All Chapters of The Reborn Girl's Honor and Glory: Chapter 401 - Chapter 410
495 Chapters
Chapter 401 Hatred growing in her heart
Song Yixiao could be said to be colorless when she returned to the Duke of Yan's residence.Even Bell, who was eager to know what Yuan Xue Pei had actually said to her, did not dare to make a sound when she saw this situation."There is no need to bring Qing Yue over to me today, I want to be alone!" She returned to the back hall and drank two hot teas in one gulp to calm her nerves before she said to Suzaku, "If Husband comes over to see Qingyue, just let him go to Qingyue's courtyard to see it as well, there's no need to come to my place!"Bells answered with a curt nod, and went down with a desire to speak.Just a few moments later, before Song Yixiao, who was alone in the room, came up with a plan, Bell came back helplessly to repeat her order, "Missy is determined to come to see you, and she has been crying for quite a while, and the nursemaid and the slave girl can't coax her!"There was a pause, "Missy is a little hoarse from crying.""Brin
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Chapter 402 Xie Jiaqi
The girl's eyebrows were quite similar to Xie Yiren's, and she was very pretty and cute.But unlike Xie Yiren's dignified and tranquil demeanor, she is very lively and cheerful, just as Jiang Mubai said, and is not afraid of the stage. The woman was very generous and came up to Song Yixiao to salute her, and said sweetly, "When I was in Qingzhou, I heard my mother read a letter from her family, and I knew that my sister had a good friend with both talent and appearance, and that she was the most gentle and kind-hearted, graceful and elegant, and that she would be this sister Song!""Told you, it's time to do the state ceremony first!" Xie Yi Ren rubbed her forehead and said, "Where are the promised rules?""Cousin-in-law, please don't be so outgoing!" Song Yixiao busily said, "Jiaqi is willing to make out with me, I'm more than happy!" Saying this, she looked at herself - she didn't know that Xie Yi Ren would bring her sister here, so naturally she hadn't prepared
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Chapter 403 Mother Thin is gone?
The entire great room of the Hengshan Royal House was filled with a joyous atmosphere.This is not surprising, Kong's only entered the door although the heel on the foot of a son, but because of the second young lady Jin would like to dip a heir edge, hard to carry the child over to raise - the results do not know whether the child itself has a problem, or Jin is not attentive, in any case, not a full month is gone.To be Kong's out of the month before knowing, with Jin's theories and was angry with her, after a serious illness, even a few years have not moved!How could the eldest house not be happy to have a son at last?"It's like I'm in a dream until now!" When Kong saw Song Yixiao, the tears in the corners of her eyes had not dried, and she said bluntly, "Two years ago, I thought I would never have a child again - I didn't expect to have today!"Her nursemaid also wiped her tears, sighing at her bitter sweetness, and of course, she had to persuade
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Chapter 404 The Past
The next day after returning from Hengshan Wang Fu, Song Yixiao specially prepared a gift to go to the Grand Princess of Jin's residence.It is not to visit the Grand Princess of Jin, but to make amends to Pei Yourui - next month is the day of Pei Yourui's release, but the Duke of Yan's family will soon be returning to their hometown in order to pass on the matter, so naturally, they will not be able to participate in the wedding of this righteous sister."I heard that you guys are planning to bring the Xinling county princess with you?" After meeting and exchanging a few pleasantries, Pei Yourui asked with concern, "Will you be unable to take care of her? After all, Xiao Qing Yue is also going! Why don't I tell my mother to let me take care of the county princess, so that you don't have to bring along trouble.""You take care of yourself first!" Song Yixiao couldn't help but laugh, "We've never been back to Mulberry and Zi before, and this time we'll have to go ba
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Chapter 405 Departing for Home
Song Yixiao couldn't help but bitterly laugh out loud at his words, "I didn't check, Yuan Xue Pei confessed to me herself!""Him?!" Pei Yourui was shocked and subconsciously sat up straight, "It's actually him? Why?""It's hard to explain!" Song Yixiao, however, had no intention of telling her in detail, sighed, and said, "It's also because there's a lot going on in the past two days, and I'm about to set off on a long trip - otherwise, I really don't know what to do right now!"Pei Yourui also sighed: ''With the relationship between Boling Hou and the fourth brother, you are indeed difficult. Just Bo Ling Hou is also too much, his parents are dead, step grandmother and uncle are not a light, these years not less borrow fourth brother's momentum. That is, the fourth brother and his friendship, in the end, husband and wife one is the closest, how can he do this to you? How can he do this to you? What does this take the fourth brother for?"Song Yixiao really d
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Chapter 406 Arrival
Although Shen Qimo is only an aunt, but because she gave birth to Jane Yiyu's only son, this time also in the entourage.Of course, due to Jane Yiyu and Jane Xubaibai relationship is not good cause, the departure are a few days, she and Song Yixiao has not been face to face, in the road when each nest in the carriage coaxing children, down the car it also has subordinates placed a good place to ask them to rest separately.This will be Shen Qi Mor sent to invite Yun aunt, Song Yixiao responded, thought about it, in the end did not go to see.A long time later, Yun Gu came back, and Song Yixiao asked her, "Is there a fever over there? Is it strong?""It's wind chill." Yun Gu did not care and said, "When we get to the place later, it's just a matter of taking a post of medicine."Song Yixiao sniffed and did not pay attention to it, pulling out the golden hairpin on her temples and teasing her sister, "What's on top of this? Why does this bell ring?"
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Chapter 407 - The Ancestral Hall
This day early in the morning, the day is not yet bright, Song Yixiao got up, their own grooming time, order the maid to go to the Jane Qing Yue also shouted to wake up to clean up. But Lu Zhuoer because it is not Jane's family, is over as a guest, Song Yixiao called bell to guard her, this day let this sister to stay in the Jiangzhu Pavilion, do not take out.After the mother and daughter got done, they went to the flower hall, Jian Xubai had already waited here, and the couple casually used some breakfast, and then carried their daughter to the main hall.They had arrived early, and there was no one in the hall yet.But we all know what day it is, so it didn't take long for everyone to gather - Song Yixiao noticed that Jian Li Miao had a joyful look on his face that he couldn't hide, and looked at his own family, including Lu Zhuo'er, with an extraordinarily kind gaze.It seems that this uncle, no, after today's father-in-law, although adhering to the promi
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Chapter 408 - Mourning News and Mourning Glory
After returning to the Jiangzhu Pavilion, Song Yi asked with a smile about today's succession in the ancestral hall, and Jian Xubai said, "It's just going through the motions - a few elders in the middle of the process said that the second house doesn't have many heirs, and that even though there are only two commoners' sons in the big house, the grandchildren already have several grandchildren, so it would be better to pass on the heir from the big house to the third house, or maybe other families in the clan also have many heirs. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do that, but I'm sure you're going to be able to. Grandfather said that mother ... said that the second aunt had already agreed, and the several elders also stopped talking."Even Song Yixiao, the State Lady, could cause a crowd outside the ancestral hall, and Her Highness, the Grand Princess, was even higher up, so even if the Jian clan had a little heart, how could they dare to disobey?Jian Xu Bai
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Chapter 409 Yankee
Unlike Jian Ping Yu's death at the end of his life, Jian Li Kuang died a miserable death.Although the process of his death went unnoticed, and was only discovered after dawn when the servants were planning to clean the courtyard - but from the hideous look on his face after he was scooped up, it was enough to deduce what kind of struggle and unwillingness this extra horse harnessed by the side of the Emperor's side of the Great Princess of the Kingdom of Jin had had prior to his death."When you get to the spirit hall, remember not to look towards the coffin." So much so that after arriving, Jian Xu Bai only took one look and turned back to privately instruct his wife, "Especially don't hug Qing Yue on the hearth, lest she inadvertently see something she shouldn't and get scared!"The couple was on cloud nine, but the Janes were freaking out!Jane Ping Yu's death can be said to be an old man always have to go when they get older, Jane Li Kuang good for nothi
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Chapter 410 - The Division of Ancestral Property
Song Yixiao thought for a moment, told Bell to look after the two children, he went into the inner room to take care of the mourning clothes, went out and went straight to the big room to find Gao.When Gao saw her come over alone, she knew she must have something to say, and busily dismissed the maids in front of her, saying with concern, "Is there something wrong with A-Hu's daughter-in-law?""There is something I want to inform Great Aunt." Song YiXiao said what happened one by one, and finally said, "I thought that we either don't know about such a thing, since we know, if we don't care about it, it's always not good to hear about it, especially the second aunt over in the imperial capital, who has always loved her juniors. This ...?"Gao's face changed, there is a good, the next some effect, since Jane Ping Yu and Jane Li Kuang passed away, the Jane family people know, the clan can only count on the future of Jane Li Miao father and son. The old man knows that
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