All Chapters of God of War: Chapter 721 - Chapter 730
886 Chapters
Chapter 722: Brutality (Up)
Zhou Yunhai's hand was raised silently.Calm, steady, bland, with yet a hand that carries full power.Everyone was looking at the hand, their brains were blank, Zhou Yunhai had been low key for too long, a long time, even some extremely strong councilors, similar to Ye Dongsheng, were more vocal than Zhou Yunhai, the councilor.But knowing this matter of seeing his raised palm, people realized that in the entire Middle Continent, this was one of the most powerful palms.Not only because the owner of this hand controlled the entire political and legal organs up and down the entire Central Continent, but likewise because the owner of this hand held the lifeblood of the entire Northern Group.The Northern Group was the weakest of the six, they hadn't even had a president in decades, but they were likewise the most cohesive within the six.This palm of Zhou Yunhai's hand was raised to represent not him personally, not even this crucial vote at hand.
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Chapter 723: Brutality (Middle)
Gu Xingyun didn't have any hesitation or avoidance.When he exited the conference room, the first moment he saw Zimurin, he had waved towards the other.Li Tianlan's eyes fell on his back, cold and stern as a blade.Gu Xingyun's face was expressionless as he quietly watched Qi Mulin walk over and said indifferently, "Prepare tonight, before you go to Tiannan, make a trip to Kunlun City, the situation in Tiannan is complicated, you always need to bring along two trustworthy hands."His voice was not loud, but he made sure everyone could hear him.This was completely picking bodyguards for Qi Mulin to protect his safety in Tiannan, Kunlun City had poor heritage, when Gu Xingyun and Gu Qianchuan were seriously injured, they wanted to come up with experts that could defend against Li Tianlan that was impossible, but it wasn't that hard to find out two Peak of Shocking Thunder Realm experts, at this time he declared this in front of all the directors and cou
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Chapter 724: Brutality (Next)
As Qi Beicang's righteous son, the Qi family supported by Qi Mulin could not be considered as a first-tier powerful family in the Central Continent, in terms of prestige, they could not even be considered as first-tier in Youzhou, and they could not even be considered as a powerful family even before Qi Mulin went up one more step.However, the Qi family, which was dominated by Qi Mulin, occupied a mansion on Rosewood Street in Youzhou.Rosewood Street can not be regarded as the forbidden area of Youzhou, but can be said to be one of the most mysterious places in Youzhou, this neat and wide road, everywhere is filled with the flavor of power and wealth, Rosewood Street less than three kilometers in length, but a parliamentary councilor, two members of the parliament's family are located in Rosewood Street, in addition to the Minister of Security Fan Tianyin, the commander of the Internal Security Forces of the Middle East, the Minister of the Police Department of the fam
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Chapter 725: There are always some rules that can't be trampled on
The screams and wails that had been going on for so long disappeared completely.A silent Rosewood Street is getting colder and colder.The long golden river that was so vast that it almost lit up the night sky of Youzhou disappeared without a trace, and all the people on the streets who were carefully observing the situation ducked back into their homes at the first opportunity after seeing the scene on the streets.Silent, cold, the streets filled with a heavy smell of blood looked incredibly eerie in the dead of night, like a haunted area.The street lamps on both sides of the street had been completely stirred up by the sword light, and in the deep night, the stars and the bright moon in the sky became incomparably clear, and under the lonesome starlight, a few figures walked out from the mansion at No. 3 Zidan Street, and came to the dead Qi Mulin's body, and were silent for a long time.There's no such thing as dead or dying anymore.Qi Muli
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Chapter 726: The Mountain Storm is Coming
There are always rules that can't be trampled on.When he said these words, Li Tianlan's expression was unusually calm, carrying a full bottom line.Dongcheng Peerless lagged for a moment and exchanged a glance with Bai Zhanfang, both seeing doubt in each other's eyes.The fact that Li Tianlan was able to say this sentence proved that he was sober, at least not as mentally deranged as the outside world had speculated, but this was a sentence that could have nailed Li Tianlan to death, but now, listening to his tone of voice, it turned out that it was also his reliance?Where does this bottom line come from?"You're sure you'll get out in one piece?"Dongcheng Peerless took a deep breath, gradually calming down from his manic state inwardly, and asked in a deep voice.When he received the news that the Qi family had been exterminated, Dongcheng Invincible directly overturned the table in his office, Li Tianlan's current position was already e
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Chapter 727: Joining Forces
Wang Jingxin's expression stiffened and she sat on the sofa, silent for a long time.The mountains are raining, the black clouds are pressing down on the city, and it's an eventful day.Combined with Li Huacheng's statement, no matter how slow his brain was, at this point, he also understood what Wan Qingyun and Ji Wenzhang had just met with Wang Shengxiao here for.Li Huacheng's words about Li Tianlan, but it may not necessarily not be the intention, the more deep thought, the more meaningful, as the President of the Central Continent, his every move, every word must be careful, it is not an exaggeration to say that their kind of characters, every word said, are to be well thought out, and now his statement can reach the ears of the Wang Shengxiao, which already shows that the spread of events has been widespread enough, and he wasn't at all afraid that someone would misunderstand anything.When a person is not afraid of you misunderstanding something, there
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Chapter 728: The Deal
It's getting light.When the knight opened his eyes with some weariness, the Prince of Yong's residence had already welcomed the early morning.The hazy morning sun reflected in the flowers and plants of the royal residence, the knight stood in the doorway, quietly feeling the silence and beauty, and did not move for a long time.The servants in the royal residence had already begun to get up and get busy, some began to prepare breakfast, some began to trim the flowers and plants, some were tidying up the lawn, the knight stood dumbfounded for a while and subconsciously looked next door.The room next door is quiet and peaceful, the door to the ancient room is closed, the light inside, if you listen carefully, the knight can feel the inside of the soft and soothing almost elegant serene breathing sound.That was Qin Wei Bai's room.When Qin Wei Bai didn't get up, the knight suddenly didn't know what he should do.As the Heavenly King of the
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Chapter 729: Two Ends
The sun is rising and the sun is shining.Late summer and early fall brought a rare good weather to the Yuzhou.Bathed in the golden sunlight, when the cautious Hua Qingfeng knocked on the door of the Bai family villa, what he felt was not the raging murderous and depressing atmosphere inside the villa, but calmness.Everyone in the White family was calm.East City Invincible was also calm.As for Li Tianlan, who had sparked a furor, he was even calmer.The family was having breakfast in the dining room, when they saw the maid bringing Hua Qingfeng over, Li Tianlan casually waved at him, his voice calm, "Have you eaten yet, have some together?""Minister... Your Highness, Speaker White, the Secretary General..."Hua Qingfeng froze for a moment and greeted somewhat unnaturally, his expression looking awkward."Even if you want to arrest someone, there's no need to be in such a hurry, is there?"In a clear and light voice, Ba
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Chapter 730: Internment
Youthfulness.At this moment, Li Tianlan, who was sitting in the conference room watching the councilors, could be said to have interpreted this term to the extreme.The meetings of the Central Continent Council had always been solemn, solemn, and even sacred, and over the past many years, even when Sword Emperor Wang Tianzhong, who occasionally revealed his loftiness, was justified and foursquare.Li Tianlan did not intend to be reasonable, nor did he intend to save face for anyone.This meeting was held for the simple purpose of discussing the extermination of the Qi family.Li Tianlan directly admitted that the person was killed by him, and then grandly looked at the group of top executives from the Central Continent and asked them what they wanted.It was a moment of anger for almost everyone.Li Tianlan's kind of indifference and contempt was almost completely displayed on his face, and that kind of careless full of concern was complete
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Chapter 731: Escorting
The night is hazy.Li Tianlan walked out of the conference room as a rank-and-file prisoner.One day ago he was a marshal of the Middle Continent, and one day later he had become a prisoner of the Middle Continent.There is nothing more unpredictable than this.Throughout the entire meeting, Li Tianlan acted calmly, he frankly admitted that he was the murderer who exterminated the Qi family, gave his reasons, and then he didn't say another word throughout the entire meeting.When the results of the meeting came out, he didn't react much, accepting the 'verdict' calmly.'He will be held as a prisoner in the most mysterious and terrifying desert prison in the Central Continent, for an indefinite period of time and with immediate execution.The Central Continent Councilor, Executive Minister of the Military Department Dongcheng Wufei, the Central Continent Councilor, Vice Minister of the Military Department Ye Dongsheng, and the Master of the S
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