All Chapters of The Counterattack of the Downcast Queen: Chapter 461 - Chapter 470
613 Chapters
Chapter 461 A Kept Man
He Shuijin went ahead and did it. Two days later, there was news that she got so mad that she imposed heavy punishment on a dozen stewards. Of course, the reason was that they made major mistakes that had resulted in huge losses.“It is no exaggeration to say that our family is now rolling in money every day. You and the stewards have earned so much for the family over the years, haven’t you? But we all make mistakes. You can punish them for their occasional mistakes. Why be so angry?” When Madame Tao found out about this, she called He Shuijin over and advised her, “Don’t make them feel chilled in their hearts. It is okay to make up for the mistakes in other ways. You need to take care of such a big family. Even though you are young, it’s no good for your health if you always get angry!”“My grandmother, the thing you don’t know is that I have got a plan to make a good deal of money. They didn’t get things wrong before while at this point, they made
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Chapter 462 Being Pregnant Again
The servants carried Qiu Yelan into the inner room and laid her down. A few moments later, the doctor was brought in. Once he checked Qiu Yelan’s pulse, he smiled happily and congratulated her, “Young madame, you are pregnant!”After all, Qiu Yelan had given birth to Jiang Jinglang. She was kind of an experienced woman. She had already felt something when she vomited. But only when the doctor had confirmed it, she felt at ease. At this moment, her mouth curled into a smile, “Reward!”Not only was the doctor rewarded, but everyone in this yard received an extra month’s earning. It was as joyful as the beginning of a new year. With all the excitement, there were people asking around. So, in no time, the news that the nineteenth madame was pregnant again spread throughout the entire Marquess’s Mansion.When Madame Tao learned of this, she was so pleased that she had someone open her private treasury and fetch a lot of appropriate things. An
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Chapter 463 Family Matters
After meeting Madame Tao, Jiang Yazhao and Jiang Yawan went to Sir Jibei’s Mansion to visit Madame Ou with their cousins. At the same time, they also paid a visit to Jiang Tiancan and his wife and met with Jiang Yabi and his wife.Because Jiang Tiancan was still observing his mourning, many treasures and other furnishings were removed. The whole mansion looked empty. But the vastness and the grandeur of the mansion still amazed the younger generation who came from afar.“In a twinkling of an eye, so many years have passed. I remember when you two were born, I held you and you were so small.” Madame Ou didn’t feel well since her husband died. At the moment, looking at Jiang Yazhao and Jiang Yawan, she kept herself awake and recalled, “Now your children have grown taller!”“My youngest grand aunt, please forgive us that we couldn’t come to pay final respect to our youngest grand uncle when he passed away!” The last time Jiang Yazhao and Ji
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Chapter 464 Unexpected Concubinage
It was easy for Jiang Yashuang to arrange for Jiang Jingmu and Jiang Jingman to enter the clan school. He did not even need to go there in person. But in the end, he was their uncle rather than their father. He had to talk to Jiang Yazhao and Jiang Yawan.However, after three or two more days, there was still no sign of the two cousins. Jiang Yashuang sent someone to “Spring House” to poke around, only to learn that Jiang Yadan and the other two brothers went on a journey together with prostitutes. They went to a village near Jing City and did not give the date of returning to Jing City when leaving.Jiang Yashuang was speechless. So, he had to personally go and find his two sisters-in-law, Madame Ho and Madame Jin, to discuss.Madame Ho had no problem with it, “My nineteenth brother, thank you very much indeed for your trouble! You think about Jingmu like this in the midst of your busy schedule. It really makes my heart uneasy...” After
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Chapter 465 It Was Time for Summer Again
When Jiang Yadan learned his brother and sister-in-law’s concerns, he said dismissively, “The thing between them and Qiu Jinglan? I have told my fourth brother and fifth brother long ago!”“Do our fourth brother and fifth brother still want to take them as mistresses?” Qiu Yelan was surprised.“What does it matter? They are courtesans from the brothel. Who expects them to be chaste?” Jiang Yadan snickered, “As my fourth brother and fifth brother like their talents and appearances, they intend to take them as mistresses. Back then they were well-known in the court and had many friends of high status. And among their guests, there were no common people. But everything changed. Now they are being no longer pretty. If they do not find a good husband, they would probably be miserable in the future. They may not have hostility towards you, my nineteenth sister-in-law.”Qiu Yelan said, “I’m not afraid that they have any animosity towards me...”
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Chapter 466 You Think I Don’t Know What You Are Thinking
Since then, Qiu Qian stayed at Marquess’s Mansion. Qiu Yelan had her well fed and occasionally took her to pay respects to Madame Tao. After a few days, the subordinate who had been sent out to snoop came back with a shameful face, “I am incompetent. I spent the first two days in the vicinity of the residence where young master Qiu and Miss Mei live. But I could not find out what was going on in the residence. Today, when I got closer, I was discovered by the people of young master Qiu’s mansion. And then I was caught to see Miss Mei. Only after revealing my identity did I get away!”“…” Qiu Yelan was a bit speechless. The bodyguard she sent there was agile and, in her impression, clever. She had never imagined that he would be exposed. After a pause, she said, “It is not all your fault. Qiu Nie and Mei Xue are both skilled in snooping around. Mei Xue... Did she say anything when she knew you were sent by me?”“Miss Mei said that someone was indeed p
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Chapter 467 Labor and Title Conferring
Her morning sickness was constant and tormenting, but days quickly went by. Soon, it was November.The sky cleared up after the snow. With a handkerchief tied to her forehead, Qiu Yelan leaned against the head of the bed, looked at her daughter in swaddling clothes, and asked her husband with a smirk, "You mean you want to teach her a lesson since she is not well behaved?""She is forbidden to wear beads before the age of three. What do you think?" Jiang Yashuang poked his daughter's glowing cheeks with his fingertip and asked flatteringly.Greed was human nature. When he thought that his wife was infertile, he was content to raise his nephew. Later, his wife got pregnant, and he got jittery, hoping that both the mother and the child would be safe. After Jiang Jinglang was smoothly delivered, he secretly wished that they could safely have another child!And then Qiu Yelan got pregnant again. Now that he had got a son and a n
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Chapter 468 The Most Important Person
Emperor was worried. He looked at the time and stood up, "The wintersweets in the imperial garden are in bloom and I'm going to paint a painting of them. Fubing, are you going with me?"The snow had fallen on and off for the past few days, and it stopped only yesterday. One could imagine how beautiful the imperial garden was now. Xin Fubing was a little tempted, but when she turned her eyes and saw Chu Shao lying on the bed, she shook her head, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I'm afraid I have to stay because I have something to do here."Now Jiang Huizhi had entered the palace. Although Xin Fubing didn't believe that she could reach out to her palace in the past three or four months, who knew what secret plan the first branch had come up with when they purged the forces of Empress Dowager Gu in the past?"Chu Shao's safety is the most important thing!" Xin Fubing knew this very well. As long as his status as the eldest trueborn son was mainta
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Chapter 469 Swaddle
The Jiang Family knew nothing about Emperor's mind.After all, the two frontier troops were in their hands, and there were also many cronies in the court. Emperor had always been so docile and sensible, so it was normal for them to let their guard down on him.Qiu Yelan, who was unaware that she had been regarded by Emperor as a stepping stone for a shortcut to seize power, discussed Qiu Qian's marriage with He Shuijin, "The Cheng Family really asked again?""Of course. I’m serious." He Shuijin slowly peeled an orange and threw the orange peel into a small incense burner not far away. The fragrance filled the room and she said, "After your daughter was born when the family threw a party to celebrate her birth, the Cheng Family came to the party. Madam Yin pulled me to the corner to talk about it, saying that Cheng Xide really liked Commandery Princess Yishu, but Qiu Nie did not think that he and Commandery Princess Yishu would get along
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Chapter 470 Something Odd
At the middle of the last lunar month, Qiu Yelan finally finished her postpartum confinement. The next day of her baby’s one-month birthday banquet, Gu E’nuo brought her the account books and keys, together with two embroidered handkerchiefs, “I made them in my free time. It’s just a little token of my affection even though I’m not good at embroidering. Madame, hope you not mind.”Qiu Yelan accepted it. And then she casually asked what Jiang Huishan was doing and called someone to take something that fit children to her. When she just sent Gu E’nuo away, Mulian came in and said, “My madame, Madame Tao asked you over there, saying that there is something to discuss.”“I’ll be going!” Qiu Yelan nodded.The lunar new year was coming. And Chu Yitong’s pregnancy reaction was more intense than Qiu Yelan’s when she was pregnant with her daughter. In a situation like that, Qiu Yelan took the responsibility of running the fourth branch. So, she h
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