All Chapters of Reincarnation - The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad: Chapter 861 - Chapter 870
1025 Chapters
Chapter 861 No Way Back
Qin Haodong jumped into the space loophole and immediately protected his body with the Green-Wood Genuine Qi.But there were countless strong or weak undercurrents in the space loophole. Qin Haodong could easily resist those weaker airflows, but the powerful space undercurrent instantly broke through his Genuine Qi and he felt some pain.Fortunately, he had a strong defense. Although the pain was sharp, it didn't cause much harm.The space loophole was not so deep. Just a few seconds later, he felt the surging undercurrents around him disappearing as he reached another space.But Qin Haodong didn't know what kind of unknown danger there would be in this space. After passing through the loophole, he immediately became nervous and brought out the Xuan Yuan Sword to protect himself.But then he found that there were no Alien Demons here and all he heard was the sound of the wind whistling through the mountain.
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Chapter 862 The Tortoise Academy
"Thank you for saving me." The woman said to Qin Haodong.Qin Haodong asked curiously, "You are a warrior at the Apotheosis Realm. Why didn't you directly kill the fourth-level demonic beast?""You think I never thought about it? But it looks so scary. I was petrified the moment I saw it!"Then the girl patted her plump chest and tried to calm down.Qin Haodong was rendered speechless, "Then how did you reach the Apotheosis Realm? You're kind of a master now. Why are you so afraid of a little monster?"The woman said with embarrassment, "I just followed my master's instructions. But I'm still afraid of that thing."Qin Haodong shook his head. This girl was just like the students who had high marks but were incompetent. They were good at taking the examination but when they got out on their own, they were lost because they were either not competent or inexperienced.But she could obvious
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Chapter 863 Did You Lie About Your Age?
Qin Haodong picked up the glass. First, he smelled it, then he frowned. Then, he gently took one sip of the wine and immediately spat it out."It's too terrible to drink. Can it even be called wine?"His action directly attracted the attention of the people around him. They all looked toward him.The face of the fat boss fell immediately. He said angrily, "Boy, did you come here to make trouble?"Qin Haodong shook his head and said, "I'm not looking for trouble. Your wine is too terrible to drink."He was telling the truth. The wine-making here was really bad. The wine here was sour and bitter, which could not be compared with the wine on earth."Nonsense!" the fat boss became angrier and shouted. "Boy, even if you want to make trouble, you should have a better reason.""Everyone in the entire Tortoise Academy knows about my Fatty Gao's Ten Miles Fragrance. This is an ancestral secret r
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Chapter 864 Too Greedy
"My God, he reached the late stage of the Apotheosis Realm at the age of twenty-one. This is too incredible...""It's so annoying to compete with him. I registered at the stage of the middle of the Nascent Soul and I thought I was amazing. Compared with him, I'm just a loser...""A genius is amazing. Compared to him, I've lived for nothing! So angry..."Hearing that there was a freshman at the late stage of the Apotheosis Realm, all the people around the gate of the Tortoise Academy were excited. They wanted to see who the genius student was this year.Hearing the discussions around him, Qin Haodong shook his head secretly. Originally, he wanted to keep a low profile. He inadvertently became a celebrity again.At this moment, Zhao Xingyue also completed her test. A yellow halo appeared on the test crystal in her hand.Zhou Youcai said, "The late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, congratulations on pa
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Chapter 865 The Challenge
They came to the Alchemist Academy and found that the Alchemist Association of the Tortoise Country had a branch here, where they could buy medical ingredients or pills.The first floor had medicinal ingredients, which was almost as big as the Mission Association. It was over a thousand square meters.Qin Haodong looked around and found that there were all kinds of precious medicinal materials here, such as green snake fruit, soft vanilla, pearl grass, intoxicating flowers and internal elixirs of various beasts.Star-Moon Bodhi Fruit was extremely rare on earth, but it was just an ordinary medicinal ingredient here.Qin Haodong was shocked by its price. A Star-Moon Bodhi Fruit would cost him 100 top-level Spirit Stones. No wonder the Cultivation Pill was so expensive. Its cost was huge.He had all the ingredients for the Cultivation Pill in his Storage Ring except for Star-Moon Bodhi Fruit. But he had no top-lev
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Chapter 866 The New King
"Is there something wrong with his mind? It's good enough that he won one match. Does he want to defeat two senior students in a row?""They both suffered a great loss just now. How dare he accept their challenges again? There must be something wrong with his mind!""Don't you see that he's fighting for his girlfriend? I'm willing to die for her..."The onlookers were all talking about it. They were not optimistic about Qin Haodong's next game.With Wang Dalei as the referee, the second round of challenge formally began. The situation seemed to confirm their guess. Qin Haodong was retreating and seemed about to throw in the towel.But Lu Fei was never able to beat him completely.Lu Fei was very anxious to win. As his moves became faster, he made many mistakes. Finally, the result of the last game reappeared, and both the challenger and the one being challenged suffered a lot.Finally,
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Chapter 867 Spicy Pot
Dong Zhenjiang was about to explode with anger. He thought Qin Haodong was just a freshman with low cultivation, so he wanted to show off his power as an old student and hook up with the beautiful girl.But he didn't expect that this guy was so cunning. He had obviously reached the late stage of the Apotheosis Realm, but he pretended to be a beginner.He was humiliated publicly and lost more than 100 top-level Spirit Stones, which were all he had.Qin Haodong didn't care how he felt now. He said to Wang Dalei, "Mr. Wang, am I the winner of this competition?"Wang Dalei nodded, "Of course you are."Qin Haodong came over to Dong Zhenjiang and said, "You're defeated! Give me your stones!""What..."Dong Zhenjiang wanted to eat his words, but he gave up when he saw Wang Dalei.No one could violate the school rules unless he wanted to be expelled.In desperation, he
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Chapter 868 The Top Ten Masters of the Academy
"Here is the money! Give me a glass of iced beer!"Zhang Dapeng threw out a top-level Spirit Stone, grabbed a glass of iced beer, and drank it all in one gulp."So comfortable and refreshing. Really amazing!"Zhang Dapeng was originally a foodie. A spicy pot and a glass of iced beer couldn't satisfy him at all. He immediately took out a handful of top-level Spirit Stones and threw them in front of Qin Haodong. "Junior brother, give me some more delicious food. I want ten glasses of iced beer."Seeing Zhang Dapeng taking out so many top-level Spirit Stones directly, needless to say, the others knew that the spicy pot was a rare delicacy. They immediately took out their money and wanted one as soon as possible.Qin Haodong put away the top-level Spirit Stones and began to work happily. Soon, he made many sets of spicy pots. Countless glasses of iced beer were also distributed."Brother, I really admir
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Chapter 869 The Most Unreliable Summoner
"Of course! Otherwise, why would those people be afraid of me?" the little girl said with an ostentatious face. "Last time, when Murong Jinghong and I went to the challenge platform, I summoned a sixth-level demon beast, the Bear of the World. If she hadn't relied on the sharpness of her sword, she wouldn't have been able to defeat me.""That was not the most powerful beast at that time. When I was practicing with the geezer, I once summoned an eighth-level evil beast, the Hell Phoenix. The geezer was so scared that he turned around and ran away."Qin Haodong secretly clicked his tongue. An eighth-level evil beast was comparable to a cultivator in the Grand Completion Realm. It was likely that anyone who saw it would run away.However, the strength of the little girl in front of him was too uncertain. She could be regarded as the most unreliable summoner. No wonder they couldn't be sure who was the first master.The little g
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Chapter 870 The Little Witch in Pajamas
"This dress feels so comfortable," Zhao Xingyue touched her pajamas and said, "but can this dress really be worn?"Qin Haodong said, "Of course you can wear it. It's for you to wear when you sleep. You can't wear a school uniform to sleep, can you?"He didn't have any other thoughts. For the uniforms of the Tortoise Academy, the academy's focus was on their quality and wear resistance. The material of the uniform was extremely thick and stiff. Even if he, a man, wore it to sleep, he would feel very uncomfortable. What more for a woman whose skin was even more delicate.Zhao Xingyue blushed and said, "But I have never worn this kind of dress and have never seen anyone wearing it. I am a little scared.""Why are you afraid of wearing it? Are you afraid that I'm a bad guy? How about I rent another dormitory for you?""No, No! I know Big Brother Qin is a good person. I'll wear it!"Zhao Xingyue was extr
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