All Chapters of Beyond the Divine States: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
429 Chapters
Chapter 241 Evil Realm
The roof of the hall that served as the bridal chamber was lifted. The two figures flying to the sky seemed like two fire lines straddling the imperial city.They startled many people.The fire appeared so disharmonious and ominous in the darkness.The people in the imperial palace all went to put out the houses kindled by the sword fire accidentally and moved the valuable things out.The people in the imperial palace ran about in a hurry. Chaos had spread on a small scale before the festive atmosphere faded away. However, most of the people were still confident. Now that Her Majesty was here, the chaos could be quelled regardless.The loud thunderous sound of the rampart being ruined came.The instruction had been made from the gate tower that all the people or residents near the city gate were all asked to retreat.In the sky, the white fire was still burning, cracking through the dar
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Chapter 242 Fish King Enters the City
The white cat guarded the sky.It gripped a fishing rod falsely. The fish wire formed by the starlight hung at the other end of the fishing rod.It was like an old man who returned home in glory, fishing by the pond in the village with a composed countenance.This scene kept recurring like a nightmare in its mind.At that time, it was still a kitten. Because it couldn't catch fish, it was ordered by those big monsters to hold the fish basket in its mouth and sit aside. Sometimes, it sat there for a whole day.It still remembered their appearances and couldn't forget them even a thousand years later...Every streak of starlight was a fish wire.If the realm of Purple Court could trigger an astronomical phenomenon, the Five Realms were tantamount to turning the body into a part of the universe.The astronomical phenomena like the wind, rain, thunder, lightning, sun, moon and
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Chapter 243 The Golden Crow and Rosefinch
The fire spread.The whole city was burning.That was illusory fire, just like the fish in its void.This was Zhao Xiang'er's world.Her dying state was recovered instantly.The white cat stood in the fire, its long fur billowing despite no wind."Godly state?" Fish King raised its head and looked at the young girl at the gate of the shrine.Zhao Xiang'er stood before the shrine. Her fluttering wedding clothes integrated with the fire and burned wildly in the wind.She said indifferently, "You've got two hours only."Two hours later, Zhao Xiang'er would leave here. No one could stop this unless the Divine Envoy of the godly state of Baicang arrived.After saying that, Zhao Xiang'er turned around and returned to the shrine.The magnificent shrine also disappeared in the sky.Fish King stepped on the street.The
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Chapter 244 Double States
There was a raging fire in the world of Rosefinch.The world in the fire was shaky. The arch-shaped dome was cracked with red lines. The lines extended to the whole world. It was like a ceramic that was about to fail in the kiln.Under the ablaze sky, the decisive battle between the young girl and the white cat had become white-hot.The saber light and the aura they struck out were churning above the world. The tall buildings collapsed one by one and the yard walls fell one after another. The people either ran or climbed from within the wall. Wailing, they rushed into the streets like walking corpses and then got crushed by the golden chariots. Their bones were all broken and the flesh spattered. Their faces were severely disfigured after being hit rapidly.This world was being destroyed.The evil ghosts crawled out of the cruel hell in a rush and then got crushed into pieces by the indifferent divine spirits.
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Chapter 245 Make the Fish Sink and Wild Geese Fall
The bleak godly state was permeated with fragmented golden light.The fragments of the sparks as big as the hall building were flowing like magma, drifting slowly in the air.Ning Changjiu was dressed in ragged red wedding clothes. The golden light of Sura had returned into his flesh. His face became pale. There was still bloodstain at the corner of his mouth. He was as thin as a scholar.He swept away the scattered long hair on Zhao Xiang'er's cheeks and wiped her dirty face with his soft sleeves.Zhao Xiang'er huddled in pain. Previously, the world shattered. The subsequent power was not strong enough to support her Five Realms. Therefore, she was severely injured by the white cat's desperate blow.The moment the world broke, Ning Changjiu who had waited for a long time instantly locked the two figures down and covered them with the golden crow, taking them into his world.This was his incomplete
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Chapter 246 As Hot as Fire
All the stars were engulfed by the daylight.The red silhouette hung in the bright light, which took the shine off the golden crow.Zhao Xiang'er raised her head from the bosoms after a while.They found that the place where they stayed had been changed.It was an illusorily white world rather than above the imperial city. They were like standing on the ice surface. It was the fire that set off the ice and snow above them.When the light that suddenly illuminated faded away, they finally acquired their vision back.The three of them finally saw clearly the comer.That was a huge mysterious bird beyond description.Every feather was as big as a human. If its true form was revealed, when it stretched out its wings, it might be able to cover the whole state of Zhao.Unlike the phoenix that had colorful feathers, it was sheerly red of different shades.
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The Long Whale Dashes Around and Strikes the Moon Palace - Chapter 247 Sword Pavilion
In winter, the cold wind blew across the wilderness and the world turned white.Zhao Xiang'er left three days ago.The first snow in the state of Zhao after Zhao Xiang'er left arrived. It lasted several days and nights.The anomaly in the imperial city of the state of Zhao was known to all. The throne existed in name only. Song Ce, as the prime minister, supervised the state affairs under the imperial decree of the empress. As everything was well arranged, nothing serious happened.The wedding, the anomaly and the empress's loss caused a tremendous sensation among different states.The news spread among the folk people sounded like a legend but was pretty close to the truth. Legend had it that the empress was the true godly descendent. She lived in the secular world before and now, she returned to the immortal world for her immortal mother.Ning Changjiu and Lu Jiajia stayed in the state of Zhao for
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Chapter 248 Hell
Lu Jiajia surveyed the four peaks on the wrecked Mount Huanbao and watched the snow for the last time before leaving.Wearing the white cloak, she stood in the billowing velvet flowers and condensed the snowstorm as the sword. Like a young girl who just started learning swordsmanship, she practiced all the sword moves of the former part of the Heavenly Oracle Sword Method in sequence.The sword had no aura or shiny sword light but the dancing figure was full of immortal intent as if to leave with the wind anytime.Ning Changjiu stood behind her and looked at the dancing figure quietly. When the sword moves were tense, they seemed like heavy snow; when the sword moves were slow, they looked like the icy spring gurgling."You've unified with the sword completely." Ning Changjiu gasped in admiration sincerely.Lu Jiajia didn't respond but smiled faintly. She turned around and thrust at Ning Changjiu's throat with t
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Chapter 249 Diting
The unconscious Fish King was gripped by its nape and thrown onto the carriage. Its body was stained with sticky and cold blood.Its heart had been torn apart. The other parts were all scarred and battered, except that its body was still tough due to constant hunting. None of its spiritual power was left.It was an untalented cat. It couldn't have its evil core during its lifetime.Back then, it killed the old fish and took out the ancient book. It read the book for a long time. Even when the old fish stank in front of it, it still didn't understand any word in the ancient book. It was stimulated by the fish's rancidness and stench. The complicated words of the book seemed like sarcasm. Then, the monsters' talking voices came from the distance. It was so scared that it swallowed the ancient book with all its hair standing up.The ancient book became its evil core afterward.That was when it was closest to death.
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Chapter 250 Tribulation Dragons
The winding Red River surrounded the South Wilderness, making the place a dead sea inaccessible for outsiders.Row upon row of cities and towns were like boats parked outside the dead sea.Ning Changjiu and Lu Jiajia marched forward regardless of the snowstorm and flew across thousands of mountains and rivers by sword. When they flew by sword for several days, they would find an inn in a small city and rest for a night.This world was too vast. Countless continuous mountains and deep valleys were natural barriers, confining the ordinary people to several states. Meanwhile, there were many relics remaining and fierce gods not recorded in history in the high mountains and lofty hills which even those cultivators at the realm of Purple Court could hardly fly across by sword.Those towns and villages were interspersed within like the pearls held in big palms."These days, I've been thinking about an issue," Lu Jiaji
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