All Chapters of Beyond the Divine States: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
428 Chapters
Chapter 161 Miss Si
The space in Liantian Town was like countless interwoven corridors. Every flat painting contained a three-dimensional time-space field. They overlapped according to the logic of the spatial trajectories. At the end of these spaces, there was Zhang Qieyu’s phantom-like figure.He stood at the two ends of these intricately interlaced time-space fields separately.One was an old painter plainly dressed with callused hands and the other one was Yayu, the fierce god that had a human’s face and a dragon’s body with fan-like fins beside the ears.They ran in opposite directions down the opposite spaces as if a man and his shadow got separated and became two individual beings.Zhang Qieyu had two true bodies, which could switch positions beyond the distance just like the small teleporting formation without needing the precondition of chanting.However, Hanchi had only one sword that could be used to kill people.
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Chapter 162 Lu Jiajia’s Sword
After the stone case was pushed open, the semi-transparent grey-white person wrapped up by long hair stuck out its slender fingers and smoothed away its hair as if lifting the curtain.The sword classic opened its eyes.It stared at Ning Changjiu with its gloomy eyes, in which there was heavy resentment as if thunder and lightning would arrive and the rainstorm would fall.“Do you still want to fool me?” The sword classic asked through gritted teeth. It didn’t trust the young man in front of it at all.Ning Changjiu heaved a sigh and said, “Look me in the eye. Do I look as if lying to you this time?”The sword classic looked at his calm eyes and wished to rip out his actually dirty and seemingly crystalline eyes, “If you are sincere, you just finish learning the rest six moves and let me go into your body. If you don’t do it, no need to talk more then.”Ning Changjiu asked rather than responded to i
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Chapter 163 The Arrival of Disaster and Chaos
There was no light in the passage. The smell of blood permeated and stimulated the nose.Ning Changjiu’s golden crow moved in his body, melting the frost on his eyebrows and eyes.Wearing Lu Jiajia’s coat, he got up.The coat still carried the faint fragrance of snow cherry blossoms.Lu Jiajia had been sunk in sleep with her body totally cold and her skin as pale as paper. Her scattered hair was visibly shown in the crystal-coffin-like cocoon. She looked like a sleeping beauty who seemed able to be awoken by a kiss.Ning Changjiu held the cocoon.“Thank you.” Lu Yuanbai, leaning against the wall, reached out his clean left hand.Ning Changjiu also held out his hand.In the darkness, the two hands were held together. Ning Changjiu exerted his force and dragged Lu Yuanbai up from the wall.After standing up, Lu Yuanbai pressed his hand against the wall and clench
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Chapter 164 Greetings, Master
As its name implied, Mount Huanbao meant surrounding the fall. However, what the mountain surrounded was not real falls but water-like curtains that fell along the peaks. This kind of reclusive curtain was more advanced than the peach curtain, which was named as boundary curtain.The sovereign’s hall was towering and lofty. There was no florid cloud or beautiful treasure but countless pines and cypresses. It looked only like an ordinary ancient solemn peak.Now, the monstrous Jiuying was standing on the towering peak.It stepped on the rocks of the bottom of the peak and the python-like head in the middle raised high with its eyes staring at the sun. The eight other heads were fixated on the peak just like arms while the long tail drooped along the rock mass, drooping from the summit of the peak to the clouds and mists at the mountainside.The sovereign’s hall nestled snugly in the big body of Jiuying.The bound
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Chapter 165 The Sword Tablet Covered with Snow
It was not bright in the hall. The smooth bricks were like the dark water surface, glistening with dark silver light. Everything around, including the carved-bone sword bucket, the lacquerware made out of the Pyrularia edulis and the hardwood grains that resembled the pattern of the raccoon’s skin, seemed to set off the solemnness of the current scene.Lu Jiajia prostrated herself on the ground. Her scattered white clothes resembled the scattered lotus petals on the water, which faintly gave off the fragrance.The young man in white turned his head and looked at her. The light shone from behind on his face, flickering dimly.“Jiajia,” the young man called her name.Lu Jiajia slowly raised her head and straightened her back bit by bit. Her body with the tight-fitting white clothes was like the restrained bud in the darkness.She was still kneeling on the ground, whose slim waist was accentuated with the dark belt
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Chapter 166 The Bone Claws of Jiuying
The thunderous light, just like the scattered snow crumbs, was torn down from the sky by the violent wind.Beams of light were cast through the clouds. Before the light spread, it was covered by the gathered clouds. New thunderous light also arose in the peaks in the distance. The curtains of Mount Huanbao had dropped. The mountain rocks and pine trees that attached to the curtains also started to sink. On the peak of the mountain, the clouds rose and fell like boiling seawater amidst the dark clouds that pressed down. The violent nine heads were like the huge octopus coming from the deep sea, roaring on the sea surface in the rainstorm, sucking and intertwining the big sailing boat.Even many years later, this scene was still imprinted in the hearts of the disciples of the Oracle Sword Heavenly Sect. Now, what they saw in a flurry was the scene that resembled the divine punishment and doomsday.That was the legendary stage of evil ghost
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Chapter 167 Leave by Riding a Bluebird
The thunderous light appeared and vanished; the sword clouds gathered and dispersed.The thunderous sound of Mount Huanbao collapsing resounded in people’s ears.The trees in the mountain had all fallen along the slopes. Jiuying’s sharp claws left extremely deep marks on the high cliffs. Due to Lu Jiajia’s sword thrusts and Jiuying’s attacks with its nine heads as sharp claws, the whole peak fell apart at a higher speed.The Landscape Formation, by which the sovereign’s hall connected with the four peaks, also collapsed bit by bit. And the hidden springs under the ground gushed out.As the big rocks rolled down, Lu Jiajia pressed Jiuying’s head down with her Minglan Sword. The blade pierced through the scales of Jiuying and half of the sword sank into its flesh.Jiuying bared its teeth, which were pale and densely organized. It wanted to open its mouth wide but its whole head was heavily pressed by Lu Jiajia’s s
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Chapter 168 Ride on the Black Boa
The painting seemed to be rippling and in an instant, the painting’s surface brightened and then gradually became dim.The empty space of the painting seemed like clouds; the bluebird lost its luster and disappeared in the clouds.Ning Changjiu disappeared in front of the painting.The space seemed like an erratic feather of the bluebird.Ning Changjiu landed on the ground like a feather.It was sunny today. In the street of Liantian Town, the rabbit monster with carrots on its back was still patrolling. Yet, its head and face were filthy with grime as if a fierce battle had happened in the town.There were sword marks on the wall aside. The bloodstains on the ground were not entirely wiped off. Some purple fabric scraps could be seen in the corners.Did the people of the Purple Heaven Taoist School all die here...Amidst his thinking, he glanced over the familiar town.
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Chapter 169 Jiuying Dies in the South Wilderness
Jiuying’s heads sank into the boa’s flesh and its teeth were splashed with blood.Lu Jiajia leaped, dragging a sword shadow. When Jiuying’s pupils glistened with sword light, she had arrived at a height. The moment the sword was slashed, Minglan Sword also glittered with many golden threads. The threads were like electric wires winding around the steel, fizzing constantly.This was the power the golden crow granted on the sword.The sword was slashed down as if the blade dropped from the sky on the guillotine, neat and clean-cut.This time, the sword echoed with the golden crow, bursting out an endless expanse of fierce sword Qi. The scorn in Jiuying’s eyes quickly turned into fear.Jiuying loosened the sharp teeth from Xiu and then turned to strike at the woman in white who slashed her sword down in the air.Amidst the explosive sound like the thunder breaking the giant wood, a head of Jiuying was
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The Heaven-ascending and Earth-descending Godly Path Opens - Chapter 170 Stare into the Abyss
It was very hot in the height of summer. The lotus flowers in the pond had bloomed in the famous garden of the imperial city in the state of Zhao.When one looked afar from the pavilion at the center of the lake, he would get to appreciate the beautiful scenery of lotus leaves swaying in the wind and dragonflies flying around.There were a lot of stone podiums carved in the shape of lotus leaf among the lotus leaves. Palace maids carrying flower baskets walked here gracefully among the green lotus leaves. From a distant viewing angle, as the stone podiums were hidden among the lotus leaves, the scene looked like fairy maidens walking across the water surface with the hemlines of their clothes rubbing across the lotus leaves.Next to the lotus pond, there was a bright pavilion that was delicately constructed with green glazed tiles on the top and gauze curtains decorated with ornamental engraving on four sides.Inside the gau
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