All Chapters of The Reborn Girl's Honor and Glory: Chapter 381 - Chapter 390
497 Chapters
Chapter 381 The real culprit?
Although Yi Tai Fei is determined to drag King Su and Princess Yushan into the water, so as to exonerate her own daughter, in order to let the Yi Wang Fu avoid the disaster of destruction, but she also knows that, even if her words are like that, the court is not a fool - in order to make these words into the truth, first she has to persuade the King of Liang, who is in charge of this matter now!Just as she was pondering a countermeasure, inside the summer residence, Song YiXiao was able to receive the news that Lu NingYe was the one who had murdered her daughter!"She utilized the fact that she had been out of blossom and was not afraid of the disease, and put the cotton wool used by smallpox patients to wipe off acne scabs in a scented pouch with a leather sandwich, and wiped it on Qing Yue's skin while she was hugging him, thus causing him to be out of blossom?" Song Yixiao listened to Bell's report and smiled slightly coldly, "But was it her idea alone?"Bell
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Chapter 382 The old debt revisited
"The matter is actually quite simple!" King Liang knew the pressure that Emperor Duanhua was now facing, so after saluting, he said bluntly and without further ado, "The Yi Wangfu has been living in deep seclusion and keeping a low voice everywhere for decades, which was originally a prudent move on the part of King Yi Jing's uncle, but in the eyes of Cousin Ningyue, it was the Yi Wangfu's inferiority - and she also She boasts that she is the bloodline of Emperor Taizu, and that she was born to be proud of the people, so naturally she is not convinced!""And after Imperial Grandmother chose Su Shaoge as her son-in-law, she became more and more disgruntled due to the fact that the Su family had supported King Su's bid for the crown but failed!""Originally, although she was full of resentment, a county princess in the district could not do much!""But we also have a younger sister, Yushan, and you know that Yushan still can't get enough of Su Shaoge -- so, cousin Ng
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Chapter 383 "Once a son, always a son"
"Pop!"With tears in her eyes, Tai Consort Jiang slapped her daughter heavily in the face, "Sins!!!""It's not me!" Eldest Princess Jade Mountain's head snapped around when she was hit, and immediately shouted shrilly after turning around, "Why don't you believe me, Mother Consort? Although I couldn't wait for Lu Ningyi to die earlier, how could I possibly instruct her to plot against Cousin Ah Xu's daughter?!""Lu Ning night is at least your cousin, how can you say words wishing for her death?!" Jiang Taifei truly feel tired, she is the old man of Emperor Xianjia's harem, serving only a little later than Empress Su, the lost Cui Guifei, accompanying the driver for many years, only one daughter, naturally, as a jewel, cherished very much.Previously, when the King of Wei was compelled by the Grand Princess of the Dai Guo, abandoning Jiang Mu Scape, Tai Fei Jiang's own niece, and marrying the Grand Princess of the Dai Guo's daughter, County Princess Nan Chang,
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Chapter 384 !
Su Shaoge leisurely said, "Your Majesty is holy and wise, as long as the facts are investigated and it is proven that the matter has nothing to do with the Jiang family members, then no matter how His Highness the Eldest Princess of Yushan is disposed of, there will always be no more punishment for the Jiang family."Said here laughed a smile, "just ... once His Majesty listened to the advice of the King of Liang, in order to target the Su Xiang two kings as a trigger, the fire burned to the entire court above, from the dragon's ministers since the gas is calm and relaxed - said, this year only opened the Enke ?""Then how do you plan to help my Jiang family?" Jiang Muying, as the eldest son of the Jiang family, has received the greatest attention and the best cultivation since he landed on the ground, since he is not an idle person, listening to these few words, he already understands Su Shaoge's meaning:If the matter this time involved the two kings of Su Xiang,
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Chapter 385 An Eye for an Eye?
Lu Yicheng simply wanted to vomit blood!In his life, he's had a smooth career.Before he participated in the imperial examination, he coincidentally met Gu Shao, from then on began under the guidance of Gu Shao Rui official strategy, early to hold on to the thigh of the East Palace, no effort to do from the Dragon Minister!Perhaps it is because there is something to be gained and something to be lost, but none of his family members are spared!First, his wife Huang, originally relying on distant relatives with Empress Wei, when Empress Wei was still only the Crown Princess, she became a regular visitor to the East Palace, deeply trusted by the Crown Princess - the result is that God knows what madness Huang, but just for the son-in-law's eldest daughter's marriage to run the errand for a couple of times, and then turned back to hide the Crown Princess and also hid it from him, and insisted on that with the Lu family! The original well water does not offend
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Chapter 386 The Lu Xu Clan
"Her Highness said privately when she was here that the Lu family is no good!" After sending off the messenger sent by the Grand Princess of Jin, Bell returned to the hall and cursed with righteous indignation, "It's a waste of time for you, Miss, to treat them with respect and honor them as if they were your own elders! When Lu gave birth to her baby, she was in labor, and if it wasn't for your timely assistance, the three of them would have lost their lives! Missy is so kind to them, not only are they not grateful, but instead they are so vengeful - if I had known, I should have let that Lu's mother and son die together!!!"There is a saying that servants follow their masters, and the people Wei Mengying has trained have never known what it means to be compassionate and what it means to be kind to others.Bo's mom is a typical example, and when she gave Wei Mengying advice in private, she even dared to pit Song Yixiao, Wei Mengying's own daughter!And bells look
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Chapter 387 The Empress' Deliberation
Lu did not come to summer vacation this year, Cuihua Mountain is the place where Song Yuan lost his life, she watched her beloved husband die here with her own eyes, if not for her children and the support of the idea of revenge, at this time last year, she already wanted to die.Is that why, how can she be willing to come back this year?Of course externally it was said that the elders of the family were no longer there, she was alone with three children who were not even old enough to go back and forth even if Cuihua Mountain was not too far away, it was troublesome to go back and forth, so she simply stayed in the old Song family mansion in the imperial capital.But this time the emperor sent word and the empress personally sent someone to summon her to Cuihua Mountain - even if by this time the matter of smallpox at Cuihua Mountain had already reached the imperial capital side, she had to leave Zhang Cuiniang to take care of the children and hurriedly set off h
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Chapter 388 The Empress Dowager Hangs from a Beam
It wasn't as if Empress Wei didn't actually suspect that the Lu family wasn't the real culprits.But at that time, when the King of Liang presented the evidence for the Grand Princess of Jin to look over, she accompanied her, and happened to recognize that among the things of Xiyu, there were two that were precisely the ones that she herself had rewarded Huang with in her early years - this she had to say!Because if the spread of smallpox is only Jian Xubai's father and daughter, as well as the subordinates of the Duke of Yan's residence, no one will suspect the Empress.However, Emperor Duanhua's concubine's second son had also been tricked, and Empress Wei had discovered the suspicion but did not immediately reveal it, so what if someone suspected her later?Although it was said that at the moment, the second prince could not threaten the crown prince at all, but such things as royalty could not be told clearly.Furthermore, that incident with Han Ji
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Chapter 389 Su Bo Feng
Song Yixiao although also by Lu Yicheng this move angry not light, but also quite calm, "I and Su second son does not have what, even if he wants to slander think can only make up nonsense! It must not be able to stand up to scrutiny - but he did this, obviously ready for the destruction of the Lu family, do not intend to want the back way.""This kind of person deserves to be cut off from his children and grandchildren, even if there is a way out, he deserves to find out that it's a dead end at the back!" Bell hated, "The Song family is simply blind, a good young lady refuses to be raised, what kind of things have they gotten into the door? The Liu's in the front, the Lu's and the Lu's in the back, it's no wonder that Pang and Master Song are both gone now!"She felt a bit uncomfortable saying this, Song Yuan was no longer good, but he was also Song Yixiao's own father, wasn't he?However, Song Yixiao this time can not have the heart with her to calculate these, r
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Chapter 390 Grandchildren
He Lou Duhan walked in silence through the garden of the Gu Family's special courtyard.The compound was said to have been built at the time of Gu Shao's great-grandfather, and had a history of a hundred years to date.The winding moss and gnarled branches all speak of the vicissitudes and heaviness.Even though every under-servant was courteous and respectful without being fawning, there was still a pounding pressure that made it difficult to relax when walking among them.This kind of pressure was not unfamiliar to He Lou Duhan.--This is the natural gulf between the humble and the famous.By no means can a single first-place winner erase it.He stabilized himself behind the wigwam before walking out.In an octagonal pavilion in front of the wigwam, Gu Shao was wearing a half-used, not new, homely robe, pressing his knees with one hand and holding a bushel fan with the other, observing the fire in the small red clay stove."Whe
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