All Chapters of Reincarnation - The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
1025 Chapters
Chapter 181 The Broken Statue of Guanyin
"Bring him to a psychiatric hospital?" Qin Haodong tried to persuade the woman to rethink about it. "Madam, if you really put him in a psychiatric hospital, his life will be over." The woman sighed and answered, "Look at these wounds, you can see how hard he has beaten me. Apart from me, both my mom and my son are the victims of his violence. "If I had other choices, I would not have made such a decision for we have been couples for so many years and it would take us a great deal of money. Our family all depended on him, and we never thought such terrible thing would happen to him just when we began to have a better life. Are these the punishments of the sin we committed in our previous life?" "Madam, let me have a check. It won't delay anything even if I can't help with that," said Qin Haodong. "Well..." The woman looked at Qin Haodong with doubts. "He is too young to be a doctor." As if he had seen through her m
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Chapter 182 During the Reign of Kangxi
After writing the bet down, Qin Haodong handed the 20,000 yuan to the woman and said, "I don't like to be watched when treating the patient. Take them to wait for me in the yard." "Yes." The woman answered immediately on hearing Qin Haodong's request for she was in fear of the ghost or the similar thing. She left the room and waited outside while Ma Guoli and the nurses went back to their ambulance. After they left, Qin Haodong opened the door and walked into Fatty Wang's room. Fatty Wang, who was roaring and wielding the knife, slashed toward the door when it was opened. Qin Haodong reached out his hand and brought appear of the mirror of Yin-Yang, which he had learned well how to use. He held the mirror with its yin side facing Fatty Wang and shouted, "Come out, you devil." A golden light flashed out from the mirror and disappeared into between Fatty Wang's eyebrows. Fatty Wang was frozen like a st
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Chapter 183 The Nine-Dragon Furnace
Hearing Qin Haodong's mention of the blackmail last time, Fatty Wang said embarrassingly, "Doctor Qin, I'm sorry. I was blind last time. I shouldn't blackmail you..." Qin Haodong raised his hand to stop Fatty Wang and said, "You misunderstood what I mean. In fact, we should all thank that mirror. That's a magic instrument. It saved me once and just now saved your life. Without that mirror, the ghost with you would be very difficult to be disposed of." "Ah?" Fatty Wang was confused. He did not expect that the mirror which he used to blackmail and took as a waste product would be so useful. Qin Haodong said, "Where on earth did that mirror come from? Do you remember that?" Fatty Wang came back to life and said, "In our business, we often go to villages and towns to pick up some goods from people who don't understand antiques. The mirror was sold to us by an old man. I supposed it to be a good thing. As a result, many experts fail
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Chapter 184 The Big Strengthening Pill
"You are a foodie!" Qin Haodong patted the little fellow's head and said, "Tang Tang, remember this is medicine, and medicine cannot be eaten arbitrarily." The nine pills he had just used as a test product were called Ecstasy Pills. If he crushed one of them, it would be colorless and tasteless in the air, and all the creatures within a hundred meters could be fascinated. Ecstasy Pills were low level medicine in Cultivation World. The materials of it were cheap, so Qin Haodong chose to refine this medicine when practicing. Now he was familiar with the innate fire and the attributes of the Nine-Dragon Furnace, he put the Ecstasy Pills away and began to formally refine the Little Strengthening Pill. After experiencing a failure, Qin Haodong refined nine Little Strengthening Pills. However, the higher the grade, the more difficult it was to refine. Compared with the low-grade Ecstasy Pills, the nine Little Strengthening Pills had
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Chapter 185 The Black Yarn Pajamas
Then she looked at Qin Haodong with seductive eyes and said, "Little man, it's a perfect match for us. You see, I'm good at cooking meat, and you can make vegetarian dishes so delicious. It's a perfect match. If we run a restaurant together, we'll surely make it a hot in the whole Jiangnan City." Qin Haodong couldn't stand her hot eyes, so he quickly shifted the topic and said, "It's too late. Have a rest." "It's all your fault that you've made my belly bigger." Hu Xiaoxian stroked her stomach and said, "After eating so many things, sleeping will make me fat. Why don't do some exercise to help digestion?" "Well... You should exercise alone." Qin Haodong said with an embarrassing expression. Hu Xiaoxian cast a stern glanced at him and said, "As a man, you are so timid. If you don't want to do exercise with me, I will take a bath. Having worked in the kitchen all day, my clothes smelled of smoke." Then
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Chapter 186 Being in the Right and Self-confident Shamelessly
Nalan Wushuang said, "No problem. I'm sure I'll offer you the lowest price." Then they changed from good sisters to business partners. They negotiated cooperation matters one by one and finally signed the contract. Qin Haodong listened for a while and asked, "Is there anything about me? If it's all right, I'm going to work." "Isn't the company yours? Why is it none of your business?" Nalan Wushuang cast a stern glance at him and said, "Why you don't want to be a boss but a worker?" Qin Haodong said, "I'm a little doctor. It's best for you to take charge of the company's affairs." Ouyang Shanshan said, "Doctor Qin, I want to invite you and your daughter to join my concert tomorrow. Would you?" "That's good. Of course we are willing to come to your concert." Qin Haodong did not hesitate to accept the invitation. First, he was willing to let his child participate in more activities. Second
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Chapter 187 Background
This guy seemed to know Qin Haodong's position in Wang Rubing's heart and used him as a counter to threaten her in succession, which made Qin Haodong very angry. Wang Rubing was silent. She brought Qin Haodong to dinner. She wanted to protect herself, but even her brother was involved now. Everyone in their department knew that Niu Fei had a background in Jiangnan City. Otherwise, he would not have just sat in the position of section chief under the age of 30. Because of this, the threat just made a difference in her mind. It didn't matter if she could become a full member, but she did not want to make Qin Haodong be failed of graduation. Seemed to see the change in Wang Rubing's heart, Niu Fei smiled with complacency and continue to say, "You don't have to rush to answer me. You can go back and think about it, in fact, it's not bad to be my lover. I'm young, energetic and handsome. The most important thing is that my family has a background
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Chapter 188 A Sleazy Landlord
Then, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Mayor Li Changzhi's phone, "Hello Mayor Li, I'm Qin Haodong." Li Changzhi said, "Little Qin, I happened to have something to talk with you. During this period, I let someone inspect your sister Wang Rubing. The girl is educated and organized, and her ability is really good. I'm still need a secretary. How about let her be my secretary?" "It's great, Mayor Li. Thank you on behalf of my sister!" Qin Haodong said, "Mayor Li, there is one more thing I want to ask your help." "Oh! What's the problem? Just say it!" Li Changzhi thanked Qin Haodong very much for curing his injured leg. As long as Qin Haodong's request did not violate the regulations, he was happy to do it. "Mayor Li. It is..." Qin Haodong told the mayor what Niu Fei had just done from beginning to end. "B*stard. How could there is such a person in the government office." Li Changzhi
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Chapter 189 Monkey to Pig
"You are so out of line," Wang Rubing said with anger, "I'll call the police now and have them to uphold justice for me." "Calling the police isn't the best way for us, let's work it on our own." Upon hearing Wang Rubing was going to call the police, the landlord eased down a lot. The policemen wouldn't do anything to him even if they were here, but they would definitely prevent him from accomplishing his goal. "Actually, I am here to discuss it with you." The guy said as he walked to the room. Wang Rubing was standing at the doorway, but the landlord would run into her chest if she kept standing there. Thinking of that, she had no choice but to move out of her way. The landlord hadn't seen Qin Haodong behind the door till then. He sat casually on the sofa in the living room and asked, "How is it? Isn't the apartment a good place to live?" Wang Rubing said with a cold face, "Yes, it was, but I think I'll have to m
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Chapter 190 Take off a Bit
Wang Rubing asked strangely, "Why do I have to live here when the landlord is a shameless rogue?" "We used to punish those rogues, so don't let them bully us now," Qin Haodong said, "Now that the landlord was unqualified, we should take his place." "Take the place of the landlord?" Wang Rubing still couldn't understand what Qin Haodong meant. She liked the house because it felt comfortable, but there was no way she could afford that because it would cost at least 2 million. Qin Haodong said, "Yeah, since you want to live here; why don't we just buy the house? In that way the jerk landlord won't come to bother you anymore." "Buy it? I don't think the landlord would sell." Wang Rubing had collected information about the houses in the neighborhood. This was a prime location and the rent was very high. Usually, the landlord wouldn't sell it. "Do not worry, he will do." Qin Haodong turned to
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