All Chapters of Sword of the Immortal: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
266 Chapters
Chapter 110 Winning People with Virtue
Lin Beichen threw a wink at the little girl Bai Qinyun.The latter immediately jumped out and presented her great, light blue two-handed sword, saying, "Let me first. I'll give it a name... Greatsword."Fan Zu'ang froze.After a moment of silence, the crowd burst into laughter."Greatsword?"What the hell is this name?"But obviously, Bai Qinyun had been brainwashed by Lin Beichen. She was very satisfied with the name. She raised up her neck as beautiful and curvaceous as a cygnet's and said loudly, "What are you laughing at? It's my sword, and I can call it whatever I want. This name is very good... Humph."Lin Beichen lowered his head."Innocent girl, I hope that when you know the name's implied meaning in the future, you will not regret it."After all, Fan Zu'ang was a master in forging swords who had seen much of the world. He calmed down, smiled slightly, display
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Chapter 111 What the Hell Is That Name?
Everyone's expression changed.The teenagers reached out their hands and held the hilts of their swords.The elders controlled their swords while slightly letting out their Mystery Energy."Clang! Clang! Clang!"The sounds were still echoing.Cao Potian didn't take it seriously at first, but gradually he couldn't suppress his Heaven-Slashing Sword with his spiritual force. He could only put his hand on the sword hilt so that it wouldn't be unsheathed, but the Heaven-Slashing Sword was still struggling in the sheath.As for Dongfang Zhan, he seemed to be in extreme difficultly holding the hilt with both hands, barely controlling the Sword of Fearlessness by his side.The other young men, such as Xue Yan, Song Queyi, Song Qingfeng, Lin Haitang, and the others, all tried their best to control their swords to prevent them from flying away.Bai Qinyun was like a doll hanging onto a gre
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Chapter 112 Quantum Speed Reading
Fan Zu'ang listened to the three strange names of the swords in succession, and then became interested in the young man who seemed to be a pure swordsman. In addition, Lin Beichen had cooperated with him to complete the Sword Spirit Enlightening of the Virtue Sword so that his cultivation base could reach a higher level. Therefore, Fan Zu'ang had a very good impression of Lin Beichen.It was no exaggeration to say that among so many young swordsmen and young geniuses here tonight, the person he liked most was Lin Beichen.Therefore, he first hesitated, but after Lin Beichen's confirmation, he engraved the word "Zhengyi" on the blade of the sword.To tell the truth, in the beginning, Fan Zu'ang had thought that it was the word "Justice".Lin Beichen held the "Zhengyi Sword" in his hand and waved it casually.The sword glowed and was soon fully awakened.The integrating degree was still 100%.Bu
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Chapter 113 Ling Wu
"Ew!"That's so disgusting."Bai Qinyun was really about to puke."How can this pervert say such disgusting words?""Definitely win?"Cao Potian glanced at Lin Beichen and said, "He's arrogant beyond measure.""Haha, I thought I was already very crazy. But I didn't expect that there is such an arrogant man who is not inferior to me in this small Cloudy Dream City." The red-haired, square-faced young man, Xue Yan, sneered."Ugh..."The little chubby boy had been reading the fighting technique while stuffing something into his mouth. When he heard such words as "doing a handstand and shitting", he imagined the specific image and immediately spat out all the black jam in his mouth.Dongfang Zhan, Song Queyi, Song Qingfeng, Ming Luotian, Liu Yanwei, Xie Yunrong, and the other geniuses were also shocked by the ridiculous remark."Quantum Speed Reading method?"
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Chapter 114 Who Is My Brother-In-Law?
"Ah..."Ling Chen had been very excited just now, and after seriously thinking for a while, she carefully organized her words and said, "Maybe it's because I recently have a boyfriend.""Oh, it's not a big deal... What?"Ling Wu subconsciously felt that it was okay, but then he suddenly reacted. Like a frightened kitten, he suddenly jumped up and said, "Your, your, your... boyfriend?"Ling Chen said naturally, "Yes, I'm old enough. I can't always be single like you and our eldest brother. You haven't even touched a girl's hand yet, let alone dated a girl, have you?"Ling Wu: ヾ( ̄□ ̄;)ノ"Who is he?"After more than a dozen breaths, Ling Wu finally quieted his chest, which had been heaving violently.Ling Chen replied, "You know him.""I know him?"Ling Wu began to think about possible names.He immediately eliminated the so-called geniuses in Cl
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Chapter 115 One Move
"Within a year, could a person's spirit actually change so much?"Is it really true that suffering makes people grow?"The Mansion of the Heaven-fighting Marquis was searched and confiscated. Lin Beichen began as a stupid scumbag and then started to fight hard, which was why he now vaguely had the appearance of a genius.This made Ling Wu surprised.He decided to observe carefully.Within the arena..."Everyone, let's draw lots and decide the order of the fighting."Old Man of the Sea took out a bamboo tube that contained more than 20 bamboo sticks with numbers on them.The young men and women all came forward one after another to pick one.Lin Beichen picked the number four stick.There was a total of more than 20 people. They were split into pairs, and would then fight each other. The winner of each pair could continue on to the next fight while the los
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Chapter 116 Destroying the Sword
Buzz!The magic spiked sword was inserted into the rockery, as it continued to vibrate at a high speed."Wow..."Xue Yan opened his mouth and spurted out blood.His entire person seemed to be a lot more tired.The surrounding people were shocked.The young men and women looked at Xue Yan and Lin Beichen in disbelief. They could not believe the result.Xue Yan was wild.His mouth also stunk.He was not very popular either.However, his strength and his talent, was indisputable.Even among all the young men and women here tonight, he could be said to be at the top of the list.But in the end, he was defeated by Lin Beichen with only one move of his sword.The moment the "Zhengyi Sword" was swung, there seemed to be an illusion made by the tide of the sea, which stayed still next to everyone's ears.This st
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Chapter 117 Dark Green Ring
The third round of fighting could only be described in two words...Quick battle.Ming Luotian was a talented swordswoman from the Sun and Moon City, the largest city in the Da Chuan Domain.But compared with Cao Potian, she was a bit weaker.When the two of them fought each other, only three stroke moves were displayed, as the sword in Ming Luotian's hand flew out."Haha, Ming Luotian, you don't have to be discouraged. Your performance just now was already very good, but during the third move, there was a problem with the number of times you used your Mystery Energy. I will teach you. This "As Good as Water" contains a profound meaning..."Different from the cruelty in his treatment toward Xie Yunrong, Cao Potian this time had unexpectedly taken the initiative to explain with a smile on his face.No one expected that Ming Luotian would directly interrupt him and say faintly, "Potian, you don'
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Chapter 118 Left-Handed Sword
The Old Man of Sea only smiled faintly and did not respond to Cao Potian.Lin Beichen laughed and said, "Haha. That's great. I am in need of a treasure."When it came to pretending, he really wasn't afraid of anyone.Besides, he was actually interested in the item.Because it could cover the existence of the Baidu Netdisk.In the future, if he downloaded something randomly from the network disk, he could say that it was taken out of the ring. No one would notice anything wrong. Wouldn't that be beautiful?"Okay."The Old Man of Sea said seriously, "Let the match begin."Lin Beichen thought for a second, as his left hand held the Zhengyi Sword. The Dolan Sword hung from his waist, as he walked onto the arena.Cao Potian was indeed a strong rival.At this moment, he could not be careless.Otherwise, his pretense would fail and he would be ridic
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Chapter 119 Hidden Trick
"A real chicken. You sure know how to boast."Lin Beichen said disdainfully, "I thought to betray your master was already the lowest you could possibly go, but I didn't expect to have overestimated you. Since you can connect such a topic with Mr. Ding, you are indeed cruel. Even a dog will wag its tail after spending a long period of time together. For a bastard like you, in order to please Bai Haiqin, you actually attacked Mr. Ding in front of so many people."There was no sense of shame on Cao Potian's face.With a hint of disdain on the corners of his mouth, he said, "Is Ding Lei worthy of being my master? If he hadn't misled me and delayed me for three years, I would have been the core disciple of Baiyun City a long time ago.""Ding Lei?"Lin Beichen rubbed the center of his eyebrow with his middle finger."The name..."He suddenly wanted to turn around and ask, "Mr. Ding, have you ever so
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