All Chapters of Sword of the Immortal: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
270 Chapters
Chapter 150 I'm really stupid, really...
Lin Beichen's heart was broken.He felt as if he had experienced a wire fraud.My gold coins of that size, the whole 4,000 of them, are suddenly gone?When I opened the disk and took a look, there were really only 110 pieces left in it.Look again at WeChat's wallet balance.Also 110.The number is just too ironic.Crooked? Demon spirit? I have encountered a telecommunication fraud , yes, the other party claimed to be the goddess of the divine realm, the net name is called the sword snow nameless, cheated me 40 million RMB, police uncle, I'm not joking, I'm not teasing you guys, you have to believe me, it's true ......He really wanted to call the police.Months of hard work, back to normal overnight.Anyone else couldn't take it anymore."Hey goddess, are you there still? I've changed my mind, I don't want to awaken my Xuan Qi anymore, can you return the gold coins?"Lin Beichen sent a message.
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Chapter 151 The route is going astray again
The moment the azure light of Xuan Qi, enveloped that koi, one could see that the koi, which was already about to hang, suddenly opened its eyes wide and became hydrated at a speed visible to the naked eye.Huh?Lin Beichen was shocked.In the next instant, it was seen that this half-dead koi carp had completely recovered its vigor, and then with a flick of its tail, which was very powerful, it directly broke free from Lin Beichen's hands and jumped into the pool.Huh?Is this one playing dead?Lin Beichen was instantly furious.It's just as well that the goddess lied to me.You're a fish, how can you fake your death to fool me?Out of anger, Lin students, poof jumped into the pool, directly that koi, re-caught, grabbed out."Stupid fish, you will pay for your behavior, with your life."He roared.One incense stick of time later.Wang Zhong, the housekeeper who was waiting sadly outside the bamboo courtyar
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Chapter 152 Poison in the shit
Day two.The weather was cloudy with a slight drizzle.PM2.5 index 10.Amidst the drizzle, the school carriage whistled as it sped out of the Third Academy, following the main road out of the city and directly letting the north go.In the carriage."The main event of the Heaven's Pride Battle will begin ten days later, from today onwards, the four of you will receive the school's specially customized secret training for you, it's considered to be a small stove, make sure to devote yourself to the special training, and fight for every second to enhance your strength, don't waste the academy's piece of mind."Chu Trace, who had turned on his chatterbox mode, lectured over and over again.The first year director, Pan Wei Min, was sitting on the side with his eyes closed.The four of them, Lin Beichen, Yue Hongxiang, Bai Lofty Cloud and Han Buxing, sat on the other side.The four of them were the seeded players of this Third Academy
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Chapter 153 It's really poisonous
Psst!Lin Beichen really did spew out directly this time, "You actually ate shit?"White Mountain Cloud was dumbfounded, then stormed out, "It was when I fell down, I accidentally inhaled some odor, what are you thinking? You're the one eating shit ......"Lin Beichen smiled and said, "It's fine, it's understandable to accidentally take a bite or two, we won't tell anyone, right, Senior Han, Sister Yue?"The others all held back their laughter."Everyone be careful, this group of tailless ghost rats seems to have produced a rat king."Han Bu Nui said.A rat colony that produces a rat king will be much harder to deal with.In any group of swarming magical beasts, once a king was produced, it meant that the strength of the group had grown greatly."Shut up." White Mountain Cloud dizzily rushed in and said, "Surname Lin, I'll fight you."Lin Beichen hurriedly dodged out of the way and said, "Schoolmate Bai, calm down, take the
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Chapter 154 The Water Ring
"It took a total of half an hour, exceeding the originally planned time."Pan Wei Min looked at the four trainees who had escaped in a sorry state, the expression on his face didn't change much as he said, "However, since I didn't detect the presence of the Rat King when I was probing before, it's considered to be an unforeseen circumstance, so it's considered that you guys are qualified this time around."Chu Trace shrugged his nose and said, "Why does it smell so bad?"Han Buxing smiled bitterly and was just about to say something.Lin Beichen and White Mountain Cloud simultaneously roared, "No talking.""Hmm?"White mountain clouds looked at Lin Beichen, as if he had discovered something, and said suspiciously, "Did you ......"Lin Beichen directly said, "No, I'm not the one who fell into the cesspool, you're thinking wrong."Before the words fell, Yue Hongxiang and Han Buyou both jumped away from Lin Beichen towards the side in uni
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Chapter 155 Forcing a Rat into Slavery
"Huh? It seems to be the voice of the Mouse King."Lin Beichen had tangled with the Rat King for a long time yesterday, and was more than familiar with this voice.A quick glance at ......Muscle Man Groundhog King was tied up, bound to a rock, and was struggling frantically.This king from the Valley of the Ghost Rats, the male rat who aspired to become the king of the rats in the entire realm, had just taken his first step, and his great plan of revenge, before it had even begun, was already bankrupt.The fate that awaits it is probably something like braised and steamed or boiled.It's because Director Pan Wei Min is washing kitchen knives in the river next to him."What's going on?"Lin Beichen asked in surprise.Pan Wei Min said without looking back, "Oh, this rat king, sneaking around our campsite last night, unsuspecting, I caught it, just in time for this morning's breakfast, I've seen it, the rat king's meat is very stro
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Chapter 156 Lin Beichen is Green
What's the use of the Groundhog King?"Squeaky ......"Half an hour later, when the Rat King spat out his tongue and his round body screamed as he rushed out from the territory of the Cold Ice Wolves, while his buttocks were followed by four red-eyed Cold Ice Wolves constantly spitting and chasing after him, Pan Weimin and Chu Trace understood.White Loftiness Cloud, Han Buwei, and Yue Hongxiang also understood.Pulling monsters!This was a term used exclusively in Lin Beichen's game on Earth.Although the adventurers of this world, too, were good at this kind of tactic, it was unheard of to have a ghost mouse pull monsters."Come on, it's almost time to get into the ready spot and get ready to strike."Lin Beichen said excitedly.It's got that flavor.That's what it feels like.With the image in front of you, this is like playing a full-on simulation game.Real pain open-ended experience.He's thoroughly
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Chapter 157: Adventurer Assholes
Snap!Lin Beichen jumped back and slapped White Loftiness Cloud on the head, saying, "Shut up, you dork, you're the one who's green.""But the top of your head is really up ......"Pride Lori said condescendingly.Lin Beichen glared at her and was about to say something.That's when the unexpected happened--Suddenly a dozen silhouettes appeared in the bushes in the distance, rushing towards the corpses of the Ice Cold Wolves like arrows from a string.It's other adventurers.Trying to grab the loot.Things like this happened from time to time in the Northern Barren Mountains.Many adventurers consumed all of their Xuan Qi and strength to fight the monsters successfully, only to be killed and robbed by those who were secretly spying on them.What's even more brutal is that there are times when it's not just about grabbing the loot.It is also often accompanied by extermination-style killings and robberies.
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Chapter 158 The Fire Rose Adventure Team
"Who are you people?"Pan Wei Min asked rhetorically."Fire Rose Adventure Team."A female warrior at the head of the group, in her thirties, with a majestic and muscular body, seemingly like a female elephant, giving people a very explosive and oppressive feeling.Pan Wei Min glanced back at Chu Sheng.Chu Trace said, "An adventure group under the Common Help Society, however, it is said that during this period of time, something has gone wrong and is in a financial crisis."Pan Weimin had it in his mind to turn around and said, "We are from the Third Provincial Junior College, and we're going to set up camp on the riverbank, so you guys can give up a piece of space."Commanding tone, very strong.The education system has a high status in the entire North Sea Empire.With Pan Wei Min and Chu Sheng's identities, they were big shots for this kind of low to medium level adventure team.A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes o
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Chapter 159 Wait, the plot isn't right
The newly appeared adventurers were about thirty people, all men, fierce and aggressive, and the armor on their bodies was much more advanced, unlike the inferior leather armor of the Fire Rose female adventurers, these men's armor was mainly thin iron armor, and from the equipment above, it was more than a few times better than the Fire Rose adventuring team.And leading the group was a man in his mid-thirties.This person aspect broad ears, eyebrows upright, stout and slender, a head of long black hair, wearing riveted iron armor, fully armed, left and right waist each hanging a long sword, looks is also considered to be mighty handsome, just slightly thin lips, slightly pursed, some mean and ungrateful attitude.After he sniffed, he coldly said, "Wu Hong, what are you, who are you qualified to stop me? Let Feng Sinniang come out, I'm Xiao Ling's father, she's my seed, of course I'm qualified to take Xiao Ling back.""Hmph, if you want to take away Xiao Lin
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