All Chapters of A Tale of War Spirit Warriors: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
447 Chapters
Chapter 151 Gun-sword of Gale (1)
"No! Carl, you have never faced a brood lord before, so you have no idea how terrifying it is." Rio looked like he still had a lingering fear."Just think about it. A brood lord can create hundreds of ground combat units, including hoppers, venomous barbed serpents, black bugs, and six-legged bugs in an instant... I think that with our current strength, we are not able to deal with these suddenly appearing enemies!"Rio said in a serious tone. It seemed that he became a little fearful after he had dealt with the brood lords for a while.However, before Carl could say anything, the captain of the Ghost Squad on the other side continued. "It seems that you have discovered the dreadful features of brood lords. Do you know that the brood lords that we have encountered before can even release ground combat units like thunder beasts?"After hearing those words, Carl finally understood how powerful brood lords were. They were able
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Chapter 152 Gun-sword of Gale (2)
When the two War Spirits held each other's hand firmly, beams of silvery and blue lights quickly intertwined with each other and swirled back and forth between them.As Carl watched attentively, Kyd and Gale slowly merged into one. Even their powers gradually became integrated, forming a new War Spirit power existing in the form of a silvery light beam tinged with traces of blue light.In the end, only one figure was left in front of Carl. It was a new War Spirit in which Kyd and Gale were merged!"Nice to meet you! My name is the Gun-sword of Gale!" said the new War Spirit affably, looking at Carl.It was a little more serene than Kyd, who appeared proud, and a little more spiritual than Gale.This was Carl's new War Spirit—the Gun-sword of Gale!Carl subconsciously conjured up his War Spirit weapon and held it in his hand. His original weapon—the Massacre had changed a lot. A thick handle of sword
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Chapter 153 A Hidden Danger
"Sir, the Ghost Squad has successfully completed the mission. It is confirmed that the target, Kollur, has been killed!" As soon as the captain of the Ghost Squad saw Brick, he immediately walked over to the latter with Carl and the others.Brick nodded approvingly and said, "You have done a good job. Although the Hammer Troop has suffered considerable casualties, it is still within my expectations."Now that they had successfully killed the target, Kollur, all the casualties in the past two days were acceptable. At the very least, their sacrifices were meaningful!Led by Rio, Carl returned to the squad of War Spirit Warriors.After resting for some time, Clark and Boo finally recovered their War Spirit powers to levels sufficient to support them to move normally.After such a fierce battle, the number of War Spirit Warriors sent by Punk Fortress had decreased from about a dozen to less than ten!As
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Chapter 154 Welcome Back
After travelling for one day, the Hammer Troop finally returned to Punk Fortress.Apart from a few sparse wild bugs that harassed and attacked them along the way, they didn’t encounter any large swarm of bugs intending to intercept them.Upon seeing the towering wall of Punk Fortress, even the strong-minded Lieutenant Colonel, Brick, secretly heaved a sigh of relief."It’s been a long time since I’ve fought such a tough battle... We encountered so many large swarms of bugs in a single hive, and even two brood lords turned up in the end."Even the battle-hardened Lieutenant Colonel, Brick, shook his head and sighed when he thought of that."Hey, hey! We’ve successfully returned to Punk Fortress!" John shouted excitedly, pointing at the magnificent towering wall of Punk Fortress ahead.Although Carl, Rio, and John had joined the army of Punk Fortress just for a week, even the old members of the Empire
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Chapter 155 Private Communication
After Brick and Shadow Blade discussed the details of the mission for a while, Shadow Blade finally announced that the people waiting at the gate could now welcome the Hammer Troop into Punk Fortress.The travel-worn soldiers of the Hammer Troop covered in blood stains were in stark contrast to the ordinary soldiers of Punk Fortress.In the past, the soldiers of Punk Fortress had been fighting against the Zergs every day. However, the intensity of these defensive battles was simply incomparable to that of the battle that the Hammer Troop was engaged in.The greatest difference between the soldiers of the Hammer Troop and ordinary ones was that the former were always giving off a bloody aura.They had such an intimidating aura because they had long been immersed in the smell of blood in the air during countless battles against the Zergs.At this moment, the ordinary soldiers of Punk Fortress would feel greatly sh
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Chapter 156 End of Newbie Period
Looking at Carl and John, who refused to take the responsibility just now, Rio secretly complained about them.He had no choice but to tell Boo and Clark all the concerns he had. After that, he looked at them nervously, not knowing what they were thinking.Unexpectedly, upon hearing What Rio said, Boo and Clark burst out laughing, as if Rio's worries were just some trivial matters not worthy of attention."Why are you so relaxed? Is what I said wrong? After all, a War Spirit Warrior can improve his or her own strength by killing another War Spirit Warrior and taking possession of that person's War Spirit!" Rio said, feeling a little dissatisfied.Clark laughed for a long time and then slowly said, "You're right, Rio. As you said, a War Spirit Warrior can improve his or her own strength by killing another War Spirit Warrior and assimilating that person's War Spirit. However, that process involves something called loss rate."
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Chapter 157 Possibilities of Gale
The next day, someone knocked on the door while Carl, Rio, and John were still sleeping soundly."I'm coming! Who is it? It's early in the morning..." Carl mumbled as he got out of bed. Although he had had a short rest, it was not so easy to recover from the fatigue he had after a fierce battle.He was still in a daze. He casually opened the door, wanting to make a complaint. However, when he saw the person at the door, he swallowed his complaint."Carl... What's up? Who's at the door?" John and Rio, awakened by the noise at the door, were a little curious about Carl's reaction.Carl smiled wryly and turned his body sideways to let the person at the door walk into the room.Unexpectedly, John and Rio fell silent and were at a loss for words when they saw the person coming into the room.It was Faye, a War Spirit Warrior of Punk Fortress, who had an extraordinary relationship with Instructor Yates.
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Chapter 158 Augustine
After getting dressed, Carl, Rio, and John left the dormitory together and headed to the military affairs office that Faye mentioned.In order to build up a good image of commander in front of the soldiers who were going to be their subordinates, they had even ironed their uniforms carefully.After they and the other War Spirit Warriors had won the battle in the hive, the ordinary soldiers in Punk Fortress no longer tried to freeze them out.Back then, when Carl went to the shooting range for training, Lieutenant Trevor and his soldiers humiliated him.Although he did not bear a grudge because of that, he was still extremely surprised about the conflict between War Spirit Warriors and ordinary soldiers in Punk Fortress.Fortunately, after the War Spirit Warriors completed the last mission, this situation had improved a lot. At least, the ordinary soldiers would no longer openly confront them.Moreov
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Chapter 159 Newbie Test (1)
Carl thought for a moment, combined his thoughts with Rio's suggestion, and came up with a somewhat feasible plan.He immediately turned around and looked at the newbies. He took a deep breath and said in a serious voice, "This time, we need to pick ninety newcomers to join our team."In order to deliver fair outcomes, we are going to arrange three tests for you. Those who perform outstandingly well will join our team."Augustine, I order you to act as the leader of new soldiers responsible for maintaining the order and completing the test task!""Understood!" Augustine replied seriously and gave a military salute to Carl and the others again.After Carl finished speaking, he turned around and consulted with Rio. They arranged three tests to determine the newbies' strength, shooting skill, and quick reaction capability.Fortunately, the training ground was not far from the military affairs office. I
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Chapter 160 Newbie Test (2)
With Augustine's help, the new soldiers soon moved into the shooting positions one after another. The shooting test began.Due to restrictions of the conditions of the shooting range, Carl only required the soldiers to shoot with Kalin machine guns at first. This type of standard weapon was commonplace in the armies of the Gamma Empire. He believed that even newcomers would be able to use Kalin machine guns properly after they were trained for some time.As expected, none of the newbies was unfamiliar with the use of Kalin machine gun. Under Augustine's command, they started shooting at the targets in the distance.Carl required the soldiers to shoot twenty bullets as accurately as possible, so most of them switched the firing mode of their Kalin machine guns to burst fire.Even so, only a small percentage of the soldiers taking the shooting test could accurately hit the target with each shot.Probably less than
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