All Chapters of Beyond the Divine States: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
424 Chapters
Chapter 131 The Chuckle in the Morning Wind
Lerou slightly leaned aside and looked through the slot between his body and the door.She wanted to let Aunt-master Yazhu catch Ning Changjiu having affairs with Ning Xiaoling but on second thought, she thought since Ning Changjiu was somewhat mysterious at other times, he might be of value. She could use what happened tonight to blackmail him. It would be more fun if she got the goods on him on her own.Therefore, after deliberate consideration, she decided to cope with this alone.“I’m not sure whether my eyes deceived me. Just now, when I got out of my room, I happened to see Xiaoling enter your room,” Lerou looked around and said slowly, “This is not consistent with the rule.”Ning Changjiu answered, “You must have seen it wrong.”Lerou saw the wooden pieces piled up on the ground and felt even surer, saying in a nearly authoritative tone, “Get out of my way. It is still not too late to come clean to me now
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Chapter 132 The Early Spring
In the early morning, the chirps in Tianku Peak were like messy tweedles. The snow on the summit of the peak started to melt and led to a long white fall on the cliff. While the fall flowed into the clouds and scattered in the fogs, the brown branches had sprouted in many gardens down the peak. The sunny day seemed able to make a whole spring.The sword fighting mock in the early spring of the four peaks would be held seven days later. The new assessment of the outer peak would be conducted at the same time. Every year, two or three disciples would be selected to ascend the summit and learn the true swordsmanship of the Oracle Sword Heavenly Sect.These days, many disciples had started to practice swordsmanship on the summit of the peak before the day broke. When the sword was drawn out and taken back, the wrist caused the vibration of the sword tip, leading to sword chirps reverberating through the summit of the peak.This morning’s cla
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Chapter 133 The Sword of Death and the Bottom of the Abyss
In the following days, Ning Changjiu’s life became a bit invariable.In the morning class, he accompanied Ning Xiaoling through the sword classics reading. Lu Jiajia would talk of some sword principles in class. Yet, as to these sword principles, Ning Changjiu would overturn them and teach her again on that night.Therefore, most of the time, the sword principles Lu Jiajia talked about were the most confusing to her. She took the opportunity to tell Ning Changjiu and then listened to his opinions at night.In some sense, Ning Changjiu used his profound knowledge gained in two lives to educate Lu Jiajia but they didn’t lay it bare and remained their current relationship.Lu Jiajia thought that she would become used to the feeling as the body forging went on. However, over time, she found her perception increasingly acute. The light of the golden crow was not fierce hammering but a spring breeze. When the spring breeze blew pa
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Chapter 134 The Old Man in the Valley
The dark grey fog rolled and foamed. In the extreme darkness, the clouds of fog were like deathly light. Within the grey fog, the smoke and fog were like the intertwining and wriggling snakes. They surged towards the direction where Ning Changjiu fell and yet, didn’t dare to approach him due to the fear for the golden crow’s light.Feeling that he was falling, Ning Changjiu exerted the only consciousness to bite the tip of his tongue. The pain made him gain temporary sobriety. He opened his golden pupils. He couldn’t see the edge of the cliff. Those small snakes formed by the smoke and fog came to his view. There were so many of them, which were like limp corpses taking the shape of a hurricane-like inverted cone. Only by one glance, it would make one’s blood freeze.While falling rapidly, Ning Changjiu thrust around with his sword. Luckily, he didn’t get too far away from the cliff. The sword reached the hard cliff wall shortly.He inje
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Chapter 135 Fall into the Valley
The light pillar shook with a whistle of the wind. Ning Changjiu’s previous fascination was gone. His eyes sparkled in the sword light. In the depths of his eyes was the stone-like straight face of the old man.The lifeless face of the old man proclaimed as the tomb watcher was shocked by the sword wind. He didn’t expect a junior would attack him.However, it didn’t matter whether he had expected it or not. He reached out his deathly gray fingers which seemed to have been weathered for years. When his fingers hit the blade of Ning Changjiu, they didn’t shiver at all or get injured at all.“Young man, what are you doing?” The tomb watcher’s words were slightly cadenced. His eyes were as turbid as those of a blind man, “You don’t trust me?”Of course Ning Changjiu didn’t believe him. As far as he knew, those reduced to being trapped here should be sinful people in the peak. If the old man was really a capable cultivator, why c
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Chapter 136 The Exam of the Outer Peak
Looking at the old man who bent over his desk recording, Ning Changjiu finally recalled that not only the sword fighting mock but also the exam of the outer peak was held today for a while.He held his head and felt that he had forgotten something important.Having waited for a while, the old man noticed that Ning Changjiu still didn’t speak so he raised his head and asked curiously, “What? Are you too nervous? In this case, just go aside and make way for those who are not nervous.”Ning Changjiu figured that he might as well give it a try since he was here anyway.“How will the exam be carried out?” Ning Changjiu asked.The old man was dazed for a moment and looked up at him with an angry facial expression, saying, “What’s your name? Mr. Sun has spent more than 15 minutes talking about that. And you didn’t hear any of it?”Ning Changjiu didn’t know how to refute him.Ning Changjiu’s su
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Chapter 137 The Sneak Attack
The sword fighting mock of the inner peak was about to end too.Lerou knew that she couldn’t win the championship for sure. In order not to embarrass herself in the fight against Ning Xiaoling, she pretended to act carelessly in the previous round and lost the game.As she recalled her determination to give Ning Xiaoling a beating two months ago, she covered her face and sighed in frustration.Fewer and fewer disciples were doubting Ning Xiaoling. In the end, the disciples barely said anything and only watched quietly how the adorable young girl defeated her opponents fiercely, bowed impolitely and withdrew her sword.At first, she was willing to deal with her opponent with quite some moves simply because she wanted to wait for her master to find Changjiu but Lu Jiajia was still not back by now. Unavoidably, she got more and more worried. Hence, she was no longer interested in sword fighting. All she wanted to do was end the
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Chapter 138 The Figure in White Arrives
The tip of Ning Changjiu’s sword was not stained with any blood now. His face was fair-skinned with his facial lines somewhere between softness and tightness. He looked just like a noble gentleman with a graceful bearing.His posture of sword striking was quite weird. That was a laborsome posture. Most of his strength was pressed on his thighs and waist while his arms appeared feeble but he still could kill the old man in grey who was quite capable with one thrust.No one knew when he appeared or where he came from.The moment the old man in grey collapsed, his body finally got relieved from that weird posture. When Ning Changjiu withdrew the sword, he shook the blood off it completely.“Sir...” It was Nancheng who recognized Ning Changjiu first. Looking at the familiar figure in white, he shivered with excitement.Everyone gazed at him immediately.“Who are you?” Someone asked with alertness rather
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Chapter 139 The Bloodstained Sword Clothes in the Hidden Peak
The steel-blue wall displayed countless sword marks densely.They were like the drizzles in spring, which instantly splashed onto all the space. The dark black fog also appeared vaguely beautiful amidst the rain-like sword Qi.Lu Jiajia stood in the air and the lower hem of her clothes slightly swayed. So were the sapphire pendant and the red tassels at her waist billowing. Her hair was a bit messy and her beautiful neck that glistened with sword intent was like the jade in the light. It looked cold and gentle. The immortal sword Minglan hung beside her. The straight sword body was glowing with the flowing light of flames, which vaguely displayed a prototype of a small bird.That was the sealed soul of Blood Feather, which was hidden within the sword for nourishment. Lu Jiajia once promised that she would give it a new body as long as it killed more than 100 demons.“An instrument spirit?” The elder who recovered from the as
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Chapter 140 In the Peak Master’s Hall
Tonight, the Tianku Peak was like a huge furnace. Flames came out of the cave mouths above the hillside with steaming hot as if refining the whole peak.That was the fire the hidden peak.The corpses were burned intensively. The fire was not the actual fire but the light kindled by the massive aura. It had no heat at all but it still shone Tianku Peak brightly. Yet, in the bright beautiful scenery, numerous corpses turning into ashes seemed to be indicating the future decline of Tianku Peak.In the sword peak with a lack of capable cultivators, after the turmoil, decline was almost predictable.In the end, the cold prison was sealed again, except that the prisoners within had been mostly injured and dead. From now on, it would be difficult for Tianku Peak to contend for aura against the three other peaks. As to the mysterious bottom of the peak enshrouded with black fog, no one went there for exploration anymore for now.
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