All Chapters of The Counterattack of the Downcast Queen: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
613 Chapters
Chapter 161 She Was Fooled Because She Trusted Me!
After taking the pills that Qiu Jinglan brought, Qiu Yelan could talk, but she still felt tired.Chen Shui put two cushions behind her back to make her feel more comfortable. When she was about to leave, Qiu Jinglan asked her, "Did Mei Xue and Qiu Qian wake up?"Chen Shui answered with fear, "The guy who tortured them struck hard. They probably won't wake up today."Qiu Jinglan looked angry. Before he about to say anything, Qiu Yelan pulled herself together and mediated, "You were so angry just now. They won't slight you. Just wait for a day then. Didn't you say orchid incense was not fatal?" Mei Xue and the other two had the mind of betrayal for a long time. Qiu Jinglan's focus was always on the official circles which gave them an opportunity.Even this time, because of Qiu Feng's accidental intervention, they fell short of success. But Qiu Nie did ask Qiu Qian to have a back-up plan. The orchid incense used to contain Qiu Yelan w
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Chapter 162 Told Sister I Won!
It was raining cats and dogs.Although they were shaded by a lush Chinese tallow tree, Qiu Jinglan and Qiu Feng got wet through after they confronted each other in the yard for a short while.If at ordinary times, they wouldn't be in such a difficult position.But they both knew that they were facing the vigorous opponent of their lives at that moment. A small negligence could cost their lives. Of course they didn't have time to take shelter from the rain using their inner power."You have been busy running about in these two days. And you are exhausted trying to save Commandery Princess Ningyi. Challenging you to a duel at this moment brings me no honor to the victor!" Qiu Feng took out the long sword from behind slowly and said word by word, "But I'm not doing it for exchanging experience. I'm doing it for revenge... Come on!""Clash!"Through the window, Qiu Yelan could hear the swords banging noises wh
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Chapter 163 How Do I Call You?
But now, Qiu Yelan and her brother, unaware that Mei Xue had given them trouble, were discussing about going to the Xue Family, "In fact, if we go to the Xue Family with the excuse for pleading for Xue Fangmi, and if we go there as soon as we return to the city, we surely demonstrate our sincerity.""I will tell people that you caught a cold while you were in that village, and that you would go there tomorrow. Then I will tell them that you weren't well today, so you dare not go over right away. That's it," said Qiu Jinglan gently while he took control of his horse and walked alongside the carriage. "You've only been relieved of the poison, and coming back to the city. You'd better have a rest for a day. We are late, anyway! Why don't we have one more day off..."Before he finished speaking, the sound of hoofbeats suddenly came from behind. One man shouted, "Ruan Qingyan. Please wait up!"Upon hearing this voice, Qiu Jinglan felt very surprised
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Chapter 164 Daddy and Soldiers
Ling Zui had been causing trouble for so many years and was born and raised in the capital, how could he be defeated by a Young Prince who just entered the capital? With a contemptuous wave of his hand, the guards behind him immediately offered the concealed weapons for the scuffle, such as lime powder, firecrackers, blowing arrows, and small crossbows. All stuff they could get at hand. Even some of them who took whatever they could fetch. They tore off their sleeves to wrap up the horse dung from the street and smash it into the crowd of Western Army soldiers.In terms of strength, Kuang Qingwu's men were definitely better than Ling Zui's. The problem was that although the street was quite abroad, Qiu Yelan's carriages, Ling Zui and his men and Kuang Qingwu and his men were standing on the street face to face, which blocked the street. The Western Army soldiers couldn’t gallop in such a street with so many people!The cavalry couldn't gallop. Meanwhile, th
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Chapter 165 That was All He could Do
At this time, Qiu Jinglan was explaining, "After I passed the provincial exam, I had hoped to study hard for several years and then go to the capital to take the imperial exam when I was sure of winning the first rank. At the same time, I could find an opportunity to be reunited with my family. However, my mother, who had not contacted me for eleven years, suddenly managed to send a message to me, asking me to go to Mount Dizi to pick up my sister. I was worried that something would happen to my mother, so I arranged people to go to Mount Dizi. I packed up and went to the capital ahead of time. In this way, I happened to be your disciple."Xue Chang asked suspiciously, "Princess Ningyi came down the mountain by herself after the avalanche and was picked up by people of Prince's Mansion of Xihe? According to what you said, the people you sent should have arrived at Mount Dizi ahead of time. Why hadn't they met her?"Qiu Jinglan said bitterly, "In fact, I don
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Chapter 166 Bad Karma in Elders
Kuang Qingwu went out of the teahouse and was helped by his old servant to get in the carriage waiting outside.Before he got in, he couldn't help but be stunned. He controlled himself not to say the name that was on the tip of his tongue. It was after the carriage left the teahouse for a little while that he whispered, "Sorry for troubling you again, my teacher."The man in a green shirt who got in the carriage before he was a middle-aged scholar. He was elegant with three wisps of long whiskers on his jaws, and he looked particularly impressive.But he held a cavalier attitude towards Kuang Qingwu, Marquess Zhang's Young Prince, who even Jiang Yashuang dared not to kill. Since Kuang Qingwu got in the carriage, the man didn't even look at him. Instead, he was preoccupied with his chess in front of him. Even for now, he was still staring at it without raising his head, "I told you that I would teach you for a while for your breast-mother's sake
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Chapter 167 Didn't You Say I'm Your Beloved One?
When Kuang Qingwu was still pondering the enchanting glimpse, Qiu Yelan was reassuring Ruan Ciyi in the Ruan Family, "My cousin is really fine. It's just that he was called by Prime Minister Xue soon after entering the city. Is it because of matters concerning his study? Isn’t he often called by Prime Minister Xue?"Half lying in bed, Ruan Ciyi looked sullen, and said, "What about you? I heard you caught a cold outside. How are you now?""I've fully recovered." Qiu Yelan was making an apology, "I'm the one to be blamed. It was because of me that my cousin's date of return was delayed. Sorry for making you worried.""No need to apologize. We're a family." Ruan Ciyi smiled, but then frowned, "I need to ask you something while Chunjun is not here. You have to tell me the truth!"Qiu Yelan was shocked, but forced herself to calm down and said, "Shoot."She was wondering whether she should tell the truth or not. Then she th
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Chapter 168 Don't Ruin My Cousin!
Qiu Yelan failed to stay in the Ruan Family, as Qiu Jinglan personally forced her to get in the carriage and sent her away.She felt depressed, rolled up the curtain of the carriage and looked back at the door of the Ruan Family. However, she saw Qiu Jinglan standing there in his ordinary coat and silver hairband. He was quietly watching her. The complexity and unhappiness in his eyes gave her an ominous feeling.Just when she was about to put down the curtain, she suddenly saw Jiang Yashuang, who had sent her over, coming from the side alley on his horse. He gave her a wink, and then followed her carriage with an indifferent look.Returning to Prince's Mansion of Xihe, Qiu Yelan didn't go to greet Qiu Mengmin and his wife as usual, but sent Su He for Princess Yang, "It's getting late, and I'm also tired. I'm afraid that if I greet her now, I may disturb her. Ask her if it's OK for me to go tomorrow?"Su He smiled and said, "Prince
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Chapter 169 Are You Telling A Story?!
When Empress Jiang arrived at the Hall of Taishi, she saw Empress Dowager Gu sitting in her seat, looking green with anger. She scolded at Empress Jiang, "Look at your relatives! He beat up Xingkang's child without even asking! Even kids in our royal family aren't this rude and malicious! Does your family think they are more important than the royal family?"If anyone else had been here, they would have kneeled on the ground and asked for her forgiveness. Yet Empress Jiang didn't even take it seriously. She saluted carelessly and asked with a smile, "Mother, you just threw words at me without explaining anything. I'm so confused! What happened?"Empress Dowager Gu had been fighting with her for years. They all knew each other too well. Empress Dowager Gu didn't want to spend more time arguing with her, so she just pointed down, "Changping, tell her!"Princess Changping who was sitting underneath stood up after hearing Empress Dowager Gu. She ju
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Chapter 170 She Must Be Having an Affair!
Empress Jiang meant what she said. She spread the rumor about going to select a husband for Princess Changping the next day. She also claimed that Princess Changping was Empress Dowager Gu’s beloved one. She and Empress Dowager both didn’t want her to leave Jing City. So, they would only select from the porphyrogenites in Jing City. The empress had given much thought to this. How could Kuang Shihan who determined to hand over the Western Army to his son be okay with Kuang Qingwu staying in Jing City permanently?After hearing the news, Empress Dowager Gu gnashed her teeth with hatred. She instructed people in the Prince’s Mansion of Guangyang overnight, “Tell Deng Yi and his mother to come back as soon as possible! He should marry Commandery Princess Ningyi at once!”She also sent a eunuch to Prince’s Mansion of Xihe to deliver a message, “Keep a close look at Commandery Princess Ningyi in these few days. Once Deng Family comes to negotiate the marriage, se
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