All Chapters of Beyond the Divine States: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
427 Chapters
Chapter 251 Break the Illusion
The Tribulation Dragons were swaying their bodies in the seawater. They tossed up and plunged from time to time. The turbulences stirred up by the shield scales were churning the seawater and also shook the mountain-like tower ship heavily.The cultivators on the tower ship reacted differently. Some of them thrust the seawater with the flying swords while some immediately sat in meditation with their five sense organs all closed to enter a meditative spiritual state and keep themselves from being disturbed by the singing sound. On both sides of the ship’s bow, the crew stayed in place. Iron bombs were ejected from the copper cannon and rushed to the water with the flame.However, even the loud sound of firing the bomb still couldn't drown out the whimper-like singing sound of the Tribulation Dragons.The singing sound surrounded the big ship within an instant and enshrouded it with the nightmare.Ning Changjiu's sword Qi sma
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Chapter 252 Pick a Daughter
Sitting on the ship's bow, the little girl was crying her eyes out.The cotton-padded coat she wore was wetted by the seawater. Now, her cotton-padded coat was frozen in the cold wind. Dressed in the coat, she seemed to wear ice. Her hair was tied into a braid on the top of her head. She held the wooden wall of the ship's side. Her face which was red with cold looked a bit chubby.Upon seeing Ning Changjiu, she seemed to meet her family and held Ning Changjiu's thighs at once. She raised her head tearfully and called him daddy nonstop.Ning Changjiu hung his head to look at her. He was at a loss for the moment.Lu Jiajia walked to him and bent down to look at this pitiful girl. She took out a handkerchief to wipe the little girl's face and then cast a glance at Ning Changjiu, "Good for you. I didn't expect that you already had an illegitimate daughter."Ning Changjiu heaved a sigh. He also crouched down and stro
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Chapter 253 Pull the Spiritual Sword in the Dark Chamber
In Spirit Testing Hall, Mount Taisha of the Ancient Spiritual Sect.Outside the hall, the cultivators entered in turn.The Ancient Spiritual Sect consisted of ten peaks. Each peak had two halls. Every hall was equipped with ten young disciples or so. There were around two hundred young cultivators in total.Among these young cultivators, only twenty people or so could truly reach the Ancient Spiritual Sect. The rest of the disciples either returned to the secular dynasties or worked in the subsidiaries of the Ancient Spiritual Sect.And the disciples who passed the Spirit Pulling Contest would qualify for attending the Spiritual Valley Competition.The rule of the Spirit Pulling Contest was very simple. That was, the Dark Chamber would be guarded by a Hell General, in which there were several thousand swords. Every sword was different in terms of character. The candidate was required to pull out any random sword
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Chapter 254 They're Situated in the West and East
Holding the broken sword, Ning Xiaoling returned to the team.The spirit-teller noticed that Ning Xiaoling was a bit frustrated so she said patiently, "Your performance is already not bad. You can test the waters in the competition this time and surprise us two years later.""Okay. I'll prepare for it well." Ning Xiaoling nodded gently.Of course she was not bothered by this. She couldn't get the Hell General which shook the Dark Chamber among thousands of swords out of the sea of her consciousness. It was real and illusory, which was like a lingering dream.The spirit-teller asked in confusion, "Xiaoling, what's wrong?"Ning Xiaoling shook her head, "Nothing. It's just... that I'm a bit tired from pulling out the sword."The spirit-teller was suspicious and didn't ask further.Yu Jin also said in a low voice, "Xiaoling, no worries. Your performance is still satisfactory."
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Chapter 255 Caijuan Immortal Palace
Before the Dragon Queen's Banquet started, a not-that-serious tempest happened in the state of Sea.The cause of the tempest had something to do with the tower ship called Marine Moon they had taken before.The Global Subversion Sect, one of the eight divine sects in the Central Land claimed that they had lost a batch of significant goods on the tower ship Marine Moon, hoping that the state of Sea could give them an explanation. Yet, the staff of the state of Sea didn't admit that their so-called valuable goods had appeared on the tower ship. A conflict was about to break out but a big shot of the Ancient Spiritual Sect happened to be in the state of Sea. He intervened personally and mediated the dispute.The Dragon Queen's Banquet was held as scheduled.The Central Land was spacious. The grand sects were several hundred kilometers away from each other. This world seemed to be built for the grand cultivators who could fly by
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Chapter 256 Xiaoling's Treasure Hunting Adventure
In the ruins of the Spiritual Valley in the Ancient Spiritual Sect.Holding the broken saber, Ning Xiaoling stood on the cliff and looked into the ruins with the 23 other disciples.The ruins were covered by the thick fog and hidden in the steep and moist deep valley. The undercurrent springs gurgled and the monkeys cried out. Among the towering rocks, the huge ruins within a radius of 50 kilometers were tier upon tier. Countless secret realms and obscure paths were hidden within.Legend had it that this place also used to be a Fengdu City. If one was careful enough, he could see the ancient relics of the Bridge of Forgetfulness, Yellow Spring Road, Hall of Medicine King, etc.Ning Xiaoling stood on the cliff. Her long hair tied up with a string was billowing in the wind.She wasn't nervous about this Spiritual Valley Competition. On the contrary, she was a bit distracted.That notebook about the sp
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Chapter 257 The Six Ancient Gods
Time fleeted. The Spiritual Valley gradually got colder. The water that dropped down the rock wall turned into small beads of ice, jumped among the walls and splattered.Ning Xiaoling held the black bloody saber and went through the wet and cold icy valley.She kept going forward and found that the huge valley turned out to reach out downward layer upon layer. After she got out of a cave, the scenery in front of her was cut off. She looked down the rift and saw a deep gorge wreathed in clouds and fogs. There were faintly dilapidated engravings of gods on the rock walls of both sides.Ning Xiaoling tightened her bag a bit.She stepped on the wall covered by the moist moss and cut off the vines entwining each other in the air with her sword Qi from the distance. Then, she targeted the spot of landing on the wall opposite and harnessed the sword to draw a beautiful arc between the two cliffs and land on the projecting rock wall
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Chapter 258 The Go and Sword
Six immortal towers rose around the Caijuan Immortal Palace.They stood above the sea surface across a layer of faint fog. The immortal towers were marked with their own names, respectively.Of course, the six competitions were merely an interlude to the Dragon Queen's Banquet. Because the guests were mostly outstanding young people of the sects, they all needed opportunities to rise to fame.There was no need to go into details about the zither, Go and sword competitions. Among the art, magic and Taoism competitions, the art competition referred to the pure artistry irrelevant to the spiritual power; the magic competition was about the magic skills; the Taoism competition meant sitting down and talking about Taoism, which was very mysterious. It was hard to judge the final result. For several times, Dragon Queen even had to step forward and judge.Lu Jiajia surely went to the sword tower.She looked at Ning Cha
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Chapter 259 The Fourth Floor
The thirteen disciples of Sword Pavilion were famous in the world. The seventh and eighth disciples were integrations of sword and spirit. They were born with swords and destined to take the path of swordsmanship.They studied while traveling around the world, rose to fame and eventually became disciples of Sword Pavilion. They were hailed as the fourteen sharpest swords in the world.The first four disciples of Sword Saint in Sword Pavilion were recruited a century ago. Among the rest of his disciples, the eldest one was merely in his fifties.From the perspective of cultivators, they could be referred to as young people.The seventh disciple was Liu He, who was in his early thirties. His eyebrows were like wickers. So was his sword. Since he started cultivating, he never failed while competing with the cultivators at the same realm outside Sword Pavilion. Very few people were qualified to confront him, except those terribl
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Chapter 260 The White Snake Shrine
In the sword tower, countless ripples cut the surface of the lotus pond.The water surface gradually returned to peace.Liu He looked at his reflection in the water. The red spot on the middle of his eyebrows was apparent and dazzling like a pearl embedded in the skin.The sword in his arms chirped nonstop as if not yielding.That was the only sound in the quiet sword tower.Lu Jiajia stood facing him. The threads among her hair were like extinguished fire, which had turned black again. Her pretty reflection shook in the water and then became still.She was reminiscing the fiery bird's chirping. At the thought of Zhao Xiang'er's appearance upon parting, she couldn't help smiling.This elegant smile contained faint mockery in all the people's eyes.Liu He looked at her and couldn't believe that he had failed anyway.The people in the sword tower recovered from a
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