All Chapters of Sword of the Immortal: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
268 Chapters
Chapter 130 The Fairy Swordsman Is Here
This world suddenly seemed to be frozen.Each scene stopped at the moment.In Lin Beichen's eyes, the shining light from the sword which went towards Ding Sanshi had been at an incredible speed, but was suddenly turned into complete silence. It seemed that it just stopped in a second.Right at the instant, Ding Sanshi moved.He had been placing the sword horizontally before his chest. Now faced with the light of the sword, he stabbed out.He didn't see any amazing light of Mystery Energy.Neither did he see the delicate change of sword techniques.It was simply a strike from a sword.The movement seemed easy and smooth.Moreover, his gesture looked elegant like a fairy's.All of a sudden, this old man who had been living in the small city for more than a decade quietly and had been taken away his glamour by ages finally exposed the outstanding side of the
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Chapter 131 Draw Your Sword Again Today
The elders all became nervous.He wanted to resolve a grudge now?Thinking of how they had supported Bai Haiqin and given Ding Sanshi a hard time on purpose made them all feel weak."Fairy swordsman Ding, we were wrong.""Bai Haiqin forced us with his status in Baiyun City. We had no solution...""We admit that we were wrong."The elders just admitted their faults.Ding Sanshi said lightly, "If it's useful to just admit your fault, why is it necessary to have police?"Pfft.Lin Beichen almost spat.Master, how did you know my motto?You couldn't have been spying on me?Ding Sanshi's tough attitude made the elders weak, but they were also unsatisfied at the same time.They apologized so obediently.They had admitted their faults in front of so many people.What else did he want?
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Chapter 132 Lin Beichen's Desire to Live
Lin Beichen was feeling complicated inside."Master, I shouldn't have scolded you.""I shouldn't have said you were pretending to be kind.""I shouldn't have played the fool in front of you.""But, I'm one of you disciples. You can't intend to attack me."To be frank, Lin Beichen was a bit scared.It was purely an instinct of people on earth—when faced with a murderer, no one could just keep calm. If Lin Beichen had not experienced a period of emotional growth in this different world, his legs would have been trembling."You woke me up."There was finally a smile on Ding Sanshi's face. He said, "You are excellent. You're even greater than I imagined."Swoosh~Lin Beichen was relieved."He praised me.""Mr. Ding, don't worry. I'll learn hard from now on."Lin Beichen had wanted to be modest. But somehow, this sentence
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Chapter 133 A New Thought
In the Bamboo House.Lin Beichen was happily enjoying a bath in the tub.Now that the lackey Wang Zhong was here, he did not have to worry about accommodations or entertainment.He had just come back, but Wang Zhong had already prepared hot water for his bath. And, he had even found two beautiful maids out of nowhere who would serve Lin Beichen while he bathed. However, as the prime disciple of the fairy swordsman, Lin Beichen would not be tempted by such a corrupt life.So, to show how tough he was, he accepted Wang Zhong's arrangement."Young Master Lin, your skin is really white...""Haha, and it feels elastic."The two pretty maids looked about sixteen. Both of them looked delicate and soft, as if they had come from renowned families. Under Lin Beichen's strong insistence, they gave up the idea of getting undressed to bathe with him. Instead, they massaged Lin Beichen from the side.
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Chapter 134 Lin Beichen Was Stopped
On the second day.It was a sunny day.As it was getting hotter and hotter, the clothes people were wearing were getting thinner and thinner.This world was quite open, especially the girls. The summer dresses in fashion here were pretty scanty. So looking through the streets, soft, white skin was everywhere. The view was getting more and more attractive.Lin Beichen skipped the classes all day and hung out on the street.He certainly had not come here for the view.Instead, some of the preliminary accounts of auction Chapters had not been paid yet.Tomorrow would be the formal contest of the Talent Battle.Lin Beichen, Bai Qinyun, Yue Hongxiang, and Han Bufu would compete on behalf of Third Junior College.Therefore, he had to finish these trifles today."Of course, it's reasonable to check out some long, soft, white legs along the way, right?"
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Chapter 135 Is there Such a Cruel Person in the World?
As expected, it was a fight between gangs.Lin Beichen asked, "Then why do you block my way?"The leader said in a shaky voice, "Because you've asked around about Yue Hongxue in Happiness Inn. Our people heard of you and thought you're one of Gale Brothers. That was why we dared to besiege you. We wanted to bring you to Thousand-mile Chamber of Commerce for rewards.""Thousand-mile Chamber of Commerce will reward you as long as you bring someone who knows Yue Hongxue?"Lin Beichen said, "Are they so cruel?"The leader said, "Because Shen Fei from Sword Flame Mercenary Group went into a devil state in the Talent Battle preliminary. He'd been contaminated by alien devils, so the government destroyed Sword Flame Mercenary Group. The power balance of the gangs in Cloudy Dream City is broken. It's said that some big shot supported the Thousand-mile Chamber of Commerce so it quickly grew and wants to command all the gangs in
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Chapter 136 Are You Going to Take the Throne From Me?
Fang Xiaobai's heart sank. She knew Zhao Zhuoyan, the president of the Thousand-mile Chamber of Commerce. His lust for sex was as strong as his lust for life. He had especially been doting on the concubine. So, in order to save Yue Hongxue, she abducted the concubine and her daughter. Nevertheless, she didn't expect to meet Zhao Wuyang. It was rumored that this person was the eldest son of Zhao Zhuoyan. However, it had been a very long time since he had shown up in Cloudy Dream City. It was said that he had been banished to the outside world to train a long time ago and did not receive much attention from Zhao Zhuoyan. As such, people knew little about his way of doing things, character, etc. To everyone's surprise, he turned out to be such a vicious beast. She had misjudged the opponent. "I made a mistake." "What?" Z
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Chapter 137 You Dared to Trick Me
"Who are you?" A typical evil smile appeared on Zhao Wuyang's face. "Me?" The handsome young student ate the leftover watermelon in a few bites, licked the melon skin, and said, "If I say I am just an innocent bystander who accidentally stopped to watch the play, will you believe it?" "Master, it's him." The messenger who had been slapped in the face hurriedly shouted, "It was him who controlled Chief Lao of the Green-billow Gang." "Oh, he actually came to me. It seems Green-billow Gang betrayed me." Zhao Wuyang frowned slightly and said. "You're right." Another man jumped to the top of the wall. He was none other than the leader of the Green-billow Gang, Lao Zi. The leader's nose was crooked and his eyes were black and blue like a panda's. He was obviously beaten up, but he looked righteous and generous as he said, "Lin Beichen patiently guided and persuaded
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Chapter 138 What Did You Do Wrong?
Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! The sound of arrows breaking through the air rang out. The expert archers hiding in the various parts of the manor also fired their arrows at Lin Beichen. Lin Beichen's Spiritual Force was fully activated to sense everything around him. At the same time, he performed the Beauty-stealing Walk to the extreme. He constantly changed his position, avoided the arrows, and rushed toward Zhao Wuyang. This was his usual fighting style. "To shoot the person, shoot his horse first. "To catch bandits, catch the leader first." As long as he caught Zhao Wuyang, all the problems would be solved easily. Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Zhao Wuyang's movement was also very flexible. He mastered a kind of footwork martial skill and constantly changed his position. At the same time, he could also shoot sleeve arrows, flying knives, flying needles, a
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Chapter 139 Could You Please Teach Me?
"I'm Sky-Defying... Uh, this nickname seems a little bit weird. Nah, I'll come up with another one." Halfway through his words, Lin Beichen suddenly felt that he should get another name. So, he habitually rubbed his brow with the middle finger of his left hand, but after thinking for a moment, he suddenly felt that he had not any good ideas for a while. "Alas. "It's all Zhao Wuyang's fault. "He spoiled the mood." Therefore, Lin Beichen suddenly became very angry again. He raised his hand and gave Zhao Wuyang another slap. He said, "Why didn't you f*cking ask me earlier? Why didn't you f*cking wear a hat...?" Zhao Wuyang: o(╥﹏╥)o! He had never been humiliated like this before. "Take out the antidote," Lin Beichen said fiercely. "What antidote?" Zhao Wuyang had been confused by Lin Beichen's unexpected actions. He was in a daze, and
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