All Chapters of A Tale of War Spirit Warriors: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
450 Chapters
Chapter 171 Sword Training (2)
"However, to enable the sword Qi to cut off the flowing current, I will have to increase the output of my War Spirit power every time I do the slashing... In that case, I will soon run out of my War Spirit power, right?"Carl asked in confusion. After all, he was practicing in the wilderness. For a War Spirit Warrior, War Spirit power was the most important thing. If he used it up, no one knew what he was supposed to do should anything bad happen.He did not want to lose his life just because he had to practice the Sword-combating Skill in the wilderness.Yates pointed to the side to remind Carl of the Kalin machine gun he had taken with him for protection."Just rest reassured and practice! When you can cut off the current with a single strike, you will be able to deal with your enemy in a normal battle even if you haven't reached the peak of the Gale Swordsmanship!"Seeing that Yates was so determined, Carl ha
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Chapter 172 Silver Dragon Double Bombs
Under the cover of the rushing current, the second night passed peacefully.When Carl opened his eyes in the morning sun, he felt as if he had been reborn.He waved his arm and exclaimed in surprise, "Wow, why does my arm feel so relaxed? It does not feel burdened at all!"Yates had been in repose with his eyes closed. After opening his eyes and seeing Carl exclaiming in surprise, he chuckled and said calmly, "You have this feeling because your physical strength has reached a new level and your War Spirit power has also been improved significantly after your practice in the past few days.""Oh?" Carl was surprised. "Even my War Spirit power has been improved, right?"As he spoke, he drew his Gun-sword of Gale, smiled, and fired a shot at the sky casually.Bang! An ear-splitting gunshot rang through the quiet jungle. It sounded extraordinarily loud."It's so powerful!" Feeling the shot h
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Chapter 173 Unexpected Companion
"What are you waiting for?" Carl shouted in a low voice.His serious look proved that he was very serious at the moment. It looked like if the enemy did not show up and identify himself, Carl would definitely take the initiative to attack!Finally, as if he had felt Carl's determination to attack, that person sighed softly, got out of the hiding place, and walked straight toward Carl.As the person got closer and closer to Carl, the look on Carl's face changed from a serious one to a surprised one and then gradually turned into a shocked one."Faye? What are you doing here? Aren't you the aide of Shadow Blade? How come you still have spare time to come here?"Carl looked at Faye, dumbfounded. No matter who he had thought that person was, Faye was the last one that should be here.The look on Carl's face suddenly changed. He said seriously, "Faye, is there any urgent mission, so Shadow Blade has sent
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Chapter 174 Problem
Upon hearing that, Faye felt a little surprised, because she did not expect that Yates would assign such a difficult task for Carl. However, she pointed to the place where Carl's sword Qi disappeared. She meant to ask what Carl should do now that the goal was to cut off the flowing water, but Carl's sword Qi did not even reach halfway there.Carl blushed under Faye's gaze. Feeling a little awkward, he said, "I have practiced for just a few days. You should know that the sword Qi that I produced at first could not even reach that far."Faye smiled, walked to the side without saying anything, and then sat down.Seeing Carl's confused look, she said, "I don't have any task recently. Thanks to your previous efforts, the life in Punk Fortress is much more relaxing than before."Carl chuckled. "It seems that Faye is not going to leave. However, it is much better to have a beautiful woman keeping me company than to practice alone.
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Chapter 175 Form of Gale
Faye smiled and said to Carl, "Lend me your weapon. I'll show you."Carl hurriedly handed the Gun-sword of Gale to Faye. Faye took the Gun-sword of Gale, and her arm lowered slightly. It seemed that she did not expect the weapon to be so heavy."Phew..." Faye managed to hold the Gun-sword of Gale firmly. Obviously, her physical strength was not as good as Carl's."It will be the first time that I use the sword Qi. However, if I'm not mistaken, the sword Qi that I can produce will be more powerful than yours." Faye smiled faintly. Without even bothering to make any preparation, she slashed down with the Gun-sword of Gale.A streak of blue light suddenly burst out from the blade.In fact, the streak of sword Qi was almost the same as that produced by Carl. However, the difference immediately showed when the beam of sword Qi produced by Faye hit the water surface.Swish!The bottom edge of
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Chapter 176 Learning From Faye
While they two were talking, with a flash of silvery light, Yates appeared beside Carl, uninvited."Yates! You came at the right time. Did you see that? I have just completed the task that you assigned!" Carl said triumphantly.Yates smiled as he turned his head to look at the other side of the river. When he saw the mess left behind by Carl's sword Qi, he nodded with satisfaction."Well done. Although I have high expectations of you, I still feel very surprised that you have mastered the sword Qi of Gale so quickly."Carl grinned. At this time, he did not take all the credit for himself. He told Yates that Faye deserved most of the credit for his quick mastery of the sword Qi of Gale.The War Spirit, Yates, nodded calmly. Some old memories popped into his mind. At some time in the past, his original host, Instructor Yates, taught Faye bit by bit in the same way.In fact, Yates taught Faye the idea
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Chapter 177 The Principle
Faye pursed her lips and smiled. She looked at Carl and said very casually, "To learn the Shape-shifting Skill, you have to become the wind first.""What? Become the Wind?" Carl looked utterly confused. He heard what Faye said, but he did not understand what she meant.Unexpectedly, Faye nodded very seriously and repeated what she said just now. "To learn the Shape-shifting Skill, you have to become the wind first.""But... I'm a human being, and I'm not a monster. How can I become the wind..." Carl said, feeling a little frustrated."You can ask me to use or rely on the power of gale, but you can't ask me to become the wind. I can't abandon my own body and become something without a physical body."Finding that Carl grew a little anxious, Faye finally decided not to keep him guessing."The Shape-shifting Skill is actually a combat skill of the same type as the sword Qi of Gale. It's just an applica
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Chapter 178 Gale's Breath Sound
However, it was always easier to say than to do. When one just watched something, he usually felt that he could do it, but when it came to actually doing it, he might not know how to do it. At first, Carl thought that it would be very easy for him to learn the Shape-shifting Skill.However, when he covered himself with the War Spirit power of Gale as Faye did, he found that there was a big problem with the first step.It was not difficult to cover his whole body with the War Spirit power of Gale, but doing so had a very strict requirement on his control.If it was just covering his whole body with the power of gale, he could finish this operation in a couple of minutes.However, when he did so, his entire body felt very clumsy, and he could not move as easily and lightly as Faye, not to mention the use of the Shape-shifting Skill.The second problem was the rate of consumption of the War Spirit power of Gale. In
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Chapter 179 Shape-shifting Skill
Carl was awakened, looking like he still had some lingering fears."What was going on just now? I seemed to be hypnotized and completely immersed in the breathing and fluctuation of the War Spirit power of Gale!""Don't be afraid. Because it was the first time that you resonated with the War Spirit power of Gale, you got stuck in its thoughts." At this moment, Yates's voice rang out in Carl's mind, which was very important for Carl."I got stuck in its thoughts? Why does it sound so scary...? If I didn't come to my senses in time, would I be completely trapped by its thoughts?" Carl said. He still had some lingering fears.Although it felt very comfortable, thinking about that feeling still sent chills down his spine, because he felt like his soul was completely separated from his body just now."No. The so-called thoughts of the War Spirit power of Gale are actually your own thoughts. Have you forgotten why you
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Chapter 180 Attacked
Carl, who was feeling very excited, did not listen to Faye's advice. Now that he had experienced the feeling of running so fast, he did not want the experience to end so soon.When he was about to speed up and go deeper into the jungle, he glanced around. With his super vision, he saw something very strange on the ground.He immediately changed direction and struck his feet heavily on the ground several times. Finally, he overcame inertia and rushed forward in the new direction.Faye had been following closely behind Carl. She looked at his back, feeling a little distressed. She did not know why he suddenly changed direction... "Even if he wants to return to Punk Fortress, he should return by the way in which he came. Why is he heading in this direction?""Hey! Carl, where on earth are you going? It's getting dark! If we don't go back to Punk Fortress now, we may get into a more dangerous situation!" Faye shouted unhappily b
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