All Chapters of The Reborn Girl's Honor and Glory: Chapter 341 - Chapter 350
503 Chapters
Chapter 341 Imperial Privileged Examination, Dowager Concubine Nuan Was Pregnant
“Brother, you also know that my Princess Consort was born by a concubine. Before she got married, she was raised in a manor. Therefore, she doesn’t know much about manners.” Prince of Liang said a little embarrassed, "But since we are married, and now we have an eldest legitimate son, naturally, we should just live a good life. Perhaps becoming a mother has changed her temperament, she has recently become more and more considerate. Every time I think back to the past, I feel regret!”Hearing this, Emperor Duanhua thought his brother was here to make amends for his sister-in-law.The Emperor did not like the things that Princess Consort of Liang did back then.But things had passed. And the one who ascended the throne was still him after all. In addition, as the son of the former emperor, Prince of Liang only married a concubine daughter. He was also affected by the Eastern Palace.So Emperor Duanhua had long forgotten such a
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Chapter 342 Aunt and Uncle
Jinxun looked around. Only after the other servants had withdrawn tactfully, did she say, "Isn't that so? I didn't know about it until I got the news. But since the wife of the heir of prince was there, I couldn't remind you!""That's strange. I've never even met Lord Xie. How could this have anything to do with me?" Song Yixiao could not help but be curious, "Tell me the reason!""Have you forgotten your uncle?" Jinxun whispered, "He wanted to return to the court a few years ago. But he didn’t find the job he wanted. Several years passed, and he gave up a little. He decided to return even if he was demoted to a lower rank. This time he came back to fill the vacant position of Vice President of the Imperial Academy. He is now the Governor of Lianzhou, a lower state, and the Governor of Lianzhou is a fourth-ranking official, while Vice President of the Imperial Academy is just a vice fourth-ranking official. It is two ranks lower than the Governor of
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Chapter 343 Cousin's Future
When Song Yixiao heard this, she knew that the Ji Family had been planning for Ji Wangzhu's future for a long time.It was probably because of this matter that Ji Zhou wanted to return to the court this time, even at the expense of demoting himself. Otherwise, Ji Zhou had been seeking to return to the court for a long time, and had waited for so many years, so how could he have been so anxious this year that he had brought his family back first before things were implemented?"Time really flies!" Song Yixiao thought about it and said politely, "A few years have passed in a flash. I remember when I was just married, I happened to have a casual conversation with Empress Wei from the Ji Family and mentioned her eldest brother's daughter. She was just a little girl at that time. But now she’s supposed to be at a similar age as Wangzhu. How time flies!"You knew that the Ji Family was not an imperial family. So, in the matter of the Crown Pri
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Chapter 344 Commandery Princess Qingjiang Seriously Injured
Song Yixiao said, “There isn’t any. Otherwise, when Aunt was here, I wouldn’t have realized it until she implied it.”As she replied, she understood, “After all, the Crown Prince is only nine years old. And the former emperor died this year. Who would have dared to think about the Crown Prince’s marriage?”After all, everyone knew that Emperor Duanhua and the former emperor were in a good relationship. It had only been a few months since his own father died, and his grief had not yet subsided. How could he be in the mood to propose a marriage for his son? Additionally, his son was not at the right age to discuss marriage.Seeking an association with the royal family was common. But it was annoying to do it this way.“Those who are close haven’t mentioned it, but Aunt is thinking about it. There must be something inside.” Jian Xubai said, “The next time Aunt comes over, you can ask about it. If she wants our help, she needs t
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Chapter 345 The Couple Got Criticized
“Do you think that Yourui doesn’t like Mr. Helou but she can’t resist the pressure from Mother, so she has to come to our mansion and meet with him?” That evening, when the couple entered the inner room, Song Yixiao sat in front of the dressing table, taking off her hairpins and rings in front of the bronze mirror, while saying, “I heard the maids say that in the garden of our mansion, while Mr. Helou was very attentive, Yourui kept ignoring him, very reluctantly.”Jian Xubai smiled and said, “You think she was ignoring him, but Helou thought that was the kind of reserve a proper lady should have! He just told me today that Yourui was so immaculate that she was not like any other woman. He obviously likes Yourui’s cold attitude. Besides, you probably don’t know that although Yourui is kind to us, she’s always aloof and polite to outsiders. Helou is not our family member yet, right?”“A girl should behave in a cold and reserved manner when she meets w
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Chapter 346 Pei Yourui Engaged And Shengshou Festival
Hearing this, Pei Yourui smiled a little embarrassedly and said, “This is unconscionable but I have to admit. You must also know it. On Ping’an’s last birthday, I met Grand Princess Changxing in the eldest sister’s mansion. Grand Princess Changxing even made an apology to me at that time!”She showed an embarrassed and ashamed expression, “Of course I didn’t dare accept it at that time. You all know what has happened before, so I won’t say more about that. Therefore, when I saw she didn’t live a happy life with Prince Consort, it would be impossible that I didn’t feel gloating at all in my heart!”Saying this, she stood up and bowed deeply to Great Grand Princess Jinguo, “Mother, I am indebted to you. But I became gloating when Grand Princess Changxing didn’t get along well with her husband. I really don’t deserve your great kindness!”“This is also a common feeling. It is also the two of them who have wronged you. How could I blame you?
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Chapter 347 Demonic Possession?
“Lady of Yan!” During her pregnancy, Dowager Concubine Nuan had put on some weight, but she still looked radiant due to her stunning beauty and her delicate age.Having changed from Beautiful Lady Nuan to Dowager Concubine Nuan, there was little timidity on her look. Instead, there was a calmness like stagnant water. At this moment, holding the subordinate’s hand, she nodded slightly towards Song Yixiao and Xie Yiren with a slight reserve, “Wife of Earl Yiping’s son. What a coincidence. It’s still early. I wonder why everyone is leaving. Is there a story inside?”“How could there be any stories inside?” Song Yixiao and Xie Yiren found that she was dressed in a homely way. It was not like she was here for the banquet. But considering that Dowager Concubine Nuan was pregnant with Emperor Xianjia’s son, it was not surprising that she was dressed simply.But…even without Grand Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager Su reminiscing about Emperor
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Chapter 348 Parted in Discord
Song Yixiao hesitated for a while, but finally decided to go and see for herself how Lu Chai’er had been possessed by a demon. When she arrived at the courtyard where Lu Chai’er and her husband lived, Madam Deng said in a soft voice outside, “Chai’er, Lady of Yan is here to see you!”Inside, Lu Chai’er screamed hysterically, accompanied by the sound of pounding things, which made everyone’s face change. Her husband, Gu Tongyu, really valued his wife and immediately came out to make Song Yixiao leave, “My wife is sick, so it is inconvenient for her to meet you. Lady of Yan, please go to the back hall, in case you will be disturbed here!”In this case, Song Yixiao had no choice but to leave.When she left, Madam Deng personally saw her off. By her words, Madam Deng asked Song Yixiao if she could talk to Wei Mengying and ask her to come and visit Lu Chai’er.Madam Deng didn’t believe that Wei Mengying would plot against Lu Chai
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Chapter 349 Doubt and Hesitation
When she returned to the mansion, she told her husband the whole story when he returned from the court and said, “I guess what our grandmother means is that the Shen Family and the Liu Family have talent, but history says that Six Warlords were too prominent when they were in their prime and would be frowned upon by the royal family. Therefore, if we befriend them, we can certainly draw on each other for support, but we will also attract suspicion?”“Now that the Imperial examinations are on the rise, how can it be that easy for Six Warlords to revive their fortunes?” Jian Xubai said casually, “In the past, when the Nine-grade System was popular, there were no poor families at the top and no scholar clans at the bottom. Nowadays, no matter where you come from, you will win on the basis of your writings. Those who enter the court like me are already exceptional. Even if the Shen Family of West Liang Region and the Liu Family of East Hu Region are going to enter th
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Chapter 350 What Cuipiao Wanted, Third Uncle Became Examiner
But Song Yixiao had no idea of Wei Mengying’s true feelings behind the seemingly casual conversation between the mother and the daughter today.After she returned to the mansion of Duke of Yan, she changed into her usual clothes and was about to order someone to bring her daughter over, when the subordinate reported that the accounts and things had been sent from the manors, asking if she would like to go and check immediately.After the servant finished reporting the business, he looked a bit odd and said, “Fan Zhong’s wife also comes with him, saying that she is here to greet you!”“Cuipiao is also here?” Song Yixiao was slightly surprised. After Cuipiao had got married two years ago, she had not come since she met Yu Shiheng when she came back to the mansion to show her gratitude. Perhaps because she had been stimulated. Fan Zhong was the only one who came over for anything in the manor. When Song Yixiao heard that Cuipiao had given b
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