All Chapters of The Reborn Girl's Honor and Glory: Chapter 371 - Chapter 380
497 Chapters
Chapter 371 The Clansman
But although Song Yixiao has already suspected Yuan Xue Pei, she can't be completely sure based on the words she got from Jiang Mubai.After all, Yuan Xue Pei was her husband's friend since childhood, his wife and sister, and they are all on good terms with themselves - just because of suspicion, they will do it to him, even if they do it cleanly and no one knows about it, Song Yixiao also felt that she could not get over that hurdle in her heart.Moreover, this Boling Marquis is not Cao Renxiu, if he is really the mastermind behind the scene, how can he not prevent Song Yixiao from tracking him down as well as laying hands on him?Only then did Song Yixiao set words with Jiang Muzhe, although she felt that Jiang Muzhe's city should not be able to see her intentions, but if she could set words, wouldn't Yuan Xue Pei be able to do the same?The first thing that you should do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing and how you a
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Chapter 372 Reconciliation, Xie Yiren is Expecting
"So now it's the Empress Dowager who wants the two children to be reconciled?" The Grand Princess of Jin, who was hurriedly called into the palace by the Dowager Empress Dowager, frowned slightly after listening to Empress Wei's general description underneath, "Is this the Empress Dowager's intention, or is it Changxing's own intention?""Mother said Changxing this will not even talk much, alone alone in the manor, Fang Yu see all feel heartbroken." Empress Wei said in a wordy way, "That's why the mother empress is thinking that there is a way that a strong twisted melon is not sweet ..."The Grand Princess of Jin herself married three times, she is not the kind of people who are not allowed to allow the people to light the lamp, so for the late generation and leave, there is no particular opposition to the meaning of the word, especially or Jane Yijiu sorry Changxing in the front, it is to hear the silence will be, sighed, and nodded, "I did not teach Yijiu, aggrieved C
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Chapter 373 The Inside Story
After Jiang Mu scape left, Song Yixiao pursed her lips and fumed for a while, before listlessly calling in people to serve.She actually didn't really want to take advantage of Jiang Muzhe--exactly this Jiang sister, although unlike Yuan Xuexie, she grew up with her, but in these two years of interaction, they also treated each other with sincerity.Just she cast too many places, even suspect Yuan Xue Pei, do not dare to rashly probe, not to mention the use of her husband's power, can only through Jiang Mubai, bit by bit to piece together the news.However, a few times down the condescension. Still stayed in the stage of suspicion, did not get substantial ironclad evidence, but in turn made her more and more depressed because she felt that she could not afford to Jiang Muzhe."Yuan Xue Pei recently are not in the mansion, occasionally in the mansion, when sister Jiang went to send food, also all see him in the account book ..." Song Yixiao took the tea handed
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Chapter 374 Princess Xinling
Song Yixiao at the moment their own matters are tangled, although Pei Yourui this will enter the palace twice a day to the dowager empress dowager's behavior is somewhat strange, but then thought, "Perhaps this sister in law misses her mother-in-law to treat her well, so she wants to do her filial piety for her mother-in-law?"And it's not a concern.And Pei Yourui side received the news, and indeed only a day after the next day to carry Jane Qingyue back."In fact, the dowager empress originally also intends to send Qing Yue back this day, so that you don't have to worry." Pei You Rui smiled as she came and said, "I've been asked to do a favor, but this child is really cute, no wonder you're not in a position to enter the palace right now, the dowager empress can't help but pick her up and take her over to be happy in her lap."Saying that, he pointed to the disk phoenix necklace circle in front of Jian Qing Yue's chest, "It is said that this is what Mother
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Chapter 375 Wei Chan's "Death by Illness"
Unexpectedly to Song Yixiao, the visitor entered the door and asked for peace, but said sadly, "Miss Cousin, our Seventh Miss is gone!""What?" Song Yixiao was stunned, "Wei Chan?!""Back to Miss Cousin's words, exactly!" The visitor lowered his head, with a look of deep sorrow, and said, "I also ask for Miss Cousin's condolences!"Song Yixiao stared at the person, and looked at him for half a cup of tea before saying with a smile, "Cousin Wei Chan has always been well, but I don't know how she lost it?"The person heard, busy said, "Cousin Miss you do not know, in fact, the seventh miss from the beginning of the year that will, because of the preparation for the cabinet, all the things busy, it was infected with a time of illness! At that time, you went to pay New Year's visit, also said that the seventh young lady looked quite reduced - just afraid of your worry, the whole family did not tell you about the seventh young lady's illness!"And said, "Aft
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Chapter 376 Quarrels
When Pei You Rui arrived the next day, Song Yixiao had already led her daughter to wait.The admonished Jian Qing Yue saw her and pounced on her, shouting "Sentence" in a whiny voice."Qing Yue is really getting cuter and cuter!" Although Pei Yourui felt that today's trip had delayed her business, when she saw Jane Qingyue, who was as greasy as a snowball, she still revealed a gentle smile and stroked her soft fetal hair, saying with a smile, "I really want to take her back and raise her!""This can't be done!" Song Yixiao held a fan in her hand, idly shaking it, and said sweetly, "We only have one daughter in total! If we ask Elder Sister to carry her away, we'll be lonely!"Speaking here with a meaningful smile, "Besides, why do you need to be envious? Why don't you give birth to one yourself tomorrow? You'll still be able to have a playmate with Qing Yue, won't you?""Look at this petty look of yours!" Pei Yourui sniffed, her eyes flashed before she
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Chapter 377 Pei You Rui's Plan
"But righteous sister is just to break them all into pieces, your father can't come back after all, can he?" Song Yixiao looked calm as she said this, but her heart was turning over - she suddenly regretted that she shouldn't have agreed to Jian Li Miao's request to take on this matter.Because the process of persuading Pei You Rui, simply all the time to evoke his own heart these days!In Song Yixiao's opinion, Pei Yourui is actually very lucky.It wasn't that she had a loving father, or that she had lost him and then immediately received the compassion of the Grand Princess of Jin as if she were her own.Purely, Pei Ho has not done anything wrong, and there is no place to apologize to the daughter, to give such a father revenge, can be very justified, do not have to think too much.And Song Yixiao - her biological father, Song Yuan, died in the hands of her biological mother, Wei Mengying, her parents compared, she valued her biological mother more, s
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Chapter 378 The Little Princess of Yiwang
On this day, when Song Yixiao retired, the Grand Princess of Jin was as pleasant as ever, as if her daughter-in-law had just gone to talk to her daughter-in-law - but Song Yixiao knew that Pei Yourui's crying had stirred up the maids, and that her mother-in-law couldn't possibly be unaware of it.Now that her mother-in-law is doing this, it is evident that Pei Yourui's mind is simply clear to her.The reason why not personally point broken, instead of a circle through the Jane Li Miao, or just think of can persuade persuasion, do not want to tear with the righteous daughter just."Granny is really a good person." Song Yixiao on her way back to her own home could not help but secretly think, "It's a pity that her son was born unworthy - it's not right, the second brother and his husband are both good, in the end, it's that third brother's own problem!"Although she dissuaded Pei Yourui, but the mood is not very good, this is intended to go back early, do not w
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Chapter 379 - Smallpox
The name of Heavenly Flower, even for someone like Song Yixiao, who knew nothing about Manipulism, was like a thunderbolt.This disease is not only very dangerous, the person infected with death is common, the worst thing is, even if you survive, the whole process of flower but negligence, but also will fall into the scar!And the more Jane Qing is a girl, these days no matter how noble or lowly the birth, how tight is the appearance of the girl's family?That's why she almost didn't faint when she heard the news!"This doctor, can you see?" After Song Yixiao fixed her mind, she asked with the hope of an eventuality, "My son has always stayed out of the house, and the most recent time he went out, it was still ten days ago! There's nothing wrong with anyone outside the family, so how could he have contracted smallpox?"That doctor this face in fact is not good, he received the news only know Yan Guo Gong's eldest daughter fever, think now is in the midd
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Chapter 380 "The Imperial Concubine Who Sinks
What Suzu couldn't figure out, neither could the Yi Royal Family."Is it really you?" The forbidden guards had been reminded by Song Yixiao, and after focusing on checking on Yi Wang's little county princess, they asked for instructions from Emperor Duanhua, and then handed the case over to the Zongrenfu - the Zongrenfu was currently under the control of the Liang King, and when the Liang King led the men to take someone from the Yi Wang Mansion's other courtyard, the Yi Wang Mansion's entire household, up and down, were still feeling unbelievable!After Yi Tai Fei couldn't stop the King of Liang from escorting Lu Ning Night away, she even rushed to the front of the palace in anger to seek an audience with the Dowager Empress to seek justice for her daughter!Who knows the dowager empress did not see, but first was heard of the jade fruit to take the evidence thrown a head and a face, "The dowager empress is for Yan Guogong worried about the heart, can not have tha
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