All Chapters of The Reborn Girl's Honor and Glory: Chapter 391 - Chapter 400
495 Chapters
Chapter 391 Backwash
This person was naturally Gu Shao.He had a very rough time convincing Herou Dokhan, and the two grandchildren even parted on bad terms in the end.But after Gu Shao gave up the convenience of using this grandson, he still managed to get in touch with Bo's mom.It's just that in doing so, Gu Shao changed his plans, he didn't want to go after Wei Mengying's beloved ones such as Mother Bo, but instead persuaded Mother Bo to fall back on her words and exterminate Song Yixiao alone.This is how his housekeeper persuaded Mother Bo: ''The deceased has passed away! The reason why Princess Wei ended up like that has a lot to do with the person she was herself. Even though mama has her heart set on her old master, yet isn't it more important to think about the young master's future than revenge?""Although it is said that Mrs. Yan is deeply favored by Duke Yan, but Mrs. Yan has no children so far, the next thing must be to plan to get a son to fix the favor; onc
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Chapter 392 Mantis Catching the Cicada, Yellow Bird in the Back
Bell just cast the new master, is enthusiastic, heard the advice, "Why don't you just pretend to be unwell, slave girl passes out the news, and then contact with thin mother, try to get the news? Maybe we can find that Gu Shao's handle?""This method is not desirable!" Song Yi smiled and shook her head, "Gu Shao was famous all over the world when he was like my husband's age, there is no such thing as a man with a great reputation, you can't think that he's stupid just because I dodged a bullet this time--who knows if he's only turned back one of the thin moms? In case he has done other tricks in this compound, and if I am sick and turn around and really don't have it, won't that be a favor to him?""Blah blah blah! What are you saying, ma'am?" Bell said, "You are deeply blessed, the Seventh Prince and the Eighth Princess will have to rely on you in the future, how can that old man surnamed Gu do anything to help you, ma'am?"Song Yi laughed, "Let me make an analog
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Chapter 393 The Powerful Minister's Scheme
Duanmu old lady and Jane Li Miao's planning and not to mention, Song Yi smile this side, guessed a review of the truth that Shao want to kill their own fruitless, she is also too lazy to dwell on this issue - concentrate on thinking up a response to the strategy.It was said that he was concentrating on pondering, but in reality, Song Yixiao couldn't do much in her current situation other than raise her guard.In the end, Gu Shao high position and power and deep Duanhua Emperor's trust and rely on, no evidence, hastily testify that he such a pillar of the country, is not a joke."When will husband and Qing Yue get well?" Song Yi smiled so looked at the empty courtyard and sighed.She still thinks that Jian Xubai and Jane Qing Yue are slow to recover, who would have thought that on the next day there will be bad news: the second prince is gone!Duanhua emperor knee total of two emperors, although he is very satisfied with the crown prince, in order to pr
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Chapter 394 The Miserable Jian Ping Yu
Gu Shao said nonchalantly, "Your Majesty, Jian Li Kuang is too involved, so we can't openly investigate him. However, I suspect him based on my own words, but it is also unfair. I think that it would be better to send someone who is trusted by your majesty and is sensitive and careful to secretly investigate to see if he is related to the smallpox matter!"Emperor Duanhua murmured, "Then it's better for Gu Xiang to go and do it, there is a saying that a guest does not bother two masters ...""Your Majesty, I can't do this!" Gu Shao reminded, "Jian Likuang's father, Jian Lezhi, was once a political enemy of mine! I suspected Jian Li Kuang without any evidence, it was already a big deal, and I knew that Your Majesty was wise and forgiving, so I opened my mouth rashly. Now that I have to prove my suspicions, I must avoid suspicion! Otherwise, when I privately inform the Grand Princess of Jin and others, how will I convince the public?"Lezhi is the character for Jane
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Chapter 395 The Empress Dowager's Invitation
The Grand Princess of Jin was shocked when she saw the people sent by Emperor Duanhua, and she thought that the Empress Dowager had something bad going on.Hurriedly rushed to the palace, see the Dowager Empress Dowager sitting on the top of the head, the bottom of the Duanhua Emperor accompanied, the wide hall only Yu Guo a person serving tea, and even the Duanhua Emperor's beloved chamberlain are not in, which know that the emperor has something to look for himself."What's wrong?" The Grand Princess of Jin gave the Empress Dowager a salute and raised her hand to dispense with the Emperor's family salute, asking in surprise, "What happened?""The true culprit behind the attack on Qing Yue has been found out." Emperor Duanhua sniffed and looked at the Dowager Empress, who nodded towards her grandchild and allowed her daughter to take her seat before saying, "It was none other than that eunuch of yours, Jian Pingyu, as well as your extra horse harnessed by the side
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Chapter 396 The Calculations of Filial Piety
Emperor Duanhua thought that wasn't nonsense? Carelessly, he said, "Naturally, the punishment is severe."But how a severe punishment method, he did not have the intention to say in detail - Empress Su knew that this is because the emperor is not so good for his own feelings, lazy more words, also do not think that, only cover the throat cough a few times, raspy voice, "I have no other meaning, just want to ask what to do with the A Xu? ""I have already discussed this matter with my royal grandmother and the royal aunt of Jin, and for the sake of the two Jian cousins, I don't intend to do it openly." Emperor Duanhua said, "In the open, let the Lu family take the blame."The reason why they are looking for the Lu family to take the blame is because Wei Xi's "thorough investigation" proved that Lu Huanquan had indeed seduced the Princess of Yushan's palace maid, Xi Yu. The reason why they are looking for the Lu family to take the blame is because for one thing, Wei
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Chapter 397 The Dust Settles
Royal unity of opinion, and have Gu Shao secretly push waves, the smallpox thing can finally be settled - Yi Wang little princess Lu Ning night although it is instigated, but its behavior in the end heartless, and indirectly led to the death of the second prince.So she's definitely not going to live!The House of Yi was also implicated, and Hopu was relegated to the status of a commoner.The Empress Dowager remembered King Yi Jing's birth mother, in the end, she ordered people to let them keep some industry, otherwise this family is used to being captive by the royal family, and just sent down to the mountains, what will be the end of it can be imagined!Yi Wang Fu is still so, and as the mastermind of the Lu family needless to say: Lu Yicheng has been self . Lu Yicheng has already killed himself, was still deprived of all the honor and titles in his life, only to be buried as a commoner.His family in addition to Lu Xu's children, sixteen years of age
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Chapter 398 Returning to the Imperial Capital
Although the Lu family has been identified as the main culprits in the smallpox incident, if it is followed by the sudden deaths of Jian Ping Yu and his son, as well as the succession of Jian Xubaibai, it will inevitably arouse suspicion.So the matter of succession, only by the Jin Guo Grand Princess came out to communicate with her daughter-in-law, temporarily not announced to the public.It was only at the end of July, when Jian Xu Bai and Jian Qing Yue had finally shed their pox scabs and recovered as before, that the matter began to operate -The introduction is that Jian Ping Yu learns that his young grandson and great-granddaughter have contracted smallpox and sends someone to visit them.But because of Mulberry is far away from the imperial capital, sent people arrived at Cuihua Mountain, the mountain in order to prevent the spread of smallpox, has been banned from entering and exiting. This messenger can only wait at the bottom of the mountain, wait
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Chapter 399 A Sudden Letter
On this day, Xie Yi Ren didn't take her leave until late afternoon, personally sending her away, the nursemaid led Jian Qing Yue to freshen up again, Song Yixiao returned to the back hall with the bell, and the smile on her face faded."Is madam troubled by the letter sent by Marquis Boling a few days ago?" Bell made her a tea and asked in a warm voice."I usually have nothing to do with him, he suddenly wrote to invite me to meet him alone, I really can't figure it out!" Song Yixiao took the tea and sipped it, hanging her eyelashes and said, "The appointment will be on the day after tomorrow, and on that day, my husband will be on duty, so I'm free - just in the end, whether or not I want to go, I haven't thought about it yet."After Wei Mengying's death, Song Yixiao has been secretly pursuing the truth.But because this year only to Cuihua Mountain to catch the smallpox thing, half of the summer period, Jane virtual white father and daughter are out of the
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Chapter 400 Showdown and Unspoken Word
It was autumn at this time of year, but the daytime was still hot with the autumn sun shining high.I don't know if it was for this reason, but after Song Yixiao sat in the pavilion, instead of feeling cool, she felt indescribably anxious.She forced herself to calm down and watched as Yuan Xue Pei lifted the teapot in front of her and poured a cup of tea for each of the two of them - waiting for him to put the pot down before speaking, "What did you ask me to come here to say?""Two things." Yuan Xue Pei picked up his own cup of tea, blew on it, took a shallow sip, and didn't beat around the bush, speaking warmly, "The first thing, the truth about the death of your wife, Princess Wei ..."He paused, then said, "I'm one of the masterminds.""What about the second one?" Before Song Yixiao came, she had envisioned a situation where Yuan Xue Pei had confessed to having plotted Wei Mengying's murder, and at that time she thought she would be furious, angry,
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