tianlan.The Xuanyuan Sword trembled slightly in his hands, the rigid to the extreme blade gradually becoming soft, and the deep black color with a faintly glittering golden light covered Li Tianlan's arms, and ultimately covered his body, re-transforming it into a black trenchcoat.The morning sun completely dispersed the darkness.The sun is rising.Bathed in the light golden sunlight, Li Tianlan opened his ha
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