All Chapters of The Reborn Girl's Honor and Glory: Chapter 351 - Chapter 360
500 Chapters
Chapter 351 Brought up the Capsized Boat Again
Song Yixiao was surprised and said, “I wonder what Your Majesty’s orders are?”When she asked this question, she just thought that there were kids of the Wei Family or the Wei Family’s relatives who were planning to take the exam next year and that Empress Wei wanted to ask Jian Limiao to go easy on them. Empress Wei mentioned Emperor Duanhua, so most likely this matter had already been reported before Emperor Duanhua.But Empress Wei said, “Dowager Consort Jiang has been sick in bed recently. I went to visit her, but she just said it was because she was mourning for the former emperor. However, Dowager Consort Jiang’s subordinates revealed that she was very worried about Grand Princess Yushan’s marriage. Now that she has fallen ill, I’m afraid it is more or less related to this matter!”It was no wonder that Dowager Consort Jiang was worried. Grand Princess Yushan was Emperor Xianjia’s youngest daughter, but she was the same age as Gran
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Chapter 352 Too Late to Regret
The following day, the two of them went to the Wei Family’s mansion with Jian Qingyue to celebrate the New Year. The entire Wei Family was overjoyed. All the members came out to welcome them.It took Song Yixiao much time to finish up with Elder Lady Cao and other elders. Then she finally got a chance to talk to Wei Chan alone in her room.“Why have you lost so much weight these days?” She was already suspicious before she came here. When Song Yixiao met Wei Chan, she almost exclaimed. Wei Chan, who was preparing for her marriage, had somehow become so sick and bony that she didn’t look like a new bride who should be overflowing with joy and shyness. If Song Yixiao didn’t know it, she would have thought Wei Chan was a terminally ill patient who was waiting for death!Was there really something wrong with the lake?But why was she safe and sound after having seen Princess Consort of Yi’s floating corpse, while Wei Mengying an
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Chapter 353 It Was Jian Xubai Who Should Feel Guilty
Madam Mu spent great efforts making Wei Chan calm down. But Lu Chai’er in the Gu Family didn’t have a mother comforting her, who knew the whole story well. So, after struggling for half a year, she had really gone mad!Madam Deng sighed and sent the doctor away. She returned to the hall, seeing Gu Tongyu seated with a sad face. She also felt very uncomfortable, “Let’s just send someone to ask around to see if there are any people who can exorcise evil spirits.”“Thank you for worrying about that, Mother.” Gu Tongyu said in a mute voice, “But I want to go and visit my mother-in-law to figure out what has happened!”“Princess Consort Wei is still in mourning. And you are a man. So you may not be able to see her even if you go there.” When Madam Deng told Song Yixiao that she didn’t believe Wei Mengying had harmed Lu Chai’er, she meant it.But these days, Lu Chai’er was becoming more and more fearful and was spilling out some s
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Chapter 354 Glib-tongued Wei Mengying
Before Song Yixiao asked her, Wei Mengying handed a visiting card to Song Yixiao and said, “Look at this!”Song Yixiao took the visiting card with a puzzled look. It was from Madam Mu inviting Wei Mengying to the Wei Family’s mansion for a meeting. The wording was polite but vaguely threatening!“Aunt misses you?” Song Yixiao was suspicious in her heart, but she said without changing her face, “It makes sense. You haven’t been back to the Wei Family’s mansion in a while.”“Why do you pretend to be confused to set me up?” Wei Mengying snorted and said, “Your aunt and I used to be very close. But ever since her daughter’s accident in Prince of Hengshan’s mansion, there has been a gap between us! Now that she has sent this invitation to me. How can she have a good intention?”Song Yixiao said indifferently, “You can’t say what happened to Wei Chan was an accident. After all, you are her aunt. It’s only natural that she trusts y
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Chapter 355 Don’t Ask About This Matter!
When Song Yixiao returned to the mansion of Duke of Yan, she ordered Jinxun to summon Yu Shiheng to the backyard, “Do you remember where the valley was, in which you found my mother in last year’s summer vacation?”Yu Shiheng didn’t understand but still said, “Yes, Madam. I remember.”“Very well then. you need to go there with Jinxun.” Song Yixiao glanced at Jinxun, who looked surprised, “As for what to do there, I will explain to Jinxun later. You just make sure Jinxun returns safely. Can you do that?”Their marriage had just been announced. Yu Shiheng was eager to get closer to his fiancée-to-be. So how could he refuse such a beautiful job? He was overjoyed and immediately agreed!After he had left, Song Yixiao solemnly instructed Jinxun, “When you get to the valley, remember the terrain and nearby scenery, then go to the corner of the valley and look for the sign of a cabin’s foundation under the grass. If there’s not, ch
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Chapter 356 A Trip to Lantern Festival Exhibition, A Chance Encounter With Madam Su
Lantern Festival Exhibition on January 15th was not affected by the death of Emperor Xianjia last year.At the beginning of the evening, the long street was already lit up with lights.The appearance of a star in the sky seemed to gradually ignite the splendor of the city.Several lights eventually converged into a bustling brightness.“I didn’t expect there to be so many people.” Song Yixiao carried a begonia lantern that Jian Xubai had just bought and leaned close to the parapet of the stone arch bridge. She looked at the surging tide of people around her with some novelty and amazement.Originally, Ji Su’s suggestion was to book a private room in the best restaurant in the area, so that the two of them could enjoy the view of the lanterns from above and the restaurant’s best dishes at the same time. The point was that they didn’t have to stand together with the crowd on the street.But the couple
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Chapter 357 Jinxun Returns, Thinking Hard
Jian Xubai couple do not know the Su family siblings mood, in the use of the Lantern Festival, and then excitedly strolled most of the night of the Lantern Market, during which to see the good food and fun have come together back to the hustle and bustle, and finally to the end of the night, to see the Lantern Market will be dispersed, only in the Jisu's persuasion, not yet exhausted to return to the house.Both had so much fun that night that they both slept until sunrise the next day.The good thing is that they don't have to greet the elders, and they are the masters of their own house, so no one can say anything if they get up earlier or later."Well?" But the relaxed mood ended just before Song YiXiao got up, she called someone in to wait for her to freshen up, saw that it was Jinxun carrying a basin of water, immediately remembered what Wei Mengying had said, her heart suddenly sank, and didn't move to accompany Jian Xubai to the flower hall to eat, the two c
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Chapter 358 The Culprit!
Pang old lady lifetime brocade, a group of people around, now older, subjected to this half a year of tossing, the whole person older than ten years.After three days of hunger strike and a big fight, he was already dying.Only to hold on to a breath, thinking that if you can't wait for Lu to come, then simply die - not believing that I have been the old lady in the Song family for all these years, no one to give a word to the guests during the condolence!She was fuming fiercely in her heart, but when she heard a number of solicitous "grandma" outside the door, she suddenly came to strength, rolled over and climbed up, screaming, "Poisonous woman, can finally dare to come to see me?!""To speak of mischief, who could be more poisonous than you, mother-in-law?" Lu replies carelessly on one side and pushes the door in on the other - glimpsing the wolves all over the floor she doesn't care, taking a silk shoe and kicking the nearest piece of broken china, and i
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Chapter 359 The End of Old Lady Pang
It was a little over half a day later that Lou opened the door to her room.By this time her face had returned to its normal state, and she looked at it with a sense of calm.Just through the body plain clothes, in the end to set off the crying swollen and red eye circles.However, the people outside are very sensible, no one mentioned this section, only have surrounded up to ask for warmth. As if Lu's just in the house to do how hard and how remarkable a thing - as for Old Lady Pang, that of course has long been thrown to the side.Lu did not pay attention to the flattery of the road granny and other people, stood on the steps and coldly swept his eyes behind him, faintly commanded, "Granny is old, always sad husband's death is not a way, you have to be more careful when serving in the future!"After she left, Zhang Cuiniang purposely stayed for a while, explaining to Granny Lu and the others, "Granny has to take care of the interior and exterior, and
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Chapter 360 The Misguided Condescension
Because there is no word on the envelope, Song Yixiao received in the hand thought it was Lu's writing, who knew that after opening and read the inscription, only to realize that it was Song Yuan's handwriting.Or rather, the Song Edge Jedi.After confirming the inscription and date, Song Yixiao subconsciously trembled slightly in her hand as she pinched the thin letterhead, and settled her nerves before continuing to read-The letter was not long and ended in a few lines.So she quickly read it, and between her eyebrows, a flash of disappointment and some relief passed over her.Mainly because, in this letter from Song Yuan, not a single word was mentioned about the boat capsizing or the valley or anything like that during the summer vacation last year.He was just apologizing to his daughter.The indifference, scheming, harshness, alienation, and favoritism ... towards Song Yixiao over the years were confessed with great sincerity and earn
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