All Chapters of The Counterattack of the Downcast Queen: Chapter 471 - Chapter 480
613 Chapters
Chapter 471 Jiang Qilai’s Origin
That evening, after Jiang Yashuang returned, Qiu Yelan told him what had happened at Jiang Yawan’s yard. “... In a big festival like this, they made such a scene that our grandmother got mad. And she also had to instruct others not to tell our grandfather.”With that, Jiang Yashuang frowned, “Why did this always happen?”“Jingman was kind of weird!” And Qiu Yelan thought to herself, “The rules of the family are not in place. And the sons of the Jiang Family are all fond of playing the field. When there are many people in the yard without any rules, how can there not be fights? Moreover, when there is a fight, there will be a lot of miscarriages, murders, and so on, won’t it?” She didn’t bother to talk with Jiang Yashuang about that. So, she said, “I don’t think he was worried about being severely punished by your fifth brother. It was as if he had been expecting your first brother to come to his rescue!”“Jingman?” Jiang Yashuang mused,
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Chapter 472 Trifles Before the Lunar New Year
What Jiang Yashuang thought was right. While Jiang Qilai had kept out of the Jiang Family’s way before, she readily said yes this time as it was about her daughter’s lifelong business. Jiang Qilai promised that she would take her husband and daughter back to Marquess Qin’s Mansion on the second day of the lunar new year.After receiving her permission, Qiu Yelan personally went to Madame Tao to tell her about it. Of course, Jiang Qilai’s background could not be mentioned. She went straight out and said the purpose was for the marriage of the junior, “My ninth brother-in-law thinks that Lu He is a nice person. But, anyway, it is such a big thing that we are thinking that it will be better to let our niece meet Lu He in person. In case they won’t get along and have an unhappy life in the future when the elders decide it is a good idea. And then that may be a bad thing for the elders to do with their good intentions!”“That is quite true. After all, the
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Chapter 473 The Miserable Former Emperor
Actually, it was not their fault.The second branch and the fifth branch had few male heirs in this generation. Although the girls led a luxurious life as well, they were far less cosseted than their cousins in Sir Jibei’s Mansion and Marquess Qin’s Mansion in Jing City.When Jiang Huiyan and Jiang Huili were in Kui County, they had been in their boudoirs and never been out for banquets. Otherwise, when they heard that they were going to the banquet in the palace, they would not have been so timid as to refuse it on the pretext of being ill. After Madame Ho’s consolation and enlightenment, they finally entered the palace for the banquet. But it could be imagined that how they were both excited and apprehensive!After the banquet started, while the song and dance shows were going on, they toasted several times with people around them. It was after they had a few glasses of fruit drink that they began to relax.Once relaxed, t
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Chapter 474 The Second Day of the Lunar New Year
The banquet of the Lunar New Year’s Eve ended hastily because Empress Dowager Jiang was suddenly indisposed.All returned to their mansions nearly two hours earlier than in previous years. But no one was able to sleep on this night.“Ever since my third uncle submitted to our fourth aunt, there isn’t a lot of mole in the Imperial Guard these days.” In the midnight, Jiang Yashuang and his wife, who were sleeping in bed nets, tossed and turned, whispering about the affair. “Especially, since Yan Linxue was arranged as the commander for the banquet of Lunar New Year’s Eve. At least, our fourth aunt did not suspect him. But I didn’t expect such a person would cause such a big incident... Whether he was directed by the first branch or not, I’m afraid that our fourth aunt won’t be able to sleep peacefully the next few days!”“It’s Empress who is most pitiful! With such a big scene this time, even if our fourth aunt loves her, there’s no way sh
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Chapter 475 Behind the Scenes of His Failed Blind Date
Qiu Yelan didn't bother to ask how the palace handled the aftermath of this incident and asked in surprise, "How did grandfather know this matter?""How could I make grandfather know it?" Jiang Yashuang shook his head, and he looked very solemn, "It was our fourth aunt who was so anxious that she fainted twice since last night, and now both Emperor and Empress are taking care of her in the Hall of Taishi. Uncle Mengmin and the third uncle were so frightened that they asked Yadan to come back from the Mansion of Duke of Huainan to cover for me and told me to immediately go to the palace with them to visit her!""What did grandfather say?" Qiu Yelan hurriedly said, "Grandfather is always shrewd. If Yadan suddenly covered for you, would it arouse grandfather's suspicion?"Today's shift was different from usual. Because Qiu Jinglan was not in Jing City and Qiu Yelan's relationship with Prince's Mansion of Xihe was very bad. On the second day
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Chapter 476 Naughty Parents of Naughty Children
Gu E'nuo encouraged Jiang Huizhu to marry Lu He, of which Qiu Yelan had no idea yet. After sending Jiang Huizhu away, she played with Jiang Jingkun and Jiang Jinglang while waiting for Jiang Yashuang to return from the palace.She waited until midnight. Jiang Yashuang didn’t bring back any bad news, “Our fourth aunt fainted the first time because she heard about the matter about Yan Linxue and Old Concubine Fan. The reason why she fainted the second time was that she heard that they had been in contact since the former emperor was still around... Fortunately, our fourth aunt has calmed down and won’t be angry anymore!"Qiu Yelan hurriedly asked, "How is our fourth aunt doing now?""I'm afraid she'll have to lie down for a while. She’s getting older after all." Jiang Yashuang sighed, "If we’re free these two days, let's go to talk to Grandma with An so that Grandma won't worry too much."And then there was another news, "Our
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Chapter 477 Emperor and Noble Consort
The Jiang Family worked together to discuss how to deal with the aftermath of the royal scandal on Lunar New Year's Eve. It was in Quezhi Palace of Jing City."Empress can't keep her power now?" Jiang Huizhi wore her hair in a bun, wearing a green upper garment and a purple coat. And there was a marten coat on her shoulders. She was young and beautiful, but she was dressed like the hopeless concubines in Zhenyu Palace. Although the dull colors could not hide her bright youth, her eyes without much emotion looked lifeless.At this moment, she asked coldly, "How will that benefit us? Why are you so happy?""Your Grace, since Empress can't take care of the palace affairs, who else can and dare take over the power of the Imperial Harem but you?" The trusted maid who entered the palace with her from her maiden family was confused, so she said, "Isn't this a good thing?""She is His Majesty's first wife and the daughter-in-law tha
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Chapter 478 Keeping Enduring
In the first lunar month, people had to visit and entertain relatives, so they were really busy. This time, Jiang Yalan would get married in that month, which made the whole Marquess’s Mansion busier. Madame Shi had been insisting that she was sick since she became a widow, not going out. Chu Yitong was pregnant. Even the eighth madame Huang, who was about the same age as the grandchildren, was found to be pregnant when she returned to her maiden family on the second day of the month.Only three people could help with it then, namely Madame Zhang, He Shuijin, and Qiu Yelan.It could be imagined how busy they were!They didn't have time to inquire about the result of Yan Linxue and Old Concubine Fan's affair at all. After welcoming Feng Hanyan to their home, the three granddaughters-in-law gathered their energy forcibly to tease the bride and the bridegroom and then send the guests away. After returning to their rooms, they didn't have ti
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Chapter 479 Suspicious Money
At the Lantern Festival, Qiu Yelan took Madame Ho and her daughters into the palace.As usual, they went first to the Hall of Taishi.But Qiu Yelan, who had always been able to get around here without any obstruction, was stopped, “Although Her Royal Highness is better than she was a few days ago, she is still not feeling well! It is fine for the nineteenth young madame to go in alone. But if the fourth young madame and the two junior young ladies go in, I am afraid they will remind Her Royal Highness of the past, which is not good for her health. So...”As Maid Lin said so, Qiu Yelan had to take Madame Ho and her daughters to pay their respect outside the Hall of Taishi and ask Maid Lin to convey their condolences and apologies. And then they left.Things didn’t go well as they arrived in Beique Hall. Even though Xin Fubing was grounded, she was in good health and did not need to worry about being irritated after meeting Ma
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Chapter 480 The Death of Madame Jin
... There had been some incidents during the ritual that Lu He formally became a student of Jiang Yashuang. But in general, things went smoothly.The sun came out after the snow. As plum blossoms scented the air, Lu He performed the ceremony of kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times in the presence of the audience invited by Jiang Yashuang. Lu He offered a cup of tea to Jiang Yashuang. And as Jiang Yashuang took a sip, their master-student relationship was settled.After formally accepting the student, Jiang Yashuang graciously presented him with a set of four treasures of the study. Jiang Yashuang made Lu He rise and bring him to the table. And the originally solemn ceremony of worshipping the teacher was immediately transformed into a lively banquet.After the banquet, Jiang Yashuang took Lu He into the yard to pay respect to Qiu Yelan. And then he called his nephew and son to come over to pay their respect. After all this, the
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