All Chapters of The Counterattack of the Downcast Queen: Chapter 491 - Chapter 500
613 Chapters
Chapter 491 Zhuang Man's Nature
After Cen Wei was dismissed, the palace maid saw that the Empress' face was still as dark as water, so she poured a cup of Fu Fang Drink and handed it to her, saying softly, "Why should Your Highness bother with the two lowly maids? Whether it's the Empress Dowager or His Majesty, isn't this attitude obvious? In terms of the firstborn, no matter if it's a boy or a girl that comes out of your consort's womb, how can it be compared to the eldest prince?"He added, "You see that His Majesty has simply stopped going to the Magpie Branch Palace for such words!""You forget what mother said last time in the palace?" The Empress took the Fu Fang drink but did not drink it, but put it in her hand and slowly turned it, faintly said, "Last year, by using the Jiang family's second and fifth houses to enter the capital, my mother persuaded and begged my grandmother for permission to write a letter to the fourth uncle, intending to join forces to promote Shao'er as a reserve - the re
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Chapter 492 Yongfu Descends
"Cousin-in-law knows where he drinks?" Zhuang Man then sneered, "It was at a concubine he used to take in!"Autumn Hikilan was surprised, "Aren t those people ... in his room sent out by him personally?"Zhuang Man did not ask her husband's family to dismiss her husband's concubines before she got married, but after the wedding, she let Ling Drunk personally send them away - the reason was that she thought, "Before the wedding, it was all the elders' wishes, and he couldn't argue with them, but he felt reluctant to give up, and I'm afraid that those women, too, were hoping to renew their previous relationship. I'm afraid that those women are also counting on the continuation of the previous relationship, right? If he can't get in, do I have to follow him every time he goes out?"At that time, Qiu Hilan also told her, "Since he's not willing, wouldn't it be just as well for the elders to step in? That way you won't be blamed.""I'm not afraid of him complainin
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Chapter 493 Uncle Zhenbei's Proposal
Although the descending ceremony of Elder Princess Yongfu is very smooth and grand, but Qiu Hilan is sullen after attending - Jiang Yashuang doesn't know that she is touching her feelings, fearing that she will suffer from the decline of the prosperity, but she also thinks that she is worried that Chu Chunxiao may not be able to get married on time and personally went to the two families to walk, and after coming back, he is very happy to tell her, "Chunxiao's wedding won't be delayed, the Puyang royal family is already preparing for the wedding, but due to Xiao Su's condition, it definitely won't be too grand, but it won't lose Chunxiao's face either!""Yes?" Qiu Hilan sighed in relief, "Two days ago when I sent people to look around I also said that the royal family had no intention of organizing a wedding ceremony at all, how could it be that only a few days ago it was organized?""Xiao Su personally sent the words." Jiang Yashang sighed, "Originally, Chu Tai Fei and
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Chapter 494 Xue Lingying Healed
Because Xiao Su's condition was not optimistic, although at his insistence, Xiao Mu and Chu Chun Xiao's wedding was held as scheduled, but it was not very lively in the end - the Puyang Royal Mansion didn't invite too many people and didn't let the drums and music play for too long, so it was hard not to be cold.The capital only ten days ago to see the decline of the eldest princess of Yongfu, veiled Duanruo county master and the eldest princess of Yongfu together in and out, the two of them out of the cabinet also in the same month. Even though one is the eldest princess and one is the county lord, there is a difference in rank, but they are all familiar zong female in the middle of the nobles. This lifelong event rehearsal actually as if the sky, it is hard to avoid calling for people to discuss.Well in the Chu Tai Fei personally led Xiao Mu from table to table to make amends, "According to today's family has a big celebration should be lively, but we all know that S
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Chapter 495 Another Year of Summer Vacation
The exact reason for the Zhenxi Army's delay in launching a counterattack had not yet been fed back to the capital, and this year's summer vacation had already begun.As in the past two years, the Jiang family once again stayed in the capital in order to take care of the Duke of Qin."Noble Consort is pregnant and is afraid that bumps on the road are not good, so this summer vacation will not go to the palace." The royal family's summer vacation this year was a bit different, that is, Jiang Huizhi's pregnancy needed special care.Before leaving, the Empress specially called the Jiang family's female relatives who are convenient to go out into the palace, and instructed, "You are not unfamiliar with the palace, and I hope that you can help take care of your consort a little bit during the summer, and then thank you when the Palace and His Majesty return with the Queen Mother!"The people since even said not dare, and said that the Empress is virtuous, your con
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Chapter 496 Do you trust your daughter, or do you trust someone else?
I do not know whether it is not by Empress Xin's phoenix mouth expected, Chu Yitong struggled to give birth to really a daughter - Tao old lady is certainly personally rushed over to visit, and hugged the child full of praise "handsome eyebrow handsome eyes really like the parents", "The cry is loud and clear is a healthy good child", but the Duke of Qin's side are not specifically reported, but only in saying other things incidentally said the voice.In this case, of course, do not expect the Duke of Qin deliberately named this great-granddaughter, not that he treats Chu Yitong mother and daughter, but the Jiang family from the grandchildren from the heir is very prosperous. When the Duke of Qin was worried about the affairs of state, he couldn't even manage his grandchildren, nephews, great-grandchildren, great-nephews, and great-grandchildren, so how could he still have the energy to care about the girl who would be an outsider sooner or later - Jiang Yashuang and his wife'
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Chapter 497 A Thousand Faces, A Mother's Heart
The Empress threw down Jiang Tianhe into the hall, but did not go to see Chu Shao, but turned into a secluded corridor, looked at the left and right no one, bit her lower lip, and went into the small garden outside the corridor by splitting the flowers.After walking back and forth several times in the small garden, she finally sat down on the swing under the shade of the willow, while gently swinging with the wind, while the tears rustled down, "What Jiang family take me as a puppet, mother, you are so anxious to grow the Xin family, and want to put the brother's daughter stuffed Shao Er as a wife, why is not the intention to let Shao Er do the puppet in the future? ""I don't care at all about being a puppet, anyway, I'm a woman, I don't understand those military affairs, and I don't want to . . worry about that!""But how can I bear to let Shao Er go the way of his father his royal grandfather!"The life of the growth of the Palace subject to the women of
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Chapter 498 How can it be so easy to learn from the Jiang family!
Half a day later, autumn hiking Lan came over to ask for the results, knowing this, could not help but frown, "Is this Chen family ... the same Chen family of Jiang Ya?"A few years ago, the big house and the third house wanted to use marriage to enlist Autumn Jinglan, and there is no marriageable daughter, so from the heart of the knee each picked a girl to choose as a volunteer daughter. Among them, Jiang Tianrui chose the daughter of Lai Ming, former Minister of the Household and now Secretary of the Imperial Household, and renamed her Jiang You; Jiang Tianqi chose the niece of Chen Xun, Minister of the Ministry of Public Works, and renamed her Jiang Ya.This Jiang You and Jiang Ya were received by the Jiang family to raise and teach the appearance of one or two years, the situation has changed, the big house and the third house did not have the expectation of marriage with the autumn Jinglan, to keep them is also delayed youth, on the purchase of a dowry to marry the
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Chapter 499 Listening to the Voice
Is with a few friends in the mirror lake rafting Jiang Yalan confused back home, due to the heat, he was riding back, a silk robe are wet with sweat. Into the house after asking not a hundred thousand urgent matters, let people first go back to report to the grandmother, he first went to his room to change clothes, lest the smell of sweat smoked the old man."What exactly is it?" Taking advantage of the light of Feng Hanyan personally fetching water in to wipe down his body before changing his clothes, he asked in a low voice, "I heard that Second Uncle Grandmother and Nineteenth Brother Sister called out to me after a visit?"Feng Hanyan shook her head and said, "I asked for orders to go to the kitchen to look at the green bean and lily soup when we were talking about things!""Not tell me?" Jiang Yalan raised an eyebrow, suddenly reached out his arm and pulled her into his embrace, rubbing his sweaty face on her lapel is a rub, "If you really don't know, run to s
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Chapter 500 Is it true that father doesn't want to hand over the Zhenbei Army to me at all?
Miss Chen's death was only publicized in the capital four or five days later. The killing and maiming of the matter in four or five days before the openly spread to the capital, heard the people were all in an uproar - although it is said that from the Xin family out of the empress, the Xin family has been running on the hegemony of the road, but the Chen family Miss, how to say is also a member of the Jiang family party, his father and brother are still more important kind of ah!Mrs. Eguo Gong actually pushed her to the point of killing herself too. To the point of killing herself?Even if he didn't die, the court had a new understanding of the Xin family's domineering ways."The news was suppressed for nearly ten days, and suddenly the city was filled with news overnight, obviously someone did it on purpose!" Qiu Qian sat under the grape arbor, spinning her silk fan against the dappled blazing sun, the gold-drawn ladies' hairpin fan occasionally refracted a gold
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