All Chapters of Reincarnation - The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad: Chapter 891 - Chapter 900
1025 Chapters
Chapter 891 The Old Lady in a Miniskirt
Seeing these two items, Luo Dongqing asked questioningly, "What are these?""They are women's favorite. Your wife will definitely look more beautiful when she wears them." Qin Haodong asked, "By the way, is your wife big and fat?""Your wife is the fat one!" Luo Dongqing glared at Qin Haodong and said, "I've told you that my wife is as beautiful as a flower. She is exceedingly beautiful and even more beautiful than the moon..."Seeing that the geezer didn't stop singing his wife's praises, Qin Haodong quickly said, "Okay, okay, let's talk about it in detail, such as the size of your wife, so I can choose a suitable size for her."Only then did Luo Dongqing say, "Her size is not much different from that of Hongying. They are alike in every way.""Then she can wear this size." Qin Haodong gave Luo Dongqing a pair of high heels and a miniskirt. Then he took out a bottle of Chanel perfume and said, "I'll help you to
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Chapter 892 I Don't Like Women
He now wanted to go back to earth as soon as possible and reunite with his women. Although Zhao Xingyue, the Little Witch, and the others were also very outstanding, he really had no feelings for them."No, you must marry my granddaughter."The old lady said coldly, "Who's your girlfriend? Tell me! I'll kill her now.""Uh..."Qin Haodong was on the verge of breaking down. He had seen unreasonable people before, but he had never seen such an unreasonable person like her."Senior, you can't be this unreasonable, can you?""Reasonable? My granddaughter makes sense. As long as she is happy, I will do anything."The old lady said, "Tell me! Is your girlfriend Fang Qiong'er or Yun Qianqian? Or, is she the girl named Zhao Xingyue?""I... None of them."In the presence of such a perverted old lady, Qin Haodong certainly did not dare to talk nonsense. Otherwise, these g
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Chapter 893 The Freshmen Competition
Luo Dongqing said, "Little Qin, you helped me twice. The outcome was pretty good. You can't abandon me now.""Your situation has improved, but I almost became a eunuch. I don't want to have anything to do with your stinky business."Qin Haodong turned his head away and ignored the geezer.Luo Dongqing panicked at this time. He quickly cried out, "Little Qin, tell me quickly. What do I do next?"Thinking of what happened last night, Qin Haodong became angrier. He said with annoyance, "What else can you do? Buy an aphrodisiac and go straight to the point. Anyway, she is your wife.""Oh! Got it. I'll listen to you."After speaking, Luo Dongqing turned around and left.Qin Haodong just made an offhand remark. When he came to his senses, Luo Dongqing had disappeared."Oh, My God! Will this geezer really do as I said?"He was really speechless. This geezer's cultivat
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Chapter 894 Did Whatever You Want!
Under Mei Lin's organization, their class was quickly divided into teams and they submitted the list.The other classes were also very efficient. The statistics were finished in the morning. At two o'clock in the afternoon, nearly 400 contestants came to the playground in teams of three.The playground had been carefully built by the Tortoise Academy. It was large enough for a thousand people to compete together. The entire field had been reinforced by a formation, making it incomparably sturdy.The freshmen competition was a grand occasion that was held once a year in the Tortoise Academy. At this moment, the playground was filled with spectators. Some of these people were the new students who were eliminated and some were older students who came to watch the fun.Xue Pan and He Kaishan had arrived early. They stood side by side and looked at Qin Haodong standing with the Little Witch and Zhao Xingyue. Both their eyes were
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Chapter 895 Wine and Dine
Luo Dongqing and the other leaders of the academy were sitting in the stands. When they saw Qin Haodong taking out the oven, they didn't know what it was. They wondered what this guy was going to do.Xiao Jian smiled coldly and said, "It seems that this guy is nervous. He took out his magic treasure as soon as he came up."According to the rules of the competition, everyone could freely use weapons and magic treasures as long as no one died.Murong Jinghong's eyebrows furrowed. "What kind of magic treasure is that?" She had never seen one like it before.They didn't know what it was. The contestants on the stage were even more confused about what kind of magic treasure it was. Seeing him suddenly taking out such a big object, they were nervous and retreated one after another.Right at this moment, someone had already started to move, taking advantage of the opportunity to strike and perform their own strokes...
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Chapter 896 The Finals
Seeing how Yun Xiang's words caused such a big sensation, Xue Pan scolded fiercely, "Bastard! Is this guy stupid? Doesn't he know that Qin Haodong doesn't like women? How dare he call him brother-in-law in public!"He Kaishan said, "Brother Xue, I think you'd better be careful. It is just hearsay that Qin Haodong likes men. No one can be sure."If Yun Qianqian really becomes his woman, it will be too late for you to regret it."Xue Pan fiercely said, "No matter what, we cannot give him this chance. We must drive him out of the Tortoise Academy."On the other side, Xiao Yulong said angrily, "Shameless! Admitting defeat directly?!""What do you think they should do then?" Murong Jinghong asked indifferently.Xiao Yulong said, "At least it depends on what kind of demonic beast the Little Witch can summon."Murong Jinghong said, "Even if the Little Witch can't summon anything, Yun Xiang and
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Chapter 897 The Hunting Competition
"This was what happened when you refused to actively admit defeat!"The Little Witch giggled and snapped her fingers at the Silver Claw Octopus. "Alright! Let them go. Come back!"A summoner was the king of the beasts being summoned. The Silver Claw Octopus was unwilling to let them go. Nevertheless, it still retreated back into the Gate of Life quickly."Oh, My God! That guy won the championship before he even made a move...""That guy is too cunning. I'm not convinced...""I can also see that the so-called new king is bullshit. He doesn't even have the courage to take an action. In the end, he relied on the Little Witch..."Hearing the discussions around him, Qin Haodong didn't care at all. Anyway, today's strategy was very successful. He won the championship while preserving his strength."This bastard, all of our preparations were for nothing!"Looking at Qin Haodong in
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Chapter 898 Role Transition
Although they were both at the middle stage of the Voiding Realm, Qin Haodong's Spirit was much more sensitive than Zhao Xingyue's. He had long sensed that someone was approaching.He immediately pulled the two girls through the trees and finally chose a big tree with dense branches and leaves to hide.Not long after they hid, three figures arrived. They stopped near the tree."What's going on? I clearly felt that someone was here. How did he suddenly disappear?"The one who spoke was the murderous Xue Pan. Beside him was He Kaishan. There was also an old student who had reached the early stage of the Voiding Realm, Hao Wei.The three of them looked around carefully and found no one. Hao Wei said, "Brother Xue, are you mistaken?"Xue Pan said with a puzzled face, "I shouldn't be mistaken! I clearly felt that someone was here. How did he suddenly disappear?"He Kaishan said, "Brother Xue
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Chapter 899 Gain the Initiative
"Why do you have so little money?" The Little Witch said discontentedly.Li Yunhe felt like he was on the verge of collapse. This girl was actually complaining that the money she could rob was too little."This is my money. We didn't get anything after entering the Nightmare Canyon.""You are such a loser!" The Little Witch put away the 1000 top-level Spirit Stones. She kicked his butt violently before throwing the Storage Ring back.At this time, Qin Haodong had already snatched the Storage Rings of the other two students and took out half of their Spirit Stones. However, these two people did not have as much money as Li Yunhe. They only had 1,600 top-level Spirit Stones in total."Get out of here. Don't let us see you again, penniless guys."The Little Witch drove the three of them away and handed the money to Qin Haodong excitedly. "Little brother, it feels so good to rob."The littl
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Chapter 900 A Summoner Versus a Summoner
When he saw them, Jiang Qingzhou's expression changed. "Brat, you really dare to come?"Qin Haodong said, "I haven't robbed your Spirit Stones yet. Why wouldn't I dare to come?"Song Junyu said proudly, "You're talking big. It depends on whether you have the ability to take our Spirit Stones."The Little Witch cried out, "Song Junyu, with your bad summoning skills, do you think you can contend against my little brother?"Song Junyu glanced at her and sneered, "My level really isn't high. I'm a level six summoner and my performance is stable. I can summon sixth-level demonic beasts every time."Unlike you who do not even know what you would summon out."The Little Witch was furious. "Wait and see. I will ask my demonic beasts to tear your bones apart.""If you are capable, let's have a competition. Just see who can summon stronger demonic beasts!"Before the others could mak
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