All Chapters of Beyond the Divine States: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
431 Chapters
Chapter 181 Sura
The prime minister stood at the door and looked past Shao Xiaoli’s head straight into the yard only to see the young man in white seemed to be practicing swordsmanship. On the grassland before him, there seemed to be signs of wild grass being neatly cut by the sword.“Do you need a new sword?” The prime minister asked with a smile.Ning Changjiu paid no heed to him.The prime minister said, “You don’t have to pretend before me. I know you are not an ordinary spirit. You can understand what we are talking about. If you have any need, just tell us about it. I can even change a master for you.”Hearing that, Shao Xiaoli was immediately flustered and stopped, “I’ve contracted with him. We are closely allied in opinion and feelings! Moreover, it was my blood that drew him out. In the whole city, only I am qualified to be his master!”The prime minister didn’t refute her but still wore a faint and ambiguous smile.
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Chapter 182 Yechu
In the depths of the darkness, the word uttered by the evil ghost was lingering in his ears, which made him feel pain in his eardrums.That was a complicated word, obscure and awkward-sounding, just like the deeply hidden Heaven’s mystery.Ning Changjiu hadn’t heard that kind of language before but after it uttered the word, he subconsciously knew that word meant Sura.Sura was an ancient word.When an apathetic and heartless god was reincarnated in human form with a godly body and divinity. Yet, it still carried the seven emotions and six desires of humans, whose life was restrained by good and evil. When it cultivated to the peak of Taoism, it would become Sura.Previously, after Ning Changjiu entered the ghost prison, he wanted to protect himself with the sword sphere for two hours but he felt being summoned by the depths of the ghost prison.There seemed to be a voice calling him.H
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Chapter 183 The Abandoned City
The window was blown open. The cold air got through the bamboo curtain into the room. The wind whirled in the room and then faded away.Ning Changjiu turned to look at the dim light outside the bamboo curtain.Wrapped in the thick quilt, Shao Xiaoli huddled up in the corner. She buried her face amidst her messy hair, making her appear like a startled cub.After saying that, she fell into silence. She was even not sure whether she was telling her true experience or her nightmare.She only felt cold as if being in the snowfield and even the thick quilt seemed unable to warm her.“Why didn’t you tell me about this before?” Ning Changjiu’s question pulled her thoughts back.“I...” Shao Xiaoli slightly shook her head and said, “I couldn’t think of anything before. I... Maybe this is my balderdash.”Ning Changjiu continued asking, “Who bought your time?”Shao Xiaoli immediately s
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Chapter 184 His Predestined Lifespan
The blade-like massifs stuck towards the sky, which covered the people’s vision. All the way ahead, the steel-blue rocks turned dark. Bats flew by, flapping their wings in the air. Those rust-like creatures attached to the rock wall stood up on all fours and landed one by one. Their bellies were flat. They seemed like ghosts starved for a long time, which had no fear even in the face of knives.This was different from being in the dark ghost prison. The fighting royal cultivators gave Shao Xiaoli unspeakable strength and courage.When the monsters were about to reach her, all the Taoist skills and swordsmanship Shao Xiaoli had learned in the past just returned to her mind and muscles after her mind was blank for a moment. With a swish, she pulled out the sword and showed the rare killing intent on her face. As she swung her arms, a corpse of the alien species was pierced through with the sword and smacked to the ground.The pus splattere
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Chapter 185 Yechu Tells the Fortune and Zhongsui Raids the City
The flame in Yechu’s eyes died out. The black eagle flapped its wings and shrieked. The blasted flag stirred the snowstorm. The words on it seemed to become a black dragon and then fly out.Ning Changjiu stood in the snowfield.Yechu stood before him. Behind him was the dark cave leading to nowhere.Yechu’s shout was drowned by the snowstorm. A snowflake landed on the god-like perfect face. He looked at the young man and stayed quiet for quite a while.Ning Changjiu also stared at him.Yechu’s words took him by surprise for a moment. The snow reflected in his eyes flew across like turbulence and also subsided quickly.“Is this very strange?” Ning Changjiu asked.This was the first time that he had met Yechu. His face was as good-looking as a god, which one couldn’t dislike or want to approach.Yet, the perfect face became rigid and cold after the smile disappeared on the fa
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Chapter 186 Xiaoli Learns Swordsmanship and Changjiu Goes Exploiting
There was no summer in Duanjie City.The temperature was like nests of ants, which were moving back and forth. Sometimes, it was sultry and windy; sometimes, it was freezing cold. It was rather disturbing.Shao Xiaoli made a pot of bean porridge and carried it out of the kitchen. The hot steam blew on her rosy cheeks.Ning Changjiu recollected all the Taoist techniques he had learned in Bu Ke Temple in his previous life quickly. Most of the Taoist techniques were not as profound as The Water and Moon in the Mirror but more like the origin and foundation of many magic skills.The light shone on his face through the carved window. Ning Changjiu opened his eyes and his pupils were brightened by the light.He held out his fingers to reach the light in front.“Surpass the light...” Ning Changjiu pondered over the saying in his heart...In this world, many masters could strike the sword moves
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Chapter 187 Eye Covetously
Ning Changjiu waited outside the door while Shao Xiaoli followed the king inside. Then, she met Su Yanshu.Wearing a set of wide red clothes, Su Yanshu leaned against the fence with the golden hairpins tilted and heavy makeup. She was staring at the royal city with bleak eyes.“Yanshu...” Shao Xiaoli thought that she would see a bloody woman full of injuries. To her surprise, Su Yanshu would be so well.This beautiful woman’s arms were still as delicate and fair-skinned as mutton fat without any injury marks.Upon seeing that Shao Xiaoli come over, she cracked a smile. Her face was no longer etched with maidenliness which she showed in the entertainment house but a hint of faint coquetry.She waved at Shao Xiaoli.The king dressed in the dragon robe walked from behind Shao Xiaoli. Su Yanshu curtsied to him, saying in a melodious voice, “Greetings, Your Majesty.”The king nodded slowly.
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Chapter 188 The Appointment with Siming
“What you exerted is a sword technique,” Siming looked at Shao Xiaoli and then said tenderly, “The move carries concentrated intent and unrestrained spirit, which is like hiding a needle in the sleeve. It is quite nice. I wonder whom you learn it from.”Shao Xiaoli had never met the woman in front.The contours of her face were perfectly soft and her soft silver hair appeared like the best silk. It scattered in order and clung to the curve of her body. Some of the hair drooped straightly on her back while the others just clung to her ample bosoms. Her black robe was not entirely black, which was embellished with some faint patterns embroidered with silver threads. The deeply-buried lines vaguely outlined a complete design. Shao Xiaoli couldn’t see it clearly.This woman’s sudden appearance overturned her thoughts.She reckoned that even Su Yanshu who had amorous curves seemed to become a plain girl when compared with the wom
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Chapter 189 Meet on a Narrow Path
More and more people went through the valley and the wilderness and arrived at this white ice field.Just like the legend that the Holy Son cut off the universe with a hairpin, the ice field and the plain field were clearly divided. The black and white collided in their sight. The boundless snow brought an unparalleled visual impact and the footprints on the snow surface were so insignificant and yet eye-catching.More and more footprints were left in the snowfield.Inserted into the thick snowfield, the flags were billowing in the cold wind. The world seemed to go through a fault. They were on the hot grassland before and now, it became so cold that their breath could frost in the air.The Abyss Travelers trod across the snowfield with awe for the unknown.Moments later, the black land couldn’t be seen behind. The snowfield was not truly deadly still. During the long trek, they also met some creatures among the
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Chapter 190 The Vow
“Ning Changjiu, don’t trust this woman’s nonsense! She is a big liar! Her words are part truth, part fake. Only one out of her ten words is true. She just uses her pretty face to take in others! If you are deceived by her, I won’t have any sense of achievement when I take over your body in the future!”The sword classic’s spirit reminded him with indignation in his body.The snowstorm became heavier in the gorge while Siming appeared quieter.Her slender fingers sank between the belt and her waist. The billowing black dress also seemed to slow down.She gently curled her fingers. Then, the tight belt really got loose and clung to her fingers. It was loosely around her waist. After her black dress was no longer restrained by the belt, it also seemed as if to drop at any time.Detachment and coquetry mixed contradictorily on her. She trod across the snowfield barefooted. Her feet were of the same color as the ice
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