All Chapters of Beyond the Divine States: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
426 Chapters
Chapter 151 Who Is to Mount a Challenge?
Liantian Town couldn’t be seen in the wilderness at all.It seemed to be hidden in an intangible space. The transparent space’s walls rippled. From time to time, some people would get out of there in confusion.The sword Qi that was like the Death Sickle swept across above the people like a group of ravens but it was cut off in the air by the white sword light and shattered into countless spots.Lu Jiajia stood before Ning Changjiu and Ning Xiaoling. The sword in her hand was clearly ordinary but it emitted extraordinary abundant immortal Qi.Twelve Qiu raised his head. His nose was pale and his eyes under the hood were like dark blue blades. He stared at the unexpected woman and guessed who she was, “Are you Xue Xunxue, the peak master of Xuanri Peak?”Lu Jiajia didn’t answer.Her white figure disappeared in situ. The sword sound lingered in the air. The sword next to her turned into several streak
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Chapter 152 Jiuying
Ning Changjiu took the sword, walked across the formation and headed towards the center of the field.No one had noticed when he arrived. Neither did anyone know who he was.“You’ve got some nerve,” Fang Hege looked at him and praised. Then, he asked, “What’s your name?”The genius disciples of the four peaks were mostly celebrated. Even if they didn’t fight against each other, they had heard of each other. Fang Hege’s asking was actually an insult to the disciples of some renown.However, none of the disciples of the three other peaks knew Ning Changjiu. Even the seniors only heard of him occasionally.Ning Changjiu looked at the young man in white and found that the latter’s white clothes were tidier than his.Although it resulted from days’ traveling, he still felt displeased. He answered calmly, “Ning Changjiu.”“Ning Changjiu...” Fang Hege thought about it and then recalled who he
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Chapter 153 It Is You
Jiuying...The fog on the contest field condensed into a huge sword but the name was more like a vaster expanse of fog in front of all.The man in black slightly floated and the tips of his feet were a line away from the ground. His black robe was like extremely dark clouds, rolling back and forth. The smile on his pale face was very faint but it was like being deeply buried under the earth for more than a thousand years.Even the cultivator at the peak of the realm of Purple Court couldn’t break the Sect Protecting Formation within a short time but in his eyes, it was like a useless barrier.“Jiuying...” Jing Yangxia stared at the young man in astonishment, “How is it possible? You’ve revived an ancient fierce beast?”Jiuying crossed his arms before his chest, saying coldly, “I’m not a fierce beast but a god.”The four peak masters stared at the young man. Bixiao, Dongyang, Wenyun and Minglan vibra
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Chapter 154 The Latter Part of the Heavenly Oracle Sword Method
When Ning Changjiu struck the last sword move, all the shadows returned to his body and the domineering sword Qi also vanished now.They seemed to be in the darkness. In the extreme darkness, the moon was covered so all the light was gone. Everything visible was engulfed by the darkness.The saber in the hand of the young man in black, which was like dry sand losing its stickiness, started to fade away.Seeing Ning Changjiu’s weird posture, he wanted to laugh. Nevertheless, when he stared at the sword stabbed into his throat, he just couldn’t laugh then. Instead, he could only make a strangely deep voice.The young man in black was full of doubts. He wanted to ask something but Ning Changjiu didn’t give him any chance. The sword Qi flashed across as if the magma gushed out. Countless red lines lit up in his body. Those red lines were like arising blood streaks as if they were about to break out of the skin anytime.
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Chapter 155 The Spirit of the Sword Classic and the Mystery of the Bones
The wind whistled above the four peaks.The disciples in the peaks, just like the toppled-over wheat, supported each other amidst stumbling. Tianku Peak in the gale was more like a musical instrument playing the miserable funeral song. The shrill whistle made countless people cover their ears.“Those below the realm of Long Life all retreat to the inner peak!” Someone shouted and set up a barrier with his sword Qi to cover the disciples and allow them to evacuate.“All the disciples shall retreat and the elders above the realm of Long Life must guard the formation with me!”“...”In the violent wind, even the cultivators’ loud shouts were occasionally drowned.In the sky, two huge swords were like dragons colliding against each other. After hitting each other, they were more like fighting boas, intertwining with each other, strangling each other in the posture of intercourse and eating alive each ot
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Chapter 156 Wait for Many Years
The old man scrutinized the painting for a long time. With his wrinkled fingers, he stroked every scale of the black boa, the top of the cyan head and eventually, its sharp fangs.It was not long but the old man’s eyes looked as if transcending the days of yore.He rolled up the painting, stuffed it into a wooden case, carried it on his back and then got out of the door.The townspeople of Liantian Town gradually recovered from the panic. Those kindhearted monsters also returned to their own posts but subconsciously, they just stayed away from those strange paintings.The lotus flowers on the pond were moist and round while the lotus leaves all got out of the pond’s surface against the morning wind. In the sunlight at noon, the wind caused the water to ripple with silver light. Everything looked peaceful.The old man bent down, untied the rope of the boat, stepped on the lotus boat and drove it towards the depth
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Chapter 157 The Python’s Skeleton Comes Holding a Candle in Its Mouth
Eleven Ci stared at the middle-aged man who proclaimed to be Lu Yuanbai. Never had he heard of such a capable master in the Oracle Sword Heavenly Sect. His sword Qi was so reserved that he looked like a cultivator whose realm was not high.Yet, such being the case, Eleven Ci became even more serious.His light purple magic robe illuminated with the flowing spiritual lights just like swimming fishes. The spiritual lights touched and separated from each other, which resembled the abstruse words carved on the tripod.Behind Eleven Ci, the purple spiritual aura cracked, flattened and twirled like the dancing butterflies. He was like a playboy spending time with various women, except that it was not a carved fan but a sharp Taoist sword that slipped out of his sleeve.“I don’t know you. Why do you wait for me?” Eleven Ci asked.Lu Yuanbai grabbed the sheath and held it into his arms. He looked a bit tipsy. When he go
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Chapter 158 The Sovereign Leaves the Peak and the Demon Arises
The skeleton of the python was like a big white centipede while the blood and flesh transformed by the grey fog of dead spirits were the scaly armor on it.There were nail-like sharp teeth on the upper and lower jaws. The coniform skull was decorated with a pair of long backward horns on both sides, just like two inward-curling blades.The old man stood in the center of the skeleton, wearing white clothes with black collars. His hair was tied up with a wooden hairpin. He was plainly dressed but showed an air of immortality.He looked at the people in the hidden peak and said, “Today, our sect has been faced with the catastrophe. Luckily, you threw yourselves into the breach and repulsed the enemies. I suppose the Oracle Sword Heavenly Sect will be able to gain a solid foothold in the South Continent even if I’m not in the peak from now on.”The old man’s words were plain and gentle. His long drooping eyebrows were like the b
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Chapter 159 Betrayal
At noon.The light of the four peaks was reflected by the clouds. They were as bright as the fairyland. Cultivators came and went by sword, repairing the messy peaks. It wouldn’t be long before the four peaks showed a splendid scene of colorful flowers blooming and immortal cranes flying around.Nancheng sat on a rock and rested in recuperation with his eyes closed, inhaling and exhaling the aura of the peaks.“Nancheng.”After he finished cultivating for a cosmic orbit, a sound came around him. Nancheng opened his eyes and saw a petite young girl around him. Today was the Sword Fighting Tournament of Four Peaks but she was wearing a white dress from start to finish. Evidently, she never meant to participate in the contest.The young girl said in a soft voice, “Hello, Nancheng. I’m Lerou.”Nancheng had been in the closed-door training for too long. He had long forgotten the names of his fellow disci
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Chapter 160 The World in the Painting and the Skeleton Shown in Red River
Liantian Town was like a new world. All the people and monsters just disappeared. The whole town became an end-to-end space independent of everything.This was another painting.In the painting, no matter how serious the fight became, the original body of the town wouldn’t be affected at all.The monsters in the town still ran about in confusion. They didn’t realize at all that in the parallel space, two ancient fierce gods were confronting each other quietly.“Xiaolian, keep your hands off the paintings!” Qiusheng grabbed the hand that reached out for the painting of the black cat.Xiaolian raised her head and blinked her eyes. The black cat lay in her arms, rubbing against her arms intimately.Qiusheng dragged Xiaolian aside and ordered, “It is the Ghost Festival now. If you touch the paintings, you will get out. By then, I won’t be able to find you then.”Ning Xiaoling nodded with on
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