All Chapters of Reincarnation - The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
1025 Chapters
Chapter 171 People from Burma
Qin Haodong said, "The bracelet is very affordable, just 30 million yuan." "That's indeed a nice price for such a nice thing." The singer said as she asked her client to go to the cashier and pay the bill. As soon as Liu Meina bought the bracelet, another woman stepped forward in a haste and said, "Mr. Qin, please help me to pick up a treasure for me." "Lady, you can try this necklace on..." Qin Haodong started his continuous sales model. Those big stars Ouyang Shanshan brought here had nothing but money. It was a rare chance to find the perfect stuff for themselves, so they couldn't stop buying. In less than one hour, the 20 jade products Qin Haodong brought here had been sold out. Ouyang Shanshan had brought enough guests here. All goods had been sold out while she didn't get any of hers. So she complained to Qin Haodong, "Why your goods so few? I haven't bought anything yet." "We're already friend
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Chapter 172 Lots of Fish
"Did you find it?" Lin Momo asked with shock. "Who, who wants to kill me?" "It is Lin Pingchao." After Qin Haodong repeated what Yao Xianxian said to Lin Momo, she fell on the sofa and muttered, "How could this be? How could this be! Why is he being so fierce to me? I'm his cousin after all!" "In some people's eyes, there's no family, but interests." Qin Haoodong said murderously, "Those who wants to go after my woman must die." "Haodong, what do you want to do?" Lin Momo asked nervously. "Forget about it. I'll take care of it." At Feng's Group, the butler rushed to Feng Tianda's office. After he entered, he said, "Young master, our people just saw Qin Haodong and Lin Momo drive away from the Lin's Villa and go out of town." "What are they going out of the city for in the middle of the night?" Feng Tianda said. "We don't know that, but they looked excited. They didn't take
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Chapter 173 A Burning Girl
It was late at night and the noisy Jiangnan City slowly became quiet. Everything seemed to fall asleep. At this time, there was a great disturbance on the Internet. Feng Tianda, the president of Jiangnan Feng's Group, made a live streaming on an audio platform of the Internet to confess himself to the whole world. Not only did he list all his bad practices of eating, drinking, gambling and playing with women over the years, but he also made clear many bad practices such as raw jade gemstones smuggling and tax evasion by Feng's Group and the Myanmar Jade Gang. At the same time, he also showed evidence such as account books on the Internet. "Is this beast mad?" Feng Tianda's father was playing with a beautiful woman in bed. When he heard the news, he kicked the woman out of bed. Then he hurried to dress and rushed to Feng's Group. This video was like a bomb. Not only him, but also all the important members of the bo
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Chapter 174 The Awakening of the Genius
No wonder Qin Haodong was shocked. The Suzaku Genius ranked fifth among the top ten Geniuses in the Cultivation World, higher than Ma Wenzhuo's Kylin Genius. The Genius was rare even in the Cultivation World. But just in a few days, he first saw the Kylin Genius, and then his daughter became the Suzaku Genius. Lin Momo did not understand this. She asked anxiously, "What are you talking about? What is the Suzaku Genius?" The little fellow followed her and asked, "Yeah, Papa. What's a Suzaku? Is it beautiful like peacock? Tang Tang likes peacocks with beautiful big tails." During the conversation, her mouth seemed to going to breathe fire again. Qin Haodong quickly turned the little fellow to prevent her burning Lin Momo. "You don't practice martial arts so naturally you don't understand that. The Suzaku Genius is a very rare body and like the martial arts genius of in martial arts dramas." Qin Haodong
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Chapter 175 The Amulet
Qin Haodong drove back and Qi Waner was sitting in the front passenger seat with the little fellow in her arms. In the night, she looked at the man driving next to her and at the little fellow in her arms. A strange feeling rose in her heart. In these years of illness, she spent most of her time hiding in the house alone. Like ordinary girls, she had fantasized about finding a handsome boyfriend, putting on a beautiful wedding dress, and having a lovely baby. But at that time, she had been living a bad life, which made this only exist in her imagination. Now she had finally become a normal person, and everything in front of her was so similar to her dream. Unfortunately, the little fellow was not her daughter, and the man was not her boyfriend at present. Just as Qi Waner was immersed in her imagination, the little fellow suddenly asked, "Auntie Waner, do you like my Papa?" "Ah? No... no." Qi Waner c
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Chapter 176 Innate Fire
The saddest thing was that he had no ability to resist at all. He couldn't run even if he wanted to. He could only wait for the next punch. Sure enough, the old Taoist Tao Tong was more and more surprised. "Boy, I will see how many punches you can resist." Then, with all his strength, he raised his fist and prepared to smash Qin Haodong's face again. Seeing Qin Haodong was in danger, Qi Waner's eyes were red, and she wanted to rush over and fight with the old Taoist Tao Tong. However, she was injured so badly that after several struggles, she could barely stand up; it would be too late to go and help. At that moment, a small figure came out from the back of the tree and rushed desperately towards the old Taoist Tao Tong. "Bad man, let my Papa go!" It was little fellow who had just left. In fact, she hid behind a tree. Now she saw her dearest Papa was beaten on the ground by the old Taoist Tao Tong. T
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Chapter 177 Falling into the Devil's Way
"You..." Qi Waner was depressed after her trump card had become useless. Qin Haodong said to her, "Do you dare to perish together with this cownose?" "Of course, I'm willing to die with you!" Qi Waner looked at Qin Haodong with burning eyes, which were full of affection that could not be concealed. Qin Haodong resolutely said, "In this case, we will die together with cownose." As the reincarnated Emperor Green Wood, of course, he also had the last trump card, which was to detonate his own spirit, but his spirit was too powerful, once detonated within a hundred meters, no life could survive, the power was comparable to a small nuclear bomb. The price he had to pay was huge. After detonating the spirit, he would be extinct in form and spirit, and he would have no chance of reincarnating. When he heard the conversation between the two people, Dao Tong didn't take it seriously at all and st
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Chapter 178 Fox Hypnosis
"No way." Although Dao Xuan's request was somewhat unexpected, Qin Haodong refused without hesitation. Dao Xuan really appreciated the talent of the little fellow. He thought that Qin Haodong refused because he did not know his ability. He quickly said, "Young fellow, you may not know how far I have accomplished my cultivation. I have reached the second grade of supreme power. It will certainly be good for her if your daughter becomes my apprentice." "The second grade of supreme power!" After Dao Xuan finished, both the black-dressed woman and Qi Waner were shocked. Now that Chinese martial arts were declining, the person who could reach the state of supreme power was definitely a master. It was absolutely admirable that Dao Xuan had reached the second grade of supreme power. Now Dao Xuan asked to accept the little fellow as his apprentice, which was absolutely a blessing. In their opinion, Qin Haodong would defin
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Chapter 179 Win the Prize
Fox Hypnosis was the secret method handed down to her by her grandmother. The effect of this kind of magic was not much inferior than Qin Haodong's Mind-manipulating. It was a kind of spiritual magic. Mind-manipulating could not be used on people with too strong mental power, otherwise it would be counterattacked. The same was true for Fox Hypnosis. However, the effect of counterattacking was somewhat different. Once counterattacked, the performer would fall in love with the other side. Because of this, Hu Xiaoxian's grandpa always told her to exercise caution when using this magic. Hu Xiaoxian dared to use this magic because she had enough confidence. Since she was born, her spiritual strength had been far superior to that of the ordinary people. Although she had just reached the first level of Covert Power, her spiritual strength was comparable to that of a supreme power. In order to make counterattack work, his spiritual strength must be
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Chapter 180 Fatty Wang Become Insane
Qin Haodong wiped off the soap foam on his face and saw Hu Xiaoxian standing in the doorway striking her hair in coquetry. In such a moment, the just calm little buddy was stimulated again. Qin Haodong quickly grabbed a small basin to block the key part. He cried, "Why do you come here?" Hu Xiaoxian said, "This is the bathroom. Of course I come to take a bath." Qin Haodong cried, "There's a bathroom downstairs. You go downstairs, shut the door for me as soon as possible." "Big size, little courage!" Hu Xiaoxian left the bathroom with a smile and went downstairs. Qin Haodong quickly closed the door of the bathroom and threw away the basin in his hand. Suddenly, a strange feeling arose in his heart. How could a big man be pressed like this by a woman? After taking a bath, he hurried back to his room. He closed the door behind him, and even locked it. Qin Haodong was afflicted by Hu Xiaoxi
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