Semua Bab The Counterattack of the Downcast Queen: Bab 141 - Bab 150
613 Bab
Chapter 141 All with Their Own Designs
Princess Yang agreed and went back, but left Qiu Jinzhu here saying she wanted the girls to get close to each other and let Qiu Jinzhu ask Qiu Yelan what to note during the trip, "In case she may bother you.""Just pretend to be meek and lovely." Qiu Yelan was not so familiar with Chunfu Princess, so how could she know what Chunfu Princess preferred? Thus, she considered for a while with a cup of tea in her hands and told Qiu Jinzhu directly. "You are good at that, don't you?"Qiu Jinzhu nodded obediently which clearly showed that she was cautioned by Princess Yang before coming and said in a slimy tone, "I will follow every word of you, my dear cousin!""I don't care who you will fawn over, but remember this: don't make any plans against me! If you dared, I could take you out, but I couldn’t promise you can come back!" Qiu Yelan took a sip of tea. She ignored the complex expression on Qiu Jinzhu's face and put the teacup on the table, "If ther
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Chapter 142 Kept the Promise or Die!
It was just past the Lantern Festival. And it was still a few days left till their spring outing day. So, they still had time to prepare.With the help of Chunran and Xiaran who were older and more sophisticated, Su He only needed to focus on serving Qiu Yelan. While she was grinding the inkstone for Qiu Yelan, they talked about Princess Yang’s request, “They always have evil agendas against you. They try so hard to make you take the sixth Commandery Princess with you this time. I think they may be up to no good!”Qiu Yelan was looking at the ink. She nodded and said, “The ink is enough.” Su He put down the grinding rod in a hurry and wiped her hand clean. And then she rolled up Qiu Yelan’s sleeves for her.Qiu Yelan picked a purple calligraphy brush and started to write. And then she said, “I hate them too. However, since they brought up Kuang Qingwu and got Marquess Zhang into this, if I still refused, even I didn’t take Qiu Jinzhu with me, I
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Chapter 143 Miserable princesses
Qiu Yelan was convinced that although she did not know who Kuang Qingwu was, Jiang Yashuang must do.Surely enough, after Su He informed Jiang Yashuang, he came into the room through the window, which demonstrated that he did it frequently. Qiu Yelan, who was waiting for him urgently, had dismissed her maids already. They flirted with each other for minutes as usual. Finally, Qiu Yelan pinched his arm and said, "To be serious. Who is Kuang Qingwu? Why did he make trouble for my brother? I thought that the Kuang Family owes for the Ruan Family."Jiang Yashuang did not hasten to answer her. Instead, he pointed the empty teacup on the table. Qiu Yelan immediately served him tea. He picked the cup up and sipped. Then he said with satisfaction, "There is an old saying, 'If someone else is in distress and you give them little help, he will be grateful. However, if too much help is given and it creates dependency, once the help is stopped, it will cause people to
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Chapter 144 Took Our Cats. Let's Go!
Qiu Yelan relieved after seeing Jiang Yashuang off, "Jiang Yashuang will keep an eye on Kuang Qingwu. I don't think he will make big trouble then!" After all, Kuang Qingwu was new in the capital. He needed time to get used to the environment despite the support of his father, Kuang Shihan. What's more, the Jiang Family, in effect, was more influential in the capital than his.Her concern about Deng Yi was not urgent as she thought that Jiang Yashuang could cover for her and her brother. After arranging everything, she began to ask about the preparedness of the picnic.After getting what she wanted to know, it dawned on her that Mrs. Li and Mrs. Zhou were considerable maids indeed. Qiu Yelan asked them to prepare the stuff and food so that she could have a big meal during the picnic. Unexpectedly, they prepared much more than she required in the carriage.The reason they prepared much was: "You were invited to be there. Didn't you
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Chapter 145 The Trouble
Qiu Yelan was right. Barely had the team led by Jiang Qizheng arrived at the bottom of Jinxiu Slope, several men caught up. They were all riding horses of the same color. The riders in their distinctive armors looked noble and outstanding. Obviously, they were not from an ordinary rich family.They galloped all the way to Jiang Qizheng's carriage before reining.Qiu Yelan was in the back of the troop. She was screened by horses and carts in the front and did not know how they negotiated. After a while, the riders returned to Princess Shou'an, but the troop of the Jiang Family did not move a bit.After another moment, an old maid came to ask the ladies to get off and go to the enclosure in the front, "Princess Shou'an is also going to Jinxiu Slope. In order to prevent overcrowding, she proposed a three-round competition with our princess. The winner will go to the slope and the loser will go somewhere else. The princess sent me to invite Your Gr
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Chapter 146 Sabotaged before the Competition
How could Jiang Qizheng and He Shuijin let her go?Even if it was not for Jiang Yashuang's sake, now that they had invited her, how could they let her go without climbing Jinxiu Slope? Just now Jiang Qizheng repressed the two cousins with her authority as the princess mainly because she was afraid that they might ruin her brother's marriage, but she really hated them for not respecting her!The two tried every means to beg her to stay but Qiu Yelan insisted on leaving.Seeing this, plus what was revealed by Jiang Qiyun and Jiang Qisheng, the other girls in the enclosure understood what was going on. "She is in love with some young man of the Jiang Family and is recognized by the family."It was not hard for them to guess who the young man was. Jiang Qizheng was the most favored of the Jiang Family's girls. Now she acted so humbly. Who else could it be except her brother Jiang Yashuang, who had the deepest affection with her?
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Chapter 147 The Skill Is Not Enough. The Integrity Can Complete it.
"Zhuang Man, you have to follow the rules." Gu E'nuo was at least the princess canonized by the Empress Dowager. Even without this extra grace, she was also a serious princess. How could she tolerate such a provocation from the daughter of the Fourth-tier official? She sneered and asked Jiang Qizheng, "You need to take care of your cousin when we talk!"Jiang Qizheng was angry at this moment and said coldly when she heard her words, "Did my cousin wrong? You've been here for so long, but you don't discuss serious things. You talk endlessly here. Do you think we all have nothing to do and listen to your nonsense?"Gu E'nuo's face darkened and was about to say something. A young girl in magenta skirt behind her smiled and said, "Her Highness Princess Chunfu is afraid that if we chat for a while, even these people will have to go. Will you take three games by yourself?""That's right!" Gu E'nuo was in a good mood and immediately ignored the impoli
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Chapter 148 Win Aggressively
Sure enough, Xue Fangmi and Xue Nongqing were invited here in a moment later. Xue Fangmi, who came in first, wore an ethereal crimson skirt with white silk on her arms, dressed up brightly, and smiled before saying words, "I heard that you are having a competition here. I'm curious and want to join the fun. I don't know if it's all right.""It doesn't matter." Gu E'nuo agreed before she finished her words, "It's fun when there are many people." She squinted at Jiang Qizheng, "Chunfu, what do you think?"Jiang Qizheng said with a sullen face, "Okay. When we finish the game, we will find two people to compete with Miss Xue Fangmi."Chunfu, it's boring for you to say that." Gu E'nuo said leisurely, "We come out for an outing, not for a competition. You see that the sun has risen so high. We don't even go up the Jinxiu Slope. How long will the game last? Why don't you just let Miss Xue Fangmi join us?"Zhuang Man sneered and said, "No
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Chapter 149 The Immortal at Magpie Bridge Knocked the Door
"You want Qing to go to your side? Actually, that's what I had thought." Listening to the words of Jiang Qizheng thinking about defeat before winning, Gu E'nuo laughed heartily together with the other people. Xue Fangmi glanced at her niece and said lightly, "In this case, Qing, go over there. Your literary talent is actually quite good. Do weigh your words carefully! If you could beat me, I would ask for something good for you in front of my father!"Xue Nongqing was stunned and said, "Me?"Seeing Jiang Qizheng beckoning to ask her to go there, she was very nervous, "I can't compose a poem to a given tune, which must be a piece of cake of my aunt...""Stay here and take it easy, we just asked you to cheer for us." Zhuang Man patted her on the shoulder. "Our trump card is Sister Qiu."Since Qiu Yelan taught her to use the tactics against moral integrity to defeat Duan Wenji, their relationship had developed by leaps and bounds. And
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Chapter 150 Did You Know That Truth Should Be Brought Into Light.
After keeping silent in the enclosure for a while, Gu E'nuo was going to talk something. But Jiang Qizheng, whose face was livid, pounded the table and stood up, saying, "Miss Xue, please behave yourself! After all, you are the daughter of Prime Minister Xue. Even if you don't care about your own dignity, you should leave some dignity for your father at least!"Chunfu Princess was really angry now!At first, when she saw Qiu Yelan write the poem so quickly, she also thought that the majority of this poem had been written by Ruan Qingyan. However, when she saw the last sentence, "If love between both sides can last for ages, why need they stay together night and day?" Jiang Qizheng suddenly understood, "Isn't this a portrayal of the relationship between her and Yashuang in the past two years?"Because she had still been observing the mourning, they couldn't contact each other openly, let alone building a formal relationship. Even if Jiang Yashua
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