All Chapters of Reincarnation - The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad: Chapter 871 - Chapter 880
1025 Chapters
Chapter 871 The Alchemist Badge
"Little brother, how about we also go with you?!" the Little Witch said eagerly.Although Zhao Xingyue did not speak, she nodded repeatedly. She did not want to be separated from Qin Haodong, too."Today is the first day of school. It's not good for you to be absent. You'd better go to class!"After Qin Haodong bought the Star-Moon Bodhi Fruit, he was going to refine the Cultivation Pill. He did not want Little Witch to be with him and was afraid that she would make trouble with him."But little brother you don't attend classes. Why should we?""I'm different from you!"In terms of cultivation experience and knowledge, Qin Haodong's level was definitely better than that of those teachers, so he didn't need to attend classes. He only needed enough top-level Spirit Stones.Seeing that the Little Witch was about to say something, he immediately used his trump card. "You go to the canteen t
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Chapter 872 The Zero-Score Paper
It had to be said that this woman was indeed extremely outstanding. Not only had her cultivation reached the middle stage of the Voiding Realm, but she was also the most excellent alchemist in the entire Tortoise Academy. Moreover, her appearance could cause countless men to fall head over heels for her.Perhaps it was because she was excessively remarkable that she had grown a very arrogant personality.However, all the students present respected this genius a lot. After Fang Qiong'er showed up, the noisy scene immediately quieted down."Those who are enrolled, come here to register."Fang Qiong'er sat at a table and started to charge the fees of the students who were preparing to register for the alchemist exam.When everyone was almost signed up and it was Qin Haodong's turn, he stepped forward and said, "Senior, I would like to ask if I can apply for the Level Five Alchemist Exam directly?"As s
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Chapter 873 The End Was Not Near!
Fang Qiong'er was stunned. What she was worried about most had happened. She was really wrong.Su Wuxian took out Qin Haodong's examination paper again. He said, "Qiong'er, I've just seen this paper. Not only did he come up with this creative method for the first question, but he has his own opinions about the following questions. ""This is not a paper with 0 marks but a paper with 100 marks or higher!"As soon as he said that, everyone present was stunned.Who was Su Wuxian? He was the President of the Alchemist Association in the Tortoise Academy, a Level Seven Alchemist. His standards had always been extremely high. No one had ever heard him speak so highly of anyone. "I... I..."Fang Qiong'er lips moved a couple of times, but in the end, she didn't say a word."Qiong'er, it's our fault. This student named Qin Haodong is definitely a genius. Our Alchemist Association can't give up
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Chapter 874 The Explosion of the Furnace
Su Wuxian said, "Young man, you can rest assured that these pills will be yours. However, our Alchemist Association will purchase them at a high price. At that time, we will give you a satisfactory price."Qin Haodong immediately said, "That's good. Great!"Fang Qiong'er gave a cold humph. "Greedy guy!"Qin Haodong did not care about this title. What he lacked most now was money. After all, it was difficult to go anywhere in the academy without money.The three of them came to a huge alchemy room in the Alchemist Association. Someone had already prepared the medicinal materials needed for refining pills.With Su Wuxian's approval, more than a dozen people also came in and cheered for their goddess. They wanted to see how miserable Qin Haodong would be later.Qin Haodong chose a position. With a thought, the Shennong Furnace suddenly appeared in the alchemy room.Seeing the simple and gr
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Chapter 875 Rapid Breakthrough
Qin Haodong didn't seem to notice all this at all. He continued to shout, "Add Seven-star Grass and Blue Toad..."Under the circumstances, Fang Qiong'er was also risking her life. Without thinking, she put the two medicinal materials into the furnace as Qin Haodong said. She had no more medicinal materials in her hand at this time.When the medicinal materials were added into the furnace, the furnace boiled even more violently and the waves of heat distorted the air.Su Wuxian was extremely nervous. His mind was working at high speed, as he tried to find a way to minimize the losses for the time being. But at this moment, he heard Qin Haodong shouting again, "Increase the firepower!""Oh, My God! Is he crazy?"Su Wuxian almost wanted to rush over and shut Qin Haodong's mouth. He even wanted to increase the firepower at this time. Wasn't he afraid that the explosion of the furnace would kill all these people?
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Chapter 876 The Voidbreaker Pill
Now that he was poor again, he had to seize the opportunity to take the Level Seven Alchemist exam. Thus, he could save on costs and any future problems. Pills refined by him also could be exchanged for Spirit Stones."Oh, okay, but aren't you in too much of a hurry?" Su Wuxian said, "Little Qin, the attainment of alchemy is closely related to your cultivation, but it doesn't mean that your alchemy can be improved just because your cultivation has improved.""Although you have entered the stage of the Voiding Realm, it will take you some time to refine the Level Six pills."Fang Qiong'er stood aside without saying anything. Intellectually, she agreed with Su Wuxian very much, but the young man in front of her was too amazing. He sparked her imagination time and again. Maybe he could really refine the Level Six pills.Qin Haodong said, "President Su, please give me a chance to try. My master's alchemy is a little special. As
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Chapter 877 The Help of Fang Qiong'er
Qin Haodong glanced at him and asked, "Do you mean that as long as you have strength, you will not be expelled even if you violate the rules of the academy?"Dong Zhenhai said proudly, "Of course! The Northern Academy has lost for five years in a row in the confrontation with the Southern Academy. We can't lose this year.""I'm ranked among the top ten masters. The academy still hopes that I can win some glory for it. The Director naturally will not expel me. Therefore, don't rely on anyone and hand over the money quickly."Qin Haodong smiled and said playfully, "Then I'm relieved. Come on! Quickly!"Originally, he had some scruples. He had just arrived at the Tortoise Academy. There were plenty of cultivation resources here. It would be bad if he was driven out.Dong Zhenhai's expression changed. He cried, "Boy, are you sure?"He didn't want to make a big deal out of Dong Zhenjiang's issue and just
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Chapter 878 The Little Witch's Partiality
After seeing Luo Hongying, the powerful aura surrounding Luo Dongqing’s body immediately disappeared. He cried out in annoyance, "You wicked girl, what are you saying? I’m your grandpa!"The Little Witch put her hands on her hips and shouted aggressively, "If you bully my little brother, I will call you geezer!""Wicked girl, you’re helping an outsider deal with your grandpa? Do you want a beating?"The Little Witch shouted fearlessly, "If you dare to touch even my little finger, I will tell grandma that you were drunk and harassed the female teachers of the academy...""I... well, my good granddaughter, I'm just joking with you. Don't say bad things about me in front of your grandma..."These words seemed to have hit Luo Dongqing's weak spot. He suddenly became like a deflated ball, with no momentum at all. A flattering smile appeared on his face, which was previously very serious.Seeing this, Qin
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Chapter 879 Talebearing
The Little Witch said, "I agree with you. I don't think my grandpa is that kind of person. There must be some misunderstanding. However, I was young at that time, so I didn't know what had happened.""My grandma doesn't think so. She is very angry. Although it has been ten years, she never forgave my grandpa."This geezer was really pitiful. In contrast, he was much happier. With this idea in mind, he suddenly thought of those women on earth. Then, endless longing rose from the bottom of his heart.He had to upgrade his cultivation as soon as possible and go back and reunite with his family."Little brother, what are you thinking about? You look very sad.""Nothing."Although the little girl trusted him very much, Qin Haodong still didn't want to tell her his secret. He changed the subject and said, "How did you get here?"The Little Witch said, "I went back to our dormitory after class
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Chapter 880 The Badger Game
After saying that, he looked at He Kaishan slyly, hoping to see He Kaishan’s furious expression.However, to his disappointment, He Kaishan wasn’t as angry as he had expected but looked piercingly at him and said, "Dong Zhenjiang, I have been in the Tortoise Academy for a long time. I know about that.""You said Fang Qiong'er beat you up. I believe that. However, if you tell me that she and a new student are deeply attached to each other, I would not believe it at all.""Could it be that you and your brother have suffered a lot because of Qiong'er, so you want to use me to avenge yourselves?""This..."Dong Zhenjiang was slightly stunned. He Kaishan's intelligence was beyond his imagination. He could almost guess what had happened.Dong Zhenhai quickly said, "Brother He, it's really not like what you think. The relationship between Fang Qiong'er and Qin Haodong is really unusual."He Ka
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